
Interface Summary
AdminServiceMBean This interface defines a set of administrative methods allowing a JMX-based administrative tool to perform a variety of administrative tasks.
ComponentLifeCycleMBean ComponentLifeCycleMBean defines the standard life cycle controls for JBI Installable Components.
DeploymentServiceMBean The deployment service MBean allows administrative tools to manage service assembly deployments.
InstallationServiceMBean The deployment service MBean allows administrative tools to manage service assembly deployments.
InstallerMBean The InstallerMBean defines standard installation and uninstallation controls for components.
LifeCycleMBean LifeCycleMBean is a base interface that defines standard life cycle controls for JBI implementation services (which are implementation-specific), and JBI components (bindings and engines).
MBeanNames This interface provides methods to create JMX object names for component- supplied MBeans.

Exception Summary
DeploymentException DeploymentException is an exception thrown by the Deployment Service and the Service Unit Manager.

Built 06/07/2005 11:16 AM on acer (SunOS 5.9)

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