2 Setting Up JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Understanding the Setup Requirements for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor

You must complete the setup tasks to define the information that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system uses before you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor. You set up information in the following systems:

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Engineer to Order

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management

Before you can use the Planning Advisor Summary program (P34X100) in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor, you must set up message type priority configurations.

2.2 Understanding Security Considerations

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor solution uses JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security to manage access to planner actions in the Planning Advisor Console program (P34X200). To prevent inappropriate changes to material requirements plans, you can specify the users permitted to access various planner actions in the Planning Advisor Console program.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security enables a security administrator to control security for individual users and for groups of users. Setting up security correctly ensures that users in the system are permitted to perform only those actions that are required to complete their jobs.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security is at the object level: you can secure specific objects within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Security enables the system to allow only specified users to access a specific functionality, such as the Save Plan and Implement Plan on the Planning Advisor Console form.

See "Managing Application Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.

2.3 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

2.4 Setting Up Message Type Priority Configurations

This section provides an overview of message type priority configurations, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set up message type priority configurations.

2.4.1 Understanding Message Type Priority Configurations

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Planning Advisor enables you to set up message type priority configurations. You can configure the message types that you want to view, the sequence in which the system displays the message types, and the message type count threshold levels. Use the Message Type Priority Configuration program (P34X001) to set up message type priority configurations. The system stores the message type configuration information in the Planning Advisor Message Type Configuration table (F34X001).

Use the Message Type Priority Configuration program to:

  • Add a message type priority configuration.

    See Setting Up Message Type Priority Configurations.

  • Update a message type priority configuration.

    You can revise a message type configuration on the Message Type Priority Configuration Revisions form. You can add or remove a new message type, override the message type description, and change the message type sequence and the message count threshold levels.

  • Copy a message type priority configuration.

    To copy an existing message type configuration, select the message type configuration you want to copy, and then click the Copy button on the Work With Message Type Priority Configuration form.

  • Delete a message type priority configuration.

    To delete a message type configuration, select the message type configuration you want to delete, and then click the Delete button on the Work With Message Type Priority Configuration form.

2.4.2 Setting Up Message Type Priority Configurations

To set up message type priority configurations:

  1. Access the Message Type Priority Configuration Revisions form.

    Form Name Form ID Navigation
    Message Type Priority Configuration Revisions W34X001B In-Memory Planning Advisor Setup (G3445).

    Message Type Priority Configuration Revisions (P34X001).

    Click Add on the Work With Message Type Priority Configuration form.

  2. Enter or select values in these fields:

    Configuration Name

    Enter a unique name for the configuration that you add. This is a required field.

    Configuration Description

    Enter a description for the configuration that you add. This is a required field.

    Message Type

    Select a value from UDC 34/MT that identifies the type of message that is displayed.

    Message Type Description Override

    Enter a description for the message type. By default, the system displays the description defined for the message type in UDC 34/MT.

    Message Sequence

    Enter a sequence number to identify the sequence in which the system displays the message type in the configuration. By default, the system displays the highest sequence number that is set up.

    Medium Message Count Threshold

    Enter a number that indicates the medium count threshold level for the message type. The medium count threshold level is a count of the number of message types that triggers the system to issue a warning-level notification.

    Highest Message Count Threshold

    Enter a number that indicates the highest count threshold level for the message type. The highest count threshold level is a count of the number of message types that triggers the system to issue a critical-level notification.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Close.

2.5 Setting Up Critical Component Items

This section provides an overview of critical component items and discusses how to:

  • Set up critical component items from an item/branch.

  • Set up critical component items from a multi-level bill of material (BOM).

2.5.1 Understanding Critical Component Items

A critical component is a component item that has been selected for monitoring and alerts. When you view a manufactured item in the Planning Advisor Console program, the system monitors all items marked as critical on the BOM or parts list of any of the work orders. The system sets alerts immediately if it encounters negative availability or insufficient days of supply. As you change quantities and dates on the parent item work orders or planned orders, the system immediately evaluates the effect of the critical components and issues new alerts as required, providing immediate visibility of potential material constraints.

Define critical component items by using the Planning Advisor Critical Component Items program (P34X010) and/or the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level program (P34X020).

Use the Planning Advisor Critical Component Items program (P34X010) to define critical component items by searching for and selecting individual item/branch records. Use the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level program (P34X020) to define critical component items by using the multi-level bill of material (BOM). The system stores the critical component item information in the Planning Advisor Critical Component Items table (F34X010).

While searching for items that you want to add as critical component items in the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level program, if you specify a batch quantity that does not exist for the bill of material, the system prompts you to select a valid batch quantity on the Bill of Material Selection form.

If an item is already defined as a critical component item, the system displays the item as selected in the Select Critical Component Items form and the Planning Advisor Bill of Material - Multi Level form. If a component item is repeated on the bill of material, the system displays the item as selected at all levels where the item is used.


You cannot define a phantom item in a multi-level BOM as a critical component item.

Use the Planning Advisor Critical Component Items program to:

  • Add a critical component item by selecting the item or branch/plant.

    See Setting Up Critical Component Items from an Item/Branch.

  • Delete a critical component item.

    To delete a critical component item, select the critical component item you want to delete and then click the Delete button on the Work With Planning Advisor Critical Component Items form. Alternatively, you can deselect the item from the Select Critical Component Items form.

Use the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level program to:

  • Add a critical component item from a multi-level bill of material.

    See Setting Up Critical Component Items from a Multi-Level BOM.

  • Delete a critical component item.

    To delete a critical component item from a multi-level BOM, deselect the critical component item on the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level form.

2.5.2 Setting Up Critical Component Items from an Item/Branch

To set up critical component items from an item/branch:

  1. Access the Select Critical Component Items form.

    Form Name Form ID Navigation
    Select Critical Component Items W34X010B In-Memory Planning Advisor Setup (G3445).

    Planning Advisor Critical Component Items (P34X010).

    On the Work With Planning Advisor Critical Component Items form, click Select Item/Branch. Alternatively, select Select Item/Branch from the Form menu.

  2. Enter values in these fields, as applicable:

    Item Number

    Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format.


    Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit can be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant. You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting.

    Alternatively, you can specify the branch/plant in an enhanced query.

    Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

  3. Enter additional criteria, as applicable, using the query by example (QBE) lines.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the items that you want to add as critical component items.

  6. Click OK.

2.5.3 Setting Up Critical Component Items from a Multi-Level BOM

To set up critical component items from a multi-level BOM:

  1. Access the Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level form.

    Form Name Form ID Navigation
    Planning Advisor Bill of Material Inquiry - Multi Level W34X020A In-Memory Planning Advisor Setup (G3445).

    Planning Advisor Critical Component Items (P34X010).

    On the Work With Planning Advisor Critical Component Items form, click Multi Level BOM Inq. Alternatively, select Multi Level BOM Inq from the Form menu.

  2. Enter values in these fields, as applicable:


    Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format.

    This is a required field.


    Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit can be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant. You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting.

    Alternatively, you can specify the branch/plant in an enhanced query.

    Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

    This is a required field.

    Batch Quantity

    Enter a number that represents the quantity of finished units that you expect this bill of material or routing to produce. You can specify varying quantities of components based on the amount of finished units that have been produced. For example, assume that one ounce of solvent is required per unit for a maximum of 100 units of the finished product. If 200 units are produced, then you need two ounces of solvent per unit of the finished product. You can set up batch quantities for both 100 and 200 units of the finished product by specifying the appropriate amount of solvent per unit.

    UOM (unit of measure)

    Enter a user-defined code (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

    As of Date

    Enter the date used for effectivity checking. Enter a specific date to display documents (orders, bills of material, routings, as applicable) that are effective on or after that date. The current system date is the default, but you can enter any future or past date.

  3. Enter additional criteria, as applicable, using the QBE lines.

  4. Click Find.

  5. (Optional) On the Bill of Material Selection form, select a valid batch quantity.

  6. Select the items that you want to add as critical component items.

  7. Click OK.