Sun Adapter for SNA LU62 API
Interface SNAOutboundApplication

public interface SNAOutboundApplication

This class represents the outbound SNALU 6.2 application (OTD) interface. The eWay functions are defined in this class as methods, and exposed in GUI as sub-nodes. For example, the method send() will map to sub-node [OTD].[send], the method recv() will map to sub-node [OTD].[recv]. Some SNA conversation-related codes (LastReturnCode, LastState, LastStatus) are also exposed as sub-nodes. You may need to check these codes after the SNA conversation-related functions are called.

cvs revision: $Revision: 1.5 $ Last Modified: $Date: 2007/12/12 00:11:33 $
Harry Liu (
See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String version
Method Summary
 void changeState(java.lang.String state)
          Changes conversation state.
 void changeState(java.lang.String state, boolean confirm)
          Changes conversation state with confirmation flag, if the flag is true, a CPIC cmcfm will be callled afterwards.
 void confirm()
          Flushes local LU's send buffer and sends a confirmation request to the partner TP and waits for confirmation.
 void confirmed()
          Replies to a confirmation request from the partner TP.
 void endConversation()
          Ends the conversation manually.
 SNAConstants getConstants()
          Gets SNA constants object.
 SNACPICCalls getCPICCalls()
          Gets SNA CPIC Calls object.
 byte[] getDataIn()
          Gets the content for incoming payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataIn.
 byte[] getDataOut()
          Gets the content for outgoing payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataOut.
 int getLastConversationState()
          Returns the conversation_state value for the last SNA conversation-related function call.
 int getLastReturnCode()
          Returns the ReturnCode value for the last SNA conversation-related function call.
 int getLastStatus()
          Returns the status_received value for the last SNA receive-related function call.
 SNAOutboundConfiguration getOutboundConfiguration()
          Gets the outbound configuration object.
 java.lang.String getPersistentData()
          Retrieves the data from the persistent file.
 java.lang.String getState()
          Gets the State value.
 void recv()
          Receives any data that is currently available from the partner TP into incoming payload (buffer) represented as DataIn in the OTD from the partner TP.
 void recv(boolean confirm)
          Receives any data that is currently available from the partner TP into incoming payload (buffer) represented as DataIn in the OTD from the partner TP with confirmation flag, if the flag is true, a CPIC cmcfmd will be callled after the data is received.
 void send()
          Sends the outgoing payload (buffer) represented in the OTD as node DataOut into the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner TP.
 void send(boolean confirm)
          Sends the outgoing payload (buffer) represented in the OTD as node DataOut into the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner TP with confirmation flag.
 void setDataOut(byte[] data)
          Sets the content for outgoing payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataOut.
 void setPersistentData(java.lang.String data)
          Stores the data into the persistent file.
 void setState(java.lang.String stateValue)
          Sets the State.
 void startConversation()
          Starts the conversation manually.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String version
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


SNAOutboundConfiguration getOutboundConfiguration()
Gets the outbound configuration object.

SNAInboundConfiguration object


SNAConstants getConstants()
Gets SNA constants object. We expose the SNA constants for users' convenience.

SNAConstants object


SNACPICCalls getCPICCalls()
Gets SNA CPIC Calls object. All CPIC functions are grouped under this node. Note: The CPIC functions use the same name as their corresponding CPIC calls but they do not have parameters in their signatures, the parameters used by the CPIC calls are stored in an instance of type SNAConversationAttributes which represents the conversation context. For the input/output parameters of each CPIC function, please refer your SNA CPIC manual for details.

SNACPICCalls object


void setState(java.lang.String stateValue)
              throws SNAApplicationException
Sets the State. The state is a String variable exposed to users. Users can use it on their desires. The scope of this variable is controlled by the configuration parameter "Scope Of State" (see the configuration gui for details). Initially the state variable has value null.

stateValue - The state value to set.
SNAApplicationException - up on an error


java.lang.String getState()
Gets the State value. The state is a String variable exposed to users. Users can use it on their desires. The scope of this variable is controlled by the configuration parameter "Scope Of State" (see the configuration gui for details). Initially the state variable has value null.

The state value.


java.lang.String getPersistentData()
                                   throws SNAApplicationException
Retrieves the data from the persistent file. The persistent data is stored in a local file whose location is controlled by the configuration parameter "Persistent Storage Location" (see the configuration gui for details). Users can use it on their desires.

A null will be returned if the persistent file doesn't exist (which means no data is persisted yet).

The persistent data as a String.
SNAApplicationException - up on an error


void setPersistentData(java.lang.String data)
                       throws SNAApplicationException
Stores the data into the persistent file. The persistent data is stored in a local file whose location is controlled by the configuration parameter "Persistent Storage Location" (see the configuration gui for details). Users can use it on their desires.

data - The persistent data to be set.
SNAApplicationException - up on an error


void setDataOut(byte[] data)
                throws SNAApplicationException
Sets the content for outgoing payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataOut. Before calling the "send()" method, this payload should be set with SNA data.

data - The outgoing payload (a byte array) to set
SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


byte[] getDataOut()
Gets the content for outgoing payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataOut. Before calling the "send()" method, this payload should be set with SNA data.

The outgoing payload (a byte array)
See Also:


byte[] getDataIn()
Gets the content for incoming payload (buffer), which is represented in the OTD as node DataIn. After calling the "recv()" method, this payload should contain SNA data. If no data can be received, this payload will contain null value.

The incoming payload (a byte array)
See Also:


void send()
          throws SNAApplicationException
Sends the outgoing payload (buffer) represented in the OTD as node DataOut into the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner TP. Uses the conversation's synchronization level to determine the confirmation. If synchronization level is CM_CONFIRM, a CPIC cmcfm will be called after the data is sent. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void send(boolean confirm)
          throws SNAApplicationException
Sends the outgoing payload (buffer) represented in the OTD as node DataOut into the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner TP with confirmation flag. When the flag is true, a CPIC cmcfm will be called after the data is sent. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

confirm - The confirmation flag
SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void recv()
          throws SNAApplicationException
Receives any data that is currently available from the partner TP into incoming payload (buffer) represented as DataIn in the OTD from the partner TP. Uses the conversation's synchronization level to determine the confirmation. If synchronization level is CM_CONFIRM, a CPIC cmcfmd will be called after the data is received. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void recv(boolean confirm)
          throws SNAApplicationException
Receives any data that is currently available from the partner TP into incoming payload (buffer) represented as DataIn in the OTD from the partner TP with confirmation flag, if the flag is true, a CPIC cmcfmd will be callled after the data is received. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

confirm - The confirmation flag
SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void changeState(java.lang.String state)
                 throws SNAApplicationException
Changes conversation state. State "SEND" notifies the partner TP that the local TP wants to send data. State "RECEIVE" changes the state of the conversation for the local TP from SEND to RECEIVE. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface,boolean).

state - The state to be changed into, the valid values are "SEND" and "RECEIVE".
SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void changeState(java.lang.String state,
                 boolean confirm)
                 throws SNAApplicationException
Changes conversation state with confirmation flag, if the flag is true, a CPIC cmcfm will be callled afterwards. State "SEND" notifies the partner TP that the local TP wants to send data. State "RECEIVE" changes the state of the conversation for the local TP from SEND to RECEIVE. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface,boolean).

state - The state to be changed into, the valid values are "SEND" and "RECEIVE".
confirm - The confirmation flag
SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void confirm()
             throws SNAApplicationException
Flushes local LU's send buffer and sends a confirmation request to the partner TP and waits for confirmation. The program can call this method only if the conversation's synchronization level is CM_CONFIRM. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void confirmed()
               throws SNAApplicationException
Replies to a confirmation request from the partner TP. It informs the partner TP that the local TP has not detected an error in the received data. Because the program issuing the confirmation request waits for a confirmation, this call synchronizes the processing of the two programs. For the general logic flow of this helper function, you may need to refer the native interface

SNAApplicationException - up on an error
See Also:


void startConversation()
                       throws SNAApplicationException
Starts the conversation manually. It is allowed/expected for "Manual" connection mode only.

SNAApplicationException - up on an error


void endConversation()
                     throws SNAApplicationException
Ends the conversation manually. It is allowed/expected for "Manual" connection mode only.

SNAApplicationException - up on an error


int getLastReturnCode()
Returns the ReturnCode value for the last SNA conversation-related function call.

The ReturnCode int value.
See Also:


int getLastConversationState()
Returns the conversation_state value for the last SNA conversation-related function call.

The conversation_state int value.
See Also:


int getLastStatus()
Returns the status_received value for the last SNA receive-related function call. Normally, it is tied to CPIC cmrcv() or helper recv() method call.

The status_received int value.
See Also:

Sun Adapter for SNA LU62 API

Copyright © 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.