MySQL 5.6 C API Developer Guide

13.2 mysql_server_init()

mysql_server_init(int argc,
                  char **argv,
                  char **groups)


This function initializes the MySQL client library, which must be done before you call any other MySQL function. However, mysql_server_init() is deprecated and you should call mysql_library_init() instead. See Section 7.40, “mysql_library_init()”.


To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library (for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call mysql_server_end() (or mysql_library_end()) explicitly. This enables memory managment to be performed to clean up and free resources used by the library. See Section 7.39, “mysql_library_end()”.

Return Values

Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.