MySQL 8.0 C API Developer Guide

15.4 mysql_real_connect_nonblocking()

enum net_async_status
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql,
                               const char *host,
                               const char *user,
                               const char *passwd,
                               const char *db,
                               unsigned int port,
                               const char *unix_socket,
                               unsigned long



mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is the counterpart of the mysql_real_connect() synchronous function, for use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server. For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see Chapter 12, C API Asynchronous Interface.

mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_real_connect(). For details about the latter, see Section 7.55, “mysql_real_connect()”. The two functions differ as follows:

mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.

Return Values

Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Chapter 13, C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.


See Chapter 12, C API Asynchronous Interface.