27 Payment Batch Approvals Mobile Applications

This chapter discusses these topics:

Important Note:

Before using the mobile applications, Oracle strongly recommends that users have a complete understanding of how to use the associated processes and applications in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne base software.

For additional information about the processes and applications associated with the mobile applications discussed in this chapter, see:

27.1 Payment Batch Approvals Mobile Applications Overview

You use the Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications to review and approve batches of payments on a mobile device.

The Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications give you the ability to:

  • Review all payment batches that are in pending status.

  • Review payments and their vouchers in a batch.

  • Review line-level information for a payment in a batch.

  • Approve a payment batch.

  • Review text attachments and photos associated with each payment.

This table lists the applications that are available to review and approve payment batches:

Type of Application Additional Information
Base EnterpriseOne application Use the Work With Batches application (P0011) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to review and approve payment batches.
Tablet application Payment Batch Approvals (M04132)

To download the application to your tablet, search on the following text in the application store:

  • JD Edwards Payment Batch Approvals

Smartphone application Payment Batch Approvals (M04131)

To download the application to your device, search on the following text in the application store:

  • JD Edwards Payment Batch Approvals

Before using the Payment Batch Approvals tablet or smartphone application, you must perform the following setup tasks:

  • Activate batch security, and set up secured users and approvers.

  • Set up the processing options for the mobile applications.

  • Verify the processing options for the base EnterpriseOne application.

27.1.1 Differences and Limitations: Payment Batch Approvals

Mobile applications are intended to be a simplified version of the applications that are available in the base software. In most cases, these applications provide a subset of the functionality available in the base software.

Batches Available for Review

The Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications are set up to process and display only those payment batches that have a pending status. However, in the base EnterpriseOne application, you can review batches of any status.

Revising Batch Information and Batch Status

Using the Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications, you can review batches of payments and the transaction details in each payment. You cannot revise existing payment details or add payments to a batch. However, in the base EnterpriseOne system, you can review and revise payment details, and also add vouchers to a payment batch.

The Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications do not provide the option of reverting the status of a batch from approved to pending. However, in the base EnterpriseOne application, you can revert the status of a batch from approved to pending if a batch needs further analysis.

Text and Image Attachment Functionality

Using the Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications, you can review text and image attachments associated with payments. You cannot revise existing attachments or add new attachments. However, in the base EnterpriseOne system, you can review and revise existing attachments, and also add new attachments.

27.2 Setting Up the Payment Batch Approvals Mobile Applications

Before you use the Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications (M04132 and M04131), you must complete the following setup:

  • Activate batch security and set up secured users and approved users.

    Secured users can only review batch information and are restricted from approving batches. Approved users can review and approve batches for secured users.

    See "Setting Up Approved and Secured Users" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

  • Set up the processing options for the Payment Batch Approvals mobile applications (M04132 and M04131) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

  • Verify that the version of the Work With Batches program (P0011) that you specify in the processing options of the tablet and smartphone applications is set up with the appropriate value in the Batch Type processing options. The Work With Batches program must include the payment batch type for these mobile applications to function properly.

    See "Setting Processing Options for Batches (P0011)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

27.2.1 Setting Processing Options for the Payment Batch Approvals Tablet Application (M04132)

You use processing options to specify default processing information for a program. Versions

1. Work With Batches (P0011) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the Work With Batches program (P0011) the system uses to display and process payment batches. The version that you specify here must have the payment batch type in the Batch Type processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0004.

2. Payment Batch Review (P0413C) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the Payment Batch Review program (P0413C) the system uses to display payment batch details. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

3. A/P Manual Payments (P0413M) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the A/P Manual Payments program (P0413M) the system uses to display manual payment batch details. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

4. A/P Standard Voucher Entry (P0411) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the A/P Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411) the system uses to display payments details for a voucher. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

27.2.2 Setting Processing Options for the Payment Batch Approvals Smartphone Application (M04131)

You use processing options to specify default processing information for a program. Versions

1. Work With Batches (P0011) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the Work With Batches program (P0011) the system uses to display and process payment batches. The version that you specify here must have the payment batch type in the Batch Type processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0004.

2. Payment Batch Review (P0413C) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the Payment Batch Review program (P0413C) the system uses to display payment batch details. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

3. A/P Manual Payments (P0413M) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the A/P Manual Payments program (P0413M) the system uses to display manual payment batch details. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

4. A/P Standard Voucher Entry (P0411) Version

Use this processing option to specify which version of the A/P Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411) the system uses to display payments details for a voucher. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

27.3 Using the Payment Batch Approvals Mobile Tablet Application (M04132)

The Payment Batch Approvals tablet application enables you to review payment batches that are pending approval, and approve them from your mobile device.

Before you can use the application, you must download the application from the application store and install it on your device.

To open the application, tap the Payment Appr icon and log in.

27.3.1 Reviewing Payment Batches Using a Mobile Tablet Application

To review batches of payments using a tablet:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Payment Appr icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Chapter 3, "Logging Into Mobile Enterprise Applications"

    On the Payment Batch Approval home screen, you can view the list of batches that are currently awaiting approval.

    Figure 27-1 Payment Batch Approval Home Screen: Tablet

    Description of Figure 27-1 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-1 Payment Batch Approval Home Screen: Tablet''

    The batches are categorized by users and are graphically displayed in the Payment Batches to Approve by User section. Each colored portion of the pie chart depicts the percentage of batches that are yet to be approved for each user.

  2. To refine the list of batches displayed, tap the Filter button at the top of the left pane. You can filter the batches by:

    • Batch Date

    • User ID

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Type

      By default, the system populates this filter field with the batch type specified in the Batch Type processing option of the version of the Work With Batches program (P0011) that you use for the mobile application.

  3. In the Filters pane, to continue the search using the specified filter values, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of batches that are displayed based on your filter values

    • Saves the filter values that you entered

      The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    To discontinue the use of filter values in your search, tap the Cancel button. When you tap the Cancel button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of batches associated with the last saved filter values, if applicable

    • Ignores the filter values that you entered, and restores the last saved filter values to the filter fields

    To delete all the filter values that you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  4. To review the details of a batch, tap the batch from the list of batches.

    The system takes you to the Payment Journal Review screen that has a list of payments associated with the batch. In the right pane, the Payments by Supplier and Currency section graphically displays the categorization of payments based on the supplier and currency amount.

    Figure 27-2 Payment Journal Review: Tablet

    Description of Figure 27-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-2 Payment Journal Review: Tablet''

  5. To refine the list of payments displayed, tap the Filter button at the top of the left pane. You can filter payments by:

    • Payment Number

    • Payment Type

    • Currency Code

    • G/L Date

  6. In the Filters pane, to continue the search using the specified filter values, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system displays vouchers based on your filter values.

    To discontinue the use of filter values, and to close the filter screen, tap the Cancel button.

    To delete all the filter values that you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  7. To review the details of a payment, tap the payment from the list in the left pane.

    The system takes you to the Payment Details screen. In the header, the system displays the payment details, such as batch number, payment document number, payee, payment date, account, payment amount, and base currency. If the payment involves foreign amounts, the exchange rate and currency is also displayed.

    In the left pane, the system displays a list of vouchers associated with the payment. For a voucher that involves foreign amounts, the foreign amount and the foreign currency is displayed in the list. In the right pane, the Voucher Details tab is open by default, and the system displays header information and line-level details of the selected voucher.

    Figure 27-3 Payment Details - Voucher Details Screen: Tablet

    Description of Figure 27-3 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-3 Payment Details - Voucher Details Screen: Tablet''

    In the Voucher Details tab in the right pane, you can:

    • Review the voucher header information, such as invoice number, service/tax date, business unit, invoice date, payment terms, and G/L date.

    • Review line-specific information, such as the tax rate/area, tax explanation code, due date, pay status, gross amount, taxable amount, tax amount details, and remarks associated with the line.

    • Review text and photo attachments associated with a voucher line. Tap the first button on the left of the line to open the text attachments. The system retrieves the text attachments from the base EnterpriseOne system and displays the texts in a different screen. To view photos attached to a voucher line, tap the button below the text attachment button. The system displays the photos in a different screen with a list of photos in the left pane, and the first photo in the list, in the right pane.

      When there are no image and text attachments associated with the voucher entry, the buttons are disabled.

  8. To review general ledger distribution information, tap the G/L Distribution tab. You can review header information, such as the supplier address, amount to distribute, explanation, and G/L date.

    Below the header information, you can review line-level details of how the invoice amount is distributed to multiple accounts. You can tap on the text and image buttons to view text and image attachments.

  9. To return to the list of payments in the batch, tap the Payments button at the top left of the screen.

  10. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.

27.3.2 Approving Payment Batches Using a Mobile Tablet Application

To approve payment batches:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Payment Appr icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Chapter 3, "Logging Into Mobile Enterprise Applications"

    On the Payment Batch Approval home screen, you can view the list of payment batches that are currently awaiting approval.

  2. Tap the batch that you want to approve. The system displays the Payment Journal Review screen.

  3. Tap the Approve button at the top of the screen.

  4. On the Confirm Approval screen, tap the Approve button to approve the batch. Note that you can also click Cancel if you do not want to proceed.


    If you are not authorized to approve batches, the system displays an error message when you tap the Approve button.

    After approving a batch, the system returns you to the home screen. Notice that the batch you approved is no longer displayed in the list.

  5. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.

27.4 Using the Payment Batch Approvals Mobile Smartphone Application (M04131)

The Payment Batch Approvals smartphone application enables you to review payment batches that are pending approval, and approve them from your mobile device.

Before you can use the application, you must download the application from the application store and install it on your device.

To open the application, tap the Payment Appr icon and log in.

27.4.1 Reviewing Payment Batches Using a Mobile Smartphone Application

To review batches of payments using a smartphone:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Payment Appr icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Chapter 3, "Logging Into Mobile Enterprise Applications"

    On the Payment Batch Approval home screen, you can view the list of batches that are currently awaiting approval.

    Figure 27-4 Payment Batch Approval Home Screen: Smartphone

    Description of Figure 27-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-4 Payment Batch Approval Home Screen: Smartphone''

  2. To refine the list of batches displayed, tap the Filter button at the top of the pane. You can filter the batches by:

    • Batch Date

    • User ID

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Type

      By default, the system populates this filter field with the batch type specified in the Batch Type processing option of the version of the Work With Batches program (P0011) that you use for the mobile application.

  3. In the Filters pane, to continue the search using the specified filter values, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of batches that are displayed based on your filter values

    • Saves the filter values that you entered

      The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    To discontinue the use of filter values in your search, tap the Cancel button. When you tap the Cancel button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of batches associated with the last saved filter values, if applicable

    • Ignores the filter values that you entered, and restores the last saved filter values to the filter fields

    To delete all the filter values that you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  4. To review a batch, tap the batch from the list of batches.

    The system displays a list of payments associated with the batch. For a payment that involves foreign amounts, the foreign amount and the foreign currency is displayed in the list.

    Figure 27-5 List of Payments in a Batch: Smartphone

    Description of Figure 27-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-5 List of Payments in a Batch: Smartphone''

  5. To refine the list of payments displayed, tap the Filter button at the top of the left pane. You can filter payments by:

    • Payment Number

    • Payment Type

    • Currency Code

    • G/L Date

  6. In the Filters pane, to continue the search using the specified filter values, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system displays vouchers based on your filter values.

    To discontinue the use of filter values, and to close the filter screen, tap the Cancel button.

    To delete all the filter values that you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  7. To review the details of a payment, tap the payment from the list.

    The system takes you to the Payment Details screen, which displays the list of vouchers associated with the payment. In the header, the system displays the payment details, such as batch number, payment document number, payee, payment date, payment amount, base currency, and account number. If the payment involves foreign amounts, the exchange rate and currency is also displayed.

    Figure 27-6 Payment Details Screen: Smartphone

    Description of Figure 27-6 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-6 Payment Details Screen: Smartphone''

    To return to the list of payments, tap the List button at the top of the screen.

  8. To review line-level information of a voucher in the payment, tap the voucher.

    The system displays the Voucher Details screen.

    Figure 27-7 Payment Details - Voucher Details Screen: Smartphone

    Description of Figure 27-7 follows
    Description of ''Figure 27-7 Payment Details - Voucher Details Screen: Smartphone''

    In the Voucher Details tab, you can:

    • Review the voucher header information, such as invoice number, business unit, payment terms, invoice date, G/L date, and exchange rate and currency (if it is a foreign transaction).

    • Review line-specific information, such as gross amount, taxable amount, tax amount details, pay status, due date, and remarks associated with the line.

    • Review text and photo attachments associated with a voucher line. Tap the first button on the left of the line to open the text attachments. The system retrieves the text attachments from the base EnterpriseOne system and displays the texts in a different screen. To view photos attached to a voucher line, tap the button below the text attachment button. The system displays the photos in a different screen with a list of photos in the left pane, and the first photo in the list, in the right pane.

      When there are no image and text attachments associated with the voucher entry, the buttons are disabled.

  9. To review general ledger distribution information, tap the G/L Distribution tab. You can review header information, such as the supplier address, amount to distribute, G/L date, and the exchange rate and currency (if it is a foreign transaction).

    Below the header information, you can review line-level details of how the invoice amount is distributed to multiple accounts. You can tap on the text and image buttons to view text and image attachments.

  10. To return to the list of vouchers in the payment, tap the Vouchers button at the top left of the screen.

  11. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.

27.4.2 Approving Payment Batches Using a Mobile Smartphone

To approve payment batches:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Payment Appr icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Chapter 3, "Logging Into Mobile Enterprise Applications"

    On the Payment Batch Approval home screen, you can view the list of payment batches that are currently awaiting approval.

  2. Tap the batch that you want to approve. The system displays the list of payments in the selected batch.

  3. Tap the Approve button at the top of the screen.

  4. On the Confirm Approval screen, tap the Approve button to approve the batch. Note that you can also click Cancel if you do not want to proceed.


    If you are not authorized to approve batches, the system displays an error message when you tap the Approve button.

    After approving a batch, the system returns you to the home screen. Notice that the batch you approved is no longer displayed in the list.

  5. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.