MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

8.1.2 MySQL Enterprise Service Manager Options

The following options let you customize the installation process for MySQL Enterprise Service Manager. MySQL Enterprise Service Manager supports using a bundled MySQL server, or a separate MySQL server provided by the user. To use your own MySQL server, the server must be installed and running before installation. For more information, see Section 3.2.4, “MySQL Enterprise Monitor Repository”.

Table 8.1 MySQL Enterprise Service Manager Installer Options

Option Name Description
--adminpassword Password for the database repository
--adminuser Username for the database repository
--backupdir Backup directory path.
--createDataBackup Backup stored data. Upgrade process only.
--dbhost Hostname or IP address of the MySQL server
--dbname Name of the repository database.
--dbport TCP/IP port for the MySQL server
--debuglevel Set the debug information level
--debugtrace File for a debug trace of the installation
--forceRestart Upgrade only. Restarts the services after the upgrade process completes.
--help Display the list of valid options
--installdir Installation directory
--installer-language Language selection
--mode Installation mode
--mysql_installation_type MySQL server to be used by the MySQL Enterprise Monitor
--optionfile Installation option file
--system_size Defines Tomcat and MySQL repository configuration based on installation size.
--tomcatport Server port for the Tomcat component
--tomcatsslport SSL TCP/IP port for the Tomcat component
--unattendedmodeui Unattended mode user interface
--version Display the product information