F.3 Create a Solaris Zone

This section describes how to create a Solaris zone. This section contains the following topics:

F.3.1 Prerequisites

Before creating a Solaris zone, you should perform the following tasks:

F.3.1.1 Create an iSCSI Target

You can create an iSCSI target by doing the following:

  1. Log in to the storage appliance BUI as the root user.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click SAN.
  4. Click iSCSI Targets.
  5. To create a new iSCSI target, click the plus button next to iSCSI Targets.

    The New iSCSI Target dialog box appears.

  6. For the Target IQN, select the Auto-assign option.
  7. In the Alias field, enter a name for your iSCSI target.
  8. For the Initiator authentication mode, select the authentication mode you are using for communication between the compute node and storage appliance. By default, no authentication is used.


    For more information on setting up CHAP authentication between the compute node and storage, see the "Setting Up CHAP Authentication" topic in the following document: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/sun-unified-storage/documentation/iscsi-quickstart-v1-2-051512-1641594.pdf

  9. From the Network interfaces list, select the interface that corresponds to your InfiniBand partition. You can identify the interface by logging in to the storage appliance and running configuration net interfaces show. If there are no partitions defined, identify the interface for the label IB_Interface.
  10. Click OK.
  11. You can add the iSCSI target to an iSCSI target group by dragging and dropping the target to a iSCSI target group in the iSCSI Target Groups panel on the right. If required, you can create a new iSCSI target group by dragging and dropping the target to the top of iSCSI Target Groups panel on the right.

F.3.1.2 Create an iSCSI Initiator

You can create an iSCSI initiator by doing the following:

  1. Before you can create an iSCSI initiator, you must identify an initiator IQN. The initiator IQN is a unique reference number associated with a specific compute node. To find the initiator IQN for a compute node, do the following:

    1. Log in to an Exalogic compute node.

    2. Run the iscsiadm list initiator-node command as follows:

      # iscsiadm list initiator-node
      Initiator node name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:e00000000000.51891a8b
      Initiator node alias: el01cn01
              Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Header Digest: NONE/-
                      Data Digest: NONE/-
                      Max Connections: 65535/-
              Authentication Type: NONE
              RADIUS Server: NONE
              RADIUS Access: disabled
              Tunable Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Session Login Response Time: 60/-
                      Maximum Connection Retry Time: 180/-
                      Login Retry Time Interval: 60/-
              Configured Sessions: 1

      In this example, the initiator IQN is:


  2. Log in to the storage appliance BUI as the root user.

  3. Click the Configuration tab.

  4. Click SAN.

  5. Click Initiators.

  6. Click iSCSI Initiators.

  7. Click the plus button next to iSCSI Initiators to create a new iSCSI initiator.

  8. In the Initiator IQN field, enter the initiator IQN you identified in step 1.

  9. In the Alias field, enter a name for the iSCSI initiator you are creating.

  10. If you are using CHAP authentication, select the Use CHAP check box and fill in the Initiator CHAP name and Initiator CHAP secret fields as you did in Create an iSCSI Target.


    For more information on setting up CHAP authentication between the compute node and storage appliance, see the "Setting Up CHAP Authentication" topic in the following document: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/sun-unified-storage/documentation/iscsi-quickstart-v1-2-051512-1641594.pdf

  11. Click OK.

  12. Add the iSCSI initiator to an iSCSI initiator group by dragging and dropping the initiator.

    If required, you can create a new iSCSI initiator group.

F.3.1.3 Create the Project and LUN

You can create the project and LUN by doing the following:

  1. Create a project as described in Create Custom Projects.

  2. You can create the LUN by doing the following:

    1. Next to the Project, click Shares.

    2. Click LUNs.

      The list of LUNs appears.

    3. Click the plus button next to LUNs.

    4. In the Project field, select the project you created in step 1.

    5. In the Name field, enter a name for the LUN.

    6. Enter the size of the volume in GB.

    7. Select Thin provisioned.

    8. Set the Volume block size as 32k.

    9. In the Target Group field, select the target group you used in Create an iSCSI Target.

    10. In the Initiator Group field, select the initiator group you used in Create an iSCSI Initiator.

    11. Click Apply.

    12. Note the GUID of the LUN you created in the list of LUNs. For example, g600144f09c96cca900005190bfc4000a.


    After creating the LUN, ensure that the Write cache enabled check box is deselected. You can find this check box in the Protocols tab of the LUN.

F.3.1.4 Disable the Write Cache

You must disable the write cache on the LUN permanently by doing the following:

  1. Log in to the compute node for which you identified the initiator node name as described in Create an iSCSI Initiator.
  2. Edit the /kernel/drv/sd.conf file.
  3. Add the following to the sd.conf file:
    sd-config-list="SUN     ZFS Storage 7120","write-cache-disable",
                   "SUN     ZFS Storage 7320","write-cache-disable",
                   "SUN     ZFS Storage 7420","write-cache-disable",
                   "SUN     ZFS Storage 7335","write-cache-disable";
  4. Restart the compute node by running the reboot command.

F.3.1.5 Format the LUN

Before the compute node can use the LUN, you must format the LUN. You can format the LUN by doing the following:

  1. Log in to a compute node as the root user.

  2. Run the iscsiadm commands to discover the iSCSI targets from the compute node:

    # iscsiadm add discovery-address IPoIB_address_of_the_storage_appliance
    # iscsiadm modify discovery -t enable

    In this example, IPoIB_address_of_the_storage_appliance is the IP address of the storage appliance on the IPoIB network.

  3. Run the following command to load drivers, attach device instances, create logical links to device nodes, and load the device policy for iSCSI:

    # devfsadm -c iscsi
  4. Identify the disk you should format and label by running echo | format as follows:

    # echo | format
    Searching for disks...done
           0. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDEB10005d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
           1. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDF100006d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
           2. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDFB60007d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
           3. c0t600144F09C96CCA900005190BFC4000Ad0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0 cyl 8352 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
           4. c7t0d0 <LSI-MR9261-8i-2.12-28.87GB>
    Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):

    The value after /scsi_vhci/disk@g is the GUID of the LUN you created in Create the Project and LUN. In this example, the disk c0t600144F09C96CCA900005190BFC4000Ad0 with the GUID g600144f09c96cca900005190bfc4000a should be formatted and labelled.

  5. Format the disk by doing the following:

    1. Run the format command to start formatting the disk as follows:

      # format -e c0t600144F09C96CCA900005190BFC4000Ad0
      selecting c0t600144F09C96CCA900005190BFC4000Ad0
      [disk formatted]

      The format prompt appears.

    2. Enter fdisk to manipulate the partition tables as follows:

      format> fdisk
      No fdisk table exists. The default partition for the disk is:
        a 100% "SOLARIS System" partition
    3. When prompted, enter n to edit the partition table.

      Type "y" to accept the default partition, otherwise type "n" to edit the
      partition table. n
    4. Enter 1 to set the partition type.

    5. Enter f to set the partition type as EFI (Protective) as follows:

      Select the partition type to create:
         1=SOLARIS2   2=UNIX      3=PCIXOS     4=Other        5=DOS12
         6=DOS16      7=DOSEXT    8=DOSBIG     9=DOS16LBA     A=x86 Boot
         B=Diagnostic C=FAT32     D=FAT32LBA   E=DOSEXTLBA    F=EFI (Protective)
         G=EFI_SYS    0=Exit? f
  6. Label the LUN by doing the following:

    1. Enter 6 to label the LUN.

      The format prompt appears.

    2. Enter label to label the disk as follows:

      format> label

      The list of label types appears.

    3. Enter 1 to specify the label type as an EFI label as follows:

      [0] SMI Label
      [1] EFI Label
      Specify Label type[1]: 1

      A confirmation message appears.

    4. Enter y to continue.

    5. Enter quit to exit the format prompt.

    6. You can use the format command to ensure the disk is available and the same size you specified in the storage appliance BUI as follows:

      # format
      Searching for disks...done
             0. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDEB10005d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
             1. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDF100006d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
             2. c0t600144F09C96CCA90000518CDFB60007d0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
             3. c0t600144F09C96CCA900005190BFC4000Ad0 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7320-1.0-64.00GB>
             4. c7t0d0 <LSI-MR9261-8i-2.12-28.87GB>
      Specify disk (enter its number):

F.3.1.6 Set Up the Exclusive 10 GbE Network for the Zone

The zone you want to create should be given access to an exclusive network. You should create the necessary VNICs for the zone by doing the following:

  1. Create a VLAN and VNIC. Follow the procedure in Oracle Solaris: Creating VNICs and Associating Them with VLANs..
  2. Log in to the compute node as the root user.
  3. Run the dladm show-phys command to identify the physical links of the EoIB devices as in the following example:
    # dladm show-phys 
    LINK              MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
    net6              Infiniband           up         32000  unknown   ibp1
    net0              Ethernet             up         1000   full      igb0
    net1              Ethernet             unknown    0      unknown   igb1
    net3              Ethernet             unknown    0      unknown   igb3
    net4              Ethernet             up         10     full      usbecm0
    net8              Ethernet             up         10000  full      eoib1
    net2              Ethernet             unknown    0      unknown   igb2
    net5              Infiniband           up         32000  unknown   ibp0
    net9              Ethernet             up         10000  full      eoib0

    In this example, net8 and net9 are the physical links of the EoIB devices.

  4. Create a VNIC on the compute node for the first physical link using the dladm create-vnic command as follows:
    # dladm create-vnic -l link_of_eoib0 -v VLAN_ID vnic1_name


    # dladm create-vnic -l net9 -v 1706 vnic3_1706
  5. Create a VNIC for the second physical link using the dladm create-vnic command as follows:
    # dladm create-vnic -l link_of_eoib1 -v VLAN_ID vnic2_name


    # dladm create-vnic -l net8 -v 1706 vnic2_1706

F.3.2 Set Up a Solaris Zone

With the storage appliance prepared, you can store the zone on the storage appliance and set up additional bonded network on the 10 GbE Exalogic client network exclusively for the zone.

You can set up the solaris zone by doing the following:

  1. Create a Zone

  2. Install and Boot Up the Zone

F.3.2.1 Create a Zone

You can create a zone by doing the following:

  1. Log in to the compute node as the root user.
  2. Run the zonecfg command to configure the zone as follows:
    # zonecfg -z zone_name


    # zonecfg -z zone04
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.

    In this example, the name of the zone you are creating is zone04.

  3. Enter create to begin configuring the zone:
    zonecfg:zone04 create
    create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
  4. Create the zone by running the following commands:
    zonecfg:zone04> set zonepath=/zones/zone04
    zonecfg:zone04> add rootzpool 
    zonecfg:zone04:rootzpool> add storage iscsi://IPoIB_Address_of_the_storage_Appliance/luname.naa.LUNGUID
    zonecfg:zone04:rootzpool> end
    zonecfg:zone04> remove anet
    zonecfg:zone04> add net
    zonecfg:zone04:net> set physical=vnic1_name
    zonecfg:zone04:net> end
    zonecfg:zone04> add net
    zonecfg:zone04:net> set physical=vnic2_name
    zonecfg:zone04:net> end
    zonecfg:zone04> verify
    zonecfg:zone04> commit

    In this example:


    zonecfg:zone04> set zonepath=/zones/zone04
    zonecfg:zone04> add rootzpool 
    zonecfg:zone04:rootzpool> add storage iscsi://
    zonecfg:zone04:rootzpool> end
    zonecfg:zone04> remove anet
    zonecfg:zone04> add net
    zonecfg:zone04:net> set physical=vnic2_1706
    zonecfg:zone04:net> end
    zonecfg:zone04> add net
    zonecfg:zone04:net> set physical=vnic3_1706
    zonecfg:zone04:net> end
    zonecfg:zone04> verify
    zonecfg:zone04> commit
  5. You can verify the details of the zone by running the info command as follows:
    zonecfg:zone04> info
    zonename: zone04
    zonepath: /zones/zone04
    brand: solaris
    autoboot: false
    ip-type: exclusive
        address not specified
        allowed-address not specified
        configure-allowed-address: true
        physical: vnic1_name
        defrouter not specified
        address not specified
        allowed-address not specified
        configure-allowed-address: true
        physical: vnic2_name
        defrouter not specified
        storage: iscsi://IPoIB_Address_of_the_Storage_Appliance/luname.naa.LUNGUID

F.3.2.2 Install and Boot Up the Zone

Before installing the zone, ensure that you have a repository for the Solaris installation set up stored on the storage appliance. The zone creation uses this repository to store the operating system files for the zone.

  1. Install the zone by running the command as follows:
    # zoneadm -z zone04 install
    Configured zone storage resource(s) from:
    Created zone zpool: zone04_rpool
    Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.20130513T104657Z.zone04.install
           Image: Preparing at /zones/zone04/root.
     AI Manifest: /tmp/manifest.xml.lPaGVo
      SC Profile: /usr/share/auto_install/sc_profiles/enable_sci.xml
        Zonename: zone04
    Installation: Starting ...
                  Creating IPS image
    Startup linked: 1/1 done
                  Installing packages from:
                        origin:                                     http://localhost:1008/exa-family/acbd22da328c302a86fb9f23d43f5d10f13cf5a6/
                          origin:  http://install1/release/solaris/
    DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
    Completed                            185/185   34345/34345  229.7/229.7 10.6M/s
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Installing new actions                   48269/48269
    Updating package state database                 Done 
    Updating image state                            Done 
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done 
    Installation: Succeeded
            Note: Man pages can be obtained by installing pkg:/system/manual
            Done: Installation completed in 81.509 seconds.
      Next Steps: Boot the zone, then log into the zone console (zlogin -C)
                  to complete the configuration process.
    Log saved in non-global zone as /zones/zone04/root/var/log/zones/zoneadm.20130513T104657Z.zone04.install
  2. Boot up the zone by running the following command:
    # zoneadm -z zone04 boot
  3. Once the zone has booted up, log in to the zone using the zlogin command as follows:
    # zlogin zone04
    [Connected to zone 'zone04' pts/7]
  4. Bond the VNICs you created as described in step 5 of Oracle Solaris: Creating VNICs and Associating Them with VLANs..
  5. Run the following command to display the bond you created in the previous step:
    root@zone04:~# ipadm show-addr
    ADDROBJ           TYPE     STATE        ADDR
    lo0/v4            static   ok 
    bond1/v4          static   ok 
    lo0/v6            static   ok           ::1/128

    Note the IP address of the bond you created.

  6. Run netstat -rn to display the routing table as in the following example:
    root@zone04:~# netstat -rn
    Routing Table: IPv4
      Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use     Interface 
    -------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------              UH        2          0 lo0              U         2          0 bond1     
    Routing Table: IPv6
      Destination/Mask            Gateway                   Flags Ref   Use    If   
    --------------------------- --------------------------- ----- --- ------- ----- 
    ::1                         ::1                         UH      2       0 lo0
  7. Add the IP address of the bond you noted in step 5 by running the following command:
    root@zone04:~# route -p add default IP_address_of_bond


    root@zone04:~# route -p add default
    add net default: gateway
    add persistent net default: gateway
  8. Display the routing table again to verify that the IP address of the bond was added as in the following example:
    root@zone04:~# netstat -rn
    Routing Table: IPv4
      Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use     Interface 
    -------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- --------- 
    default               UG        1          0                    UH        2          0 lo0              U         2          0 bond1     
    Routing Table: IPv6
      Destination/Mask            Gateway                   Flags Ref   Use    If   
    --------------------------- --------------------------- ----- --- ------- ----- 
    ::1                         ::1                         UH      2       0 lo0