PMO: Examining and Comparing Promotions

This chapter covers the following topics:


This chapter describes how to examine and compare promotions, to help you choose the best promotion for your needs. It includes the following sections:

Before you mark a promotion as planned (or before you commit a promotion), you generally examine the promotion to be sure you have chosen the best vehicle type and so on.

To evaluate promotions, you generally start in the Planning Environment worksheet. From there, you right-click a promotion and launch any of the relevant PMO worksheets to see data for that promotion.

the picture is described in the document text

Or, to compare multiple promotions, you right-click a scenario and launch a worksheet to view the promotions in that scenario side-by-side. As shown here, you can also open one worksheet from another, to look at the same promotion in a different way.

You may also want to run simulation, optimization, or both, as described in "PMO: Simulation and Optimization."

Examining Promotions from the Manufacturer's Point of View

To evaluate a future promotion from the manufacturer's point of view

  1. You typically start in the Planning Environment; see Introduction to the Planning Environment.

  2. In the Event Planner window, right-click a promotion and click Open With > PMO: Promo Effect - Mfg.

  3. If the worksheet does not show data immediately, click Data > Rerun. Or click the Run button.

The system displays the PMO: Promo Effect - Mfg worksheet, filtered to display just the promotion that you right-clicked.

the picture is described in the document text

This worksheet includes the following areas.

Event Planner

This window is the same as the Event Planner window in the Planning Environment worksheet. It displays details of all events, including start and end ship dates, vehicle type, vehicle cost, buydown, base volume and incremental volume.

Cost Benefit Review

This window is similar to the Cost Benefit Review window in the Planning Environment worksheet. It displays a detailed cost benefit analysis, including profitability metrics, overall event spend, and cost per incremental unit (CPIU).

Lift Decomposition Graph - Manufacturer

This window shows the effects of the promotion, from the perspective of the manufacturer.

the picture is described in the document text

Four series are shown here:

The total height of the bar graph indicates how much money the manufacturer received in sales, if cannibalization and pre- and post-effects were ignored.

Lift Decomposition Table - Manufacturer

The Lift Decomposition table displays the same numbers as the preceding graph, but displays all promotion groups that were impacted by the selected promotion. Each promotion group is shown as a row; the blue row indicates the promotion group on which the selected promotion actually ran. This table also summarizes the effects across brands, and across companies, for convenient comparison.

the picture is described in the document text

For the promoted promotion group (Exedra 100), you can see the total event dollars, incremental event dollars, net incremental event dollars and so on, for the selected promotion. Note that for Exedra 100, there was zero dollars of cannibalization and $2743 of pre- and post-promotional effect.

On the other hand, examine the other promotion groups and notice that they were all cannibalized. Of course, for these promotion groups, there was zero direct lift, by definition, as the promotion did not run on them.

Here you can see these useful summaries:

Also notice that this table displays cannibalized and pre- and post-event volume, as well.

Lift Decomposition - Retailer

This table summarizes the cannibalization effects as seen by the retailer; see Examining Promotions from a Retailer's Point of View for details.

the picture is described in the document text

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:

Examining Promotions from a Retailer's Point of View

To evaluate a future promotion from a retailer's point of view

  1. You typically start in the Planning Environment; see "Introduction to the Planning Environment.

  2. In the Event Planner window, right-click a promotion and click Open With > PMO: Promo Effect - Rtl.

  3. If the worksheet does not show data immediately, click Data > Rerun. Or click the Run button.

The system displays the PMO: Promo Effect - Rtl worksheet, filtered to display just the promotion that you right-clicked.

the picture is described in the document text

This worksheet includes the same areas as the PMO: Promo Effect - Mfg worksheet, but from the retailer's point of view rather than the manufacturer's.

Lift Decomposition Table - Retailer

The Lift Decomposition table displays all promotion groups that were impacted by the selected promotion, from the point of view of the retailer. Each promotion group is shown as a row; the blue row indicates the promotion group (Exedra 100) on which the selected promotion actually ran.

the picture is described in the document text

Notice two promotion groups are listed here that were not seen in the manufacturer version: Notrim 24 and Tyitol 50. These promotion groups represent products that this retailer sells, but that are made by a different manufacturer. To the retailer, it is undesirable to cannibalize these promotion groups.

Here you can see these useful summaries:

Also notice that this table displays cannibalized and pre- and post-event volume, as well.

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:

Comparing Promotions in a Scenario

To determine how best to spend trade dollars, you can compare and evaluate multiple promotions in a scenario. Typically you create multiple unplanned promotions in the Sandbox scenario and then open the PMO: Promotion Comparison worksheet to view them side by side.

When you identify the best promotion, you can mark it as planned; see Marking a Promotion as Planned.

To compare promotions

  1. You typically start in the Planning Environment; see "Introduction to the Planning Environment."

  2. In the Event Planner window, right-click a scenario and click Open.

  3. If the worksheet does not show data immediately, click Data > Rerun. Or click the Run button.

This launches the PMO: Promotion Comparison worksheet filtered to show the promotions of that scenario.

the picture is described in the document text

Now you can easily compare all events in the selected scenario. The screen now displays the following areas.

Event Planner

This window is the same as the Event Planner window in the Planning Environment worksheet. It displays details of all events, including start and end ship dates, vehicle type, vehicle cost, buydown, base volume and incremental volume. Incremental volume is generated by Oracle's comprehensive Analytical Engine.

Cost Benefit Review

This window is the same as the Cost Benefit Review window in the Planning Environment worksheet. It displays a detailed cost benefit analysis, including profitability metrics from both the manufacturer and retailer's perspective, overall event spend, cost per incremental unit (CPIU), payment type and price analysis (average retail vs. list).


This worksheet displays the following graphs:

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:


PMO: Promo Effect - Mfg


Accessing this worksheet Right-click a promotion and click Open With > PMO: Promo Effect - Mfg.
Levels you can select Retailer, Category, Promotion
Levels used in cross tabulation Promotion
Time aggregation Yearly

Business Data

View Series Description
Event Planner Start Ship Date when product will start to ship
End Ship Date when shipments will end for the event
Start Event Date when promotion starts in stores
# Wks Event length in whole weeks, assuming that each week starts on Monday.
Veh Type Vehicle type or event type of the promotion
Veh $ Vehicle cost for the promotion
Cons Promo Consumer overlay, the deal type as seen by the consumer.
Shelf Price Everyday price to the consumer
Sale Price Sale price per unit at shelf
Units Number of units in the deal to the consumer. Usually equal to 1. Use 2 for 2-for-1 sales, for example.
Buydown Buydown allowance per unit, discount offered to retailer for running the event
Lift Lift factor for the promotion
Base Evt Vol Base volume during the promotion
Incr Evt Vol Incremental volume due to the promotion
Ttl Evt Vol Total volume for the promotion
Cost Benefit Review Ttl Evt $ Total sales during the promotion, for the manufacturer
Incr Evt $ Incremental sales to the manufacturer due to the event
Base Evt $ Base sales for the manufacturer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Net revenue to the manufacturer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Cannibalization dollars for the manufacturer
Pre Post $ Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (manufacturer's perspective)
Mfg Profit Manufacturer's profit from the event
Incr Mfg Prft Incremental profit to the manufacturer due to the promotion
Net Incr Mfg Prft Net incremental profit for the manufacturer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Rtl Prft Retailer's profit from the event
Incr Rtl Prft Incremental profit to the retailer due to the promotion
Net Incr Rtl Prft Net incremental profit for the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Evt Spend Total planned spending for promotion, sum of buydown, vehicle costs, and slotting
CPIU Event cost per incremental unit sold as a result of the promotion.
% Spend Event spending, as a percentage of event sales
Cost Benefit Review Pay Type Indicates the payment terms between the manufacturer and the retailer for this promotion
Evt Status Current status of the promotion
Lift Decomposition - Mfg Base Evt $ Base sales for the manufacturer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Net revenue to the manufacturer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Cannibalization dollars for the manufacturer
Pre Post $ Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (manufacturer's perspective)
Lift Decomposition Table - Manufacturer Ttl Evt $ Total sales during the promotion, for the manufacturer
Incr Evt $ Incremental sales to the manufacturer due to the event
Base Evt $ Base sales for the manufacturer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Net revenue to the manufacturer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Cannibalization dollars for the manufacturer
Pre Post $ Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (manufacturer's perspective)
Canbl Vol Mfg  
Pre Post Vol Total volume before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion
Lift Decomposition - Retailer Ttl Evt $ Rtl Total sales during the promotion, for the retailer
Base Evt $ Rtl Base sales for the retailer, during the promotion
Incr Evt $ Rtl Incremental sales to the retailer due to the event
Net Incr Evt $ Rtl Net revenue to the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Rtl Cannibalization dollars for the retailer
Pre Post Value Rtl Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (retailer's perspective)

PMO: Promo Effect - Rtl


Accessing this worksheet Right-click a promotion and click Open With > PMO: Promo Effect - Rtl.
Levels you can select Retailer, Category, Promotion
Levels used in cross tabulation Promotion
Time aggregation Yearly

Business Data

View Series Description
Event Planner Start Ship Date when product will start to ship
End Ship Date when shipments will end for the event
Start Event Date when promotion starts in stores
# Wks Event length in whole weeks, assuming that each week starts on Monday.
Veh Type Vehicle type or event type of the promotion
Veh $ Vehicle cost for the promotion
Cons Promo Consumer overlay, the deal type as seen by the consumer.
Shelf Price Everyday price to the consumer
Sale Price Sale price per unit at shelf
Units Number of units in the deal to the consumer. Usually equal to 1. Use 2 for 2-for-1 sales, for example.
Buydown Buydown allowance per unit, discount offered to retailer for running the event
Lift Lift factor for the promotion
Base Evt Vol Base volume during the promotion
Incr Evt Vol Incremental volume due to the promotion
Ttl Evt Vol Total volume for the promotion
Cost Benefit Review - Retailer Ttl Evt $ Rtl Total sales during the promotion, for the retailer
Incr Evt $ Rtl Incremental sales to the retailer due to the event
Base Evt $ Rtl Base sales for the retailer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Rtl Net revenue to the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Rtl Cannibalization dollars for the retailer
Pre-Post $ Rtl Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (retailer's perspective)
Rtl Prft Retailer's profit from the event
Incr Rtl Prft Incremental profit to the retailer due to the promotion
Net Incr Rtl Prft Net incremental profit for the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Evt Spend Total planned spending for promotion, sum of buydown, vehicle costs, and slotting
Pay Type Indicates the payment terms between the manufacturer and the retailer for this promotion
Evt Status Current status of the promotion
Lift Decomposition - Rtl Base Evt $ Rtl Base sales for the retailer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Rtl Net revenue to the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Rtl Cannibalization dollars for the retailer
Pre Post Value Rtl Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (retailer's perspective)
Lift Decomposition Table - Retailer Ttl Evt $ Rtl Total sales during the promotion, for the retailer
Incr Evt $ Rtl Incremental sales to the retailer due to the event
Base Evt $ Rtl Base sales for the retailer, during the promotion
Net Incr Evt $ Rtl Net revenue to the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Net Incr Rtl Prft Net incremental profit for the retailer, after considering cannibalization and pre- and post-effects
Canbl $ Rtl Cannibalization dollars for the retailer
Pre-Post $ Rtl Total sales made before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion (retailer's perspective)
Canbl Vol Rtl  
Pre Post Vol Total volume before and after the promotion, as a result of the promotion

PMO: Promotion Comparison


Accessing this worksheet Right-click a scenario and click Open.
Levels you can select Territory, Retailer, Promotion Group
Levels used in cross tabulation Scenario, Promotion
Time aggregation Yearly

Business Data

View Series Description
Event Planner Start Ship Date when product will start to ship
End Ship Date when shipments will end for the event
Start Event Date when promotion starts in stores
# Wks Event length in whole weeks, assuming that each week starts on Monday.
Veh Type Vehicle type or event type of the promotion
Veh $ Vehicle cost for the promotion
Cons Promo Consumer overlay, the deal type as seen by the consumer.
Shelf Price Everyday price to the consumer
Sale Price Sale price per unit at shelf
Units Number of units in the deal to the consumer. Usually equal to 1. Use 2 for 2-for-1 sales, for example.
Buydown Buydown allowance per unit, discount offered to retailer for running the event
Lift Lift factor for the promotion
Base Evt Vol Base volume during the promotion
Incr Evt Vol Incremental volume due to the promotion
Ttl Evt Vol Total volume for the promotion
Cost Benefit Review Base Evt $ Base sales for the manufacturer, during the promotion
Incr Evt $ Incremental sales to the manufacturer due to the event
Ttl Evt $ Total sales during the promotion, for the manufacturer
Mfg Profit Manufacturer's profit from the event
Incr Mfg Prft Incremental profit to the manufacturer due to the promotion
Rtl Prft Retailer's profit from the event
Incr Rtl Prft Incremental profit to the retailer due to the promotion
Evt Spend exS Total planned buydown and vehicle costs for promotion
CPIU Event cost per incremental unit sold as a result of the promotion.
% Spend Event spending, as a percentage of event sales
Pay Type Indicates the payment terms between the manufacturer and the retailer for this promotion
Evt Status Current status of the promotion
Lift Breakdown Base Evt $ Base sales for the manufacturer, during the promotion
Incr Evt $ Net  
Cost Per Incremental Unit CPIU Event cost per incremental unit sold as a result of the promotion.