User Profiles

Table 6-1 describes the user profiles and their primary responsibilities in the Exalogic cloud environment.

Table 6-1 Roles and Responsibilities

Role Primary Responsibilities Skills Required

Root user

Super user or a data center administrator that creates the Exalogic Systems Admin user.

The user must be an experienced data center administrator.

Exalogic Systems Admin

Administers and manages the Exalogic machine platform.

The user must be familiar with Exalogic machine management, Exalogic machine network, and OS management.

Cloud Admin

Sets up the cloud infrastructure and resource allocation, so that Cloud Users can deploy their applications on to authorized Accounts.

The Cloud Admin user also manages the Cloud Users accessing the accounts and their authorization.

The user must be familiar with system administration, including virtualization, networking, and storage.

Cloud User

Uses the resources allocated to them to create Virtual Servers and deploy applications.

Cloud users are presented only with the required options in the Exalogic Control browser user interface (BUI).

The user must be familiar with hardware management, network management, virtualization, and OS management in general.