MySQL™ Cluster Manager 1.4.8 User Manual

4.6.4 The start process Command

start process {[--initial|-i] process_id | --added} cluster_name

This command starts the MySQL NDB Cluster process having the process ID process_id in the cluster named cluster_name. The status of the process to be started, as shown by show status --process, must be added, stopped, or failed (only if the failed process has exited properly can it be restarted with the command).

This example demonstrates how to start the process having the process ID 1 belonging to the cluster mycluster:

mcm> start process 1 mycluster;
| Command result               |
| Process started successfully |
1 row in set (13.93 sec)

You can obtain process IDs for all processes in a given cluster using show status --process or list processes. These are the same as the node IDs for these processes as shown in the output of other mcm client commands such as get or in the output of ndb_mgm -e "show" (see ndb_mgm — The NDB Cluster Management Client).

When the --initial option (short form: -i) is used, the following happens:

Invoking this command with the --added option rather than with a process ID starts all nodes that were added previously to the cluster using add process but not yet started. For the added data and mysqld nodes, the use of the --added option also implies the use of the --initial option, meaning that mcmd will attempt to initialize the added nodes (see description for the --initial option above). Also, when the --added option is used, once all the added nodes are running, a CREATE NODEGROUP command is issued to the management node for the creation of new nodegroups.

You cannot use this command to start a mysqld process in a stopped or unavailable cluster—trying to do so will cause an error. This applies, for example, to the case in which a cluster has been created for a cluster import, but the import is not yet completed (see Section 4.4.1, “The create cluster Command”, and Section 3.5, “Importing MySQL NDB Clusters into MySQL Cluster Manager”).