Interface Component

public interface Component

This interface, implemented by component implementations, allows the JBI implementation to query the component for various types of information. This includes:

The name of the class that implements this interface for a component is specified in the installation descriptor for that component.

JSR208 Expert Group

Method Summary
 ComponentLifeCycle getLifeCycle()
          Get the life cycle control interface for this component.
 org.w3c.dom.Document getServiceDescription(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
          Retrieves a DOM representation containing metadata which describes the service provided by this component, through the given endpoint.
 ServiceUnitManager getServiceUnitManager()
          Get the Service Unit manager for this component.
 boolean isExchangeWithConsumerOkay(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, MessageExchange exchange)
          This method is called by JBI to check if this component, in the role of provider of the service indicated by the given exchange, can actually perform the operation desired.
 boolean isExchangeWithProviderOkay(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, MessageExchange exchange)
          This method is called by JBI to check if this component, in the role of consumer of the service indicated by the given exchange, can actually interact with the provider properly.
 ServiceEndpoint resolveEndpointReference(org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment epr)
          Resolve the given endpoint reference.

Method Detail


public ComponentLifeCycle getLifeCycle()
Get the life cycle control interface for this component. This interface allows the JBI implementation to control the running state of this component.

This method must be called before any other methods of this interface are called. In addition, the JBI implementation must call the init() method of the component life cycle returned by this method before calling any other methods on this interface, or the component life cycle interface.

the life cycle control interface for this component; must be non-null.


public ServiceUnitManager getServiceUnitManager()
Get the Service Unit manager for this component. If this component does not support deployments, it must return null.

the ServiceUnitManager for this component, or null if there is none.


public org.w3c.dom.Document getServiceDescription(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
Retrieves a DOM representation containing metadata which describes the service provided by this component, through the given endpoint. The result can use WSDL 1.1 or WSDL 2.0.

endpoint - the service endpoint.
the description for the specified service endpoint.


public boolean isExchangeWithConsumerOkay(ServiceEndpoint endpoint,
                                          MessageExchange exchange)
This method is called by JBI to check if this component, in the role of provider of the service indicated by the given exchange, can actually perform the operation desired.

endpoint - the endpoint to be used by the consumer; must be non-null.
exchange - the proposed message exchange to be performed; must be non-null.
true if this provider component can perform the given exchange with the described consumer.


public boolean isExchangeWithProviderOkay(ServiceEndpoint endpoint,
                                          MessageExchange exchange)
This method is called by JBI to check if this component, in the role of consumer of the service indicated by the given exchange, can actually interact with the provider properly. The provider is described by the given endpoint and the service description supplied by that endpoint.

endpoint - the endpoint to be used by the provider; must be non-null.
exchange - the proposed message exchange to be performed; must be non-null.
true if this consumer component can interact with the described provider to perform the given exchange.


public ServiceEndpoint resolveEndpointReference(org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment epr)
Resolve the given endpoint reference. This is called by JBI when it is attempting to resolve the given EPR on behalf of a component.

If this component returns a non-null result, it must conform to the following:

Dynamically resolved endpoints are distinct from static ones; they must not be activated (see ComponentContext.activateEndpoint(QName, String)), nor registered (see ComponentContext) by components. They can only be used to address message exchanges; the JBI implementation must deliver such exchanges to the component that resolved the endpoint reference (see ComponentContext.resolveEndpointReference(DocumentFragment)).

epr - the endpoint reference, in some XML dialect understood by the appropriate component (usually a binding); must be non-null.
the service endpoint for the EPR; null if the EPR cannot be resolved by this component.

Built 06/07/2005 11:16 AM on acer (SunOS 5.9)

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