MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

18.6 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 5.0.5 (2007-03-07)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Reverted behavior that required parameter names to start with the parameter marker. We apologize for this back and forth but we mistakenly changed the behavior to not match what SqlClient supports. We now support using either syntax for adding parameters however we also respond exactly like SqlClient in that if you ask for the index of a parameter using a syntax different from when you added the parameter, the result will be -1.

  • Assembly now properly appears in the Visual Studio 2005 Add/Remove Reference dialog.

  • Fixed problem that prevented use of SchemaOnly or SingleRow command behaviors with stored procedures or prepared statements.

  • Added MySqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue and marked the Add(name, value) method as obsolete.

  • Return parameters created with DeriveParameters now have the name RETURN_VALUE.

  • Fixed problem with parameter name hashing where the hashes were not getting updated when parameters were removed from the collection.

  • Fixed problem with calling stored functions when a return parameter was not given.

  • Added Use Procedure Bodies connection string option to enable calling procedures without using procedure metadata.

Bugs Fixed

  • MySqlConnection.GetSchema fails with NullReferenceException for Foreign Keys. (Bug #26660)

  • MySQL Connector/NET failed to install under Windows Vista. (Bug #26430)

  • Opening a connection would be slow due to host name lookup. (Bug #26152)

  • Incorrect values/formats would be applied when the OldSyntax connection string option was used. (Bug #25950)

  • Registry would be incorrectly populated with installation locations. (Bug #25928)

  • Times with negative values would be returned incorrectly. (Bug #25912)

  • Returned data types of a DataTypes collection do not contain the right correct CLR data type. (Bug #25907)

  • GetSchema and DataTypes would throw an exception due to an incorrect table name. (Bug #25906)

  • MySqlConnection throws an exception when connecting to MySQL v4.1.7. (Bug #25726)

  • SELECT did not work correctly when using a WHERE clause containing a UTF-8 string. (Bug #25651)

  • When closing and then re-opening a connection to a database, the character set specification is lost. (Bug #25614)

  • Filling a table schema through a stored procedure triggers a runtime error. (Bug #25609)

  • BINARY and VARBINARY columns would be returned as a string, not binary, data type. (Bug #25605)

  • A critical ConnectionPool error would result in repeated System.NullReferenceException. (Bug #25603)

  • The UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord method does not work. (Bug #25569)

  • When connecting to a MySQL Server earlier than version 4.1, the connection would hang when reading data. (Bug #25458)

  • Using ExecuteScalar() with more than one query, where one query fails, will hang the connection. (Bug #25443)

  • When a MySqlConversionException is raised on a remote object, the client application would receive a SerializationException instead. (Bug #24957)

  • When connecting to a server, the return code from the connection could be zero, even though the host name was incorrect. (Bug #24802)

  • High CPU utilization would be experienced when there is no idle connection waiting when using pooled connections through MySqlPool.GetConnection. (Bug #24373)

  • MySQL Connector/NET would not compile properly when used with Mono 1.2. (Bug #24263)

  • Applications would crash when calling with CommandType set to StoredProcedure.