7 Generating the Supplier Withholding Certificate in Mexico

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Understanding the Mexican Supplier Withholding Certificate

The system launches the Print Withholding Certificate - MEX program (R76M422) to print two copies of the supplier withholding certificate when you run the Update process in the Work With Payment Groups program (P04571). The Print Withholding Certificate - MEX program prints separate certificates for each payment and legal concept. You can print the certificate from a menu option when you need to generate the certificate for manual payments. You can also reprint the certificate. The system prints in certificate in Spanish.

The withholding certificate includes:

  • A document title in the header area.

    The title includes the text Withholding Certificate for Vat / Income Withholding. You can set a processing option to also include the term REPRINT.

  • The period for which you are printing the certificate, including the month from and month to, and the year.

    The system uses the payment date for withholding certificates that you generate as part of the Update process, and uses the processing options in the Print Withholding Certificate - MEX program if you generate the certificate as a standalone process. You might generate the certificate as a standalone document when you print it for manual payments.

  • The fiscal ID and name of the supplier.

    The system retrieves this information from the supplier's address book record. If the supplier is a natural person as set up in the 76M/NP UDC table, the system uses the Add'l Ind Tax ID field from address book to obtain the Fiscal ID2.

  • Name and fiscal ID of the company.

  • The fiscal ID, name, and surname of the legal representative.

    The system retrieves this information from the address book record of the legal representative.

  • The withholding certificate number.

    The system retrieves this information from the next numbering scheme that you set up on line three for system 76M (Mexico). For reprinted certificates, the system retrieves the original certificate number from the Withholding Certificate Information table (F76M413A).

  • Details of the withholding, including:

    • Amount subject to withholding.

    • VAT amount.

    • Income withholding amount (ISR).

    • Exempt amount.

    The system prints one detail line for each VAT and income concept if the taxable amount and the exempt amount are the same for VAT and income withholding. If the taxable and exempts amounts for VAT and income concepts are different, the system prints two detail lines.

  • A certificate footer that includes signature information, such as the legal representative information and a line for the supplier's signature.

The program reads from these tables to obtain the data for the report:

  • Accounts Payable - Matching Document (F0413)

  • Accounts Payable Header Additional Details (F76M413)

  • Company Additional Info (F76M010)

  • Withholding Certificate Information (F76M413A)

7.2 Setting Processing Options for Print Withholding Certificate - MEX (R76M422)

You use these processing options to specify data selection when you generate the withholding certificate outside of the payment Update process or when you reprint the certificate. You can set additional data selection based on fields in the F0413 and F76M413 tables.

7.2.1 Selection

1. Company

Specify the company for which you print the certificate. The system prints the company name and fiscal ID number on the withholding certificate.

The system uses this processing option when you generate the certificate as a standalone process. If you generate the certificate as part of the automatic payment process, the system prints the name and fiscal ID associated with the company specified in the payment.

2. Month From

Specify the beginning month in a range of dates that the system uses to select the payments for which it generates the withholding certificate.

The system uses this processing option when you generate the certificate as a standalone process. If you generate the certificate as part of the automatic payment process, the system prints the month of the payment.

3. Month To

Specify the ending month in a range of dates that the system uses to select the payments for which it generates the withholding certificate.

The system uses this processing option when you generate the certificate as a standalone process. If you generate the certificate as part of the automatic payment process, the system prints the month of the payment.

4. Year

Specify the year that the system uses for data selection. The system uses this processing option when you generate the certificate as a standalone process. If you generate the certificate as part of the automatic payment process, the system prints the year of the payment.

5. Print REPRINT

Enter Y to print the text REPRINT in the header of the certificate.

7.3 Running the Print Withholding Certificate - MEX Program

The system automatically prints the withholding certificate when you run the Update process in the automatic payment process, when your user profile is set to Mexico. You can also print or reprint the certificate from a menu option.

Select Accounts Payable (G76M04), Print Withholding Certificate - MEX.


(Release 9.1 Update) The Withholding Certificate - MEX report (R76M422) prints the amount in domestic currency (MXP) for both domestic and foreign vouchers.