MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

8.1.3 MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent Options

To view all the options available for an unattended agent installation, invoke the agent installer file passing in the help option. The available options are detailed in the following table.

Table 8.2 MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent Installer Options

Option Name Description
--agent_installtype Installation type for the agent, which can be database or standalone.
--agent_autocreate Create an account on the monitored MySQL server to be used by the agent
--agentpassword Password of the agent user for connecting to the monitored MySQL server
--agentservicename Service name for the Agent
--agentuser Username of the agent for connecting to the monitored MySQL server
--checkmysqlhost Validate the supplied MySQL hostname
--createBackup (Upgrade only) Create backup.
--debuglevel Set the debug information level
--debugtrace File for a debug trace of the installation
--generalpassword General user password for the --generaluser
--generaluser General user username for the monitored MySQL server
--help Display the list of valid options
--installdir Installation directory
--installer-language Language selection
--limitedpassword Limited user password for the --limiteduser
--limiteduser Limited user username for the monitored MySQL server
--managerhost Hostname of IP address of the MySQL Enterprise Monitor server
--managerport TCP/IP port of the MySQL Enterprise Monitor server
--mode Installation mode
--mysql-identity-source MySQL instance identify definition
--mysqlconnectiongroup Sets the group for the provided MySQL connection
--mysqlconnmethod Connection method to the monitored MySQL server
--mysqlhost MySQL hostname/IP address
--mysqlpassword MySQL password for the monitored --mysqluser.
--mysqlport TCP/IP port for the monitored MySQL server
--mysqlsocket Unix socket/Named pipe for the monitored MySQL server
--mysqluser MySQL Administrative username for the monitored MySQL server
--optionfile Installation option file
--restartImmediately (Upgrade only) Restart Agent immediately after updating all files.
--unattendedmodeui Unattended mode user interface
--version Display the product information