17.17.1 Prerequisites for Using Oracle Services in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

The following are the prerequisites for using Oracle Services in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center:

  • Register your assets with My Oracle Support

  • Register your user as a My Oracle Support user in order to have access to the My Oracle Support database

  • Run Enterprise Manager Ops Center in Connected Mode

To access the database, your user must be registered as a My Oracle Support user. This is the same account that is used to access My Oracle Support at http://support.oracle.com.To register an Oracle.com account, go to https://myprofile.oracle.com/EndUser/faces/profile/createUser.jspx?tid=minimal&nextURL=https://support.oracle.com:443/CSP/ui/flash.html?login.

To determine if you are running in Connected Mode and have access to My Oracle Support, view the following connection icons in the upper right corner of the UI: