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Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13670-05
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Reports and Processes

This chapter covers the following topics:

Activity Cause Report

Use the Activity Cause Report to report on reasons for your assets' failures, reported by Department, or Asset Number. An Activity Cause is a reason for an asset's failure, for example, Preventive, Normal Wear, Rework, and Breakdown. This information enables you to understand the dynamics that affect an asset's ability to perform. They establish critical data that can be used for reporting and analysis of asset failure causes and the frequency of such conditions. Asset Cause Codes are referenced when setting up an Activity (See: Defining Activities and Activity Causes).

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Activity Cause Report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Report Type

    Select By Department or By Item Type (Capital Asset or Rebuildable Inventory) to indicate whether the report displays information relative to the Owning Department or Asset Group, respectively.

    Period From

    Enter the beginning period, for a data range, to indicate the starting point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide , and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Period To

    Enter an ending period, for a data range, to indicate the ending point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.


    Select the Currency. See: Defining Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Exchange Rate

    Select the Exchange Rate. See: Understanding Multiple Reporting Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Department From

    Optionally, select a beginning department, for a data range, to indicate the beginning department for which the report encompasses information. This parameter is enabled if you selected By Department in the Report By parameter.

    Department To

    Optionally, select an ending department for a data range to indicate the ending department for which the report encompasses information. This parameter is enabled if you selected By Department in the Report By parameter.

    Item Type

    Select an Item Type. Valid values are Asset Items only, Rebuild Items only, and Asset and Rebuild Items.

    Maintained Item From

    Optionally select the Maintained Item From field to display a System Items window that provides Low and High fields. You can enter the Asset Item data range within the Low and High fields, which populates the Asset Item From and Asset Item To fields, respectively.

    Maintained Item To

    Optionally select the Maintained Item To field to display a System Items window that provides Low and High fields. You can enter the Asset Item data range within the Low and High fields, which populates the Maintained Item From and Maintained Item To fields, respectively.

    Maintained Unit From

    Optionally, select a beginning Maintained Group, for a data range, to indicate the beginning Maintained Group for which the report encompasses information.

    Maintained Unit To

    Optionally, select an ending Maintained Group, for a data range, to indicate the ending Maintained Group for which the report encompasses information.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Department Actual Cost Report

Use the Department Actual Cost Report to determine the actual costs charged to an Owning Department for a specified period of time.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select EAM Weekly Schedule report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Report Type

    Select Summary or By Department Total.

    Department From

    Optionally select a beginning department, for a data range, to indicate the beginning department for which the report encompasses information.

    Department To

    Optionally select an ending department for a data range to indicate the ending department for which the report encompasses information.

    Period From

    Enter the beginning period, for a data range, to indicate the starting point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Period To

    Enter an ending period, for a data range, to indicate the ending point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Include OSP

    Select No or Yes. If you select Yes, Outside Service Processing information is included in the report.


    Select the Currency. See: Defining Currencies, Oracle General Ledgers User's Guide.

    Exchange Rate

    Select the Exchange Rate. See: Understanding Multiple Reporting Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Work Order Cost Report

Use the Work Order Cost Report to determine the costs charged to Work Orders for a specified period of time, and optionally, a Department range.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Work Order Cost Report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Report Type

    Accept the default, High Cost Work Orders.

    Department From

    Optionally select a beginning department, for a data range, to indicate the beginning department for which the report encompasses information.

    Department To

    Optionally select an ending department for a data range to indicate the ending department for which the report encompasses information.

    Cost Ceiling

    Optionally enter an amount to indicate a work order cost limit for which the report encompasses.

    Period From

    Enter the beginning period, for a data range, to indicate the starting point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Period To

    Enter an ending period, for a data range, to indicate the ending point of time for which the report encompasses information. See: Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide, and Adding Periods to a Calendar, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Include OSP

    Select No or Yes. If you select Yes, Outside Service Processing information is included in the report.


    Select the Currency. See: Defining Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

    Exchange Rate

    Select the Exchange Rate. See: Understanding Multiple Reporting Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

EAM Weekly Schedule Report

Use the EAM Weekly Schedule Report to display Work Order details, by specific owning department, within your crew's calendar week's starting dates. This report includes details, such as Work Order number, status, work description, start date, operation, department, resources, instance, priority, duration, estimated completion date, and the distribution of hours on a weekly basis.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select EAM Weekly Schedule report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Owning Department

    Select an Owning Department to report for one Owning Department. This is the department that owns the responsibility for the Asset Number. This parameter is mandatory.

    Assigned Department

    Optionally, select an Assigned Department to narrow selection criteria to schedule information for one Assigned Department. This is the department that is currently assigned to the Asset Number.

    Week Starting

    Optionally select the starting date from which the user requires this report. The report displays information for seven days from the selected date. If this parameter is left blank, the report displays information starting from the first date of the current week.


    Optionally select an Area to narrow selection criteria to where a Asset Number is located.


    Optionally select an Asset to narrow selection criteria to only the Work Orders that are assigned to the selected Asset.

    Rebuild Item

    Optionally select a serialized Rebuildable Item to narrow selection criteria to only Work Orders that are assigned to the selected Rebuildable Item.

    Shutdown Type

    Optionally select a Shutdown Type to narrow selection criteria to only Work Orders that have the selected Shutdown Type required for its operations.


    Optionally select a resource associated with the operations of the current Work Order. This parameter is optional.


    The Person or Equipment used as the resource for an operation. This parameter is optional.

    Sort By

    Select a Sort By value to indicate how you want to display your schedule information. If you select Workorder, for example, the report displays scheduling information, sorted by Work Order number.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Load Production Equipment Maintenance Downtime

Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) integrates with Process and Discrete Manufacturing, enabling your maintenance environment to identify Enterprise Asset Management asset relationships with production equipment. This feature associates an asset or many assets to the production equipment located in an Outside Processing organization. After establishing, you can view the resource usage (maintenance Work Orders, batches, or FPOs) emanating from production, associated with a maintainable asset. You can also use the Load Production Equipment Maintenance Downtime process to view or purge your maintenance production equipment downtime.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Load Production Equipment Maintenance Downtime from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Simulation Set

    Select a valid Simulation Set.

    Run Option

    Select a Run Option. Valid values are Load Maintenance Downtime and Purge Maintenance Downtime.

    Include Unreleased Maintenance Orders

    Select Yes or No. If you select Yes, the report process includes Work Orders at an Unreleased Status when reporting or purging production equipment downtime records.

    Firm Maintenance Work Orders Only

    Select Yes or No. If you select Yes, only Work Orders that are firm (the dates on the Work Order cannot automatically re-schedule) are considered.


    Optionally, select an Owning Department. Only Work Orders belonging to the selected Department are considered.


    Optionally select a Resource. Only Work Orders containing the selected Resource are considered.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Maintenance Work Order Detail Report

Use the Maintenance Work Order Detail Report to view and analyze all information related to a maintenance work order. You can create a report that displays user-defined values. For example, you can view all unreleased work orders for a specified date range, or see material requirements for work orders in a specified area. You can filter reporting information according to work orders, start and end dates, assigned department, work statuses, asset area, and asset. You can display details on the report, including operations, resources, employees, materials, direct items, work requests, meters, and attachments.

Important: The quality information relating to the work order does not appear on the report.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Maintenance Work Order Detail Report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    All report parameters are optional.

    Work Order From

    Enter the starting work order number to display a range of work orders.


    Enter the ending work order number to display a range of work orders.

    Scheduled Start Dates From

    Enter the beginning scheduled date for a data range. This is the starting point to calculate the scheduled end date and duration for allocated resources and materials.


    Enter the ending date for a date range. This indicates the requested end by date of the work. The scheduling process uses this date as a starting point to calculate the scheduled start date and duration for allocated resources and materials.

    Work Order Status

    Enter the status of the work order. Only work orders at this status appear on the report.

    Assigned Department

    Enter the assigned department (crew). This is the department associated with the asset on the work order.

    Asset Area from

    Enter the beginning asset area for a range of areas.

    Asset Area to

    Enter the ending asset area for a range of areas.

    Asset Number

    Enter an asset if you want to view only work order information associated with a specific asset.

    Operations to be displayed

    No - Operation level information does not appear.

    Yes - Operation level information appears.

    Resources to be displayed

    No - Resource level information does not appear.

    Yes - Resource level information appears.

    Employee to be displayed

    No - Employee specific information does not appear.

    Yes - Employee specific information appears.

    Materials to be displayed

    No - Material level information does not appear.

    Yes - Material level information appears.

    Direct Items to be displayed

    No - Material level information does not appear.

    Yes - Material level information appears.

    Work Request to be displayed

    No - Work orders' associated work requests do not appear.

    Yes - Work orders' associated work requests appear.

    Meters to be displayed

    No - Assets associated meters do not appear.

    Yes - Assets associated meters appear.

    Attachments to be displayed

    No - Attachments do not appear.

    Yes - Attachments appear.

  2. Click the OK button.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Material Issue Request Pick List Report

Stocked inventory items may be necessary to perform work on maintenance Work Orders. Use the Material Issue Request Pick List Report to display all reserved stock for maintenance Work Orders, so that you can easily retrieve the necessary material.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Material Issue Request Pick List Report from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    All report parameters are optional.

    Request Number From

    Optionally select a beginning Request Number, for a data range, to indicate the beginning Request Number for which the report encompasses information.

    Request Number To

    Optionally select an ending Request Number, for a data range, to indicate the ending Request Number for which the report encompasses information.

    Date Required From

    Optionally select a beginning date, for a data range, to indicate the starting date for which the report encompasses information.

    Date Required To

    Optionally select an ending date, for a data range, to indicate the ending date for which the report encompasses information.

    Source Subinventory

    Optionally select a Source Subinventory to indicate an exact subinventory for which to issue the material.

    Source Locator

    If you previously selected a subinventory that contains a Locator, select a Source Locator to indicate an exact Locator from which to issue the material.

    Work Order

    Optionally select a Work Order to indicate a specific Work Order for which to issue material.


    Optionally narrow your selection criteria by selecting a Material.


    Optionally select a Requestor.

    Sort By

    Optionally select a Sort By option to indicate how the report is sorted. Valid values are Request Number and Date Required.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM

Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) is the repository in which time is entered by employees working in a particular organization. Employees working on Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) Work Orders enter their time using OTL Self-Service. Information collected is stored in OTL Time Store, and is composed of a series of business rules and processes. eAM extracts information from the Time Store and charges eAM work orders for the time spent by employees that work on them.

There are multiple steps within the integration flow. First, timecard information is entered for a specific Work Order, within Oracle Time Store (a piece of Oracle Time and Labor). That information is then extracted from Oracle Time Store to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management. This extraction dynamically creates a resource transaction within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management. Finally, the Cost Manager process is executed. This process charges the resource transaction. After this process executes, you can view the actual costs for the period that you charged, within the Work Order.

The Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM process is the process that extracts timecard information, entered within OTL for specific Work Orders, from OTL to eAM.

Report Submission

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    All report parameters are optional.

    Start Date

    Optionally select a beginning date, for a data range, to indicate the starting date for which the process retrieves information.

    End Date

    Optionally select an ending date, for a data range, to indicate the ending date for which the process retrieves information.


    Optionally, select an OTL Organization to determine only one organization for which the process retrieves information.

    Asset Group

    Optionally select a Asset Group.

    Asset Number

    Optionally select a Asset Number.


    Optionally select a Project, if the selected organization is a Project Manufacturing organization.


    If you previously selected a Project, you can optionally select a Task.


    Optionally select a Resource.


    Optionally select an Employee.

    Owning Department

    Optionally select an Owning Department.

    Work Order

    Optionally select a Work Order.


    If you previously selected a Work Order, you can optionally select a specific Operation.

    Change Department

    Optionally select a Change Department.

    Process Code

    Optionally select a Process Code.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Oracle Time and Labor Integration Setup

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance

You can transfer variances between purchase order price and invoice price, back to a maintenance work order, from your user-defined, adjustment account. This enables you to value your maintenance costs at the actual costs.

You can generate the Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance report to display the details of each invoice variance and a summary total of the variance amount that may transfer. The report format is similar to the Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report. You can view this report to determine whether or not you are executing the variance transfer. You should complete this task before you run the Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report (See: Shop Floor Variance Report).

Report Submission

  1. Navigate to the Shop Floor Invoice Variance window.

  2. Select Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Transfer Description

    Optionally enter a description for the invoice transfer.

    Specific Work Order

    You can view the variance transfer details for a specific work order by selecting a work order. Maintenance work orders with statuses of Cancelled, Closed, and Complete - No Charges are not available.

    IPV Item Type

    You can transfer invoice variances for:

    Direct Shop Floor Delivery items only

    Outside Processing and Direct Shop Floor Delivery items

    Outside Processing items only

    Item Range

    If you chose Outside Processing items only as the value for the IPV Item Type parameter, you can specify an item range for your transfer.

    Specific Item

    If you chose Outside Processing items only as the value for the IPV Item Type parameter, you can specify an item for your transfer.

    Category Set

    If you chose Outside Processing items only as the value for the IPV Item Type parameter, you can specify a Category Set for your transfer.

    Specific Category

    If you chose Outside Processing items only as the value for the IPV Item Type parameter and a value in the Category Set parameter, you can specify a specific category from the previously chosen category set.

    Specific Project

    You can choose to transfer invoice variances only for items associated to a specific project.

    Adjustment Account

    You can enter an adjustment account from which the invoice variance is transferred.

    Invoice Cutoff Date

    Enter a date. Approved and posted invoices through this date are included in your transfer.

  3. Choose OK.

  4. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Transferring Invoice Variances to Maintenance Work Orders

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report

You can transfer invoice variances from your specific adjustment account to maintenance work orders (See: Transferring Invoice Variances). For each invoice variance transfer processed successfully, you can use the Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report to view the invoice variance transferred into your maintenance work orders. This report displays the adjustment account and the summary total amount transferred. It also displays the detail information for each work order, item, purchase order line, and invoice included in the transfer.

Report Submission

  1. Navigate to the Shop Floor Invoice Variance window.

  2. Select Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance from the Name list of values.

    Report Parameters

    Batch Date

    Enter a date to filter out batches that you do not want to select. Only batches processed on or after this date are included in the Batch Id parameter's list of values.

    Batch Id

    Enter the identifier for the batch you would like to report on. The list of values displays the parameters entered when you run your transfer process, such as description, work order number, item number, etc.

  3. Choose OK.

  4. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Transferring Invoice Variances to Maintenance Work Orders

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide