20 Processing Rebates

This chapter contains the following topics:

20.1 Understanding Rebates

Some of your suppliers might offer you cash rebates if you purchase a certain quantity or amount of their items and services. You can set up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to track rebates.

To track rebates, you must enter information about each rebate agreement. When you enter, change, or cancel an order, the system applies the appropriate purchases toward the rebate agreement.

You can view the current status of each rebate agreement, including:

  • The purchases necessary to obtain the rebate.

  • The purchases you have made that apply to the rebate.

  • The amount of each rebate.

With this information, you can identify rebates that your business is likely to obtain. You can also identify rebates that are unobtainable, which might change your price negotiations in the future.

You can have the message center alert you when you are within a range of meeting the purchase requirements for a rebate.

20.2 Reviewing Summary Information for Rebate Agreements

This section provides an overview of rebate status information and lists the forms used to review summary information for rebate agreements.

20.2.1 Understanding Rebate Status Information

Before you purchase from a supplier, you might want to determine whether the purchases apply to a rebate. You can review summary information for each rebate agreement that you have with a particular supplier, including:

  • The threshold that you must reach to obtain the rebate.

  • The total purchases that you have made toward the agreement to date.

  • The amount of the rebate that you receive if you reach the next threshold.

  • The last threshold that you reached if multiple thresholds exist for the agreement.

  • The rebate amounts that you have received to date.

You can also select an agreement that enables you to view individual purchasing transactions.

If you find that the total purchase quantity or purchase amount that the system has accumulated and applied towards a rebate agreement is incorrect, you can change the quantity or the amount.

The system retrieves purchases to date and rebate amounts received for an agreement from the F4340 table. It retrieves transaction details for rebate agreements from the F4343 table.

You might want to determine whether you are eligible to receive a rebate or whether you are close to obtaining a specific rebate. For each agreement, you can review:

  • The purchases required for the rebate.

  • The quantity or amount of purchases that you have made to date.

  • The rebate amount that you can receive.

You can also view agreement information such as effective dates, the last rebate threshold reached, the rebate amount that you have received to date, and so on.

20.2.2 Forms Used to Review Summary Information for Rebate Agreements

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Rebate History Inquiry W43243A Price Management (G43A17), Rebate History Summary Inquiry Review summary information for rebate agreements.

Work with the rebate history.

Rebate History Details W43243B Select a row for a customer on the Work With Rebate History Inquiry form, and then click the Select button. View rebate history details.

20.3 Reviewing Purchasing Transactions for a Rebate

You might want to review information about the individual purchasing transactions that the system has applied toward a rebate. You can display order detail line transactions that pertain to an agreement and the purchase orders on which the transactions were entered.

This section lists the forms used to review purchasing transactions for a rebate.

20.3.1 Forms Used to Review Purchasing Transactions for a Rebate

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Rebate History Inquiry W43243A Price Management (G43A17), Rebate History Detail Inquiry Work with rebate history.
Rebate History Details W43243B Select a row for a customer on the Work With Rebate History Inquiry form, and then click the Select button. View rebate history details.

20.4 Changing the Quantity or Amount Applied to a Rebate

This section provides an overview of the purchase quantity or amount and discusses how to change the quantity or amount applied to a rebate.

20.4.1 Understanding the Purchase Quantity or Amount

The purchase quantity or amount that the system has accumulated and applied toward a rebate agreement might be incorrect. For example, you might have returned some of the rebate items that you purchased. You can override the current calculations by entering a new purchase quantity or amount.

When you change a quantity or amount, you can also add a memo that explains why you are making the adjustment.

20.4.2 Forms Used to Change the Quantity or Amount Applied to a Rebate

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Purchase Agreements W4340A Price Management (G43A17), Purchase Rebate Agreement Work with purchase agreements.
Rebate Adjustments Revision W4340C Select a supplier on the Work With Purchase Agreements form, and then select Rebate Adjustments from the Row menu. Change the quantity or amount applied to a rebate.

20.4.3 Changing the Quantity or Amount Applied to a Rebate

Access the Rebate Adjustments Revision form.

Amount Purchased

Displays the amount purchased to date. The system updates this accumulator if you have set the threshold type to indicate that the rebate agreement is based on a purchase amount.

Quantity Purchased

Displays the quantity (total number of units) purchased to date. The system updates this accumulator if you have set the threshold type to indicate that the rebate agreement is based on a quantity.

20.5 Updating Rebate Information

This section provides an overview of how to update rebate information and discusses how to:

  • Run the Rebate Report.

  • Set processing options for Rebate Report (R43400).

20.5.1 Understanding How to Update Rebate Information

You must run the Rebate Batch Report program (R43400) to:

  • Have the system determine whether you are due a rebate.

  • Send an electronic mail message to the rebate administrator.

The system tracks the quantity and amount of purchases that apply to a rebate agreement. You must run the Rebate Batch Report program to have the system compare this quantity or amount to that which is required to obtain the rebate.

You can have the system send a message to the rebate administrator when you meet the purchasing requirements for a rebate agreement or when you are within a certain range of meeting the requirements. For example, if you must purchase 100 items to obtain a rebate, you might want the rebate administrator to receive a message when you have purchased 90 items.

You must run the Rebate Batch Report program to have the system send a message. You use processing options to specify whether the system sends a message and to define a range. For example, if you want the system to send a message when you have purchased 90 of the 100 items that are required to obtain a rebate, you enter a range of 10 percent.

The following information appears in the message to the rebate administrator:

  • Supplier number

  • Agreement sequence number

  • Threshold amount

  • Actual purchases

  • Effective through date

You can specify a rebate administrator for each rebate agreement.

20.5.2 Running the Rebate Report

Select Receipts Matching and Posting (G43A15), Rebate Report.

20.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Rebate Report (R43400)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Message


Enter 1 to send messages to the agreement administrator. If you leave this processing option blank, no message is sent.


Enter the percentage within the threshold to trigger sending a message. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ten percent. Details

Rebate History Details

Enter 1 to print the rebate history details. If you leave this processing option blank, no details are printed.