addEventListener(ParallelPortEventListener) - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Registers a ParallelPortEventListener object for ParallelPortEvents.
addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Registers a SerialPortEventListener object to listen for SerialEvents.
addPortName(String, int, CommDriver) - Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Adds portName to the list of ports.
addPortOwnershipListener(CommPortOwnershipListener) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Registers an interested application so that it can receive notification of changes in port ownership.


BI - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Break interrupt.


CD - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Carrier detect.
CTS - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Clear to send.
CommDriver - interface javax.comm.CommDriver.
Part of the loadable device driver interface.
CommPort - class javax.comm.CommPort.
A communications port.
CommPortIdentifier - class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier.
Communications port management.
CommPortIdentifier(String, CommPort, int, CommDriver) - Constructor for class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
CommPortOwnershipListener - interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener.
Propagates various communications port ownership events.
close() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Closes the communications port.
currentOwner - Variable in class javax.comm.PortInUseException
Describes the current owner of the communications port.


DATABITS_5 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
5 data bit format.
DATABITS_6 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
6 data bit format.
DATABITS_7 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
7 data bit format.
DATABITS_8 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
8 data bit format.
DATA_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Data available at the serial port.
DSR - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Data set ready.
disableReceiveFraming() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive framing.
disableReceiveThreshold() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive threshold.
disableReceiveTimeout() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive timeout.


enableReceiveFraming(int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive framing, if this feature is supported by the driver.
enableReceiveThreshold(int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive threshold, if this feature is supported by the driver.
enableReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive timeout, if this feature is supported by the driver.
eventType - Variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Deprecated. Replaced by getEventType method.
eventType - Variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Deprecated. Replaced by getEventType method.


FE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Framing error.
FLOWCONTROL_NONE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Flow control off.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
RTS/CTS flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
RTS/CTS flow control on output.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
XON/XOFF flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
XON/XOFF flow control on output.


getBaudRate() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured baud rate.
getCommPort(String, int) - Method in interface javax.comm.CommDriver
getCommPort() will be called by CommPortIdentifier.open() portName is a string that was registered earlier using the CommPortIdentifier.addPortName() method.
getCurrentOwner() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the owner of the port.
getDataBits() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured number of data bits.
getEventType() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the type of this event.
getEventType() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the type of this event.
getFlowControlMode() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured flow control mode.
getInputBufferSize() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the input buffer size.
getInputStream() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns an input stream.
getMode() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Gets the currently configured mode.
getName() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the name of the communications port.
getName() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the name of the port.
getNewValue() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.
getNewValue() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the SerialPortEvent to be propagated.
getOldValue() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.
getOldValue() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the SerialPortEvent to be propagated.
getOutputBufferFree() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Gets the number of bytes available in the output buffer.
getOutputBufferSize() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the output buffer size.
getOutputStream() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns an output stream.
getParity() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Get the currently configured parity setting.
getPortIdentifier(String) - Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains a CommPortIdentifier object by using a port name.
getPortIdentifier(CommPort) - Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains the CommPortIdentifier object corresponding to a port that has already been opened by the application.
getPortIdentifiers() - Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains an enumeration object that contains a CommPortIdentifier object for each port in the system.
getPortType() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the port type.
getReceiveFramingByte() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the current byte used for receive framing.
getReceiveThreshold() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the integer value of the receive threshold.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the integer value of the receive timeout.
getStopBits() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently defined stop bits.


initialize() - Method in interface javax.comm.CommDriver
initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer.
isCD() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the CD (Carrier Detect) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isCTS() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the CTS (Clear To Send) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isCurrentlyOwned() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Checks whether the port is owned.
isDSR() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isDTR() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isPaperOut() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the port is indicating an "Out of Paper" state.
isPrinterBusy() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the port is indicating a "Printer Busy" state.
isPrinterError() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer has encountered an error.
isPrinterSelected() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer is in selected state.
isPrinterTimedOut() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer has timed out.
isRI() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the RI (Ring Indicator) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isRTS() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the RTS (Request To Send) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
isReceiveFramingEnabled() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive framing is enabled.
isReceiveThresholdEnabled() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive threshold is enabled.
isReceiveTimeoutEnabled() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive timeout is enabled.


javax.comm - package javax.comm


LPT_MODE_ANY - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Picks the best available mode.
LPT_MODE_ECP - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Enhanced capabilities port.
LPT_MODE_EPP - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Extended parallel port.
LPT_MODE_NIBBLE - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Nibble Mode.
LPT_MODE_PS2 - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Byte mode.
LPT_MODE_SPP - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Compatibility mode.


NoSuchPortException - exception javax.comm.NoSuchPortException.
Thrown when a driver can't find the specified port.
name - Variable in class javax.comm.CommPort
notifyOnBreakInterrupt(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a break interrupt on the line.
notifyOnBuffer(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Expresses interest in being notified when the output buffer is empty.
notifyOnCTS(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CTS (Clear To Send) bit changes.
notifyOnCarrierDetect(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CD (Carrier Detect) bit changes.
notifyOnDSR(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit changes.
notifyOnDataAvailable(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when input data is available.
notifyOnError(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Expresses interest in being notified of port errors.
notifyOnFramingError(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a framing error.
notifyOnOutputEmpty(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the output buffer is empty.
notifyOnOverrunError(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is an overrun error.
notifyOnParityError(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a parity error.
notifyOnRingIndicator(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the RI (Ring Indicator) bit changes.


OE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Overrun error.
OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Output buffer is empty.
open(String, int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Opens the communications port.
open(FileDescriptor) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Opens the communications port using a FileDescriptor object on platforms that support this technique.
ownershipChange(int) - Method in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
Propagates a CommPortOwnership event.


PARITY_EVEN - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
EVEN parity scheme.
PARITY_MARK - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
MARK parity scheme.
PARITY_NONE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
No parity bit.
PARITY_ODD - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
ODD parity scheme.
PARITY_SPACE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
SPACE parity scheme.
PAR_EV_BUFFER - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
The port's output buffer is empty.
PAR_EV_ERROR - Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
An error occurred on the port.
PE - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Parity error.
PORT_OWNED - Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
The port just went from unowned to owned state, when an application successfully called CommPortIdentifier.open.
PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED - Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
Ownership contention.
PORT_PARALLEL - Static variable in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
PORT_SERIAL - Static variable in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
PORT_UNOWNED - Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
The port just went from owned to unowned state, when the port's owner called CommPort.close.
ParallelPort - class javax.comm.ParallelPort.
A parallel communications port.
ParallelPort() - Constructor for class javax.comm.ParallelPort
ParallelPortEvent - class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent.
A parallel port event.
ParallelPortEvent(ParallelPort, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Constructs a ParallelPortEvent with the specified parallel port, event type, old and new values.
ParallelPortEventListener - interface javax.comm.ParallelPortEventListener.
Propagates parallel port events.
PortInUseException - exception javax.comm.PortInUseException.
Thrown when the specified port is in use.
parallelEvent(ParallelPortEvent) - Method in interface javax.comm.ParallelPortEventListener
Propagates a ParallelPortEvent event.


RI - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Ring indicator.
removeEventListener() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Deregisters event listener registered using addEventListener.
removeEventListener() - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Deregisters event listener registered using addEventListener.
removePortOwnershipListener(CommPortOwnershipListener) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Deregisters a CommPortOwnershipListener registered using addPortOwnershipListener
restart() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Restarts output after an error.


STOPBITS_1 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 1.
STOPBITS_1_5 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 1-1/2.
STOPBITS_2 - Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 2.
SerialPort - class javax.comm.SerialPort.
An RS-232 serial communications port.
SerialPort() - Constructor for class javax.comm.SerialPort
SerialPortEvent - class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent.
A serial port event.
SerialPortEvent(SerialPort, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Constructs a SerialPortEvent with the specified serial port, event type, old and new values.
SerialPortEventListener - interface javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener.
Propagates serial port events.
sendBreak(int) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sends a break of millis milliseconds duration.
serialEvent(SerialPortEvent) - Method in interface javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener
Propagates a SerialPortEvent event.
setDTR(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets or clears the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
setFlowControlMode(int) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets the flow control mode.
setInputBufferSize(int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Sets the input buffer size.
setMode(int) - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Sets the printer port mode.
setOutputBufferSize(int) - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Sets the output buffer size.
setRTS(boolean) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets or clears the RTS (Request To Send) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
setRcvFifoTrigger(int) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Deprecated. This was advisory only.
setSerialPortParams(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets serial port parameters.
suspend() - Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Suspends output.


toString() - Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns a String representation of this communications port.


UnsupportedCommOperationException - exception javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException.
Thrown when a driver doesn't allow the specified operation.
UnsupportedCommOperationException(String) - Constructor for class javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with the specified detail message.
UnsupportedCommOperationException() - Constructor for class javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with no detail message.