
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y 


00/IV (VAT Codes for Year-End Proc.),
74/01 (VAT Register Class),
74/02 (VAT Register Type),
74/70 (Form 770 Information),
74/CN (Country Codes for 770 Form),,
74/DT (Suspended VAT Document Types),
74/IM (Withholding Tax Government),
74/RA (Section of 770 Form),
74/SP (Suspended VAT Rate),
74/WF (Withholding Tax Fiscal Code),
74/WT (Withholding Type),
74Y/DT (Document Type - Annual Report),
74Y/IV (Taxable Types for Yearly List),
74Y/PY (Payment Instrument Excluded),
74Y/RL (Rental/Leasing Code),
74Y/SP (Multi Purpose Classification), 3.4.4,, 3.10.4
770 Model - Italy (R74094), 3.2.6


accounts receivable processing
associating credit notes, 4.16.1
Additional Information Yearly List Global Update form, 5.2.4
Additional Information Yearly List (P74Y3016), 5.2.1
Address Book Additional Information - Italy form, 3.12.4
Address Book Additional Information - Italy (P74Y0101), 3.12.1
address book records
setting up for Italy, 3.12.1
Annual VAT Control Reports (R00910)
overview, 7.8.1
processing options, 7.8.3
Annual VAT File Build (R00911)
overview, 7.7.1
processing options, 7.7.3
Annual VAT File Revision - Italy (P00900), 7.9
A/P Inventory Book (R7404026)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.14
processing options, 4.17.15
A/R Inventory Book (R7403B026)
overview, 4.17.12
processing options, 4.17.13
AR Magnetic RIBA Draft Remittance Paper Format (R03B672IP), 3.18.1
A/R Magnetic RIBA Draft Remittance Tape Format (R03B672IT)
processing options, 3.18.2
usage, 3.18.1
A/R Magnetic RID Draft Remittance Tape Format (R03B672IR)
processing options, 3.18.3
usage, 3.18.1
automatic accounting instructions
setting up for Italy, 3.5
setting up for suspended VAT (ITA),
automatic payment processing,
withholding taxes for Italy, 4.3


Bank ID - Italy table (F74030), 4.7, 4.7
Bank ID Table Upload - Italy (R74301), 4.12.1
bank IDs
programs used to validate for Italy, 4.7
Bank Revision - Italy (P7430IT), 4.12.3, 4.12.5
black list declaration
setting up UDCs, 3.4.4
Black List Declaration, 5.1.1,,, 5.4, 5.4.2
setting processing options, 5.3.3
Black List Declarations, 5.2.1
Black ListDeclaration
classify transactions, 5.2.1
BU/Doc Type Next Numbers Revisions form (ITA), 3.7.3
Business Unit Alternate Description Master (F0006D), 1.3
business units
translating descriptions, 1.3


Calculate VAT Ceiling (R74412)
processing options, 7.18.4
classify transactions, 5.2.1
Class/Register Type Revision form, 3.21.3
closing a fiscal year, 4.10.1
COMIT bank identification format, 4.7, 4.12.1
setting up, 3.1
setting up for Italy, 3.12.1
setting up legal companies, 3.24.1
Company Additional Information table (F7400010), 3.24.1
Company Localized Data form, 3.24.3
corresponding versions of programs, 3.23
setting up for Italy, 3.23
Country Codes for 770 Form (74/CN),,
Create A/P Bank Tape - Italy (R04572I1), 3.17.3
credit notes for accounts receivable invoices, 4.16.1
credit notes for sales order invoices, 4.15.1


debit notes, 4.14.1
Debit/Credit T/B by Object (R09473)
overview, 4.17.6
processing options, 4.17.7
delinquency notice text
translating, 1.3
Delivery Note Number Setup (P7400007) (ITA), 3.7.1
delivery notes
setting up next numbers, 3.7.1
display preferences
setup, 1.5.1
Distribute W/T Amount Report (R7404530), 3.2.6
Document Type - Annual Report (74Y/DT),
draft collection, 4.5
draft remittance
formats, 3.18.1
Draft Remittance (R03B672)
Italian formats, 3.18.1


entering manual payments, 4.4


F0006D (Business Unit Alternate Description Master), 1.3
F00900 (Year-End VAT Revisions - Italy), 7.7.1
F7400002 (Legal Document Types - COMM), 8.3.2
F7400010 (Company Additional Information), 3.24.1
F74030 (Bank ID - Italy), 4.7, 4.7
F7430024 (Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions),
F743B14I (Suspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control - Italy), 7.17.2
F74411 (Withholding Tax Detail - Italy), 4.3, 4.13.1
F74413 (VAT Ceiling Limit - Italy),, 7.19.1
fiscal year close, Italy, 4.10.1
Fixed Assets Legal Report - Italy (R7412100)
overview, 4.11.1
processing options, 4.11.3
Form 770 Information (74/70),


G/L by Category Code (R70470)
overview, 4.17.8
processing options, 4.17.9
G/L by Object and Subsidiary (R7409C1)
overview, 4.17.25
G/L Registration Report (R09404)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.4
processing options, 4.17.5
global updates, 5.2.1, 5.2.1


IBAN in payments, 3.17.2
INPS withholding taxes, 3.2.5
invoice dates, 3.16
Invoice List Control Report (R74079)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.17
processing options, 4.17.18
Invoice Print (R42565)
credit notes for Italy, 4.15.1
invoice processing, 4.6
free goods for Italy, 4.6
setting up end-of-month date for Italy, 3.16
VAT on deferred, 7.2
Invoices Related to DN/CN form, 4.16.5
Invoices Related to Sales Orders form, 4.15.5
Italian Bank Number Conversion (R74800)
processing options, 4.12.7
using, 4.12.2
A/P Inventory Book (R7404026)
overview, 4.17.14
processing options, 4.17.15
R70470 (G/L by Category Code)
processing options, 4.17.9
R70472 (T/B by Category Code)
overview, 4.17.10
processing options, 4.17.11
R7403B92 (A/R Inventory Book)
overview, 4.17.12
processing options, 4.17.13
R74099A (Sequential Number Report - Tax File)
overview, 4.17.19
processing options, 4.17.20
R74099B (Sequential Number Report - A/P Ledger)
overview, 4.17.21
processing options, 4.17.22
R74099C (Sequential Number Report - A/R)
processing options, 4.17.24
Italy - Yearly VAT Revision form, 7.9.2
IVA Balances History Revision - Italy form, 3.22.2


leasing or rental transactions in Italy, 5.2.1
Legal Doc. Types Relationship (P7400003), 8.3.3
Legal Document / Print UBEs Relation (P7430024),
Legal Document Type Revision form,
legal document types
associating document types, 8.3.3
Legal Document Types / Document Types Relationship table (F7400003), 8.3.3
Legal Document Types (P7400002), 8.3.2
Legal Document Types/Document Types Relationship Revision form,
legal documents
setting up versions,
Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions (F7430024),
Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions Revision form,
legal numbering
version for legal documents,
Load Year-end VAT Tape File to Tape (R00918), 7.10
localization country code, 1.5.4


manual payments
processing withholding tax for Italy, 4.4
Model 770 W/T Commission - Free Format (R74049D)
processing options, 3.20.3
Model 770 W/T Commission - Free Format (R74094D)
overview, 3.20.1
Monitor VAT Ceiling (R74416)
overview, 7.19.1
processing options, 7.19.3
Monthly VAT Report (R004051)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.2
processing options, 4.17.3
VAT-only vouchers, 7.6
Multi Purpose VAT Classification by Tax Area/Item program (P74Y011), 3.3.1, 3.10.1
multilingual environments
translation issues, 1.3
multi-purpose VAT communcations
setting up UDCs, 3.4.4
Multi-Purpose VAT Communication
threshold amounts,
Multi-Purpose VAT Communication (R74Y060), 5.3.2, 5.3.3
record type C,
record type D,
Multi-Purpose VAT Communications (R74Y060)
overview, 5.1
record types, 5.1.1


next numbers, 3.7.1
setting up for VAT-only vouchers, 7.6
notula, 3.2.6, 4.2


overview, 5.4


P00065 (Translate Business Units), 1.3
P00900 (Annual VAT File Revision - Italy), 7.9
P0092 (User Profile Revisions)
processing options, 1.5.3
setting up for country-specific access, 1.5.1
P03B11 (Standard Invoice Entry)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
P03B2801 (Letter Text Table Maintenance), 1.3
P0411 (Standard Voucher Entry)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
P4210 (Sales Order Entry)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
P7400002 (Legal Document Types), 8.3.2
P7400007 (Delivery Note Number Setup) (ITA), 3.7.1
P740405 (Setup Withholding Tax Codes), 3.19.3
P74091 (Register Type & Class Setup), 3.21.1
P74092 (VAT Balances Revisions), 3.22
P7420565 (PO Sales Legal Document Generation),
(P7420565) Print Invoice/Invoice Correction - PO)
processing options, 8.5.7
P7430024 (Legal Document / Print UBEs Relation),
P7430IT (Bank Revision - Italy), 4.12.3, 4.12.5
P74413 (Review VAT Ceiling Limit) (ITA),
P74Y0101 (Address Book Additional Information - Italy), 3.12.1, 3.12.1
P74Y2210 (PO - Localization Sales Order Entry)
invoice selection for credit notes, 4.15.1
processing options, 4.15.4
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
P74Y3016 (Additional Information Yearly List), 5.2.1
P74Y3B11 (PO - Localization Invoice Entry)
invoice selection for credit notes, 4.16.1
processing options, 4.16.4
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
P74Y4411 (PO - Localization Voucher Entry
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
P74Y4411 (PO - Localization Voucher Entry)
processing options, 4.14.4
voucher selection for debit notes, 4.14.1
payment formats, 3.17.1
Payment Instrument Excluded (74Y/PY),
payments with IBAN, 3.17.2
petrol card expense reports, 4.1
PO - Localization Invoice Entry (P74Y3B11)
invoice selection for credit notes, 4.16.1
processing options, 4.16.4
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
PO - Localization Sales Order Entry (P74Y2210)
invoice selection for credit notes, 4.15.1
processing options, 4.15.4
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
PO - Localization Voucher Entry (P74Y4411)
processing options, 4.14.4
setting up corresponding versions, 3.23
voucher selection for debit notes, 4.14.1
PO Sales Legal Document Generation (P7420565),
prepayments, 4.2
Print Automatic Payments - Check - Italy (R04572I2), 3.17.4
Print Invoice (R7430030), 8.4.6
Print Invoices (R42565),
Print Supplier W/T Ledger (R7404520)
description, 4.17
Print VAT Summary Report (R74093)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.26
processing options, 4.17.27
Print VAT Summary Reports (R74093), 7.5
Print W/T Payment Proposal (R7404430)
description, 4.17
processing options, 4.17.16
processing option values, 5.4.2, 5.5.2


R00400 (VAT Report by Tax Area Code)
description, 4.17
processing options, 4.17.1
R004051 (Monthly VAT Report)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.2
processing options, 4.17.3
VAT-only vouchers, 7.6
R00910 (Annual VAT Control Reports)
overview, 7.8.1
processing options, 7.8.3
R00911 (Annual VAT File Build)
overview, 7.7.1
processing options, 7.7.3
R00918 (Load Year-end VAT Tape File to Tape), 7.10
R03B672IP (Draft Remittance), 3.18.1
R03B672IR (A/R Magnetic RID Draft Remittance Tape Format)
processing options, 3.18.3
usage, 3.18.1
R03B672IT (A/R Magnetic RIBA Draft Remittance Tape Format)
processing options, 3.18.2
usage, 3.18.1
R04572I1 (Create A/P Bank Tape - Italy), 3.17.3
R04572I2 (Print Automatic Payments - Check - Italy), 3.17.4
R09404 (G/L Registration Report)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.4
processing options, 4.17.5
R09473 (Debit/Credit T/B by Object)
overview, 4.17.6
processing options, 4.17.7
R42565 (Invoice Print)
credit notes for Italy, 4.15.1
R42565 (Print Invoices),
R70470 (G/L by Category Code)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.8
processing options, 4.17.9
R70472 (T/B by Category Code)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.10
processing options, 4.17.11
R7403B92 (A/R Inventory Book)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.12
processing options, 4.17.13
R7404026 (A/P Inventory Book)
overview, 4.17.14
processing options, 4.17.15
R7404027 (Withholding Tax Certification - Italy), 3.2.6
R7404430 (Print W/T Payment Proposal)
description, 4.17
processing options, 4.17.16
R7404500 (Withholding Tax Payments), 3.2.6
R7404520 (Print Supplier W/T Ledger)
description, 4.17
R74049D (Model 770 W/T Commission - Free Format)
processing options, 3.20.3
R74076C (Suspended VAT Generation)
overview, 7.17.2
processing options, 7.17.6
R74079 (Invoice List Control Report)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.17
processing options, 4.17.18
R74093 (Print VAT Summary Report)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.26
processing options, 4.17.27
R74093 (Print VAT Summary Reports), 7.5
R74094 (770 Model - Italy), 3.2.6
R74094D (Model 770 W/T Commission - Free Format)
overview, 3.20.1
R74099A (Sequential Number Report - Tax File)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.19
processing options, 4.17.20
R74099B (Sequential Number Report - A/P Ledger)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.21
processing options, 4.17.22
R74099C (Sequential Number Report - A/R)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.23
processing options, 4.17.24
R7409C1 (G/L by Object and Subsidiary)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.25
R7409C3 (T/B by Object and Subsidiary)
description, 4.17
overview, 4.17.28
processing options, 4.17.29
R7412100 (Fixed Assets Legal Report - Italy)
overview, 4.11.1
processing options, 4.11.3
R7430030 (Print Invoice), 8.4.6
R74301 (Bank ID Table Upload - Italy), 4.12.1
R74412 (Calculate VAT Ceiling)
processing options, 7.18.4
R74416 (Monitor VAT Ceiling)
overview, 7.19.1
processing options, 7.19.3
R74800 (Italian Bank Number Conversion)
processing options, 4.12.7
using, 4.12.2
R74Y060 (Multi-Purpose VAT Communication), 5.3.2, 5.3.3
record type C,
record type D,
R74Y060 (Multi-Purpose VAT Communications)
overview, 5.1
record types, 5.1.1
record type C,,
record type D,,
record types, 5.1.1
Register Type & Class Setup (P74091), 3.21.1
register types and classes for VAT, 3.21.1
remitting drafts
formats, 3.18.1
rental or leasing transactions in Italy, 5.2.1
Rental/Leasing Code (74Y/RL),
Review Additional Information Yearly List Classification form, 5.2.3
Review VAT Ceiling Limit (P74413) (ITA),
revising bank identification information, 4.12.5
revising withholding taxes, 4.13.1
running the program, 5.3.2, 5.3.2


Sales Order Entry (P4210)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
sales order processes, 8.5.2
sales order processing
associating credit notes, 4.15.1
San Marino Purchase Declaration
overview, 5.5
San Marino purchases declaration, 3.4.4
San Marino Purchases Declaration, 5.5.2
classify transactions, 5.2.1
global updates, 5.2.1
record type C,
record type D,
record types, 5.1.1
setting processing options, 5.3.3
Section of 770 Form (74/RA),
Sequential Number Report - A/P Ledger (R74099B)
overview, 4.17.21
processing options, 4.17.22
Sequential Number Report - A/R (R74099C)
overview, 4.17.23
processing options, 4.17.24
Sequential Number Report - Tax File (R74099A)
overview, 4.17.19
processing options, 4.17.20
setting processing options, 5.3.3, 5.3.3, 5.3.3
setting up
AAIs for supplier withholding, 3.5.2
AAIs for the annual close, 3.5.1
address book records for Italy, 3.12.1
bank accounts, 4.12.3
companies, 3.1
end-of-month invoice dates, 3.16
payment formats, 3.17.1
tax codes, 3.19.1
UDCs for multi-purpose VAT communications, 3.4.4
UDCs for tax processing, 3.4.1
UDCs for withholding taxes, 3.4.3
setting up UDCs, 3.4.4
Setup Withholding Tax Codes (P740405), 3.19.3
SIA code, 4.12.2
R70470 (G/L by Category Code)
processing options, 4.17.9
split payment control groups for Italy, 4.3.1
Standard Invoice Entry (P03B11)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
Standard Voucher Entry (P0411)
setting up corresponding versions for Italy, 3.23
summary VAT
deferred invoices, 7.2
Suspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control - Italy (F743B14I), 7.17.2
Suspended VAT Document Types (74/DT),
Suspended VAT Generation (R74076C)
overview, 7.17.2
processing options, 7.17.6
Suspended VAT Rates (74/SP),
system setup
user display preferences, 1.5.1


tax rate areas
setting up for suspended VAT,
setting up for VAT, 3.3.1
Taxable Types for Yearly List (74Y/IV),
T/B by Category Code (R70472)
overview, 4.17.10
processing options, 4.17.11
T/B by Object and Subsidiary (R7409C3)
overview, 4.17.28
processing options, 4.17.29
Translate Business Units (P00065), 1.3
translation, 1.3
business unit descriptions, 1.3
delinquency notice text, 1.3
multilingual environments, 1.3
routines, country-specific, 1.4


uploading bank identification information, 4.12.1
User Profile Revisions form, 1.5.4
User Profile Revisions (P0092)
processing options, 1.5.3
setting up for country-specific access, 1.5.1
user-defined codes
black list declaration, 3.4.4
yearly list (Spesometro), 3.4.4


validating bank account information, 4.7, 4.7
value-added taxes, 7.1
AAIs for suspended VAT,
annual reporting, 7.7.1
deferred invoices, 7.2
modifying annual reports, 7.9
notula document for Italy, 3.2.6
petrol card expense reports for Italy, 4.1
register types and classes, 3.21.1
setting up, 3.3.1
setting up for Italy, 3.2
suspended VAT process, 7.17.3
VAT ceiling for Italy, 7.18.1
VAT ceiling process, 7.18.1
vouchers for the customs authority, 7.6
suspended VAT overview, 7.17.1
tax rate areas,
VAT Balances Revisions (P74092), 3.22
VAT Ceiling Limit - Italy (F74413),, 7.19.1
VAT Ceiling Revision form (ITA), 7.18.5
VAT Codes for Year-End Proc. (00/IV),
VAT Register Class (74/01),
VAT Register Type (74/02),
VAT Report by Tax Area Code (R00400)
description, 4.17
processing options, 4.17.1
verifying account balances, 4.9
voucher processing
associating debit notes, 4.14.1
set up for VAT-only, 7.6
VAT-only vouchers for the customs authority, 7.6
Vouchers Related to DN/CN form, 4.14.5


Withholding Tax Certification - Italy (R7404027), 3.2.6
Withholding Tax Codes Revision - Italy form, 3.19.4
Withholding Tax Detail - Italy (F74411), 4.3, 4.13.1
Withholding Tax Fiscal Code (74/WF),
Withholding Tax Government (74/IM),
Withholding Tax Payments (R7404500), 3.2.6
withholding taxes
automatic payments for Italy, 4.3
INPS for Italy, 3.2.5
manual payments for Italy, 4.4
notula for Italy, 3.2.6
overview, 3.2
prompt payment discounts for Italy, 4.3.1
revising for Italy, 4.13.1
setting up
codes for Italy, 3.19.1
setting up AAIs, 3.5.2
setting up the data dictionary, 3.15
split payment control groups for Italy, 4.3.1
technical considerations for Italy, 4.3.1
Withholding Type (74/WT),
Work with Additional Information Yearly List Classification form, 5.2.4


Year-End VAT Revisions - Italy (F00900), 7.7.1
yearly list (Spesometro)
setting up UDCs, 3.4.4
Yearly List (Spesometro),,, 5.2.1, 5.2.1, 5.3.3
record types, 5.1.1