17.9.2 Creating the Exalogic Top-Level Group

To create a top-level group for Exalogic machine assets, complete the following steps:

  1. On the right navigation pane named Actions, click Create Group under Organize. The Configure/Modify Group screen is displayed.

  2. In the Configure Group screen, in the Group Name field, enter a name for the new Exalogic group. For example, enter Exalogic. Enter a description in the Description field. Select the Top Level (Root) option as Location. See Figure 17-4.


    When you are naming your group, you can also specify the host name of an Exalogic rack. For example, you can enter Exalogic el01 as a group name.

  3. After entering the group information and selecting the location, click Next. The Summary screen is displayed, as in Figure 17-5.

    Figure 17-5 Group Summary Screen

    Description of Figure 17-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 17-5 Group Summary Screen"
  4. On the Summary screen, click Finish. The Exalogic group is created at the top-level (root).