
Interface Summary
BlockPicker The BlockPicker class is used to select the block of fields in the blocking query to use for the next matching pass.
MatchEngineConfiguration The MatchEngineConfiguration interface is a marker interface used to implement a MatchEngine configuration.
MatcherAPI The MatcherAPI interface enables communication between the eView Studio application and the match engine being used.
PassController The PassController class determines whether to attempt another matching pass for the transaction using the next blocking definition (specified by BlockPicker).
StandardizerAPI The StandardizerAPI interface enables communication between the eView Studio application and the match engine being used.
StandardizerEngineConfiguration The StandardizerEngineConfiguration interface is a marker interface used to implement a StandardizationEngine configuration.

Exception Summary
CandidateThresholdException The CandidateThresholdException class represents an exception thrown when the specified candidate threshold is exceeded during a blocking query.

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