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Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13507-10
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Talent Management

Talent Management Overview (SSHR)

The following topics describe the self-service functions available in the Talent Management area. They provide information about the functionality and configuration options for each function:

Note: To grant your users access to the Training, External Training, and Training Plans functions, which were previously available from the Employee Self-Service menu, you must use the Learner Self-Service responsibility and the Learner Home and External Learning functions. For all other training functionality, see: Oracle Learning Management, Oracle Learning Management User Guide.

Oracle Performance Management is a separately licensed product. You must purchase a separate Oracle Performance Management license in addition to an Oracle Self-Service HR license to use the Appraisals, Questionnaire Administration, and Objectives Management functions.

See: Oracle Performance Management Overview, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

The following topics describe the functions available in Oracle Performance Management. They provide information about the functionality and configuration options for each function:

Using SSHR for Talent Management

Which Talent Management functions can I access from SSHR?

You can access the Competency Profile, Event and Bookings, Employee Review, Suitability Matching, Work Preferences, Education and Qualifications, Succession Planning, and Other Professional Qualifications functions from SSHR.

Important: The Appraisals and Questionnaire Administration functions are part of Oracle Performance Management. You require additional license to use these functions.

See: Oracle Performance Management Overview, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

Are employee reviews the same as appraisals?

No. The Employee Review function enables you to set up a review meeting and invite reviewers to the meeting. The Appraisals functions enable you to perform an appraisal (for example, an annual performance review) during which you can evaluate a worker's competencies, set or assess objectives, and complete a questionnaire.

What is the difference between the Education and Qualifications function and the Other Professional Qualifications function?

You use the Education and Qualifications function to identify the schools and colleges a person has attended and the qualifications they earned. For example, if an employee has a Bachelor of Arts degree, you use this function to record the qualification and the college or university the employee attended.

You use the Other Professional Qualifications function to record all other recognized qualifications. Such qualifications are typically gained in the work environment.

Can I create a competency profile using SSHR?

No. To create a competency profile, you use the forms-based interface. However, you can use SSHR to view and update a person's competency profile.

Event and Attendance Administration

Events and Bookings

The Events and Bookings function enables self-service users to create their own events such as meetings, presentations, or training days or to book themselves on existing events. The Events and Bookings function is available to both managers and workers, enabling managers to book their subordinates onto events. If a manager books a subordinate onto an event, the subordinate worker receives notification of the booking.

See also: Event and Attendance Administration, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Employee Self Service Events and Bookings
Manager Self Service Events and Bookings


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Not applicable

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Events Search Criteria Instruction PQH_EVENT_SEARCH
Events Create Button Instruction PQH_EVENT_ADDORCANCEL
Events Search And Result Header Instruction PQH_EVENT_BOOK
Manager Events Search And Result Header Instruction PQH_EVENT_MGR_SEARCH
Events Create Button Instruction PQH_EVENT_ADDORCANCEL

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Employee Reviews

The Employee Review function enables employees and managers to create or update reviews. Employees can create their own reviews and managers can create reviews for their employees. Both managers and employees can invite reviewers to attend the review. They can also remove these reviewers if necessary. They can also attach supporting documents. If the Save Attachments check box is available in the Attachments region, then they can select this option to make these attachments available in the Oracle HRMS People window. When reviewers are invited to a review or removed from a review, they receive a notification.

See: Event and Attendance Administration, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Employee Self Service Employee Review
Manager Self Service Employee Review


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Employee Review

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Not applicable

Configurable Flexfields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Suitability Matching (Self-Service)

Suitability Matching

The Suitability Matching function provides a range of competency-based methods for finding the right person for a work opportunity or finding the right work opportunity for a person. Managers and HR professionals can compare employees, applicants, and contingent workers by role, job, and position, and employees can find work opportunities that fit their competencies.

Depending on their responsibility, the default Suitability Matching page offers users multiple matching options.

Suitability Matching Options Available to Managers

The Suitability Matching page for managers displays two regions:

Note: You must select the Include Core Competencies check box to use competency requirements defined at the business group level in the Suitability Matching feature. Otherwise, the application uses the competency requirements set below the business group level.

In the Find a Person for a Work Opportunity region, the Include Core Competencies check box appears for these actions:

In the Find a Work Opportunity for a Person region, the Include Core Competencies check box appears for the Find Work Opportunities by Competency action.

When you compare current assignments, the application uses competency requirements defined for organization, job, and position of the assignment and does not consider competency requirements defined at the business group level.

In addition to these options, HR Professionals can use the Compare Succession option.

Suitability Matching Options Available to Workers

Workers can use the Suitability Matching function to compare their competencies to those of current or potential future jobs, positions or vacancies and also search for suitable work opportunities.

Using the Suitability Matching page, workers can:

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Succession planning and management is critical to the growth of an enterprise. Using the Succession Planning functionality, as an HR Professional or a manager, you can:

On the Succession Planning page, you can:

Searching for Succession Plans

You can use search criteria such as job, position, and employee to search for plans. For example, you can search for plans for the Manager job or search for plans for employee John Smith. The application provides additional search criteria, such as key role and turnover rate to search for job and position plans. You can use search criteria such as employee name, employee number, or key person, to search for an employee’s succession plans.

Some employees may have multiple succession plans. To search for multiple succession plans use the Successor search criteria. The successor for a job, position, or person is always an employee.

Viewing Plan Details

You can view the following information for a succession plan:

From the search results table, you can update or delete an existing succession plan.

See: Creating and Maintaining Succession Plans

Creating and Maintaining Succession Plans

As an HR Professional or manager, you can create and maintain succession plans for workers.

For a general introduction to succession planning, see: Succession Planning

The following sections describe how to create and update succession plans.

Creating a Succession Plan

Using the Create Succession Plan page, you can create a succession plan for a job, position, or an employee, and you can add successors. You can add multiple successors to a plan.

When creating a succession plan, you can use the following features to find suitable successors:

Creating a Succession Plan

Complete these steps to create a succession plan:

If your enterprise has set up information for job, position, and worker, then the following information appears automatically on the page:

Updating a Succession Plan

You update a succession plan to modify details such as succession dates or the readiness level. You can record your comments on the update.

Setting up Information for Succession Planning

To enable managers and HR professionals use the Succession Planning functionality, you must complete the setup tasks.

To set up information for succession planning

  1. Link the following succession planning information types to the responsibilities that users access:

    Use the Information Type Security window to link EITs to a responsibility.

    See: Setting Up Extra Information Types For a Responsibility, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

    You can link the Employee Career Management Information EIT to the Manager Self-Service responsibility to enable managers to update this extra information for employees in their hierarchy.

  2. Define the following lookup types required for succession planning:

    See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  3. Complete the extra information required for succession planning for employees, jobs, and positions using the following windows:

    See: Person Extra Information Types, HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

    See: Position Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    See: Job Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    Managers can use the Extra Information page of the Manager Self-Service responsibility to update the extra information required for succession planning for employees. You must ensure that only one extra information record exists for an employee on a specific date, irrespective of whether the extra information is entered using Oracle HRMS or Oracle SSHR.

  4. Add segments to the Add'l Succession Planning Det descriptive flexfield to capture additional information required for succession plans in your enterprise.