MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0

12.17.3 Functions That Create Geometry Values from WKT Values

These functions take as arguments a Well-Known Text (WKT) representation and, optionally, a spatial reference system identifier (SRID). They return the corresponding geometry. For a description of WKT format, see Well-Known Text (WKT) Format.

Functions in this section detect arguments in either Cartesian or geographic spatial reference systems (SRSs), and return results appropriate to the SRS.

ST_GeomFromText() accepts a WKT value of any geometry type as its first argument. Other functions provide type-specific construction functions for construction of geometry values of each geometry type.

Functions such as ST_MPointFromText() and ST_GeomFromText() that accept WKT-format representations of MultiPoint values permit individual points within values to be surrounded by parentheses. For example, both of the following function calls are valid:

ST_MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT (1 1, 2 2, 3 3)')
ST_MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3))')

Functions such as ST_GeomFromText() that accept WKT geometry collection arguments understand both OpenGIS 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY' standard syntax and MySQL 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION()' nonstandard syntax. Functions such as ST_AsWKT() that produce WKT values produce 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY' standard syntax:

mysql> SET @s1 = ST_GeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION()');
mysql> SELECT ST_AsWKT(@s1), ST_AsWKT(@s2);
| ST_AsWKT(@s1)            | ST_AsWKT(@s2)            |

Unless otherwise specified, functions in this section handle their geometry arguments as follows:

These functions are available for creating geometries from WKT values: