Oracle® Fusion Middlewareパッチ・アシスタントによる11.から11.への移行


A パッチ・マスター・プロパティ・ファイルの例


# This is the property file for the 11gR1-11ps1 patchMaster. 
# Set values for the properties below to the desired value.
# If a property is not needed, it must be commented out.
# Description: List of components to patch from 11gR1 to 11ps1
# Example: patchMaster.Componentlist=Audit,BAM,DIP,Discoverer,Discussions,Forms,JPS,JRF,MDS,Modplsql,OAM,OCServer,ODL,ODSM,OHS,OID,OIF,Opmn,OVD,OWSM,Portal,Portlet,Reports,SOA,UMS,WebCenter,Webcache,Webservices,Wiki
# Description: Connection string to a single repository being patched.
# Example: patchMaster.Schemaurl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
# Description: A system user for the repository specified by patchMaster.Schemaurl
# Example: patchMaster.Schemauser=SYS AS SYSDBA
# patchMaster.Schemauser=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: The optional repository schema metadata namespace.
# Example: patchMaster.Schemaprefix=DEV
# patchMaster.Schemaprefix=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Fusion Middleware 11ps1 home.
# Example: patchMaster.Mwhomenew=/scratch/newhome
# patchMaster.Mwhomenew=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Fusion Middleware 11gR1 home.
# Example: patchMaster.Mwhomeold=/scratch/oldhome
# patchMaster.Mwhomeold=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: WLS domain 11ps1 home.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainhomenew=/scratch/newhome/user_projects/domains/newDomain
# patchMaster.Domainhomenew=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: WLS domain applications 11ps1 home.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainapplicationshomenew=/scratch/newhome/user_projects/applications/newDomain
# patchMaster.Domainapplicationshomenew=<Value Unspecified>
# Description:  WLS domain 11gR1 home.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainhomeold=/scratch/oldhome/user_projects/domains/oldDomain
# patchMaster.Domainhomeold=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: WLS domain username.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainusername=currentuser
# patchMaster.Domainusername=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: List paths to 11ps1 Oracle instances.
# Example: patchMaster.Oracleinstancenewlist=/scratch/newinst1,/scratch/newinst2
# patchMaster.Oracleinstancenewlist=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: List paths to 11gR1 Oracle instances corresponding to 11ps1 Oracle instance paths.
# Example: patchMaster.Oracleinstanceoldlist=/scratch/oldinst1,/scratch/oldinst2
# patchMaster.Oracleinstanceoldlist=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Path to 11ps1 Oracle home.
# Example: patchMaster.Oraclehomenew=/scratch/mynewOhome
# patchMaster.Oraclehomenew=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Path to 11gR1 Oracle home.
# Example: patchMaster.Oraclehomeold=/scratch/myOhome
# patchMaster.Oraclehomeold=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Specifies the directory where the log files go if a custom
#              location is desired.
# Example: patchMaster.Logdir=/scratch/patchMasterDir
# patchMaster.Logdir=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: Specifies the logging level to be recorded in the log file
# Values={error|warning|info|verbose|debug}  Default=info 
# Description: WLS domain Adminserver hostname.  This is *either* the R1 or PS1 Adminserver host
# depending the operation.  Used for start/stop domain and instance registration.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainadminhost=localhost
# patchMaster.Domainadminhost=<Value Unspecified>
# Description: WLS domain Adminserver port number.  This is *either* the R1 or PS1 Adminserver port 
# depending the operation.  Used for start/stop domain and instance registration.
# Example: patchMaster.Domainadminport=7001
# patchMaster.Domainadminport=<Value Unspecified>