Overview | Package | Class | Tree | Index | Help | |||
Interface Summary | |
DictationGrammar | Provides access to the dictation capabilities of a
Recognizer . |
FinalDictationResult | Provides information on a finalized result
for an utterance that matches a DictationGrammar .
FinalResult | FinalResult is an extension to the Result
interface that provides information about a result that has been
finalized - that is, recognition is complete. |
FinalRuleResult | Provides information on a finalized result for an utterance that matches
a RuleGrammar . |
Grammar | Parent interface supported by all recognition grammars
including DictationGrammar and RuleGrammar .
GrammarListener | A GrammarListener receives notifications
of status change events for a Grammar .
RecognizerAudioListener | Extends the set of audio event of an engine for a recognizer by adding a audio level event. |
Recognizer | A Recognizer provides access to speech recognition
capabilities. |
RecognizerListener | Defines an extension to the EngineListener interface
for specific events associated with a Recognizer .
RecognizerProperties | Enables control of the properties of a Recognizer .
Result | A Result is issued by a Recognizer as it recognizes
an incoming utterance that matches an active Grammar .
ResultListener | The methods of a ResultListener receive notifications of
events related to a Result object. |
ResultToken | A token (usually a word) contained by a Result
representing something heard by a recognizer.
RuleGrammar | RuleGrammar interface describes a Grammar
that defines what users may say by a set rules. |
SpeakerManager | Provides control of SpeakerProfiles for a Recognizer .
Class Summary | |
GrammarAdapter | The adapter which receives grammar events. |
GrammarEvent | A GrammarEvent is issued to each
GrammarListener attached to a Grammar
when major events associated with that Grammar occur.
GrammarSyntaxDetail | Description of a problem found in a grammar usually bundled
with a GrammarException . |
RecognizerAdapter | The adapter which receives events for a Recognizer .
RecognizerAudioAdapter | Adaptor for a audio events of a recognizer. |
RecognizerAudioEvent | Event issued to indicate detection of speech in the incoming audio stream or to periodically indicate the audio input level. |
RecognizerEvent | Event issued by Recognizer through RecognizerListener .
RecognizerModeDesc | RecognizerModeDesc extends the EngineModeDesc
with properties that are specific to speech recognizers.
ResultAdapter | The adapter which receives events for a Result object.
ResultEvent | A ResultEvent is issued by a Result object
to indicate changes in the recognized tokens and changes in state.
RuleAlternatives | RuleAlternatives represents a Rule composed of a
set of alternative sub-rules. |
RuleCount | Attaches a count to a contained Rule object to
indicate the number of times it may occur. |
Rule | A Rule object is the basic component of a
RuleGrammar and represents anything that may appear
on the right-hand side of a rule definition in
Java Speech Grammar Format. |
RuleName | A RuleName is a reference to a named rule.
RuleParse | Represents the output of a parse of a Result
or a string against a RuleGrammar . |
RuleSequence | RuleSequence is a Rule composed of a sequence of
sub-rules that must each be spoken in order. |
RuleTag | RuleTag attaches a tag to a contained Rule object.
RuleToken | RuleToken represents speakable text in a RuleGrammar .
SpeakerProfile | A SpeakerProfile object is used to identify each enrollment by a user
to a Recognizer . |
Exception Summary | |
GrammarException | Thrown if a problem is found with a Java Speech Grammar Format (JSGF)
file or with a RuleGrammar object derived from JSGF.
Grammar problems are typically identified and fixed during application development. |
Error Summary | |
ResultStateError | Signals an error caused by an illegal call to a method
of FinalResult , FinalRuleResult
or FinalDictationResult .
Overview | Package | Class | Tree | Index | Help | |||
JavaTM Speech API
Copyright 1997-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
Send comments to javaspeech-comments@sun.com