12 Working with Authenticated Receipt Documents in the United Kingdom

This chapter contains the following topics:

12.1 Understanding Authenticated Receipts

To reclaim input VAT, you must obtain a signed receipt from the subcontractor that you pay that shows the VAT amount for a certificate. The authenticated receipt includes information about the amount paid and the cumulative amounts for the job. You print and send an authenticated receipt for each payment that you make to a subcontractor. The subcontractor signs and returns the authenticated receipt to you as an acknowledgement of VAT and of the payment received.

To work with authenticated receipts, you:

  1. Print and send an authenticated receipt.

    Print the authenticated receipt after you process payments. Many companies send the authenticated receipt with the remittance. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides two programs to print authenticated receipts.

  2. Log the return of the authenticated receipt.

    You log the return so that you can send a reminder if the authenticated receipt is not returned in a timely manner.

  3. Print the authenticated receipt summary to generate a report of the outstanding authenticated receipts.

  4. Send a reminder letter to subcontractors who do not return the authenticated receipt by the due date.

    See Setting Up the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system also provides these programs for authenticated receipt processing:

  • Authenticated Receipt Print History (P74U0432).

    Use this program to review a history of the authenticated receipts for each certificate for a job.

  • SPC Authenticated Receipt Retention Generation (R74U0426).

    The SPC cascade automatically runs this program to generate the journal entries for retention. You run this program independently only when you do not use the automated process.

    See Setting Processing Options for SPC Authenticated Receipt Retention Generation (R74U0426) .

12.2 Printing the Authenticated Receipt Document

This section provides an overview of authenticated receipts and discusses how to:

  • Run the Authenticated Receipt Print program.

  • Run the SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt program.

  • Set processing options for SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt (R74U0429).

12.2.1 Understanding Authenticated Receipts

The Authenticated Receipt Print program (R74U0428) generates a document that you send to the subcontractor. It also date stamps the certificate with the receipt date to prevent further documents from being printed. You use data selection to identify the certificate for which you print the document.

The SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt program generates a document that has the information that you send in a certificate as well as the information required for an authenticated receipt. The document generated by the SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt program meets the requirements of the monthly report that you must send to subcontractors when you withhold tax amounts from payments. Therefore, if you send the combined statement, you do not need to use the Statement of Payment and Deduction program (R74U4040) to generate a statement.

12.2.2 Running the Authenticated Receipt Print Program

Select Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), Authenticated Receipt Print.

12.2.3 Running the SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt Program

Select Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated.

12.2.4 Setting Processing Options for SPC Combined Payment Certificate and Authenticated Receipt (R74U0429)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values. Defaults

1. Summarise Amounts

Enter 1 to summarize amounts of the certificate. If you leave this processing option blank, the system lists the detail lines from the subcontract purchase order.

Signature 1, Signature 2, Signature 3,Signature 4, and Signature 5

Enter the names of those who must sign the document. If you do not enter any names, the report includes no signature lines.

12.3 Logging the Authenticated Receipt Return

You log the return of the signed authenticated receipt document to assure that your subcontractor acknowledges the receipt of a payment.

This section lists the forms used to log the authenticated receipt return.

12.3.1 Forms Used to Log the Authenticated Receipt Return

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with SPC Authenticated Receipt Logging W74U0430B Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), Returned Authenticated Receipt Logging Review and select records for which an authenticated receipt was printed. You can specify the Company, Subcontractor Number, or Job Number to filter records, and can select to display records for all authenticated receipts or only outstanding documents.
Authenticated Receipt Logging W74U0430D Select a record, and then click Select on the Work with SPC Authenticated Receipt Logging form. Enter the date that you received the authenticated receipt document.

12.4 Printing the Late Authenticated Receipt Summary Report

Print the late authenticated receipt summary report to review the authenticated receipts for which you have not logged the return. You use this report to determine when to send a reminder letter to your subcontractors.

This section discusses how to:

  • Run the Late Authenticated Receipt Summary report.

  • Set processing options for Late Authenticated Receipt Summary (R74U0430).

12.4.1 Running the Late Authenticated Receipt Summary Report

Select Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), Late Authenticated Receipt Summary.

12.4.2 Setting Processing Options for Late Authenticated Receipt Summary (R74U0430)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values. Process

1. Authenticated Receipt Return Period

Enter the number of days after which an authenticated receipt is considered overdue. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not use the date that you printed the authenticated receipt to determine the records to print.

2. Suppress Foreign

Enter 1 to suppress the display of foreign currency amounts. Leave this processing option blank to display foreign currency amounts.

3. Cheque Amount or Certificate Amount

Specify whether to display the check or certificate amount. Values are:

Blank: Certificate amount

1: Cheque amount

12.5 Printing the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter

This section provides an overview of the late authenticated receipt letter and discusses how to:

  • Run the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter program.

  • Set processing options for Late Authenticated Receipt Letter (R74U0431).

12.5.1 Understanding the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter

You use the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter program (R74U0431) to print a reminder letter to send to a subcontractor who has not returned the authenticated receipt within the requested time frame. When you print the letter, the system prints information about the jobs, certificates, and amounts that were included on the unreturned receipt letter. You can specify in a processing option whether to add text that you set up in the Authenticated Receipt Letter Set-up program (P74U0431).

12.5.2 Running the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter Program

Select Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), Late Authenticated Receipt Letter.

12.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Late Authenticated Receipt Letter (R74U0431)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values. Process

1. Authenticated Receipts Letter Text (Letter Name)

Enter a letter name that you set up in the Authenticated Receipt Letter Set-up program. The system prints the text from the letter name that you specify at the bottom of the letter. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the number of days after which a letter is past due. You enter the number of days in the Authenticated Receipt Return Period processing option.

2. Enter Letter Type (optional)

Enter a value from the SPC - Application Master (74U/LT) UDC table to specify the letter type.

3. Authenticated Receipt Return Period

Enter the number of days after which an authenticated receipt is considered overdue. The system prints this number on the letter.

4. Print Cheque Amount

Specify whether to print the check or certificate amount. Values are:

Blank: Certificate amount

1: Cheque amount

12.6 Viewing a History of Printed Authenticated Receipt Documents

You use the Authenticated Receipt Print History program (P74U0432) to view information about the late authenticated receipt letters that you printed from the Late Authenticated Receipt Letter program.

This section lists the forms used to view a history of printed late authenticated receipt documents.

12.6.1 Forms Used to View a History of Printed Late Authenticated Receipt Documents

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Authenticated Receipt Prints W74U0432A Authenticated Receipt Processing (G74U0524), Authenticated Receipt Print History Review and select records.
Late Letter Print History W74U0432C Select a record on the Work With Authenticated Receipt Prints form and then click Select. Review the dates of the certificate, authenticated receipt document, and late authenticated receipt letters. You can also review the letter type and name and system information for the person who printed the letter.