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MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6
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MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6
Introduction to InnoDB
Chapter 14 The InnoDB Storage Engine
14.1 Introduction to InnoDB
14.1.1 Benefits of Using InnoDB Tables
14.1.2 Best Practices for InnoDB Tables
14.1.3 Verifying that InnoDB is the Default Storage Engine
14.1.4 Testing and Benchmarking with InnoDB
14.1.5 Turning Off InnoDB
14.2 InnoDB and the ACID Model
14.3 InnoDB Multi-Versioning
14.4 InnoDB Architecture
14.5 InnoDB In-Memory Structures
14.5.1 Buffer Pool
14.5.2 Change Buffer
14.5.3 Adaptive Hash Index
14.5.4 Log Buffer
14.6 InnoDB On-Disk Structures
14.6.1 Tables
14.6.2 Indexes
14.6.3 Tablespaces
14.6.4 InnoDB Data Dictionary
14.6.5 Doublewrite Buffer
14.6.6 Redo Log
14.6.7 Undo Logs
14.7 InnoDB Locking and Transaction Model
14.7.1 InnoDB Locking
14.7.2 InnoDB Transaction Model
14.7.3 Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB
14.7.4 Phantom Rows
14.7.5 Deadlocks in InnoDB
14.8 InnoDB Configuration
14.8.1 InnoDB Startup Configuration
14.8.2 Configuring InnoDB for Read-Only Operation
14.8.3 InnoDB Buffer Pool Configuration
14.8.4 Configuring the Memory Allocator for InnoDB
14.8.5 Configuring Thread Concurrency for InnoDB
14.8.6 Configuring the Number of Background InnoDB I/O Threads
14.8.7 Using Asynchronous I/O on Linux
14.8.8 Configuring InnoDB I/O Capacity
14.8.9 Configuring Spin Lock Polling
14.8.10 Purge Configuration
14.8.11 Configuring Optimizer Statistics for InnoDB
14.8.12 Configuring the Merge Threshold for Index Pages
14.9 InnoDB Table and Page Compression
14.9.1 InnoDB Table Compression
14.9.2 InnoDB Page Compression
14.10 InnoDB File-Format Management
14.10.1 Enabling File Formats
14.10.2 Verifying File Format Compatibility
14.10.3 Identifying the File Format in Use
14.10.4 Modifying the File Format
14.11 InnoDB Row Formats
14.12 InnoDB Disk I/O and File Space Management
14.12.1 InnoDB Disk I/O
14.12.2 File Space Management
14.12.3 InnoDB Checkpoints
14.12.4 Defragmenting a Table
14.12.5 Reclaiming Disk Space with TRUNCATE TABLE
14.13 InnoDB and Online DDL
14.13.1 Online DDL Operations
14.13.2 Online DDL Performance and Concurrency
14.13.3 Online DDL Space Requirements
14.13.4 Simplifying DDL Statements with Online DDL
14.13.5 Online DDL Failure Conditions
14.13.6 Online DDL Limitations
14.14 InnoDB Data-at-Rest Encryption
14.15 InnoDB Startup Options and System Variables
14.16.1 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables about Compression
14.16.2 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Transaction and Locking Information
14.16.3 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA System Tables
14.16.5 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Buffer Pool Tables
14.16.6 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Metrics Table
14.16.7 InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Temporary Table Info Table
14.16.8 Retrieving InnoDB Tablespace Metadata from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES
14.17 InnoDB Integration with MySQL Performance Schema
14.17.1 Monitoring ALTER TABLE Progress for InnoDB Tables Using Performance Schema
14.17.2 Monitoring InnoDB Mutex Waits Using Performance Schema
14.18 InnoDB Monitors
14.18.1 InnoDB Monitor Types
14.18.2 Enabling InnoDB Monitors
14.18.3 InnoDB Standard Monitor and Lock Monitor Output
14.19 InnoDB Backup and Recovery
14.19.1 InnoDB Backup
14.19.2 InnoDB Recovery
14.20 InnoDB and MySQL Replication
14.21 InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.21.1 Benefits of the InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.21.2 InnoDB memcached Architecture
14.21.3 Setting Up the InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.21.4 Security Considerations for the InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.21.5 Writing Applications for the InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.21.6 The InnoDB memcached Plugin and Replication
14.21.7 InnoDB memcached Plugin Internals
14.21.8 Troubleshooting the InnoDB memcached Plugin
14.22 InnoDB Troubleshooting
14.22.1 Troubleshooting InnoDB I/O Problems
14.22.2 Forcing InnoDB Recovery
14.22.3 Troubleshooting InnoDB Data Dictionary Operations
14.22.4 InnoDB Error Handling
14.23 InnoDB Limits
14.24 InnoDB Restrictions and Limitations
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MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6
Introduction to InnoDB