11g Release 2 (11.2)
May 2014
This release contains important information that was not included in the platform-specific or product-specific documentation for Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE).
This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document, see the Express Edition documentation: using the system menus, from Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, click Get Help, then Read Documentation:
For licensing information, see Oracle Database Express Edition Licensing Information.
For a summary of the major changes between Oracle Database XE Release 11.2 and the previous release (10.2) and more information about using the Oracle Database XE user interface, see Oracle Database Express Edition Getting Started Guide.
This document covers the following topics:
This section discusses issues relating to:
The last released version of XE was XE 10.2. The following describes upgrade support for XE:
Upgrade from XE 11.2 to EE is not supported.
Upgrade from XE 11.2 to SE is not supported.
Migration from XE 10.2 to XE 11.2 is supported and described in your installation guide. See Oracle Database Express Edition Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows or Oracle Database Express Edition Installation Guide for Linux x86-64.
You can export tables and data from one XE installation and import them into another. For example, if you have tables in an XE 11.2 database on a Windows 32-bit system, you can export the tables and data on that system, install XE on a Windows 64-bit system, and then import the tables and data into the XE database on the Windows 64-bit system.
To be able to export from one installation and import into another installation, you must be able to access the first installation (or you must have previously exported using that installation). You must also be able to make the exported file or files available for import on the second system.
For more information, see "Exporting and Importing Metadata and Data" in Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA.
This section lists known bugs for this release.
The following Oracle Text Features are not available for this release of Oracle Database XE 11.2. These features are described in Oracle Text Reference.
Bug 12421589
lexer type
Entity Extraction (CTX_ENTITY
The following INDEX_STEMS
attribute values for the BASIC_LEXER
lexer type:
DUTCH_NEW (see Note)
ENGLISH_NEW (see Note)
FINNISH (see Note)
FRENCH_NEW (see Note)
GERMAN_NEW (see Note)
ITALIAN_NEW (see Note)
SPANISH_NEW (see Note)
SWEDISH (see Note)
Oracle ODBC driver may fail if a keyset-driven cursor is used with scroll option or for bulk operations.
ODBC application developers set statement attributes before a query is executed and data is fetched from the server. When SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE
, the application can scroll through the result-set. However, this functionality is not working when someone connects to Oracle database using Oracle ODBC driver.
If a failure occurs, consider an alternative coding approach, or contact Oracle Support Services.
This section lists known Windows bugs for this release.
Oracle Database Express Edition installation on Windows 32 bit: Access denied error while trying to stop database
While installing Oracle Database XE on these Windows operating systems, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows 7, these command shortcuts cause this error:
Stop Database
Start Database
Restore Backup
Right-click on the keyboard shortcut and select Run as Admin Option.
After deinstallation of Oracle Express Edition, the desktop may go blank if Windows Explorer is stopped.
During deinstallation of Oracle XE, if any of the files are locked from the Express Edition Oracle Home, then the user is prompted to stop the processes that hold locks on these set of files. Sometimes, Windows Explorer is on this list, and the user attempts to stop the Windows Explorer process. This can cause the Windows desktop to go in a blank for couple of minutes until a new explorer process comes up.
When prompted, the user can ignore the suggestion to stop Windows Explorer.
If the user has already stopped the Windows Explorer, after deinstallation, the user can manually delete the Oracle Home.
This section lists known Linux x64 bugs for this release.
If two init.ora
parameters that Oracle does not support in XE are specified in the database, startup fails with the generic error message:
ORA-47500: XE edition memory parameter invalid or not specified
An invalid parameter or a value more than the maximum allowed for memory was specified. These two parameters are not supported: use_indirect_buffers
and db_cache_size
Use allowed parameter or reduce memory size or upgrade to Standard or Enterprise edition.
Instead of db_cache_size
, use sga_target
or memory_target
. There is no substitution for use_indirect_buffers
The XE database does not come up automatically on SLES11 after rebooting.
Start the XE database manually.
The procedure that exports the 10.2 XE database and imports it into 11.2 XE will report warning messages that can be ignored. These messages are:
ORA-31684: Object type <object name> already exists ORA-39151: Table <table name> exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table_exists_action of skip ORA-39111: Dependent object type <object type> skipped, base object type <object name> already exists
There will also be a block of messages that looks like the following which can be ignored:
ORA-39083: Object type PROCACT_SYSTEM failed to create with error: ORA-01917: user or role 'FLOWS_020100' does not exist Failing sql is: BEGIN SYS.DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT('GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_RLS TO FLOWS_020100 WITH GRANT OPTION');COMMIT; END; Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA ORA-39083: Object type PROCACT_SCHEMA failed to create with error: ORA-31625: Schema FLOWS_020100 is needed to import this object, but is unaccessible ORA-01435: user does not exist Failing sql is: BEGIN sys.dbms_logrep_imp.instantiate_schema(schema_name=>SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CUR RENT_SCHEMA'), export_db_name=>'XE', inst_scn=>'400107');COMMIT; END;
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if you are hearing impaired.
Oracle Database Express Edition Readme, 11g Release 2 (11.2)
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