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Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration and System Administration Guide
Release 12.1 V5
Part Number E37993-08
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Oracle Channel Revenue Management (ChRM) Extensions for Oracle Endeca

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca integrations enable you to search and filter claim and budget related information.

You can search using Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from container pages in EBS. The Claims Dashboard page enables search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration. This enables you to filter and search for open and closed claims. The Budget Dashboard page enables you to track funds and related promotional activity transactions to forecast and execute various promotional activities to get maximum return on investments.

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca User Interface and Integration

Claims Dashboard Page

You use the Claims Dashboard to view Open and Closed Claims. The page displays information and data graphically and in tabular format.

the picture is described in the document text

The Claims Dashboard contains two tabs - Open Claims and Closed Claims. Both these tabs contain filtering components that you can use to search, navigate and filter the data displayed in other components.

Open Claims Tab

You use the Open Claims page to track claim closure workload and amounts or transactions that require to be closed in a timely manner. You can use this page to view the open claims by age and personnel. Any claim with a status NEW, OPEN, ON_HOLD, and COMPLETE is an open claim. You can analyze data and review open claims using various metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The Open Claims page contains the following regions and components:

Region Components
Metrics Bar
  • Total Claim Amount

  • Total Claim Transactions

  • Amount Beyond 30 Days

  • Claims Beyond 30 Days

Customer This tag cloud displays the distribution of text values for the attribute Customer.
  • Amount by Customer

  • Amount by Owner

  • Amount by Reason

You can also print or export these visualizations.
Results Table This component displays a detailed view of records for the current refinement. You can view the following claims related attributes and access and view multiple data points by scrolling through the results table horizontally.
  • Claim Info

  • Settlement Info

  • Customer

  • Product Info

  • Ownership

  • Flexfield

Additionally, you can use the Actions list of values to print or to export this data.

Closed Claims Tab

This page provides a means to analyze claims after they are settled. The page also displays details regarding the claim settlement. All claims with a status PENDING_APPROVAL, APPROVED, PENDING_CLOSE, CLOSED, and ARCHIVED are considered closed claims. Claims with a status CANCELED, DUPLICATE, and REJECTED are not extracted for reporting on this page. You can analyze data and review closed claims using various metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The Closed Claims page contains the following regions and components:

Region Components
Metrics Bar
  • Total Amount

  • Total Transactions

  • Average Days to Close

  • Write-Off%

Claim Reason This tag cloud displays the distribution of text values for the Claim Reason.
Visualizations You can view closed claims by Classifications or by Settlement. In the Classifications tab, you can view:
  • Amount by Type

  • Amount by Customer

  • Amount by Product Number

In the Settlement tab, you can view:
  • Amount by Reason

  • Amount by Settlement Method

  • Average Days to Close

You can also print or export these visualizations.
Results Table This component displays a detailed view of records for the current refinement. You can view the following claims related attributes and access and view multiple data points by scrolling through the results table horizontally.
  • Claim Info

  • Settlement Info

  • Customer

  • Product Info

  • Ownership

  • Flexfield

Additionally, you can use the Actions list of values to print or to export this data.

Budget Dashboard Page

You use the Budget Dashboard page to track funds and their related promotional activity transactions to forecast and execute various promotional activities to get maximum return on investments. The page displays information and data graphically, and in tabular format, for all budgets other than those with a Draft, Rejected, or Pending status.

This page contains filtering components that you can use to search, navigate and filter the data displayed in other components. You can analyze data and review budget data using various metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The Budget Dashboard page contains the following regions and components:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Metrics Bar
  • Budget Total

  • Total Committed

  • Total Earned

  • Total Paid

  • Balance

Customer This tag cloud displays the distribution of text values for the attribute Customer.
Products This tag cloud displays the distribution of text values for the attribute Products.
  • Accrual Amount by Customer (visible from the Classification subtab)

  • Accrual Amount by Product Number (visible from the Classification subtab)

  • Accrual Amount by Activity (visible from the Activity subtab)

  • Accrual Amount by Category (visible from the Activity subtab)

You can also print or export these visualizations.
Results Table This component displays a detailed view of records for the current refinement. You can view the following budget related attributes, and access and view multiple data points by scrolling through the results table horizontally.
  • Column Set: Amount

    • Budget Name

    • Activity

    • Committed Amount

    • Earned Amount

    • Paid Amount

    • Budget Currency

  • Column Set: Eligibility

    • Budget Name

    • Activity

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Account Number

    • Bill To Site

    • Bill To Address

    • Ship To Customer

    • Ship To Account Number

    • Ship To Site

    • Ship To Address

    • Beneficiary Name

    • Beneficiary Account Number

  • Column Set: Other Information

    • Budget Name

    • Activity

    • Ledger Name

    • Operating Unit

    • Budget Category

    • Budget Owner

    • Budget Status

Additionally, you can use the Actions list of values to print or to export this data.

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Product Configuration


Complete the Oracle Channel Revenue Management product configuration after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 document (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Set up Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration

  1. Grant the Channel Endeca User Role to the predefined Oracle Trade Management User or Accounts Receivable Deductions and Settlement responsibilities. You can also grant the Channel Endeca User Role to any custom Oracle Channel Revenue Manager responsibility.

    See: Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security for more information on how to assign roles.

    See: Menus and Functions in Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca

  2. Set up the Profile Options.

    See: Setting Up Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Profile Options

  3. Run the Full Load Graph.

    See: Running the Full Load Graph

  4. Set up the Scheduler.

    See: Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh

  5. Run the Update Time Structure concurrent program. You must run the Update Time Structure concurrent program to collect claim data for the Endeca Dashboard. During the data extraction process, claims data is loaded with time structure information maintained in Channel Revenue Management. Only claims with their claim date and settlement date defined in the mentioned time structure are collected.

    See: Updating the Time Structure in Oracle Channel Revenue Management, Implementation and Administration Guide for more information.

Setting Up Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Profile Options

Set up the following profile options for Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca:

Menus and Functions in Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca

The Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Application is accessed through the following functions:

To access the pages for Oracle Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca, grant the Channel Endeca User Role to users, who require access to Endeca content. Users with this role can access the Endeca Dashboard menu from the following responsibilities.

The Endeca Dashboard (OZF_ENDECA_MENU) menu is associated with the Channel Endeca User Role.

Running the Full Load Graph

Once you have run the full load graph in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 document (Doc ID: 1683053.1), attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes. Additionally, you need to run the following full data loads as follows:

You must also ensure you run the Full graph each time you update the OZF: Claims Aging Bucket for Endeca profile option.

To run a full Endeca Refresh on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Channel Revenue Management Incremental Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select ozf-claim or ozf-budget from the Sandbox list, based on the module for which you are running the full load.

  13. Select graph/FullLoad.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh

Once the Full graph is run in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 document (Doc ID: 1683053.1), initial data load for Channel Revenue Management is complete. For incremental refresh, you must determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time. As the data is updated in the EBS, you need to ensure it is updated in the endeca MDEX server. You set up the Scheduler to load incremental graphs depending on the amount of claims or budget information requiring update.

To set up the scheduler

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Channel Revenue Management Incremental Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select ozf-claim or ozf-budget from the Sandbox list, based on the module for which you are running the incremental load.

  13. Select graph/IncrementalLoad.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Technical Integration Components

View and Joins to Load Oracle Channel Revenue Management Data

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load and display Oracle Channel Revenue to the Oracle Endeca data store: