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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration
Release 12.1
Part Number E12893-04
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Functional Administrator and Functional Developer Tasks

Overview of Functional Administrator and Functional Developer Responsibilities

Oracle E-Business Suite ships two responsibilities that provide access to a subset of system administrator tasks. These tasks are primarily those setup tasks using Oracle E-Business Suite HTML-based pages.

Functional Administrator Responsibility

From the Functional Administrator responsibility you can create and/or manage the following features.

From the Security tab:

For more information on using grants and permissions, see: Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite Security, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security.

From the Core Services tab:

For information on Lookups, see: Application Utilities Lookups and Oracle Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

For information on Messages, see: Overview of Message Dictionary, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

For information on Profiles, see Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

For information on functions and menus, see: Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite Security, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security.

For information on the Caching Framework, see the section Caching Framework and the Oracle E-Business Suite Java Caching Framework Developer’s Guide available from My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1087332.1, Oracle Application Framework Release Notes, Release 12.1.3.

From the Personalization tab:

For more information on Personalization, see the section Oracle Application Personalization Framework.

For more information on File Manager, see the section Generic File Manager Access Utility (FNDGFU).

For more information on Portletization, see the section Portlet Generator.

Functional Developer Responsibility

From the Functional Developer responsibility you can create and/or manage the following features.

From the Security tab:

For more information on objects and permissions, see: Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite Security, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security and Overview of Data Security, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security.

From the Core Services tab:

For more information on using the Lookups and Messages windows, refer to the online help as well as the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide. For more information on Profiles, see Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance. For more information on functions and menus, see: Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite Security, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security. For more information on the Cache Components, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Java Caching Framework Developer’s Guide available from My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1087332.1, Oracle Application Framework Release Notes, Release 12.1.3.

Oracle Application Personalization Framework

Personalization allows you to declaratively tailor the UI look-and-feel, layout or visibility of Oracle Application Framework-based (HTML-based) pages to suit business needs or user preferences.

Durability of Oracle Application Framework personalizations is largely attributed to the declarative architecture and the object-oriented approach underlying the implementation of the page. Declarative UI component definitions are stored in the form of metadata in a database repository. Personalizations are translated into offsets from the base metadata definition and stored separately. At runtime, the applicable personalizations metadata is uploaded from the repository and layered over the base metadata definition to produce the net effect. Product upgrades and patches affect only the base metadata definition, so customer personalizations continue to function properly as applicable.

For more information on personalization in Oracle Application Framework, see the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, as well as My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1087332.1, Oracle Application Framework Release Notes, Release 12.1.3.

Oracle Application Framework comes with an administration user interface for personalizations which is available under the Functional Administrator responsibility. This interface contains the following two pages that can be used to personalize the pages of Oracle Application Framework-based applications at various personalization levels without modifying any code:

The Application Catalog page is useful for managing several personalizations across pages and applications, especially where the administrator does not have a responsibility that can access the page directly.

You can change the layout of a page by adding rows and columns to the customizable regions. You can also change the layout direction and order of contents inside these regions. You can update different elements and you can also add, create, or remove the contents from different regions.

Note: To rearrange contents across different regions, you must first remove them from their current location and then add them inside the new destination region.

To activate, inactive, or delete specific personalizations, or manage the translation of the personalizations made for the page in question, navigate to the Manage Personalization Levels page.

Depending on the type of page you selected to personalize, (configurable or non-configurable), you are automatically directed to one of the following two personalization launch pages:

Page Layout Personalization: (Configurable page). This launch page provides a boxed preview of the flexible layout structure within your page and displays controls that take you to different pages or flows where you specify and apply your actual personalizations.

Important: Page Layout Personalization: (Configurable page). This launch page provides a boxed preview of the flexible layout structure within your page and displays controls that take you to different pages or flows where you specify and apply your actual personalizations.

These parameters might not be available and the page might fail with unexpected errors. You should instead access the Personalization UI for your configurable page using the global Personalize Page link on the page itself, when the Personalize Self-service Defn profile option is enabled.

Page Hierarchy Personalization: (Non-configurable page). This launch page displays the entire structure of the selected page in a hierarchy table (HGrid), rather than as a visual boxed layout.

The Import/Export page allows you to both export meta-data to XML files, and import XML files into a MDS repository.

Both administration-level and user-level personalizations may be extracted from one database and loaded into another. This allows you the freedom to create and test personalizations in a test database before deploying the personalizations to a production instance.

Use the FND:Personalization Document Root Path (FND_PERZ_DOC_ROOT_PATH) profile option to define the root path of the current deployed environment where personalizations are exported to and imported from. We recommend you set this profile to the $APPL_TOP staging area and at the site level.


See Deploying Personalizations, Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for more information.

Caching Framework

Caching provides a powerful, flexible, easy-to-use mechanism for storing database results and other Java objects in memory for repeated usage. This mechanism minimizes expensive object initializations and database round trips, thereby improving application performance.

Application data is cached using component caches. Each component cache is identified by a name. The objects contained in a component cache are generally of the same type and share the same caching attributes. Each component cache has an associated cache loader class. The loader class has the logic for loading the cached object in case of a cache miss. When an object is requested from a component cache, if the object is found, it is returned from the cache. Otherwise, the loader is used to load the object place it in the cache.

For additional information on the Caching Framework, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Java Caching Framework Developer’s Guide, available from My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1087332.1, Oracle Application Framework Release Notes, Release 12.1.3.

Caching Framework comes with an administration user interface, which is available under the Functional Administrator responsibility. This interface contains the following three pages that can be used to implement tuning of the memory management policies and perform administrative operations:

As a general rule, cache administration should not be required unless there are some performance problems.

The Caching Framework Overview page provides a Cache Usage Summary, listing the following:

On the Tuning page, you can search for cache components and then measure the Caching Framework performance by enabling statistics for frequently-used components. The statistics provided include hits, misses, the hit/misses ratio and invalidation count for each cache component. You can also clear collected statistics, and clear the cache.

Tip: A cache 'miss' is when a requested object from a cache component is not found in the cache. To reduce the 'misses' value for a particular cache component, update the Time Out Type and Time Out After values of the cache component definition. An object is marked 'invalid' when the object has been idle beyond the idle timeout period or the object was updated, making the copy in the cache invalid. When an object is 'invalid', any subsequent get() operations on the object gets a new copy of the object from the database.

Note: Changes to the cache components definition’s Time Out Type and Time Out After values will not be put into effect until after the middle tier is bounced.

Through the Global Cache Configuration page you can update the cache statistics and cache policy for all the cache components.

Note: Enabling or disabling the statistics collection of the cache components only affects the current Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To enable/disable statistics collection in other JVMs, bounce those JVMs. The same is true for changes to the Global Idle Time profile option.