Interface CommDriver

public interface CommDriver

Part of the loadable device driver interface. CommDriver should not be used by application-level programs.

Jagane Sundar

Method Summary
 CommPort getCommPort(java.lang.String portName, int portType)
          getCommPort() will be called by portName is a string that was registered earlier using the CommPortIdentifier.addPortName() method.
 void initialize()
          initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer.

Method Detail


public void initialize()
initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer. The responsibility of this method is: 1) Ensure that that the hardware is present. 2) Load any required native libraries. 3) Register the port names with the CommPortIdentifier.


public CommPort getCommPort(java.lang.String portName,
                            int portType)
getCommPort() will be called by portName is a string that was registered earlier using the CommPortIdentifier.addPortName() method. getCommPort() returns an object that extends either SerialPort or ParallelPort.