8 Upgrading and Updating Ops Center

Ops Center upgrade and update functionality lets you perform the following tasks:

About Upgrading and Updating

When upgrading or updating the software, you must apply the upgrades or updates in the following order:

  1. Enterprise Controller – Upgrading or updating the Enterprise Controller also upgrades or updates the co-located Proxy Controller.

  2. Remote Proxy Controllers

  3. Agent Controllers

Upgrading From Version 2.5

If you are using Ops Center Version 2.5, you can upgrade directly to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1. This upgrade must be performed using the command line.

In order to perform the upgrade, the original install directory must be available. If it is not, it must be restored before performing the operation.


The upgrade will preserve all data with the exception of notifications. All notifications in the UI for all users are deleted by the upgrade process.

Updating Ops Center

If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1, you can update to the latest available update.

Updates are typically performed through the UI; however, you can apply upgrades manually from the command line. In connected mode, you can update the Enterprise Controller through the UI or through the command line. In disconnected mode, you must use the command line to update the Enterprise Controller. In either connection mode, you can update remote Proxy Controllers and Agents through the UI.

The Enterprise Controller update uses the satadm backup command to back up Ops Center data before performing the upgrade.

Each update bundle contains the previous update bundles, so you only need to download and apply the most recent update in order to update your system.

Upgrading to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 on Oracle Solaris

If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center version, you can upgrade the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controllers to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 using an installation and upgrade bundle.

The upgrade stops the services on the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller, then backs up the current data. The Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 packages are installed, and the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller services are restored to their initial state.

If the upgrade fails, the newly installed material is removed, and the product is reinstalled using the version 2.5 installer. The Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller is then restored using the backup file.


Some data is not preserved by the upgrade process. Notifications and historical asset data such as power and memory use will be lost.

Before You Begin

Perform the following tasks before beginning the upgrade:

  1. Review the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Release Notes for pre-installation requirements and known issues.

  2. Verify that your system meets the system requirements outlined in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Site Preparation Guide, since some system requirements have changed.

    You can use the OC Doctor to check system requirements. See http://java.net/projects/oc-doctor for more information about the OC Doctor.

  3. Back up the Enterprise Controller. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for more information.

  4. Log in to the Enterprise Controller and verify that all Proxy Controllers and Agent Controllers are online. If necessary, stop and restart any Agent Controllers that are not online using the agentadm command.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, this command is in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, this command is in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # agentadm stop; sleep 30; agentadm start

      It may take 5-10 minutes for the Agent Controller's online status to be displayed in the UI. Agent Controllers that are not online when the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controllers are upgraded might only be upgradable after SSH credentials are supplied.

  5. Stop and then restart the Enterprise Controller using the satadm command. If the co-located Proxy Controller and local Agent Controller are enabled and configured, stop and restart them as well using the proxyadm and agentadm commands.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, these commands are in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, these commands are in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # ./satadm stop -w -v
      # ./proxyadm stop -w -v
      # ./agentadm stop
      # netstat -na | grep -i TIME

      Repeat until all connections are fully closed.

      # ./satadm start -w -v
      # ./proxyadm start -w -v
      # ./agentadm start
  6. Stop and then restart each remote Proxy Controllers using the proxyadm command. If the local Agent Controller is configured, stop and restart it as well.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, these commands are in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, these commands are in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # ./proxyadm stop -w -v
      # ./agentadm stop
      # netstat -na | grep -i TIME

      Repeat until all connections are fully closed.

      # ./proxyadm start -w -v
      # ./agentadm start
  7. Acquire the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller installation bundles and copy them to the appropriate systems. To get these bundles, contact Oracle Support or download them using the UI.

To perform the upgrade, the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory must be present. This directory is used to back out the upgrade changes if the upgrade fails. If you have removed this directory, you must provide the location of the installation media during the upgrade.


Several existing features are affected by the upgrade. Review the Release Notes and the entirety of this document before upgrading.


If you made changes to the uce.rc file, your changes will be erased by the upgrade. Copy your changes to the .uce.rc file before beginning the upgrade.


If you replaced the self-signed web server certificate for the Enterprise Controller, the upgrade will erase your web server configuration changes, and might erase the certificate. Copy the certificate to a safe location before beginning the upgrade. After the upgrade, reapply your configuration changes and copy the certificate to its original location.

Downloading Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller Upgrade Bundles

You can download the upgrade bundles through the UI.


You cannot download the Proxy Controller bundle until you have downloaded and applied the Enterprise Controller bundle.
  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Ops Center Updates in the Actions pane. The Ops Center Updates wizard is displayed.

  3. Select one or more upgrades from the list, then click Next. The View License page is displayed.

  4. Accept the license and click Next. The Update Download page is displayed.

  5. Confirm your selections and click Download. The Summary page is displayed.

  6. Click Finish. The selected Update Bundles are downloaded.

Performing the Upgrade

Upgrade your systems in the following order.

  1. Upgrade the Enterprise Controller. This will also upgrade the co-located Proxy Controller.

  2. Upgrade the separate Proxy Controllers.

  3. Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks.

  4. Upgrade the Agent Controllers through the UI or manually.

If your data center is large, you can upgrade your Proxy Controllers one at a time. To do so, upgrade your systems in the following order.

  1. Upgrade the Enterprise Controller.

  2. Upgrade one Proxy Controller.

  3. Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks.

  4. Upgrade the Agent Controllers managed by the upgraded Proxy Controller.

  5. Upgrade the next Proxy Controller.

  6. Upgrade the Agent Controllers managed by the upgraded Proxy Controller.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each Proxy Controller.

In either scenario, once you have begun the upgrade, complete it as soon as possible. Do not allow the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controllers to be restarted before all systems have been upgraded.

Upgrade log files are stored in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state directory on the Enterprise Controller.

To Upgrade an Enterprise Controller

You can upgrade an Enterprise Controller from Ops Center to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1. The co-located Proxy Controller will be upgraded as well.

The Enterprise Controller upgrade log will be saved locally as /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/update_satellite_bundle_<version number>/updatelog.txt.

If an error occurs during this process, the system will be restored to version 2.5.


During the upgrade process, the Enterprise Controller will be shut down. This might cause any jobs that are currently running on the Enterprise Controller to be canceled and marked as failed. However, the Enterprise Controller must be online at the beginning of the process.
  1. Download or acquire the Enterprise Controller installation bundle.

  2. As root, log in to the Enterprise Controller.

  3. Use the satadm command to verify that the Enterprise Controller is online. If necessary, use the satadm start -w command to start Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center services.

    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/satadm status
  4. Create a temporary directory on your system, then copy or move the installation bundle to the temporary directory that you created. The Enterprise Controller upgrade requires 5 Gbytes of free space.

    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC/upgrade
    # cp enterprise-controller.SunOS.i386. /var/tmp/OC/upgrade

    If you downloaded the Enterprise Controller upgrade through the UI, the bundle will be found in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/productUpdate directory on the Enterprise Controller system.

  5. Change to the directory containing the installation bundle.

    # cd /var/tmp/OC/upgrade
  6. Use the gzcat and tar commands to uncompress and un-tar the upgrade bundle.

    # gzcat enterprise-controller.SunOS.i386. | tar xf -
  7. Change to the xvmoc_full_bundle directory and run the install script.

    # cd xvmoc_full_bundle
    # ./install

    The following options may be used with the install script:

    • --install <version 2.5 install bundle path>or-i <version 2.5 install bundle path> – If you removed the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory, you must use this option to specify the location of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 install bundle. If the directory is present, this option is unnecessary. When the upgrade is complete, the install script indicates that all components have been upgraded.

  8. Clear your browser cache. Cached data from the earlier version can cause Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to display incorrectly. Refreshing or logging out and logging in will not clear this data.

To Upgrade a Proxy Controller

Once you have upgraded your Enterprise Controller, you can upgrade any Proxy Controllers. The co-located Proxy Controller, if enabled, is upgraded along with the Enterprise Controller, but separate Proxy Controllers must be upgraded separately.

The Proxy Controller upgrade log will be saved locally as /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/update_proxy_bundle_<version number>/updatelog.txt.

If an error occurs during this process, the system will be restored to version 2.5.


During the upgrade process, the Proxy Controller will be shut down. However, the Proxy Controller must be online at the beginning of the process.
  1. Download or acquire the Proxy Controller upgrade bundle.

  2. As root, log in to the Proxy Controller.

  3. Back up the contents of the /etc/opt/sun/cacao2/instances/scn-proxy/security/ directory.

  4. Use the proxyadm command to verify that the Proxy Controller is online. If necessary, use the proxyadm start -w command to start Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center services.

    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/proxyadm status
  5. Create a temporary directory on your system, then copy or move the installation bundle to the temporary directory that you created. The Proxy Controller upgrade requires 2 Gbytes of free space.

    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC/upgrade
    # cp proxy-controller.SunOS.i386. /var/tmp/OC/upgrade

    If you downloaded the Proxy Controller installation bundle through the UI, it will be found in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/images/productUpdate directory on the Enterprise Controller system. The Proxy Controller installation bundle must be copied to the remote Proxy Controller system.

  6. Change to the directory containing the installation bundle.

    # cd /var/tmp/OC/upgrade
  7. Use the gzcat and tar commands to uncompress and un-tar the installation bundle.

    # gzcat proxy-controller.SunOS.i386. | tar xf -
  8. Change to the xvmoc_full_bundle directory and run the install script.

    # cd xvmoc_full_bundle
    # ./install

    The following options may be used with the install script:

    • --install <version 2.5 install bundle path>or-i <version 2.5 install bundle path> – If you removed the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory, you must use this option to specify the location of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 install bundle. If the directory is present, this option is unnecessary. When the upgrade is complete, the install script indicates that all components have been upgraded.

To Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks

These procedures must be performed after upgrading the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller to ensure full functionality.

Edit OS Update Profiles

OS Update Profiles from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 are preserved by the upgrade. However, OS Update Profiles in Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g are configured to use a specific network. You must edit existing OS Update Profiles to assign a network. Consider editing the name of the profile to include the network, to avoid confusion. Once you have edited the profile, edit each OS Provisioning Plan that uses the profile so that it uses the new version. Consider editing the name of the plan to match the new profile name, to avoid confusion.

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Provision and Update Guide and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Advanced User's Guide for more information.

Create Oracle VM Server for SPARC Guest Plans

In Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, you provision an Oracle VM Server for SPARC guest using a SPARC OS Profile and a Guest Plan, which are incorporated into a composite plan. The upgrade preserves OS profiles, but you must create a new Guest Plan and composite plan in order to provision.

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center User's Guide for more information.

Add My Oracle Support Credentials

You must add My Oracle Support Credentials to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center's authentications to access data from My Oracle Support.

See Editing Authentications for more information.

Review the Release Notes

Review the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Release Notes. Upgrade issues that may affect your systems are documented there.

To Upgrade Agents Using the User Interface

You can upgrade Agents using the UI. Before you upgrade an Agent, you must upgrade the Proxy Controller that manages it.

  1. Log in to the UI.

  2. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  3. Select Agent Controllers in the Center pane.

  4. Select the Agents, then click the Upgrade to Latest Available Version icon. The Upgrade Agents window is displayed.

  5. Select an upgrade option for the system or systems to be upgraded.

    • The Upgrade without requiring SSH credentials option lets you upgrade version 2.5 Agent Controllers without using SSH credentials.

    • The Apply the Same SSH Credentials to All option prompts you for a single set of SSH credentials for all systems to be upgraded.

    • The Enter SSH credentials For Each of the Selected Hosts prompts you for a separate set of credentials for each system to be upgraded.

  6. Click Submit. A popup appears confirming that the job has been launched.

  7. Click Ok. The Agent or Agents are upgraded.

To Upgrade Agents Manually

You can upgrade Agents manually. Before you upgrade an Agent, you must upgrade the Proxy Controller that manages it.

If you are manually upgrading Agents running in non-global zones, complete these upgrade steps for any Agent running in the global zone before upgrading all of the non-global zones. The global zone and the non-global zones must all use the same Agent Controller version.

This procedure requires root access.

  1. Copy the new agent bundle from the Enterprise Controller to the client, remove the version 2.5 Agent directory, and extract the new agent bundle. For example, on Oracle Solaris Agents:

    # scp <IP of Enterprise Controller>:/var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.`uname -p`. /var/tmp
    # cd /var/tmp
    # rm -r SunConnectionAgent
    # unzip SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.`uname -p`.

    On Linux Agents:

    # scp -p <IP of Enterprise Controller>:/var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.i686. /var/tmp
    # cd /var/tmp
    # rm -r SunConnectionAgent
    # unzip SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.i686.
  2. Stop the version 2.5 Agent. For example, on Oracle Solaris Agent Controllers:

    /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm stop

    On Linux Agent Controllers:

    /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm stop
  3. Install the agent upgrade.

    # cd /var/tmp/SunConnectionAgent
    # ./install
  4. Configure the new Agent. For example, on Oracle Solaris Agents:

    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure --keep-connection

    On Linux Agents:

    /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm configure --keep-connection

    This step also starts the Agent.


    The following errors may safely be ignored. These refer to the addition of two sysidcfg scripts, which are already present from a prior agentadm configure step, such as from the original version 2.5 agent installation and configuration. The correct sysidcfg scripts will be called properly by sysidcfg.
    Failed to add the zone configuration automation.
    Failed to add the service tags recreate script.
  5. Verify the connection.

    # sc-console list-connections
    scn-agent urn:scn:clregid:1234567-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789abc:YYYYMMDDHHMMSSss

Upgrading to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 on Linux

If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center version, you can upgrade the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controllers to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 using an installation and upgrade bundle.

The upgrade stops the services on the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller, then backs up the current data. The Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 packages are installed, and the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller services are restored to their initial state.

If the upgrade fails, the newly installed material is removed, and the product is reinstalled using the version 2.5 installer. The Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller is then restored using the backup file.


Some data is not preserved by the upgrade process. Notifications and historical asset data such as power and memory use will be lost.

Before You Begin

Perform the following tasks before beginning the upgrade:

  1. Review the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Release Notes for pre-installation requirements and known issues.

  2. Verify that your system meets the system requirements outlined in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Site Preparation Guide, since some system requirements have changed.

    You can use the OC Doctor to check system requirements. See http://java.net/projects/oc-doctor for more information about the OC Doctor.

  3. Back up the Enterprise Controller. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for more information.

  4. Log in to the Enterprise Controller and verify that all Proxy Controllers and Agent Controllers are online. If necessary, stop and restart any Agent Controllers that are not online using the agentadm command.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, this command is in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, this command is in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # agentadm stop; sleep 30; agentadm start

      It may take 5-10 minutes for the Agent Controller's online status to be displayed in the UI. Agent Controllers that are not online when the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controllers are upgraded might only be upgradable after SSH credentials are supplied.

  5. Stop and then restart the Enterprise Controller using the satadm command. If the co-located Proxy Controller and local Agent Controller are enabled and configured, stop and restart them as well using the proxyadm and agentadm commands.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, these commands are in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, these commands are in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # ./satadm stop -w -v
      # ./proxyadm stop -w -v
      # ./agentadm stop
      # netstat -na | grep -i TIME

      Repeat until all connections are fully closed.

      # ./satadm start -w -v
      # ./proxyadm start -w -v
      # ./agentadm start
  6. Stop and then restart each remote Proxy Controllers using the proxyadm command. If the local Agent Controller is configured, stop and restart it as well.

    • On Oracle Solaris systems, these commands are in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

    • On Linux systems, these commands are in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

      # ./proxyadm stop -w -v
      # ./agentadm stop
      # netstat -na | grep -i TIME

      Repeat until all connections are fully closed.

      # ./proxyadm start -w -v
      # ./agentadm start
  7. Acquire the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1 Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller installation bundles and copy them to the appropriate systems. To get these bundles, contact Oracle Support or download them using the UI.

To perform the upgrade, the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory must be present. This directory is used to back out the upgrade changes if the upgrade fails. If you have removed this directory, you must provide the location of the installation media during the upgrade.


Several existing features are affected by the upgrade. Review the Release Notes and the entirety of this document before upgrading.


If you made changes to the uce.rc file, your changes will be erased by the upgrade. Copy your changes to the .uce.rc file before beginning the upgrade.


If you replaced the self-signed web server certificate for the Enterprise Controller, the upgrade will erase your web server configuration changes, and might erase the certificate. Copy the certificate to a safe location before beginning the upgrade. After the upgrade, reapply your configuration changes and copy the certificate to its original location.

Downloading Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller Upgrade Bundles

You can download the upgrade bundles through the UI.


You cannot download the Proxy Controller bundle until you have downloaded and applied the Enterprise Controller bundle.
  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Ops Center Updates in the Actions pane. The Ops Center Updates wizard is displayed.

  3. Select one or more upgrades from the list, then click Next. The View License page is displayed.

  4. Accept the license and click Next. The Update Download page is displayed.

  5. Confirm your selections and click Download. The Summary page is displayed.

  6. Click Finish. The selected Update Bundles are downloaded.

Performing the Upgrade

Upgrade your systems in the following order.

  1. Upgrade the Enterprise Controller. This will also upgrade the co-located Proxy Controller.

  2. Upgrade the separate Proxy Controllers.

  3. Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks.

  4. Upgrade the Agent Controllers through the UI or manually.

If your data center is large, you can upgrade your Proxy Controllers one at a time. To do so, upgrade your systems in the following order.

  1. Upgrade the Enterprise Controller.

  2. Upgrade one Proxy Controller.

  3. Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks.

  4. Upgrade the Agent Controllers managed by the upgraded Proxy Controller.

  5. Upgrade the next Proxy Controller.

  6. Upgrade the Agent Controllers managed by the upgraded Proxy Controller.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each Proxy Controller.

In either scenario, once you have begun the upgrade, complete it as soon as possible. Do not allow the Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controllers to be restarted before all systems have been upgraded.

Upgrade log files are stored in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state directory on the Enterprise Controller.

To Upgrade an Enterprise Controller

You can upgrade an Enterprise Controller from Ops Center to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center Release 1. The co-located Proxy Controller will be upgraded as well.

The Enterprise Controller upgrade log will be saved locally as /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/update_satellite_bundle_<version number>/updatelog.txt.

If an error occurs during this process, the system will be restored to version 2.5.


During the upgrade process, the Enterprise Controller will be shut down. This might cause any jobs that are currently running on the Enterprise Controller to be canceled and marked as failed. However, the Enterprise Controller must be online at the beginning of the process.
  1. Acquire the Enterprise Controller upgrade bundle.

  2. As root, log in to the Enterprise Controller.

  3. Use the satadm command to verify that the Enterprise Controller is online. If necessary, use the satadm start -w command to start Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center services.

    # /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/satadm status
  4. Create a temporary directory on your system, then copy or move the update bundle to the temporary directory that you created. The Enterprise Controller upgrade requires 5 GB of free space.

    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC/update
    # cp enterprise-controller.Linux.i686. /var/tmp/OC/update
  5. Change to the directory containing the update bundle.

    # cd /var/tmp/OC/update
  6. Use the gunzip and tar commands to uncompress and un-tar the update bundle. Note that the following command example retains the original compressed archive file.

    # gunzip enterprise-controller.Linux.i686.
    # tar xf enterprise-controller.Linux.i686.
  7. Change to the xvmoc_full_bundle directory and run the install script.

    # cd xvmoc_full_bundle
    # ./install

    The following options may be used with the install script:

    • --install <version 2.5 install bundle path>or-i <version 2.5 install bundle path> – If you removed the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory, you must use this option to specify the location of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 install bundle. If the directory is present, this option is unnecessary. When the upgrade is complete, the install script indicates that all components have been upgraded.

  8. Restart or Shift-Reload your browser if it is running. Cached data from the earlier version can cause Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to display incorrectly. Refreshing or logging out and logging in will not clear this data.

To Upgrade a Proxy Controller

Once you have upgraded your Enterprise Controller, you can upgrade any Proxy Controllers. The co-located Proxy Controller, if enabled, is upgraded along with the Enterprise Controller, but separate Proxy Controllers must be upgraded separately.

The Proxy Controller upgrade log will be saved locally as /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/update_proxy_bundle_<version number>/updatelog.txt.

If an error occurs during this process, the system will be restored to version 2.5.


During the upgrade process, the Proxy Controller will be shut down. However, the Proxy Controller must be online at the beginning of the process.
  1. Acquire the Proxy Controller upgrade bundle.

  2. As root, log in to the Proxy Controller.

  3. Back up the contents of the /etc/cacao/instances/scn-proxy/security/ directory.

  4. Use the proxyadm command to verify that the Proxy Controller is online. If necessary, use the proxyadm start -w command to start Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center services.

    # /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/proxyadm status
  5. Create a temporary directory on your system, then copy or move the update bundle to the temporary directory that you created. The Proxy Controller upgrade requires 2 GB of free space.

    # mkdir /var/tmp/OC/update
    # cp proxy-controller.Linux.i686. /var/tmp/OC/update
  6. Change to the directory containing the update bundle.

    # cd /var/tmp/OC/update
  7. Use the gunzip and tar commands to uncompress and un-tar the update bundle. Note that the following command example retains the original compressed archive file.

    # gunzip proxy-controller.Linux.i686.
    # tar xf proxy-controller.Linux.i686.
  8. Change to the xvmoc_full_bundle directory and run the install script.

    # cd xvmoc_full_bundle
    # ./install

    The following options may be used with the install script:

    • --install <version 2.5 install bundle path>or-i <version 2.5 install bundle path> – If you removed the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/ directory, you must use this option to specify the location of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 install bundle. If the directory is present, this option is unnecessary. When the upgrade is complete, the install script indicates that all components have been upgraded.

To Perform Post-Upgrade Tasks

These procedures must be performed after upgrading the Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller to ensure full functionality.

Edit OS Update Profiles

OS Update Profiles from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 2.5 are preserved by the upgrade. However, OS Update Profiles in Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g are configured to use a specific network. You must edit existing OS Update Profiles to assign a network. Consider editing the name of the profile to include the network, to avoid confusion. Once you have edited the profile, edit each OS Provisioning Plan that uses the profile so that it uses the new version. Consider editing the name of the plan to match the new profile name, to avoid confusion.

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Provision and Update Guide and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Advanced User's Guide for more information.

Create Oracle VM Server for SPARC Guest Plans

In Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, you provision an Oracle VM Server for SPARC guest using a SPARC OS Profile and a Guest Plan, which are incorporated into a composite plan. The upgrade preserves OS profiles, but you must create a new Guest Plan and composite plan in order to provision.

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center User's Guide for more information.

Add My Oracle Support Credentials

You must add My Oracle Support Credentials to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center's authentications to access data from My Oracle Support.

See Editing Authentications for more information.

Review the Release Notes

Review the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Release Notes. Upgrade issues that may affect your systems are documented there.

To Upgrade Agents Using the User Interface

You can upgrade Agents using the UI. Before you upgrade an Agent, you must upgrade the Proxy Controller that manages it.

  1. Log in to the UI.

  2. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  3. Select Agent Controllers in the Center pane.

  4. Select the Agents, then click the Upgrade to Latest Available Version icon. The Upgrade Agents window is displayed.

  5. Select an upgrade option for the system or systems to be upgraded.

    • The Upgrade without requiring SSH credentials option lets you upgrade version 2.5 Agent Controllers without using SSH credentials.

    • The Apply the Same SSH Credentials to All option prompts you for a single set of SSH credentials for all systems to be upgraded.

    • The Enter SSH credentials For Each of the Selected Hosts prompts you for a separate set of credentials for each system to be upgraded.

  6. Click Submit. A popup appears confirming that the job has been launched.

  7. Click Ok. The Agent or Agents are upgraded.

Upgrading Agents Manually

You can upgrade Agents manually. Before you upgrade an Agent, you must upgrade the Proxy Controller that manages it.

If you are manually upgrading Agents running in non-global zones, complete these upgrade steps for any Agent running in the global zone before upgrading all of the non-global zones. The global zone and the non-global zones must all use the same Agent Controller version.

This procedure requires root access.

  1. Copy the new agent bundle from the Enterprise Controller to the client, remove the version 2.5 Agent directory, and extract the new agent bundle. For example, on Oracle Solaris Agents:

    # scp <IP of Enterprise Controller>:/var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.`uname -p`. /var/tmp
    # cd /var/tmp
    # rm -r SunConnectionAgent
    # unzip SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.`uname -p`.

    On Linux Agents:

    # scp -p <IP of Enterprise Controller>:/var/opt/sun/xvm/images/agent/SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.i686. /var/tmp
    # cd /var/tmp
    # rm -r SunConnectionAgent
    # unzip SunConnectionAgent.`uname -s`.i686.
  2. Stop the version 2.5 Agent. For example, on Oracle Solaris Agent Controllers:

    /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm stop

    On Linux Agent Controllers:

    /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm stop
  3. Install the Agent update.

    # cd /var/tmp/SunConnectionAgent
    # ./install
  4. Configure the new Agent. For example, on Solaris Agents:

    # /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/agentadm configure --keep-connection

    On Linux Agents:

    /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/agentadm configure --keep-connection

    This step also starts the Agent.


    The following errors may safely be ignored. These refer to the addition of two sysidcfg scripts, which are already present from a prior agentadm configure step, such as from the original version 2.5 Agent installation and configuration. The correct sysidcfg scripts will still be called properly by sysidcfg.
    Failed to add the zone configuration automation.
    Failed to add the service tags recreate script.
  5. Verify the connection.

    # sc-console list-connections
    scn-agent urn:scn:clregid:1234567-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789abc:YYYYMMDDHHMMSSss