Interface MBeanNames

public interface MBeanNames

This interface provides methods to create JMX object names for component- supplied MBeans. This ensures that component-supplied MBeans follow the JBI implementation-determined naming convention.

Components obtain instances of this name creator using ComponentContext.getMBeanNames().

JSR 208 Expert Group

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BOOTSTRAP_EXTENSION
          The custom name that must be used for bootstrap extensions
          The custom name that must be used for component life cycle extensions
Method Summary createCustomComponentMBeanName(java.lang.String customName)
          Formulate and return an MBean ObjectName for a custom control of this name creator's JBI component.
 java.lang.String getJmxDomainName()
          Retrieve the default JMX Domain Name for MBeans registered in this instance of the JBI implementation.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String BOOTSTRAP_EXTENSION
The custom name that must be used for bootstrap extensions

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_LIFE_CYCLE_EXTENSION
The custom name that must be used for component life cycle extensions

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getJmxDomainName()
Retrieve the default JMX Domain Name for MBeans registered in this instance of the JBI implementation.

the JMX domain name for this instance of the JBI implemention; must be non-null and non-empty


public createCustomComponentMBeanName(java.lang.String customName)
Formulate and return an MBean ObjectName for a custom control of this name creator's JBI component.

This is used by components to create JMX names for their own JMX controls, allowing the JBI implementation to prefix the created name to fit within the implementation's own naming scheme.

Standard extensions must use the following custom name constants:

All other custom component MBeans must use custom names that do not collide with the standard extension names.

customName - the name of the custom control; must be non-null and non-empty; must be legal for use in a JMX object name
the JMX ObjectName of the MBean, or null if the customName is invalid

Built 06/07/2005 11:16 AM on acer (SunOS 5.9)

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