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Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13507-10
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Workforce Sourcing and Deployment

Workforce Sourcing and Deployment Overview

SSHR provides self-service functions within the following area of Workforce Sourcing and Deployment:

This chapter looks in detail at the self-service functions available within this area and provides information on the functionality and configuration options for each function.

Using SSHR for Workforce Sourcing and Deployment

How can I use SSHR for my workforce sourcing and deployment processes?

You can use the New Hire processes to hire applicants and to bring contingent workers to your enterprise. These processes enable you to enter data in a series of web pages and to then finally hire the applicant or contingent worker.

Can I modify these processes to suit the requirements of my enterprise

Yes. The sequence of web pages used in the New Hire processes is defined in the Workflow Builder. To modify this sequence, you can create your own version of the New Hire processes and chain together the required modules in a different sequence.

Does SSHR carry out any checks when I hire an applicant or contingent worker using the self-service interface?

As in the Professional Forms Interface, SSHR can check for any duplicate persons within the system if required. If you activate this functionality, SSHR displays a list of any possible duplicate persons.

Can I access the iRecruitment functionality using the self-service interface?

Although iRecruitment uses a self-service interface and the Oracle Applications Framework functionality, you cannot access iRecruitment directly from SSHR. To access the iRecruitment functionality, you must purchase the appropriate license.

What are the advantages to the HR Department of using SSHR?

Potential self-service activities in an HR department range from simple data entry tasks, such as updating personal and educational details, to more complex tasks, such as informing employees of their current vacation allowance and providing policy advice. With SSHR, the person making an inquiry or wanting to change their personal details can find and manage this information themselves at little administrative cost to the HR department.

How does SSHR improve the accuracy of employee data?

Employees have a vested interest in ensuring their information is accurate, for example, to ensure that their pay check is mailed to the correct address. With SSHR, employees can maintain their own data and ensure that it is correct.

How does SSHR improve a manager's access to information?

Managers using SSHR can access the information for their employees using a hierarchy tree or, if enabled, the Person Search function. Security mechanisms ensure that managers can only retrieve information for those employees to whom they have access.

In addition, the Employee Directory provides contact information for employees within the enterprise. Users can search for people using different search criteria and look up contact and organizational information.

Can I use SSHR to carry out standard HR procedures?

Yes. You can use the Manage Employment Events functionality to carry out such procedures as granting a salary increase, reassigning an employee to a new position, or terminating an employee. You can use the Workflow Builder functionality to chain different modules together to create enterprise-specific procedures.

Can workers use SSHR to apply for jobs online?

Yes. Employees and contingent workers can use the Apply for Job module to search and apply for jobs online. Search criteria includes job location and vacancy date. They can attach a resume to their job application.

Employee Demographics

Personal Information Modules

The Personal Information function enables self-service users to enter and update their own personal records. This function is integrated within Oracle Workflow. By using Oracle Workflow and the Personalization Framework, you can design a process to control which personal details a user can change or display. You can also design an approval process for any changes made by employees, workers, or managers. You use the Personal Information function to update basic details such as Marital Status, Title, First and Last Name, Addresses, and Emergency Contacts.

US Users OnlySee: Entering Disability and Veteran Status Details to Comply with OFCCP

Personalizing the Personal Information Functions

There are several personalization options available to you for the Personal Information functions. Function-specific personalizations are listed in the relevant functional documentation, however, you should note the following general points:

When users click Update in the Basic Details, Main Address, Secondary Address or Tertiary Address regions in the Personal Information page, the options to correct current details or enter new information appear in the same page or a separate page, depending on the page configuration.

Future-Dated Transactions

There are restrictions on future-dated transactions. If you submit an address change with an effective date of 6 months in the future, for example, you cannot enter another address change before the initial transaction is effective. When you display the Personal Information Overview page, you can view any future transactions by clicking the View Future Changes button. This button only appears if a future change exists.

Note: This does not apply to the Phone Number module which does not require an effective date.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Personal Information

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Not applicable

Configurable Flexfields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Basic Details

The Basic Details module records information such as a user's name and marital status.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Process Basic Details

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Basic Details Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Long Message HR_TIP_EFFECTIVE_DATE
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Long Message HR_TIP_PREFIX
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Long Message HR_TIP_SUFFIX
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Long Message HR_TIP_PREFERRED_NAME
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Long Message HR_TIP_PREVIOUS_LASTNAME
Basic Detail Update Name Entry Instruction HR_INST_BASIC_DETAILS_FORM
Basic Details Update Entry Instruction HR_PERINFO_FUTURE_CHANGES

Basic Details Action Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Action Type Instruction HR_INST_BASIC_DETAILS_TOC

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Basic Details Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Basic Detail Update Other Entry Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Detail Update Other Entry Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE

See: Configuring Flexfields

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Main Address

The Main Address module stores the worker's primary address. You cannot delete this primary addressl.

You choose how to display your address in SSHR by configuring the Personal Address Details descriptive flexfield.

Address styles for new addresses

When you enter a new address in SSHR, you must select a country. The SSHR application uses the localization code for this country to select an address style from the segment inclusion list. For example, if you select United States as the country, the application retrieves the first segment with the prefix US from the segment inclusion list. The order of the segment list determines which style is selected by the application. For example, if the segment list contains US_CUSTOM before US and US_GLB, the application chooses US_CUSTOM.

Address styles for existing addresses

If you are updating an existing address and you are not required to select a country, or if the address is read-only, the application uses the existing style. The required style must be available in the segment list.

Generic address styles

You use the GENERIC address style to provide a style for localizations without a defined style in the flex segment list. For example, if you select India (IN) as the country when entering a new address, and if no IN segment is available in the flex segment inclusion list, the application uses the GENERIC style. For this reason, you must always include a GENERIC style in the flex inclusion list.

If required, you can create your own generic style with the name GENERIC_<name>, for example, GENERIC_CUSTOM. If the application finds the GENERIC_CUSTOM style before the GENERIC style in the segment list, the application uses the custom style.

Changing Address Styles

If you change from one style to another, you may see differences between the styles and the address may not appear as expected.

For example, you enter applicant details in iRecruitment and use the US_IRC address style. This style uses the following segments:

Then you hire the applicant and display address information in SSHR using the US address style. This style uses the following segments:

Both segment1 and segment2 are included in both styles and displayed on the SSHR page. However, segment3 from the US_IRC style is not displayed because it is not included in the US style. segment4 is displayed but has no value as it was not available in the original address entry page.

Note: This behavior applies whenever you switch from a XX_xxxx style to a XX style.

For information on the Personal Address Details descriptive flexfield, see: Changing the Default National Address Styles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Process Main Address

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Main Address Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Main Address Update Long Message HR_TIP_MADDR_EFFECTIVE_DATE
Main Address Update Long Message HR_TIP_MADDR_ADDRESS_TYPE
Main Address Update Instruction HR_INST_MAIN_CORRECT_ADDRESS
Main Address Update Instruction HR_INST_MAIN_NEW_CHG_ADDRESS
Main Address Update Instruction HR_INST_VIEW_FUTURE_CHANGES

Main Address Action Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Main Address Action Type Instruction HR_INST_MAIN_ADDRESS_TOC

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Main Address Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Main Address Update Personal Address Details Address Structure
Main Address Update Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES

See: Configuring Flexfields

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Secondary Address

The Secondary Address module stores additional addresses for a self-service user. Unlike the Main Address, you can delete the Secondary Address for an individual.

For information on address styles for SSHR, see: Main Address

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Process Secondary Address

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Other Address Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Second Address Update Instruction HR_TIP_SADDR_EFFECTIVE_DATE
Second Address Update Instruction HR_TIP_SADDR_ADDRESS_TYPE
Second Address Update Instruction HR_INST_SCND_CORRECT_CHANGES
Second Address Update Instruction HR_INST_SCND_NEW_CHG_ADDRESS
Second Address Update Instruction HR_INST_VIEW_FUTURE_ADDRESS

Other Address Action Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Secondary Address Action Instruction HR_INST_SECONDARY_ADDRESS_TOC

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Other Address Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Secondary Address Update Personal Address Information Address Structure
Secondary Address Update Additional Address Details PER ADDRESSES

See: Configuring Flexfields

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Phone Numbers

The Phone Numbers module stores the telephone information for an self-service user.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Process Phone Numbers

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Personal Information Overview Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Phone Numbers Overview Instruction HR_PERINFO_PHONES_ABOVE_LIMIT
Phone Numbers Update Instruction HR_INST_PHONES_FORM

Other Addresses Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Second Address Update Instruction HR_INST_SCND_NEW_CHG_ADDRESS
Second Address Update Instruction HR_INST_VIEW_FUTURE_CHANGES

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Phone Numbers Details Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Phone Number Details Additional Telephone Number Details PER_PHONES

Phone Details Review Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Details Review Additional Telephone Number Details PER_PHONES

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Emergency Contacts

The Emergency Contacts module stores the contact information for emergency contacts (telephone information and address). Self-service users can add and delete people from the list of emergency contacts as required. When the user has created or edited a contact, the workflow submits the transaction for approval. If the transaction is awaiting approval, the user cannot edit the contact until it has been approved or rejected by the approver.

Personalizing the Emergency Contacts Page

The standard layout for the Emergency Contacts page includes three telephone numbers. You can, however, personalize the page to display your custom phone types if required.

You can also personalize the page to create a read-only view if required.

Creating Contacts Using SSHR Only

If you choose to create an emergency contact or dependent using only SSHR (Personal Information function), instead of the forms-based interface, the following situation applies:

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Process Contacts

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Contacts Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Contacts Main Table Region Instruction HR_289383_CONT_EMRG_MAIN_MSG
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_TIP_SUFFIX
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_TIP_PREFIX
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_289371_DEP_BNF_FLAG_TIP
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_289373_PRMRY_REL_MAIN_TIP
Contact Phone Numbers Instruction HR_INT_PHONES_FORM
Contact Address Instruction HR_INST_MAIN_CORRECT_ADDRESS

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Region Flex Name (SSHR) Flex Title Flex Code
General Information Contact Additional Details Add'l Contact Rel'ship Det's PER_CONTACTS
  Person Developer DF Further Person Information Person Developer DF
  HrFurtherContRel Further Contact R'ship Information Contact Relship Developer DF
  HrAddPerDetFlexSs Additional Person Details PER_PEOPLE

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Dependents and Beneficiaries

The Dependents and Beneficiaries module stores the names and contact information for a user's dependents and beneficiaries. When the user has created or edited a dependent or beneficiary, the workflow submits the transaction for approval. If the transaction is awaiting approval, the user cannot edit the dependent or beneficiary until the addition or change has been approved or rejected by the approver.

Creating Contacts Using SSHR Only

If you choose to create a dependent or beneficiary using only SSHR (Personal Information function), instead of the forms-based interface, the following situation applies:

The situation is slightly different if you create an emergency contact.

See: Emergency Contacts

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Personal Information
Employee Self Service Personal Information

See: Defining User Access and Menus


Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Contacts Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Contacts Main Table Region Instruction HR_289383_CONT_EMRG_MAIN_MSG
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_TIP_SUFFIX
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_TIP_PREFIX
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_289372_EMRG_CONT_FLAG_TIP
Contacts Main Table Region Long Message HR_289373_PRMRY_REL_MAIN_TIP
Contact Phone Numbers Instruction HR_INT_PHONES_FORM
Contact Address Instruction HR_INST_MAIN_CORRECT_ADDRESS
Contacts Main Table Region Instruction HR_289371_DEP_BNF_FLAG_TIP

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

Region Flex Name (SSHR) Flex Title Flex Code
General Information Contact Additional Details Add'l Contact Rel'ship Det's PER_CONTACTS
  Person Developer DF Further Person Information Person Developer DF
  HrFurtherContRel Further Contact R'ship Information Contact Relship Developer DF
  HrAddPerDetFlexSs Additional Person Details PER_PEOPLE
Address HrAddressFlex Personal Address Details Address Structure
  HrAdditionalAddress Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Info Online on the Personal Information Page

The Info Online content container is an ancillary region that appears on self-service web pages. The Info Online content container displays hypertext links to information providers. You can configure access between Oracle Self-Service HR (Oracle SSHR) and Enwisen, a third-party information provider to enable end users to access company information hosted on the Enwisen web site.

See: Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

The Info Online content container that is available on the Personal Information page, is hidden by default. This content container includes the Handbook link, which is a default link.

To enable users to access Enwisen, complete the following steps. Using the Personalization Framework function:

Menu and Function Name

You can access the Info Online module from the Employee Self Service responsibility and Personal Information function.

Configurable Profile Options

The following profile options affect the Info Online functionality:

Entering Disability and Veteran Status Details to Comply with OFCCP (US)

Oracle SSHR for US users provides the following Employee Self-Service pages to comply with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).

  1. The Disclose Disability Status Employee Self-Service page consists of an enterable PDF form that reproduces Form CC 305 where the self-service user can optionally make a selection regarding their disability status:

    The enterable PDF form contains Submit and Cancel buttons. Click Submit to save the selection. Use the Cancel button to revert any selection made. Any selection made by the user will be stored in the HR database. The information that an employee provides in this page is visible in the Disability Information and Disability Entered Date fields in the Medical tab of the People window in the professional UI.

  2. The Disclose Veteran Status Employee Self-Service page comprises an enterable PDF form where the self-service user can optionally make a selection regarding their veteran status. Any selection made by the user is stored in the HR database.

    The enterable PDF form contains Submit and Cancel buttons. Click Submit to save the selection. Use the Cancel button to revert any selection made.

If employees are using self-service to provide their veteran status, then they must use the Employee Self Service function "Disclose Veteran Status". The application captures the VETS-100A related information through the Disclose Veteran Status page and once the employee has submitted their veteran status selection, this data is stored in the HR database and is visible in the VETS-100A field in the Employment tab of the People window in the professional UI.

The employee’s disability and veteran status information is retrieved when the US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report is run. See: Running the US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (US)

Contact Extra Information (Japan)

The Contact Extra Information function enables you to enter and maintain additional contact information in SSHR. Statutory regulations often require that employees and workers provide specific information on dependents and beneficiaries for health insurance and income tax purposes and SSHR enables you to store this information using Extra Information Types (EITs).

Both employee/workers and managers can use the Contact Extra Information function. If you are a manager, you first select the person for whom you are entering information, and then select the dependent or beneficiary from the Choose Contact page. If you are an employee, you access the Choose Contact page directly.

Note: You create the dependent and beneficiary information using the Dependents and Beneficiaries page of the Personal Information function.

See: Dependents and Beneficiaries

When you have selected the dependent or beneficiary, the application displays the available EITs for the dependent or beneficiary. You can create one EIT for each of the following groups:

Menu and Function Names

You can access this module from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Contact Extra Information
Employee Self Service Contact Extra Information

Note: The function is also included in the Manager and Personal Action submenus.

See: Defining User Access and Menus


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Change Contact Extra Information Types

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Tip Type Message Name
Dependents and Beneficiaries Instruction HR_CEI_CONTACT_NOT_SELECTED
Extra Information Types Message HR_CEI_CANNOT_UPDATE_DELETE_SS

Configurable Flexfields

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Extra Information Types Extra Contact Information Extra Contact Info DDF

Configurable Profile Options

Profile Configurable Levels Values Default
HR:Display Person Name Site, Application, Responsibility, User Brief Name, Custom Name, Full Name Brief

HR:Display Brief Person Name

If you set this profile option to Brief Name (default value), the application displays the person names in the brief format instead of the long name format.

Documents of Record

The Documents of Record function enables you to store information on documents such as work permits, visa information, and medical certificates in one place. If required, you can also upload electronic versions of documents as attachments.

As a worker, you can create, maintain, and delete your own documents of record. If your document requires authorization, the verifier receives a notification.

If you select the country name, the document type associated with the country and global document types appear in the Document Type search. When creating a document of record, select the country name and document type based on your requirement. The valid from date value defaults to the Issued Date field. You can retain the date or change it.

Note: The person who registers the document type defines whether it requires authorization.

The default verifier is your supervisor. On verification, you also receive a notification.

Note: If the subject of the document is a contact or other person who does not exist as a user in Oracle HRMS, no notification is received.

As a manager or HR Professional, you can create, maintain, and delete documents for your direct reports and for other individuals whose records you can access.

Note: HR Professional users access the Documents of Record functionality using the forms-based interface. Self-service users (individuals and managers) access the functionality using the appropriate self-service menu.

Using the Documents of Record Function

The initial pages for the Documents of Record function differ according to the navigation path selected. If you use the Employee Self-Service responsibility, the first page lists your existing documents of record. Similarly, if you use the Manager Self-Service responsibility, the first page lists any existing documents of record for the worker selected in the hierarchy. From here, you can view, create, maintain, or delete documents of record.

If you are using a HR Professional responsibility and accessing the function from the forms-based interface, you can display a search page (by navigating to People > Search Documents of Record). Alternatively, to view, create, or maintain the documents of record for a person, display the person's record in the People window and access the Documents of Record function through the task flow (Others button).

As an HR Professional, you can also access the Documents of Record pages by selecting Fastpath > Documents of Record, and then selecting a person for the transactions.

Document of Record Function with Approvals

If your enterprise has setup approvals for the Documents of Record function, then when you create or update a document of record, the Next button appears on the Create Document of Record or the Update Document of Record page. When you click the Next button, the Documents of Record Review page appears. It shows the details that you can review. You can view the supporting documents that were attached in the Create or Update page. Also, Add Adhoc Approvers region is available, and you can add further approvers and notification recipients.

When you click the Submit button on the Review page, the transaction is routed for approval. The Confirm page contains a confirmation message describing the status of the transaction.

When a transaction is pending approval, the Update feature is unavailable on the Documents of Record for Person and View Document of Record pages. The Documents of Record for Person page displays the document of record details in a table. Users can click the View icon to view further details on the View Document of Record page and also can click the attachment image to view all the supporting documents.

The Notification page that an approver receives to review the document of record does not display the Return for Correction button and the Update link.

Professional Details Modules

There are five modules within Professional Details: Competence Profiles, Education and Qualifications, Other Professional Awards, Work Preferences, and Resume. In addition, there are two modules for the US localization (Tenure Tracking and Academic Rank). Employees can maintain their own details or managers can maintain the details for their direct reports.

Education and Qualifications

This function enables users to update a list of qualifications or create a new list of qualifications. The qualifications are academic qualifications obtained at an educational institution. The user can also add, edit, and delete the major subjects for the qualifications. School or establishment attendance information is required for an education qualification. If approvals are setup, then when the user creates or edits a qualification, the workflow submits the transaction for approval. If the transaction is awaiting approval, then the user cannot edit the qualification until it has been approved or rejected by the approver.

The Education and Qualifications overview page shows the list of approved education qualifications for a person and also those qualifications that are pending approval.

Managers and workers can attach documents supporting their education qualifications. If the Save Attachments check box is available in the Attachments region, then they can select this option to make these attachments available in the Oracle HRMS People window.

Education and Qualifications Function for Managers

When managers access the Education and Qualifications function, they can view the list of direct reports in their hierarchy. They can view the education and qualification details of these employees or add information about their qualification.

Other Professional Qualifications

This function allows users to add other types of professional qualifications such as an award or certification to an existing list of qualifications or to create a new list of professional qualifications.

Managers and workers can attach documents supporting their other professional qualifications. If the Save Attachments check box is available in the Attachments region, then they can select this option to make these attachments available in the Oracle HRMS People window.

If approvals are setup, then when the user creates or edits a qualification, the workflow submits the transaction for approval. If the transaction is awaiting approval, the user cannot edit the professional qualification until it has been approved or rejected by the approver.

Note: Academic awards are entered in the Education and Qualifications page. See: Education and Qualfications

Other Professional Qualifications Module for Managers

When managers access the Other Professional Qualifications module, they can view the list of direct reports in their hierarchy. They can view the other professional qualifications details of these employees or add information.

Competency Profile

The SSHR Competency Profile function enables users to view and update existing competency profiles. The function is available to predefined Manager and Employee responsibilities.

Using the Competency Profile Page as Managers

When managers navigate to the Competency Profile page, they can view the list of employees in their direct-reports hierarchy. For each of the employees, the Competence Profile page displays the following tabbed regions.

Managers can compare employee's competencies to those of current or potential future jobs, positions, or vacancies using Suitability Matching. See: Suitability Matching

Using the Competency Profile Page as Employees

Using the Competency Profile page, employees can:

Adding Attachments

Managers and workers can attach documents supporting their competencies. If the Save Attachments check box is available in the Attachments region, then they can select this option to make these attachments available in the Oracle HRMS People window.

Work Preferences

The Work Preferences function enables users to store information about their preferred work location and their relocation and travel preferences. Employees can enter the information for themselves and managers can enter the information for their direct reports.


The Resume module enables you to use standard attachment functionality to store and update your own resume. You can upload a resume, add a link (URL) to an online resume, or edit the resume text. A manager can also store a resume for an employee or worker or update the resume with new information.

Tenure Status (US)

Tenure is a unique term in the "Education Industry" that means the completion of professional criteria and an extended probationary period. This results in a person attaining permanent employment with the institution. The Tenure Status module captures the following information:

Academic Rank (US)

The Academic Rank module is a method for promotional progression within Higher Education. The Academic Rank module captures the following information:

Employment Verification

The Employment Verification function enables you (as an employee) to release employment and salary information to an external organization to complete a mortgage or loan application, for example.

To release this information, you select the required template (Employment Information or Employment with Salary Information) and provide the recipient's e-mail details. By default, the recipient's access to the released information expires after either 5 days or 5 visits, whichever occurs first.

The recipient of the information receives an e-mail notification containing an access URL, which links to an HTML page containing the released information.

Note: The external recipient sees current data, in other words, data that is valid at the time of request by the verifier. If an employee releases the information today and the recipient views it tomorrow, they see the current employment information about the employee. If the employee has been terminated, an error message is displayed and no information is available.

Personalizing the Employment Verification Pages

As a system administrator, you can personalize the Employment Information and Employment with Salary Information templates. You can use the Personalization Framework to display items that are hidden by default, and you can create new items to display, if applicable.

See: The Personalization Framework

Note: Any personalization changes that you make to the template pages are also apparent in the pages displayed to the external recipient.

You can also change the default values for the expiry period and maximum number of visits by changing the initial value of the Expires in or Visits item in the Recipient Information region.

Menu and Function Names

You can access this module from the following menus and functions:

Menu Name Function Name
Employee Self-Service Employment Verification
Employment Verification Global Menu Employment Verification External


There are no workflow processes for this function. The following workflow item type contains the associated workflow messages:

Configurable Flexfields

Region SSHR Flex Name Flexfield Title
  Person Developer DF Further Person Information
  PerPeople DDF  
  Salary Flex  
  PerAsg DFF Additional Assignment Details
Employment and Salary Person Developer DF Further Person Information
  AddnPersonDetails Extra Person Information
  AssignDescFlex Extra Assignment Information
Employment Person Developer DF1 Further Person Information
  AddnPersonDetails1 Extra Person Details
  AssignDescFlex Extra Assignment Information

Configurable Profile Options

HR: Verification External Node

You use this profile option to set the URL for the external node, for example, This node redirects the access request from outside the security firewall to the HTML page containing the released information.

Additional Configuration Steps

  1. To enable the workflow to send notifications to the external recipients, you must configure the Workflow Mailer.

    See: Implementing Notification Mailers, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

  2. You can run the following purge processes with the Employment Verification functionality:

Employee Directory

The Employee Directory Module

The Employee Directory provides an easily accessible, highly configurable lookup of people within your enterprise. Users can search for a specific person against a range of data, and navigate through the organization to view details of a person's manager or direct reports. You can set up the Employee Directory to search for people from a single business group or from multiple business groups as required.

The directory extracts information from the Employee Directory repository. The repository tables hold a snapshot of de-normalized HRMS data. In addition, users can upload their personal picture to the repository.

The Employee Directory includes the following features:

Search Facility

The simple search field enables users to enter a value to match against any of the following columns in the repository for the worker's primary assignment:

Note: To search on a telephone number enter the numbers only, without spaces or other characters. The telephone number search format can be altered using the override packages. For an example, see: Customer Override for Single Sign On

The Advanced Search page enables users to search on multiple values. You can configure this page to display the most appropriate search fields for your requirements.

See Configuring Web Pages

Deploying the Employee Directory

You can choose to deploy the Employee Directory in any of the following ways:

Populating the Employee Directory

Before you can use the Employee Directory you must load data from your database into the repository. At this time you can override any of the supplied mappings with your own data.

See: Populating the Repository

Editing Personal Details

From the directory, users can log on to Self Service modules to update their personal information. For example, a user can log on to the employee directory to update a phone number or change name information. See: Enabling Single Sign On to Self Service

Personal Picture

Users can upload their personal picture into the repository using the Update Profile page if you have enabled Single Sign On. See: Enabling Single Sign On To Self Service.

The repository stores the images as locally.

Name Fields

The Display Name is a format which is used in the following places:

Page Item
Employee Detail Header title (Employee Detail Region)
Organization Hierarchy Employee Name
Simple Search Employee Name
Advanced Search Employee Name
Employee Profile Page title
Profile Preview Page title

You can change the format of the Display Name by using the override procedures. The change will affect the format of the name in all of the above items.

The following fields display a value depending on the legislation associated with a person:

Field name Description
First Name Displays a value for the person's first name
Last Name Displays a value for the person's last name
First Name Alternate Displays a multi-byte first name
Last Name Alternate Displays a multi-byte last name

The values held by each of the above fields can be altered by using the override procedures.

See: Setting Up Legislation and Customer Overrides

You can configure the pages at the required levels to display whichever name fields are appropriate for your enterprise.

Page Layout Configuration

You can configure the Employee Detail page at all personalization levels. You can configure the other pages at Function, Responsibility, User, and Site levels.

Note: Responsibility and User level personalizations are not available for Anonymous access.

On the Employee Detail page, the application automatically displays the Employee Detail region. If you enable other regions, the application will only display them if they contain data.

If you enable additional telephone number fields, map them to a lookup code of type "PHONE_TYPE".

See: Configuring Web Pages

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name
Employee Directory Functions Menu Employee Directory

See: Defining User Access and Menus


Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Simple Search Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Page Layout Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_SIMPLE_SEARCH_INSTR
Search Results Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_MULTI_ASG_INSTR
Advanced Search Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Search Header Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_ADV_SEARCH_INSTR
Search Results Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_MULTI_ASG_INSTR
Employee Detail Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Employee Detail Cell Instruction HR_EMPDIR_EMPDETAIL_INSTR
Organization Hierarchy Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Hierarchy Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_HIERARCHY_INSTR
Employee Profile Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Page Layout Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_EDITPROFILE_INSTR
Photo Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_PIC_INSTR
Edit Employee Information Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_EMPUPD_INSTR
Picture Preview Page
Region Tip Type Message Name
Page Layout Region Instruction HR_EMPDIR_PREVIEW_PIC_INSTR

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable Flexfields

With anonymous login, the application has no context of business groups, responsibilities, or personal profiles, to support flexfields. However, you can import flexfields using the override packages. If you do so, it is your responsibility to map the flexfields to MLS if you require multi-lingual support.

Configurable Profile Options

Profile Configurable Levels Values Default
HR:Employee Directory Global Menu Site Any menu name with menu type of Global Employee Directory Global Menu
Server Timezone Site, User List of values based on FND_TIMEZONES_VL None

HR:Employee Directory Global Menu

This system profile enables you to specify a menu to provide global buttons in addition to the standard Self Service Global Menu buttons when the Employee Directory is accessed anonymously.

Server Timezone

Set this profile option to the time zone corresponding to your server time zone. This option affects the date and time displayed on the Employee Details page.

Note: The Client Timezone profile option also exists within Oracle applications. If you enable this profile option at User level, there will be implications for other windows and pages. This is because other DATETIME fields on other windows and pages are automatically converted to the time zone defined by the Client Timezone profile. This time zone may be inconsistent with the time zone defined by the Server Timezone profile option. To avoid this situation, the system administrator should carry out the following steps:

Anonymous Access to the Employee Directory

Follow the steps below to set up anonymous access and to configure the global button bar.

To secure the Employee Directory function and to restrict access to employee data through Intranet and external servers, Oracle SSHR provides the Employee Directory responsibility that contains Employee Directory function.

The predefined GUEST user grant for the Employee Directory Functions menu no longer works. To enable GUEST user to access the Employee Directory functions, you must assign the Employee Directory responsibility to the GUEST user using the Users window.

To provide users with anonymous access to the Employee Directory

  1. Log in to Oracle Applications using the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Users window and query the GUEST user.

  3. In the responsibilities window, assign the Employee Directory responsibility and save.

  4. Ensure your HTML form includes an Action referencing "/OA_HTML/EmpdirLogin.jsp". This action takes the user to the simple search field, logged in anonymously. See the example code below.

  5. Ensure the HTML form has the following two elements:

    See the example code below.

  6. Function level personalization is not automatically available for anonymous access. If you want to enable Function level personalization, add a Hidden element with the name "OAFunc" pointing to the function being personalized.

    See the example code below.

    Example HTML form

    <form NAME="people"
    ACTION="" METHOD="POST" target="_top">
         <table WIDTH="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
         <tr><td WIDTH="1%" valign="TOP">
         <table WIDTH="130">
         <tr><td valign="TOP">
         <input TYPE="text" NAME="srchText" SIZE="9">
         <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="L" value="US">
         <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="OAFunc" value="ORACLE_PROXY_SS">  --this line is optional

To configure the Global Buttons for anonymous login

  1. If you require additional buttons, such as Files Online, or Calendar, make entries to the Employee Directory Global Menu, or to any customer defined menu of menu type Global.

    Note: Global buttons are defined as FND Form functions.

  2. Set the system profile HR:Employee Directory Global Menu to point to the Employee Directory Global Menu (the default), or the menu you have defined in the previous Step.

Enabling Single Sign On to Self Service

The Employee Directory is read only. To enable users to edit their personal information, or to add or edit their image, follow the procedures below to provide them with single sign on access to Self-Service:

  1. Define an FND user for each person that requires access to Self-Service, if they are not defined as FND users already.

    See: Defining User Access to Self-Service Functions

  2. In the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window, configure a segment in the Additional Personal Details Descriptive flexfield to hold the FND_USER names, using any available attribute.

    See: Defining Descriptive Flexfield Structures, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

  3. Map the segment to the USER_NAME column in the PER_EMPDIR_PEOPLE repository table by editing the PER_EMPDIR_PEOPLE_OVERRIDE package body. See: Customer Override for Single Sign On

Enabling Customer Overrides for the Employee Directory

You can use overrides with the Employee Directory to customize the fields available when you synchronize the data from Oracle HRMS tables with the Employee Directory repository tables. For example, to enable single sign on to self-service applications from the Employee Directory, you can perform a customer override to add your FND_USER names to the directory. This means that the Employee Directory repository tables are modified in line with the customer or legislation override.

Note: If legislation and customer overrides exist, customer overrides take precedence over legislation overrides.

All customer override package bodies are in the peredcor.pkb file, in the $PER_TOP/patch/115/sql directory.

For more information on overrides, see: Legislation and Customer Overrides.

Set up Customer Override for Single Sign On

  1. Open the package body PER_EMPDIR_PEOPLE_OVERRIDE in a text tool.

  2. Modify the line

         g_override_flg BOOLEAN := FALSE;


         g_override_flg BOOLEAN := TRUE;

    This change enables the override package.

  3. Add the following code into the before_dml procedure:

    IF p_srcSystem = 'PER' THEN 
       per_empdir_ss.personTbl.person_key(p_rec_locator) := 
                ||' '||per_empdir_ss.personTbl.person_key(p_rec_locator) 
                ||' '||substr(personTbl.work_telephone(p_rec_locator), 
                                    length(personTbl.work_telephone(p_rec_locator))-4, 4); 
       per_empdir_ss.personTbl.user_name(p_rec_locator) := 
    END IF;

    Instead of "attribute26", use the attribute name you used to configure the segment in the Additional Personal Details Descriptive flexfield.

    The preceding code assigns the user name to an available column in the repository. In addition it adds the user name to the person_key, which enables searches on the user name.

    It also formats the work telephone number and adds it to the person_key, enabling searches on a preferred telephone format. This is where you can determine how the telephone number is formatted for the simple search field.

Populating the Repository

Use the following procedures to load HRMS data into the Employee Directory repository. Prior to loading the data, you can optionally configure the data for your legislation and country requirements.

  1. Use the supplied override packages to override values in the repository table columns for individual legislation teams and customers if required. The overrides are effective when you refresh the repository in either Complete or Incremental refresh mode.

    See: Setting up Legislation and Customer Overrides

  2. In the Submit Request window, run the concurrent program Refresh Employee Directory. This program populates the repository with data from HRMS tables.

    See: Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

    The Refresh Employee Directory concurrent program uses the following parameters:

    Parameter Options Description
    Refresh Mode Complete/Incremental Use the Complete refresh mode for the initial population of data to the Employee Directory repository tables and intermittently in the future.
    A Complete refresh rebuilds all the data in the repository and clears deletes. This process requires downtime. Perform a full refresh once every six months or so to clear deletes from the repository, depending on the rate of staff turnover.
    Use Incremental refresh mode at regular intervals to synchronize the data between Oracle HRMS and the Employee Directory. The frequency depends on how current you require the data to be.
    Refresh Date Leave this blank to use the system date. The concurrent program will collect data applicable to this date.

    Warning: Oracle recommends you leave this parameter blank for scheduled refreshes. If you insert a date, every time the concurrent program runs, it will collect data for the same date - in other words, the data will never be updated.

    Source System A valid host system This parameter identifies the host system. You should select 'PER'. By default 'PER' identifies Oracle HRMS.
    Process Multiple Assignments Yes/No (default) Use the default option of No to process only primary assignments. Set it to Yes to process secondary assignments as well.

    Note: If you run the Refresh Employee Directory concurrent program in Complete Refresh mode with Process Multiple Assignments set to Yes, subsequent runs in Incremental Refresh mode with Process Multiple Assignments set to No will have no effect. Incremental Refresh mode does not remove previously populated secondary assignments.

    Conversely, if you run this program in Complete Refresh mode with Process Multiple Assignments set to No, then subsequently run in Incremental Refresh mode with Process Multiple Assignments set to Yes, secondary assignments will be populated.

Legislation and Customer Overrides for Employee Directory

When you refresh the repository data, the system calls override packages to populate the repository tables with data from Oracle HRMS. You can edit these packages to override values at legislation or customer level.

All customer override package bodies for the Employee Directory are in the peredcor.pkb file, in the $PER_TOP/patch/115/sql directory. The legislation override package body is in the peredlor.pkb file, in the $PER_TOP/patch/115/sql directory.

For more information, see: Customer and Legislation Overrides.

  1. Identify which segments you want to override for any table in the Employee Directory repository, and note the attribute name for each.

  2. Identify the correct override call to edit.

    The following table shows which Employee Directory repository tables map to the Oracle HRMS tables:

    Entities Denormalized from Oracle HRMS
    EMPDIR table name HRMS table name

    The following table shows which override call to use to override values in the repository tables at legislation or customer levels.

    Legislation and Customer Override Calls
    Table Legislation Override Call Customer Override Call Record Structure (Instance)
  3. In the package body modify the line

         g_override_flg BOOLEAN := FALSE;


         g_override_flg BOOLEAN := TRUE;

    This change enables the override package.

  4. Edit the procedure to override data, using the attribute name you identified in Step 1. For an example showing how to edit an override call, see: Customer Override for Single Sign On

If you have enabled the override packages, they are called when the repository data is refreshed. See: Populating the Repository

Manage Employment Events

Manage Employment Events Modules and Workflow

The Manage Employment Events module groups together workflow processes that relate to changes in an employee's assignment. The functions available enable you to control all actions relevant to your employees in your organization, from hiring employees through their separation from the organization.

You can build and configure these workflow processes to suit the requirements of your enterprise. The basic Manage Employment Events modules are: Assignment, Location, Work Schedule, Change Manager, Employee or Contingent Worker Termination (containing Termination and End Placement), Employee or Contingent Worker Pay (containing Pay Rate and Assignment Rate), Individual Compensation Distributions, Special Information Types, and Other Employment Information.

Chained Manage Employment Events Processes

Oracle Workflow enables you to combine different Manage Employment Events modules into one workflow process. Such processes are known as chained processes. SSHR includes a number of predefined chained processes that appear as functions on the user menus.

Note: You can also include the Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD) module in chained processes, if required.

The following table gives a list of the delivered chained processes.

Manage Employment Events Chained Processes:MEEchained processes
Manage Employment Events Chained Process Contains the following Manage Employment Events modules:
Change Pay Employee or Contingent Worker Pay
Change Conditions Assignment, Location, Work Schedule
Change Cost Center, Terms and Manager Assignment, Other Employment Info, Location, Change Manager
Change Cost Center, Location and Manager Assignment, Location, Change Manager
Change Extra Information Types EIT, EIT Update
Change Hours Work Schedule, Pay Rate
Change Job Assignment
Change Job and Terms Assignment, Other Employment Info
Change Location Location
Change Manager Change Manager
Change Pay Rate Process Employee or Contingent Worker Pay
Change Special Information Types SIT, SIT Update
Change Supervisor Process Change Supervisor
Deploy Person Assignment, Location, Work Schedule, Change Manager
Worker Status Change Assignment, Location, Change Manager, Work Schedule, Employee or Contingent Worker Pay, SIT
Change Worker Status and Terms Assignment, Other Employment Info, Location, Change Manager, Work Schedule, Employee or Contingent Worker Pay
ICD and Termination Integration Termination Page, Change Manager
Employee or Contingent Worker Termination (Termination, End Placement) Termination (or End Placement) Page, Change Manager, Organization Manager Detail
Termination with Compensation Termination Page, Change Manager, Organization Manager Detail, Other Compensation
Transfer Assignment, Location, Change Manager, Work Schedule, Employee or Contingent Worker Pay

Ordering Manage Employment Events Workflow Processes

The order of workflow processes must be carefully designed to ensure business rules are maintained and implemented. If you choose to create your own chained processes and functionality, you must consider the following rules when designing the sequence of functions:

Function Restriction
Assignment If the Assignment module is present in a chained process, it must appear first.
Change Manager If used in a chain with Employee or Contingent Worker Termination, it should follow the Termination or End Placement page.
Extra Information Types Can appear anywhere in the chain
Individual Compensation Distributions Can appear anywhere in the chain
Location Can appear anywhere in the chain
Other Employment Information Can appear anywhere in the chain
Employee or Contingent Worker Pay (Pay Rate, Assignment Rate) Can appear anywhere in the chain
Special Information Types Can appear anywhere in the chain
Employee or Contingent Worker Termination If used in a chain with Supervisor, it should precede Supervisor

You can configure your own processes in any number of ways but they must comply with the restrictions listed above. For example, you could configure a process that follows this sequence:

But, you cannot configure a process in this order, as you will break business rules:

As long as you maintain the order of steps you can configure whichever workflow processes your enterprise needs.


The Assignment module is used in some delivered Manage Employment Events menu functions, for example, the Employee Status Change chained process. It can be added in any of your own business processes that you model in the Workflow Builder.

Assigning a Salary Basis

You use a salary basis in Oracle HRMS to establish the duration of a salary. For example, an hourly salary basis (for example, 1,000 yen per hour) or an annual salary basis (for example, 18,000 pounds per year).

For more information on salary bases, see Salary Basis, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide.

If you enable the Salary Information region, users can assign newly hired employees and workers to a salary basis, or change the salary basis of an existing employee or worker. If they change the salary basis mid-way through a payroll period, the application ends the existing salary element entry. This may not be desirable for payroll calculations, therefore if a user changes the salary basis of an employee or worker assigned to a payroll on any effective date other than the first day of the payroll period, the application sends a notification to a payroll contact as part of the approval process. The payroll contact can accept or reject the change, or return it to the originator requesting a change to the effective date (normally setting it to the first day of the next payroll period).

Note: This notification is sent only for employees and workers assigned to a payroll. Also, this notification is sent to your payroll contact only if you have enabled approvals for this transaction. You must also set up the payroll contact using a workflow item attribute (Payroll Contact User Name). This notification is only sent for changes to salary basis and not for new hires or the first assignment of a salary basis to an existing employee or worker.

If you want to enable self-service users to assign a salary basis, you must enable the Salary Information region item in the HR_ASSIGNMENT_SS and HR_ASSIGNMENT_REVIEW_SS regions.

If a salary basis is assigned without a pay proposal, the Description and Salary fields on the Pay Rate page will be mandatory if the profile option HR: Base Salary Required is set to Yes.

Multiple Assignments

If an employee or worker has more than one assignment, the manager must select the relevant assignment before carrying out the employee action.

Note: To enable a manager to select an assignment, the profile option HR: Enable Multiple Assignments in SSHR must be set to Yes at the required level.

Menu and Function Names

Not applicable


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:


The Assignment module is used in several example chained processes including:

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Function Activity Display Name Function Activity Attribute Display Name
Assignment Use Grade Points
  Set Grade Ceiling
  Use Step/Grade No Update
  Display Job Attachment
  Display Position Attachment
  HR Element Warning
  Asg Change Reason Lookup Codes
  HR Use Default Location
Item Level Attributes Item Attribute Display Name
  Payroll Contact User Name

See: Configuring Workflow Attribute Values

Use Grade Points

Defines whether the ceiling point can be displayed.

Set Grade Ceiling

Defines whether the ceiling point can be updated.

Use Step/Grade No Update

Defines whether the grade can be changed if grade steps exist.

HR Element Warning

Controls whether hr element changes are displayed as a warning or an error.

Asg Change Reason Lookup Codes

Allows system administrator to specify which change reason lookup codes should be displayed (subset of change reason lookup codes). You enter the codes as follows:

Display Job Attachment

Whether attachments are displayed for the job when there are no job comments. If there are comments for the job, no attachments are displayed.

Display Position Attachment

Whether attachments are displayed for the position when there are no position comments. If there are comments for the position, no attachments are displayed.

HR Use Default Location

The location can be changed to the default organization or position locations. If the organization/position is then changed for a user, the user's location will be the default location for the organization/position.

Payroll Contact User Name

The Applications user name of the payroll representative who should be notified when a user changes a salary basis in the middle of a payroll period. This attribute is mandatory if you use the Salary Basis functionality.

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Assignment Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Assignment Instruction HR_INST_TOP_COMMON_TEXT
Job Instruction HR_INST_ASG_JOB_SS
Position Instruction HR_INST_ASG_POSITION_SS
Payroll Instruction HR_INST_ASG_PAYROLL_SS
Location Long Message HR_INST_WORK_AT_HOME_LOC

* These instructions are delivered as hidden, although they can be displayed and personalized.

Configurable Flexfields

Assignment Page

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Specific Job Information HrFlex1 Job Developer DF
Extra Position Information HrFlex1 Extra Position Info DDF
Department Working Conditions HrFlex1 Org Developer DF
People Group People Group Key Flex GRP
Other Assignment Information Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Statutory Information Work Sched Key Flex GRES_AND_OTHER_DATA

See: Configuring Flexfields

Configurable Profile Options

Profile Configurable Levels Values Default
HR:Use Grade Defaults Site, Application, Responsibility, User Yes/No Yes
HR:Override Grade Defaults Site, Application, Responsibility, User Yes/No No
HR: Position Default Options for SSHR Site, Application, Responsibility, User Default with No Warning
Default with User Decision
Default with Warning
No Defaulting
Default with User Decision

The following profile options control a user's ability to use grade defaults and position defaults.

HR:Use Grade Defaults

This profile option determines whether the user can only select a valid grade for a parent organization, job, or position. The list of values for the Grade field is determined by the entry in the Organization, Job, or Position field.

If this profile value is No, the user can select any grade for the organization, job, or position.

HR:Override Grade Defaults

This profile option determines whether the user can select a different (non-default) grade for an organization, position, or job.

If this profile value is No, the user cannot override the default grade.

Interaction of Default Profile Options

The above profile options work together to control the behavior of grades in SSHR. The following situations are possible:

Profile Option   HR: Use Grade Defaults HR: Use Grade Defaults
  Value Yes No
HR: Override Grade Defaults Yes The user can select any valid grade. The user can select any grade, either valid or invalid.
HR: Override Grade Defaults No The user can select any valid grade or retain the current grade (even if invalid). The user can only select valid grades.

HR: Position Defaulting Options for SSHR

These options control whether or not the application displays default information based on the position you select for an assignment. You can set one of four values:


The Termination page enables:

Terminating Employment or Ending Placement

The Termination page enables a manager to end an employment relationship. When the manager selects the Termination function from the menu, a person hierarchy is displayed to enable the manager to select an employee or contingent worker for termination. This hierarchy is usually supervisor or position-based.

For more information on the hierarchy, see Enter Process.

Multiple Assignments and Termination

If your organization uses multiple assignments and assignment-level security is enabled, it may be the case that an assignment-based hierarchy only displays a subset of a person's assignments. A person may have secondary assignments that are not visible to the manager.

For more information on security, see: Assignment-Level Security, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

Change Manager Function

If the terminated employee or worker has direct subordinates, the system automatically displays the Change Manager page to reassign the terminated supervisor's subordinates to another supervisor.

In the event of the employee or worker also being a manager to an organization, the Update Organization Manager page may appear for you to assign a new manager. This depends on how your security profile is set up.

For more information see: Organization Manager

Reversing Terminations

Oracle SSHR enables managers to cancel or reverse a termination. For more information, see: Reverse Termination

Terminating Secondary Assignments or Ending Secondary Placements

Using the Termination page, managers can:

Managers can perform these actions using their self-service responsibility and need not depend on their HR personnel to complete these tasks.

When you click the Termination function to initiate termination of secondary assignments, the Termination: People in Hierarchy page displays both the primary and secondary assignments of the manager's directs depending on the HR: Enable Multiple Assignments in SSHR profile option value set. This profile option controls whether a manager can view and update multiple assignments for an employee in SSHR. If the profile option is set to Yes, the Hierarchy page displays all the assignments that the manager has access to. If the profile is No, then only primary assignments are displayed.

You can use the Primary column to identify the assignment type. When you click the Action icon to terminate the secondary assignment, the Termination: Perform Action page appears. Click Yes and enter the termination effective date. The Assignment page displays the assignment details and current assignment status. In the Proposed Assignment field, select Terminate or End Assignment. The subsequent Change Manager page shows the subordinates reporting to the secondary assignment only. These subordinates have to be reassigned to proceed further. The Change Manager page appears during the Secondary assignment termination only if there are subordinates reporting to the manager's secondary assignment.

The following paragraphs explain how the setting of the HR: Manage Self Service Actions When Future-Dated Changes Exist profile impacts the termination of secondary assignments:

Reviewing Requests for Ending Employment or Ending Placement

Using Oracle SSHR, employees can request for ending their employment or contingent workers can request for ending their placement.

When an employee or a contingent worker raises such a request, their managers receive the notification. If the employee or contingent worker is a supervisor with directs, then the notification displays a message that the manager must reassign directs to another manager. If the employee is an organization manager, then the manager can select another organization manager. Based on the approvals set in the enterprise, the voluntary termination of employment or ending placement is processed.

End Placement

The Terminate Placement page enables a manager to end a contingent worker's work relationship and specify a reason. This changes the person type to Ex-Contingent Worker and ends all assignments. If the contingent worker has direct subordinates, the system will automatically display the Change Manager page to reassign the contingent worker's subordinates to another supervisor.

If the contingent worker is also a manager of an organization, the Update Organization Manager page may appear to enable you to assign a new manager. This depends on how your security profile is set up.

See: Ending a Placement, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

See: Organization Manager

Voluntary Termination

The Voluntary Termination feature facilitates online process for voluntary exit from the enterprise. If employees or contingent workers decide to leave the enterprise, they can use this feature to initiate the process of ending employment or placement.

Using the Voluntary Termination function:

Requesting Termination of Employment

Using the Voluntary Termination function of the Employee Self-Service responsibility, employees can initiate the process of ending their employment. The date that the employee enters on the Effective Date Options page is the effective date of the termination. This date defaults to the Termination Date field on the Voluntary Termination page. The notified date is for information purpose and is the date on which the employee informs the company about resignation. The employee can select the reason for resignation and enter comments on resignation. When the employee submits the transaction, Oracle SSHR routes the transactions for approval based on the approvals setup.

Voluntary Terminate Placement

Requesting Termination of Placement

Using the Voluntary Termination function of the Contingent Worker Self-Service responsibility, contingent workers can initiate the process of ending their placement in the enterprise. The date that the contingent worker enters on the Effective Date Options page is the effective date of ending placement. This date defaults to the Termination Date field on the Voluntary Termination page. The contingent worker can select the reason to leave the enterprise. When the contingent worker submits the transaction, Oracle SSHR routes the transaction for approval based on the approvals setup.

Reverse Termination

There are a number of reasons why managers may want to cancel a termination of an employee or contingent worker. For example, during the notice period a worker may decide to continue with the employer. Managers may need to revert the termination even after the last day of employment is passed. Oracle SSHR enables managers to cancel or reverse the termination of employment or placement. Managers can process reverse termination actions using Oracle SSHR.

On the actual termination date, a worker's person type will be employee or contingent worker. The day next to the actual termination date, the worker's person type changes to ex-employee or ex-contingent worker

Managers can process reverse termination provided an employee is not rehired or a contingent worker has not started a new placement.

Searching for Workers to Reverse Terminate

Managers can search for workers who have an actual termination date to initiate the process of reverse termination. They can search for workers in a business group or use search criteria such as last name, job, or position.

In the Person search field, managers can select any one of the options:

The Actual Termination Date field criteria helps managers to perform searches using different date criteria.

For example:

Note: If an ex-employee's rehire is pending approval or an ex-contingent worker's new placement is pending approval, the search results display these workers. However, managers cannot process reverse terminations for these workers.

Using the Show Future Dated Terminations Only check box, managers can filter the search results for workers (employees and contingent workers) whose actual termination date is later date than the current date.

Viewing Search Results

The search results table includes columns such as full name, business group, location, and actual termination date to help identify a worker to process reverse termination.

In the Current Person Type column, the record indicates the person type as on the current date.

Managers can click the Details icon to view information of the worker before reversing the termination. The search results show the leaving reason. You can review this information before processing reverse termination.

Processing Reverse Termination

On the Reverse Termination and Review pages, the worker's assignment details are read-only. Managers can review the details and submit the transaction for approval. When managers submit the reverse termination transaction, Oracle SSHR routes the transaction for approval based on the approvals setup in the enterprise.

When an approver receives the reverse termination notification for approval, the Update and Return for Correction functions are not available on the Notification page.

Changes after Reverse Termination Action

The following sections explain changes to the worker records after a reverse termination action is approved:

Work Schedule

The Work Schedule workflow process enables a manager to change the work schedule and employment category for an employee or worker. A work schedule is the number of days and hours worked and the start and end times for the employee or worker. The employment category defines the type of employment, for example, full and part-time employment.

Note: Part of the Work Schedule page information is displayed from the Soft Coded Key Flexfield.

See Configuring Flexfields


The Location function enables a manager to change the work location for an employee or worker.

The Location function is available under the predefined Manager responsibility. If required, you can set up approvals processes for the Location function.

The Location region includes the Home Worker check box. This check box is available for all localizations, although it is delivered as hidden. US users: If you select the Home Worker check box for an employee or worker, the employee or worker is assumed, for tax purposes, to work 100% from their primary address (or tax override address if there is one) for this assignment.

For more information on the tax implications of the Home Worker check box for US users, see Entering Federal Tax Rules for an Employee, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide.

Special Information Types (SITs)

Special Information Types (SITs) enable you to store additional information that is not currently captured by the system.

Example of a Special Information Type

To capture information on an employee's linguistic ability, you could create an SIT entitled Languages with the following segments:

Alternatively, you could create a create an SIT to capture an employee's vehicle information and include the following segments:

See: Special Information Types, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management

Extra Information Types (EITs)

Extra Information Types (EITs) are a type of flexfield that allows you to set up unlimited amounts of extra information. They are often used by localizations for capturing local information.

Example of an Extra Information Type:

You can capture passport information for an employee or worker by creating an EIT entitled Passport Details with the following segments:

See: Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Entering Details for EIT Segments and Additional Details for Each of one the EIT Segments

Depending on how an EIT is setup, when you enter a value for a EIT segment, you can capture additional information for that segment as the application automatically sets the context for the dependent flex. For example, you are entering Academic Rank Details EIT and you select Lecturer as the value in the Academic Rank segment. If the Lecturer value requires more information based on the setup, then the application sets the context of dependent flex and displays segments for the Lecturer value.

Other Employment Information

The Other Employment Information module enables you to store assignment and employment information in descriptive flexfields and Developer Descriptive Flexfields (DDFs).

Menu and Function Names

Not applicable


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Change Other Employment Info

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Tip Type Message Name
Other Employment Info Long Message HR_INST_TOP_COMMON_TEXT

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable FlexFields

Region Flex Name Flex Code
Assignment Info Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Assignment Info Soft Coded KeyFlexField SCL

See: Configuring Flexfields

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Change Pay

You must use the Change Pay function to enable a manager to change an employee's overall salary. You can do this by attaching the salary basis to an employee and then change the pay.

Using the Change Pay function, you can do the following:

Assignment Rate

If you are not using Oracle Services Procurement to provide purchase order information for contingent workers, the Assignment Rate module enables you to record contingent worker rates. You can change a contingent worker's rate for an existing assignment, or enter a rate for a new assignment. You select the assignment rate name from a list, select the currency, and enter a value. Optionally, you can specify an end date, after which the rate is no longer in effect.

Your implementation team defines one or more assignment rate names in the forms-based interface. An assignment rate name identifies a combination of rate type (such as Standard Rate or Weekend Rate) and rate basis (such as Hourly Rate or Weekly Rate).

If you are using Oracle Services Procurement, the Assignment Rate module displays information from the purchase order line for the assignment. You cannot update this information in the Assignment Rate page.

If you install and license Oracle Services Procurement at a later date, any rate information you recorded using the Assignment Rate module is no longer visible.

Change Manager

The Change Manager function enables a user to perform the following operations on a selected employee or worker and assignment:

Multiple Assignments and the Change Manager Function

In a manager-subordinate relationship, the manager's ID is stored against the subordinate's assignment. If the profile HR: Enable Multiple Assignments in SSHR is set to No, only primary assignments are displayed. If the profile HR: Enable Multiple Assignments in SSHR is set to Yes, other assignments will also be displayed. In situations where a subordinate employee or worker has more than one assignment, it is important to select which of the assignments is to report to the manager. In practice, this means that you may have to select between multiple assignments when you select the employee or worker for whom you are using the Change Manager function and when you select the direct reports for the selected employee or worker. In these cases, the lists of values will contain several fields (including Job, Department, Assignment Number, Location, Grade, Position, and Business Group) to help you select the correct assignment. If you are using an assignment-based security profile, you can also specify an assignment for a manager if you are reassigning a selected employee or worker, or the subordinates for the selected employee or worker, to a different manager.

Note: You can choose to display the additional fields mentioned above (Job, Department, Assignment Number, and so on) as fields on the Change Manager pages using the Personalization Framework. If you display these fields, they are populated when you select a manager assignment.

If you are using assignment-level security, only those assignments for which you are the named supervisor are displayed. This means that you can only perform the Change Manager function on those available assignments.

For more information, see: Assignment-Level Security, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

Menu and Function Names

Not applicable


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Change Manager

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Process Display Name Function Activity Display Name Function Activity Attribute Display Name


If this attribute has a value of "Y", the employee or worker must have a manager. If no manager is entered, the application generates an error. If this attribute has a value of "N", the supervisor_id field of the per_all_assignments_f record can remain blank.

See: Configuring Workflow Attribute Values

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Tip Type Message Name
New Manager Instruction HR_INST_SUPERVISOR_MAIN
Direct Reports of Selected Employee Instruction HR_INST_SUPERVISOR_DIRECT
New Direct Reports Instruction HR_INST_SUPERVISOR_NEW_DIRECT
Manager Update Instruction HR_INST_TOP_COMMON_TEXT
Direct Reports Long Message HR_TIP_SUPERVISOR_DR_DATE
New Direct Reports Long Message HR_TIP_SUPERVISOR_NDR_DATE

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable FlexFields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Organization Management

Organization Manager

The Organization Manager function enables you to maintain organization manager relationships. A manager can only be initially assigned to an organization in the professional forms interface. However, you can view and update organization managers according to your security profile in SSHR.

For more information on organization manager relationships, see Selecting and Viewing Managers for Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide.

If you terminate an employee who is also the manager of one or many organizations, one of the following will occur:

If you have supervisor security enabled, the Organization Manager Actions Section on the Overview page will automatically display with any records that have been end dated and require you to assign a new manager.

Note: There can only be one organization manager relationship at any single point in time.

Menu and Function Names

This Module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Manager Self Service Organization Manager


Details of Workflow for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Organization Manager

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Process Display Name Function Activity Display Name Function Activity Attribute Display Name
Organization Manager Organization Manager Overview Restrict Organization Classification

Description of Attributes

You can restrict the Organization Manager module to one organization classification by entering an organization classification code into the attribute. You can find the organization classification code for a classification from the ORG_CLASS Lookup Type. For example the code for HR Organization is HR_ORG.

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Manager Overview Top Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Organization Manager Actions Section Instruction HR_CCMGR_ACTIONS_SS
Organization Manager Overview Form Instruction HR_CCMGR_OVERVIEW_INSTR_SS
Organization Manager Search Section Long Message HR_CCMGR_DIRECT_REPORTS_TIP
Organization Manager Actions Section Long Message HR_PENDING_INSTR_SS

Manager Update Top Page

Region Tip Type Message Name
Organization Manager Update Form Instruction HR_CCMGR_UPD_PAGE_INSTR_SS

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable FlexFields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Additional Configuration Steps

Not applicable


Information Overview

This topic and related links provide configuration details for My Information, My Employee Information, and HR Views pages.

My Information and My Employee Information

My Information enables employees or contingent workers to view their employment and other related details. SSHR previously referred to this function as Employee Views. My Information includes past and present records, and you can also view future changes in the areas of training, absence, and job applications.

My Employee Information enables managers and HR professionals to review the same records available to users of My Information for anyone within their security access. SSHR previously referred to this function as Manager Views. In Details views, past, present, and future data is available.

You can view the details of people by the hierarchy, search results or from 'My List' functionality, giving you immediate access to records that connect people with their work context. You can use advanced search criteria to find people, and save your searches for later reuse. Lists of people display all assignments in addition to the primary, providing you with a complete picture of their duties. You can specify an effective date to review records as of a given point in time.

The application groups the information on six tabs:

See: My Information and My Employee Information

HR Views

The HR Views module is aimed at HR Professionals. It offers a summarized view of employee-related information: Personal Information, Assignment Details, Compensation Activity, and Termination History.

Each area of information is displayed on separate pages or tabbed regions. From each page, the user can click a button and display different information.

See: Configuring Tabbed Regions

Navigate to HR Views functionality using the responsibility HR User Self Service and the function HR Views. All information is for viewing only. To modify information, users must log on with the Manager Self Service responsibility.

Note: HR Views show information that is more appropriate for HR professional users hence it is delivered under the HR Professional responsibility. Employee access using HR Views is controlled by the HRMS security access associated with the current user.

See: Employee Information View

See: Assignment Details View

See: Compensation Activity View

See: Termination History View

See: Search Functions for HR Views

My Information and My Employee Information

My Information enables employees and contingent workers to view their employment, grade step and grade point of their salary and other related details.

My Employee Information enables managers to view employment, grade step and grade point of salaries and other related details of people within their security access. HR Views enables HR professionals to view details of people from hierarchy, search results, or 'My List' views.

The hierarchy display usually uses the supervisor hierarchy. However, if required, you can display a position-based hierarchy.

For more information, see: Enter Process.

Note: If you are using assignment-level security, you cannot access any terminated or expired assignments.

For more information, see: Assignment-Level Security, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

If you use user-based security profiles either based on user-based organizations, user-based positions, or user-based custom security, then you can enable HR users to access ex-employee and future-dated employee records. For more information, see the section Access to Ex-Employee and Future Dated Employee Records in Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Viewing Grade Step and Grade Point Information

Employees and managers must use the following fields in the Details region of the Salary tab, on the My Employee Information page for grade step and grade point related information, using Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service:

Viewing Adjusted Service Date and Years of Service

In addition to using the latest start date to calculate years of service, Oracle SSHR uses the adjusted service date to calculate adjusted years of service. Employees, managers, and HR professionals can view the Adjusted Years of Service and the Adjusted Service Date on the following Oracle SSHR pages:

In addition, the HR Views page displays the Years of Service field and the Compensation Activity tabbed region displays the Latest Hire date.

Note: To calculate adjusted years of service for employees or managers, the Adjusted Service Date must be available either in Oracle HRMS or Oracle SSHR person records.

In Oracle HRMS, you enter Adjusted Service in the Benefits tabbed region of the People window. For more information, see: Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

In Oracle SSHR, you enter Adjusted Service Date using the Hire or Applicant Hire function available through the Manager Self-Service responsibility.

Viewing Salary InformationThe Salary tab displays salary details of employees who are on a grade ladder, or whose salary is processed using the Salary Administration window.

Employee Information View

The Employee Information view displays the details relevant to an employee or worker. This information need not relate to their job or employment contract.

The Employee Information page displays any specific fields which you have defined as flexfields and can also display a country-specific section which will display localization fields, for example, the national identifier or visa information.

All the information in the Employee Information view relates to the current record for the employee or worker and no history is displayed.

Assignment Details View

The assignment of an employee or worker identifies their role and payroll within a business group. The assignment is made up of a number of assignment components, for example, the organization and payroll.

The Assignment Details view displays this assignment information for a particular employee or worker, and also enables you to display additional related information, for example, the hire date or assignment number If multiple assignments are enabled, the HR Professional can select which assignment information to display. If multiple assignments are not enabled, the primary assignment information is displayed.

See: Multiple Assignments

Compensation Activity View

The Compensation activity view displays the salary and benefits information for an employee. If multiple assignments are enabled, the HR Professional can select the required assignment.

See: Multiple Assignments

Note: The self-service My Employee Information function also contains a Salary view, although this tab does not contain information about the employee's benefits.

The Compensation Activity view displays all the elements for a worker unless they are linked to benefit plans and, therefore, have rates defined. If this is the case, only the rates are displayed. Your HR administrator can restrict the elements displayed in this view.

When HR managers or Payroll managers log in to Oracle SSHR using the HR Professional responsibility to view the compensation details for employees in the Compensation Activity tabbed region, they can view the compensation activity for all element types. Oracle SSHR displays all elements by default. Based on your enterprise requirements, your HR administrator can display only specific elements using the Personalization feature.

Termination History View

You terminate an employee or worker when he or she leaves your organization. Information about the employee or worker remains on the system but all current assignments are ended.

The Termination History view displays any termination history for an employee or worker. If a worker's contract is terminated and the worker is subsequently rehired, the application updates the information displayed in the view so that the worker is not displayed as Terminated.

The worker's record may contain more that one termination, for example, if they have been rehired more than once.

Note: If the worker has been rehired, the SSHR application displays the last termination date.

Search Functions for HR Views

The first Search function for HR Views is displayed when an HR Professional selects the HR Views option from the self-service menu (when using the HR User Self Service responsibility). At this point, the user can only search for a worker.

The second Search function for HR Views is displayed when the HR Professional has searched for a worker. At this point, the user can either view data for the selected worker or search for another worker.

Views - US Federal

Information Overview (US Federal)

This topic and related links provide configuration details for My Information (employee view) and My Employee Information (manager view), and Employee Information (HR professional view) pages.

My Information

Employees can use My Information to view employment and other related details. My Information displays records as of the current date. Employees can view present and past records for all categories, but future-dated changes only for benefits, training, absence, and job applications.

See: My Information and My Employee Information

My Employee Information

You can use My Employee Information to review the same records available in My Information for anyone within your security access.

The self-service application displays information according to the selected hierarchy (Supervisory or Position), in a flat list from user-defined search results, or from 'My List' functionality. You can use the advanced search criteria to find people, and save searches for later reuse.

Using the Details view, you can review a specific employee's past, present, and future-dated records.

Note: If you want to view the summary information as of an effective date, you can personalize the summary to enable the effective date field.

See: My Information and My Employee Information

Employee Information

Of the three views, Employee Information displays the most extensive summary of the employee's record. As an HR professional, you can review the same data available to managers as well as data unavailable to managers such as probation and service obligation information, and sensitive data such as the employee's date of birth and social security number. Unlike the manager's My Employee Information view, you can also view Correction and Cancellation records.

You navigate to Employee Information using the responsibility Federal HR Self Service. You can view details on these page, but to change this information, you must switch to a responsibility that gives you edit access to that data. You can view past, present, and future-dated records for employees within your security profile as of the current date.

See: Employee Information View

The Employee Information view includes the advanced search function. You can personalize the search criteria to include other criteria and to rearrange the order (for example, placing the Last Name as the first search criteria). You can further personalize Employee Information to include the My List feature, and to show or hide attributes and tabs. The self-service application displays the information according to the selected hierarchy (Supervisory or Position), from user-defined search results, or from 'My List' functionality.

See: Search Functions for HR Views

Employee Summaries

The view pages summarize information entered elsewhere in the application. The Employee page lists the records that match your search criteria, and displays high-level details for each employee record. For a detailed summary, you can click the employee's name. The Details page displays information in the header and the following tabbed regions:

In addition to these tabs, you can use the Personalization Framework to display the Training, Absence, and Job Application tabs.

Personalize Views

You can take advantage of the Oracle Framework functionality to personalize My Information, My Employee Information, and Employee Information. You can configure these views so that employees, managers, and HR professionals see only the data items that you choose. Through the use of Framework Personalization, you can rename data items, rename columns, hide unwanted items, display delivered hidden items, and reorder data items or columns. For example, you might display data fields that are normally hidden, such as step and rate.

See: Personalization Framework

You can also hide sub-tabs for individual responsibilities or for all responsibilities.

See: Configuring Tabbed Regions

My Information and My Employee Information (US Federal)

My Information enables employees and contingent workers to view their employment and other related details.

My Employee Information enables managers and HR professionals to view the employment and other related details of employees and contingent workers within their security access. Managers and HR professionals can view the details of people from hierarchy, search results, or 'My List' views.

Note: If you are using assignment-level security, you cannot access any terminated or expired assignments.

See: Assignment-Level Security, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

The hierarchy display usually uses the supervisor hierarchy. If your organization arranges its reporting lines by position, you can display a position-based hierarchy by changing the HR:Display Position Hierarchy profile. The position hierarchy displays the position attached to the primary assignment.

See: Enter Process.


Using personalizations, you enable only the functionality, information, and controls you want to make available to users. For example, you can display only the column headings of your choice in Summary and Details views.

Consider the following personalizations specific to My Employee Information:

See: The Personalization Framework

See: Configuring Web Pages

See: OA Framework Personalization and Extensibility Guide

Enable Effective Date

The current system date is the default date for the summary and hierarchy views for My Information (employee view), My Employee Information (manager view), and Employee Information (HR view).

For managers who want to view the summary section of My Employee Information as of an effective date, you can enable the Effective Date field. (The hierarchy view always display records as of the current date.) Click the Personalize Effective Date and View As link, and accept the default scope of Region: Effective Date and View As. To enable the Effective Date field and the Go button, navigate the following nodes:

Enable My List

Enable My List features by adding the My List entry to the context switcher. See Lookups, below.

The Manage My List page enables you to view or delete My List members. Enable the Manage My List link on the My Employee Information or Basic Search page using the Personalize Page link. Navigate the following nodes:

The Add To My List button enables you to add selected people to My List. Enable the Add to My List button on the Basic Search and Advanced Search pages using the Personalize Page link. Navigate the following nodes from the Basic Search page:

Navigate the following nodes from the Advanced Search page:

Enable Search Filter

To filter name searches, enable the search filter list for First Name, Last Name, or Full Name on the My Employee Information page, the Basic Search Page, or the My List page. If you do not enable the list, users see only the Name label and the Search field, and the default filter is Last Name. Navigate the following nodes:

Name Format

The My Information and My Employee Information pages display names in brief format by default. If you prefer to see the full name of the employee or worker, set the profile option HR:Display Person Name to Full Name.

Personalization for End Users

Personalization for end users is disabled by default. To enable it, set the profile "HR: Enable User Personalization" to Yes.

End user personalization is not the same as implementer personalization. The former enables users to create their own view of the data by hiding columns, and filtering the data for each tab. If you enable this feature using OA Framework technology, users can enable items that implementers have disabled.


In the My Information and My Employee Information pages, the position and job names are displayed using a concatenated flexfield format.

For more information on overrides, see: Legislation and Customer Overrides.

Menu and Function Names

Navigation is available from the Employee or Manager Self Service menu, or new menus you configure. In addition to including the My Employee Information function in new menus, add the following predefined submenus as-is:

Submenus provide Oracle Applications Framework page authentication only, you need not copy or recreate them.

HR professionals can enter My Employee Information using Advanced Search. Add the Advanced Search function to the HR Professional menu.

Menu Name User Menu Name Function Name Default Prompt
GHR_EMPLOYEE_DIRECT_ACCESS Federal Employee Self Service My Information My Information
GHR_EMPLOYEE_DIRECT_ACCESS Federal Employee Self Service SS Benefits Enrollment - Federal Benefits
GHR_LINE_MANAGER_ACCESS Federal Manager Self Service My Employee Information My Employee Information

Note: You cannot change tab sequence, but you can use standard AOL menu exclusion functionality at the responsibility level to show and hide tabs. Make your changes to the My Information views sub tab menu (GHR_EMP_VIEWS_SUB_TABS) or the My Employee Information views sub tab menu (GHR_MGR_VIEWS_SUB_TABS). See: Configuring Tabbed Regions

See: Defining Menus for SSHR


To enable My List functionality, enable My List in the following lookup.

Lookup Display Name
HR_MGRV_APPL_CONTEXT Information Views Application Context Switcher

You must also enable the navigation button Manage My List to the My Employee Information page, and the navigation button Add to My List to Simple and Advanced Search Results pages.


Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

The following tables describe configurable tips and instructions.

My Information

Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Employee Views Instruction HR_EMPV_PAGE_INSTR
Employee History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_EMP_TABINSTR
Position History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_SAL_TABINSTR
Personal History Table Instruction GHR_EMPV_POS_TABINSTR
Salary History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_SAL_TABINSTR
Benefits History Table Instruction GHR_EMPV_BEN_TABINSTR
Awards and Bonuses History Table Instruction GHR_EMPV_AWRD_TABINSTR
Performance History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_PERF_TABINSTR
Personnel Actions History Table Instruction GHR_EMPV_PA_TABINSTR
Training History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_TRNG_TABINSTR
Absence History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_ABS_TABINSTR
Application History Table Instruction HR_EMPV_APPLN_TABINSTR

The Salary tab on the My Information and My Employee Information pages displays salary details of employees who are on a grade ladder, or whose salary is processed using the Salary Administration window.

My Employee Information

Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Manager Views Instruction HR_MGRV_PAGE_INSTR
Awards and Bonuses History Table Instruction GHR_MGRV_AWRD_TABINST
Personnel Actions History Table Instruction GHR_MGRV_PA_TABINST
Position History Table Instruction GHR_MGRV_POS_TABINST
Personal History Table Instruction GHR_MGRV_PRSNL_TABINSTR
Training History Table Instruction HR_MGRV_TRNG_TABINST

Configurable Flexfields

The following tables describe available configurable flexfields.

My Information

Region Name Flexfield Name Message Name
Absence History Table Additional Absence Details PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES
Application History Table Additional Application Details PER_APPLICATIONS

My Employee Information

Region Name Flexfield Name Message Name
Training History Table Additional Delegate Booking Information OTA_DELEGATE_BOOKINGS
Training History Table Add'l Non OTA Training History Info. OTA_NOTRING_HISTORIES
Application History Table Additional Application Details PER_APPLICATIONS
Application History Table Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Configurable Profile Options

You can display a position hierarchy instead of a supervisory hierarchy in My Employee Information.

Profile Options

Profile Configurable Levels Values Default
HR: Display Position Hierarchy Site Yes/No No
HR: Enable User Personalization All Yes/No No

Employee Information View (US Federal)

The Employee Information view consolidates employee and contingent worker records as of the current date. From the Employee Information self-service page, you can display a more detailed view of a worker's record, including historic and future-dated records, such as salary entitlements.

Note: You can only view details for workers within your security profile.

Menu and Function Names

You can access worker information using the following menu and function.

User Menu Name Function Name
Federal HR Self Service Employee Information

See: Defining Menus for SSHR


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Not applicable

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

The following table describes configurable tips and instructions.

Employee Information

Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Employee Views Instruction GHR_HRV_PAGE_INSTR
Employment Instruction GHR_HRV_EMP_TABINSTR
Position History Instruction GHR_HRV_POS_TABINST
Personal History Instruction GHR_HRV_PRSNL_TABINSTR
Obligation Dates Instruction GHR_HRV_OBLG_DT_TABINSTR
Salary Instruction GHR_HRV_SAL_TABINSTR
Benefits History Instruction GHR_HRV_BNFT_TABINSTR
Awards and Bonuses History Instruction GHR_HRV_AWRD_TABINST
Performance Instruction GHR_HRV_PERF_TABINSTR
Personnel Actions History Instruction GHR_HRV_PA_TABINST
Training History Instruction HR_MGRV_TRNG_TABINST
Absence Instruction HR_MGRV_ABS_TABINSTR

Configurable FlexFields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

Personnel Actions - US Federal

Processing Personnel Actions (US Federal)

Oracle US Federal Human Resources enables managers and employees to initiate and process personnel action transactions using self-service for certain nature of action codes (NOACs).

Processing Personnel Actions as Managers

Managers can use the US Federal Manager Self Service responsibility to initiate personnel actions for employees in their supervisor hierarchy. They can use the following menus available with the US Federal Manager Self Service responsibility:

Processing Personnel Actions as Employees

Employees can use the US Federal Employee Self Service responsibility to initiate personnel actions.

The following menus are available with the US Federal Employee Self Service responsibility:

How Personnel Action Transactions are Processed?

When managers or employees initiate personnel action transactions, the application displays the relevant questionnaires related to the nature of action. Employees or managers can provide their answers to process the transaction. They can review the questionnaire and approval details and click the Submit button. When the Submit button is clicked, the application routes the transaction to the approver based on the approval rules setup for such business transactions. After approvals are complete according to the approvals setup, the application initiates the RPA action and routes the transaction to the Mass Group Box set up at the Personnel Office. The HR Administrator can open the RPA from inbox and provide the remaining details if required and perform the Update HR action. After processing Update HR, a notification will be sent to the initiator on the successful completion of the initiated action.

Configuring Personnel Actions (US Federal)

This topic provides information on the Personnel Actions menus and any configuration steps that are required to be performed.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

See: Defining Menus for SSHR

Federal Manager Self Service (GHR_LINE_MANAGER_ACCESS)

The Federal Manager Self Service menu provides the following Personnel Actions menus for managers:

Federal Employee Self Service (GHR_EMPLOYEE_DIRECT_ACCESS)

The Federal Employee Self Service menu includes the following Personnel Actions menus for employees:

Prompt Sub Menu Sub Menu Type Function
Personal Information     GHR Personal Information Emp
Educational/Language Information     GHR Special information Types Emp
Personnel Actions RPA Actions Employee menu (Federal)   Return To Duty Employee
Non Pay Status Employee
Resignation Employee
Retirement Employee
Personal Actions
Personal Actions Review
Extension of NTE Employee
Personal Actions List
NPDS Personal Action
NPDS Review Page
Change Actions RPA Change Actions Employee menu (Federal)
Employee menu (Federal)
  Name Change Employee
Work Schedule Change Employee
Name Change Employee Manager
Work Schedule Change Employee Manager

Setting up Oracle Approvals Management (AME) for Personnel Actions Approval

Oracle US Federal Human Resources provides questionnaires to initiate and process personnel actions. When employees or managers answer the questionnaire and submit the personnel action transaction, the application routes the transaction for approval based on the AME setup defined for the business transaction approval. For information on how to setup AME rules for approvals, refer to the Oracle HRMS Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

After the final approval is in for a personnel action transaction, the application initiates the RPA action and routes it to the Mass Group Box set up at the Personnel Office. The HR administrator can open the RPA from inbox and provide the remaining details if required, and perform the Update HR action. After processing the Update HR, a notification will be send to Initiator for successful completion of initiated action.

Personalization Steps to Display the Leave Without Pay Not-to-exceed (date) in the Employee and Manager Self-Service Pages

The system administrator must complete the following personalization steps to display the Leave Without Pay Not-to-exceed (date) on Header of the Return to Duty Page.

  1. Select Personnel Actions.

  2. Select Return to Duty Action.

  3. Select Personalize Default Single Column.

  4. Click the Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Leave Without Pay Start Date and set Rendered to True at Function: Return to Duty level.

  5. Select Apply and Click on Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Leave Without Pay End Date and set Rendered to True at Function: Return to Duty level.

Personalization Steps to Display the Assignment NTE dates for Change to Lower Grade, Level or Band in the Manager Self-Service Pages

The system administrator must complete the following personalization steps to display the Assignment NTE dates for in the Header of the Change to Lower Grade, Level or Band page.

  1. Select Personnel Actions.

  2. Select the Change to Lower Grade, Level or Band Action.

  3. Select the Personalize Default Single Column.

  4. Click Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Assignment NTE Start Date and set Rendered to True at the Function level: Change to Lower Grade, Level or Band.

  5. Select Apply and Click the Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Assignment NTE Date and set Rendered to True at Function level: Change to Lower Grade, Level or Band.

Personalization Steps to Display the Assignment NTE dates for Promotion in the Manager Self-Service pages:

The system administrator must complete the following personalization steps to display the Assignment NTE dates in the Header of the Promotion page:

  1. Select Personnel Actions.

  2. Select the Promotion Action.

  3. Select the Personalize Default Single Column.

  4. Click the Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Assignment NTE Start Date and set Rendered to True at the Function level: Promotion.

  5. Select Apply and Click the Personalize link of Message Styled Text: Assignment NTE Date and set Rendered to True at Function level: Promotion.

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region/Page Name Tip Type Message Name
Oracle Federal Human Resources Self-Service Actions page Instruction GHRInstructionNote

See: Adding Instructions to Web Pages

Configurable FlexFields

Flexfield Title: Self-Service Actions

Action Name Code Name
Return to Duty GHR_EMP_RETURN_TO_DUTY US Federal Employee Return To Duty
  GHR_MGR_RETURN_TO_DUTY US Federal Manager Return To Duty
Non Pay/Duty Status GHR_EMP_NON_PAY_DUTY_STATUS US Federal Employee Non Pay Status
  GHR_MGR_NON_PAY_DUTY_STATUS US Federal Manager Non Pay Status
Resignation GHR_EMP_RESIGNATION US Federal Employee Resignation
  GHR_MGR_RESIGNATION US Federal Manager Resignation
Retirement GHR_EMP_RETIREMENT US Federal Employee Retirement
  GHR_MGR_RETIREMENT US Federal Manager Retirement

You must compile the Descriptive Flex 'Self-Service Actions' by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the System Administrator or Application Developer responsibility.

  2. . Navigate to Application > Flexfields >Descriptive > Segments.

  3. Search for Flex-field Title 'Self-Service Actions'.

    Once you set up or modify your structures and segments, you must freeze your flexfield definition and save your changes.

  4. Click the Compile button to compile the flexfield.

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable


Apply for Job

Employees and contingent workers can use the Apply for Job module to search and apply for jobs online.

Using this module they can:

View Application Information

Applicants can view and track their job applications using the My Information module. Currently they can only view applications for vacancies in their own business group.

See: My Information and My Employee Information

Manager Access to Applications

Managers can use the My Employee Information module to see the applications of their direct reports.

They can process the applications using the Oracle HRMS Mass Updates of Applicants window. To view applicants for vacancies, managers must have access to them through the security profile.

See: Updating Applicant Assignments by Group, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

See: Hiring an Applicant (People Window and Application Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

See also: Hire or Placement, Place Contingent Worker Processes

Menu and Function Name

Apply for Job function (HR_APPLY_FOR_JOB_SS) is part of the Contingent Worker Personal Actions, Contingent Worker Self Service, Personal Actions, and Employee Self Service menus.


Not applicable.

Configurable Tips and Instructions

The following tables describe configurable tips and instructions.

Available Jobs Page
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Enter Application Details Page
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_412188_UPLOAD_RESUME_APPLY


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Enter Application Details Page
Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloper
Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details Notification PreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Note: A system administrator can use Personalization Framework to display any hidden fields or flexfield segments in the Basic Details region. However, note that these are read-only. Applicants cannot update the basic information using this page.

Hire or Placement, Place Contingent Worker Processes

SSHR's workflow processes Hire or Placement and Place Contingent Worker enable you to enter information about new employees or contingent workers.

Use the Hire page to hire new people, who are not required to have assignments with a status of Accepted. You can also use the Hire page to process the hiring of an ex-employee in a business group that is different from the business group in which the ex-employee was previously employed.

Use the Applicant Hire and Rehire page to:

See: Applicant Hire and Rehire

Note: After you hire iRecruitment applicants as employees, run the iRecruitment Create Enrollment process to enroll new hires in the compensation plans included in their offer letters. For more information, see: Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Applicant Search

When hiring an applicant, the results displayed in the Search Applicant page are restricted according to your security profile. In addition, any applicant who is also a current or future employee in your enterprise is also excluded from the SSHR Search Applicant page.

Duplicate Person Checking

When entering a new person:

For information about the searches that Oracle HRMS performs when you set up the HR: Cross BG Duplicate Person Check and HR: Cross Business Group profile options, see: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

For more information about the duplicate person check, see: People in a Global Enterprise, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

If an existing record is found, then a list of the possible matches is displayed in the Potential Duplicate People page. You can do one of the following:

Applicant Hire and Rehire

Use the Applicant Hire and Rehire page to:

Applicant Search

When hiring an applicant, the results displayed in the Search page are restricted according to your security profile.

You can use the Person Type field to search for:

Duplicate Person Checking

When entering a new person:

For information about the searches that Oracle HRMS performs when you set up the HR: Cross BG Duplicate Person Check and HR: Cross Business Group profile options, see: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

For more information about the duplicate person check, see: People in a Global Enterprise, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

If an existing record is found, then a list of the possible matches is displayed in the Potential Duplicate People page. You can do one of the following:

Hiring an External Applicant

You can hire external applicants who have application assignments with a status of Accepted. You can search for external applicants using search criteria such as, last name, vacancy and select the person type of All Applicants or External Applicant.

Provide basic details, phone and address information. You can enter new assignment data, propose a pay, and select a manager for the new employee assignment. You can review the new hire details and submit the transaction for approval, if approvals are setup in your enterprise.

Hiring an Internal Applicant

Using Oracle Self-Service HR, managers can hire internal applicants (employee applicants) who apply to internal vacancies in the organization. You can search for an employee applicant who has an accepted application, view details, and hire the employee applicant into an assignment. The security profile attached to your responsibility controls the internal applicants that you can search.

The Select the assignment mode to hire internal applicant region automatically appears when the applicant search results include employee applicants.

You can select any of the assignment modes to hire the employee applicant:

You can review the employee applicant details and submit the transaction for approval, if approvals are setup in your enterprise.

Hiring Oracle iRecruitment Applicants

To hire iRecruitment applicants using the Applicant Hire and Rehire function, your enterprise must complete specific implementation steps in Oracle iRecruitment. For more information, refer to Implementation Steps for iRecruitment, Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

As manager, when you initiate the hire process from iRecruitment, if the offer has a proposed start date, then this date appears in the Effective Date field. If there is no proposed start date for an offer, then the application displays a date one day later than the system date. You can override the date that automatically appears as the effective date to specify a new hiring date.

Hiring an External iRecruitment Applicant

To complete the hiring process, you can provide basic details such as , phone and address information. You can enter new assignment data, propose a pay, and select a manager for the new employee assignment. You can review the new hire details and submit the transaction for approval, if approvals are setup in your enterprise.

Hiring an Internal iRecruitment Applicant

If you initiate the hire process for an employee applicant, then the Select the assignment mode to hire internal applicant region automatically appears. You must select the appropriate assignment mode to hire the employee applicant. For more information, see: Hiring an Internal Applicant

Rehiring an Ex-Employee

Managers can directly rehire ex-employees into the same organization. Ex-employees are not required to have an application.

Note: You cannot rehire an ex-employee if the final process date for the previous employment is not provided. The rehire date must be later than the final process date.

For an ex-employee, you can view details such as the termination date, leaving reason, and rehire recommendation. You can review these details before processing the rehire.

To rehire the ex-employee, you can update basic details that default from the previous assignment. You can also assign a new manager to the ex-employee. The Review page displays the current and proposed basic details, phone, and address. For assignment data and change manager details, the application displays only the proposed column.

You can review the rehire details and submit the transaction for approval, if approvals are setup in your enterprise.