Setting Up Oracle Alert

This chapter describes additional ways you can set up your Oracle Alert installation to meet your organization's exception-reporting needs.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Up Oracle Alert

Before you define an alert, you may want to review this section to make sure you have specified the necessary options to customize your Oracle Alert installation. This section describes:

Specifying Oracle Alert Options

You use the Oracle Alert Options form to define and maintain the options Oracle Alert uses when checking your alerts. This form contains tabbed regions that each contain multiple options you can set.

The Mail Systems, Mail Server Options, and Response Processing tabbed regions are no longer used.

Note: Oracle Alert-specific options appear only in the Oracle Alert Options form. Profile options that are common to all Oracle E-Business Suite appear in the Personal Profile Values and System Profile Values forms. See: Common User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide. See: Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Defining Boilerplate Message Text

You can use the Message Elements tabbed region of the Oracle Alert Options form to define constant text that you want to appear in your message actions.

To define constant text in your message actions

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Alert Options form.

  2. Display the Message Elements tabbed region.

    The Oracle Alert Options Window: Message Elements Tab

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the message text option you want to specify constant text for. There are four message text options that you can edit:

    Variable Description
    Message Action Header Standard text that appears in the beginning of every message action you define in Oracle Alert. (Oracle Alert does not add a header to a message action that is an external file.)
    Message Action Footer Standard text that Oracle Alert appends to the end of every message action you define in Oracle Alert. (Oracle Alert does not append a footer to a message action that is an external file.)
    Response Text Standard text that instructs your message recipients how to respond to alert messages. Oracle Alert appends this text to every message it sends that is associated with a response set. After appending this text to the end of the message, Oracle Alert lists the valid responses defined for the message. Oracle Alert supplies you with default Response Text; you can use this default text or modify it to create your own.
    Returned Message Header Standard text that lets respondents know that their reply to an alert message was not understood, and that they must reply again. Oracle Alert adds this text to the beginning of every Return Original Message invalid response action. Oracle Alert supplies default Returned Message Header text; you can use this default text or modify it to create your own.

    Note: If you edit the text for the Message Action Header, Message Action Footer, or Response Text options, messages that you reconstruct using the Review Alert Actions window will show the current text, not the version of the text that was sent with the original message.

  4. Enter or edit the text for the selected option in the Text field below.

  5. Save your changes.

Related Topics

Overview of Response Processing

Defining Other Options for Oracle Alert

You can use the More Options tabbed region in the Oracle Alert Options form to define other miscellaneous options for your Oracle Alert installation.

To define other miscellaneous options

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Alert Options form.

  2. Display the More Options tabbed region.

    The Oracle Alert Options Window: More Options Tab

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the option whose value you want to specify or edit.

  4. Enter the value for the option in the Value field.

  5. There are eight miscellaneous options you can modify:

    Variable Description
    Business Day System Use this option to select the method for determining business days. The American system starts with Sunday and defines Monday through Friday as business days. The European system starts with Monday and defines Monday through Friday as business days. The Middle Eastern System starts with Monday and defines Monday through Saturday as business days.
    Concurrent Manager Name Use this option to specify the name of the concurrent manager.
    Concurrent Manager Startup Command Use this option to specify the name of the operating system command that starts the concurrent manager. The default value is startmgr.
    Default User Mail Account When a user triggers an event alert, Oracle Alert uses the value of the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option for that user as the default value for the :MAILID implicit input. Use this option to define the value you want Oracle Alert to use if the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option has not been created or if its value is null. You can choose Operating System Login ID, or Application Username for the user who triggered the event.
    Diagnostics: Message File Use this option to specify the full path and file name of the diagnostics message file. The suggested file is called alrmsg, located in the bin subdirectory under your Alert directory.
    Diagnostics: Operating System Command Use this option to specify the operating system command used in operating system actions in the predefined diagnostic alerts. The default value is ls.
    Maximum Summary Message Width Use this option to specify the maximum number of characters your printers can print across the top of a page. Oracle Alert uses this value as the default message width when you define summary message actions using the Action Details window of the Alerts form. Your choices are 80, 132, or 180 characters. Depending on your printer, 80 usually results in a portrait-mode report (short end of paper across top of page), 132 and 180 usually result in a landscape-mode report (long end of paper across top of page).
    Send Mail Account Description This option is no longer used.

Setting Up the :MAILID Implicit Input

The :MAILID implicit input lets you access the electronic mail address of the application user who triggered an event alert. The value for :MAILID comes from the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option. Before you can use the :MAILID input in your alerts, you must create and set the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option and perform some additional setup steps.

If the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option has not been created, or if its value is null, Oracle Alert uses the operating system user ID or the Application username of the user who triggered the event, depending on the value set for the Default User Mail Account option in the Oracle Alert Options form.

To set up the :MAILID implicit input

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Alert Options form. In the More Options tabbed region, set the Default User Mail Account option to the default value you want, either Operating System Login ID or Application Username. See: Defining Other Options for Oracle Alert.

  2. If you have multiple organizations defined in your Oracle Alert schema, ensure that you specify the organization against which each alert should run. Navigate to the Alert Details window for your alert, and in the Installations tabbed region, enter the operating unit you want for each Oracle ID. Delete any records in this region that do not have a valid Oracle ID and operating unit. See: Specifying Alert Details.

  3. Create two new profile options named RESP_ID and EMAIL_ADDRESS. In the Application Developer responsibility, navigate to the Profiles window. Enter the following information to create the first profile option:

    • Name-RESP_ID

    • Application-Oracle Alert

    • User Profile Name-RESP ID

    • Description-Responsibility ID

      Enter the following information to create the second profile option:


    • Application-Oracle Alert

    • User Profile Name-EMAIL ADDRESS

    • Description-User's email address

      See: Defining New User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

  4. Set the RESP_ID profile option at responsibility level for each responsibility from which you trigger event alerts. In the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the System Profile Values window. Query the RESP_ID profile option at responsibility level for the responsibility you want, and set the profile option value to the responsibility ID.

    You can query the FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL table to find the responsibility ID for a responsibility. For example, to find the responsibility ID for the Alert Manager responsibility, use the following command:

     select responsibility_name, responsibility_id
                    from fnd_responsibility_tl
                    where responsibility_name like '%Alert%';

    See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

  5. Set the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option at user level for each user. In the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the System Profile Values window. Query the EMAIL_ADDRESS profile option at user level, and set the profile option value to the user's email address.

    See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Defining Alerts for Custom Oracle E-Business Suite Applications

Oracle Alert integrates fully with your custom Oracle E-Business Suite applications, so you have a quick and easy way to monitor the exceptions in your custom Oracle databases.

A custom application is an application that was not installed using AutoUpgrade or, any application that resides outside the database where Oracle Alert resides. For example, an Oracle E-Business Suite application that resides in a different database from Oracle Alert is considered a custom application. Using database links, Oracle Alert can monitor any custom application as if it resides in the same database as Oracle Alert.

To define a periodic alert for your custom application

  1. Use SQL*Net to create a database link from the Oracle Alert database to the custom Oracle database:

            CONNECT TO username IDENTIFIED BY password
            USING 'connect string'; 

    Note: Replace'connect string' with a SQL*Net V1 connect string or a SQL*Net V2 alias. Refer to the SQL*Net User's Guide for your protocol for more information.

    Here is an example if you are using SQL*Net V1:

            USING 't:hqfin:CUSTOM_DB'; 

    Note: If your custom application resides in the same database as Oracle Alert, you need not define a database link.

  2. Optionally, you can create synonyms for each table in your custom application so that you can reference the table using the synonym instead of the table name and database link. That way, the users defining alerts and actions do not need to know the location of the custom application, just the table names.

  3. Register your custom application with Oracle Alert so that it is available in the list of values for the Application field of the Alerts form. See: Applications Window.

  4. Register your custom application's Oracle ID with Oracle Alert. See: Registering Application Installations.

  5. Once you complete these steps you can define periodic alerts for your custom application. See: Creating a Periodic Alert.

To define an event alert for your custom application

  1. If you want to create event alerts for your custom Oracle E-Business Suite applications, you need to complete the following steps.

    Important: If you want to create event alerts for Oracle E-Business Suite applications that reside on another database, you must install Oracle Alert on that database.

  2. Register your custom application with Oracle Alert so that it appears in the list of applications available in the Alerts form. See: Applications Window.

  3. Register your custom application's Oracle ID with Oracle Alert. See: Registering Application Installations.

  4. Use the Table Registration API to register the table(s) that you want Oracle Alert to monitor for inserts and updates.

  5. Once you complete these steps you can define event alerts for your custom application. Oracle Alert creates the necessary insert or update database trigger in your custom application table for your event alert. See Creating an Event Alert.

Related Topics

Creating a Responsibility for Your Custom Application Alert Manager

Creating a Responsibility for Your Custom Application Alert Manager

Define a product specific responsibility for your custom application and assign this responsibility to the person who creates the alerts for the custom application. That way, only this person can define and maintain the alerts, actions, and response sets for your custom application. Your System Administrator can do this for you.

To create a responsibility for your custom application alert manager

  1. Connect an application-specific responsibility to the Oracle ID of the application, not to Oracle Alert's Oracle ID. See: Define Responsibility, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.

Oracle Alert and Multiple Application Installations

Normally, when a periodic alert action runs against more than one installation of an application, any concurrent program that is requested by the alert action will connect to the same application-Oracle ID pair each time the program runs.

That is because the concurrent program connects to an Oracle ID based on the data group assigned to the Alert Manager responsibility. The application that owns the concurrent program is always paired with an Oracle ID in the data group.

If you want the concurrent program requested by an alert action to connect to more than one Oracle ID, you need to perform two tasks. First, you need to create an additional application-Oracle ID pair for the Oracle ID you want the alert action to connect to and add it to the data group assigned to the Alert Manager responsibility. Second, you need to copy (transfer) the alert definition so that its alert action can be directed towards the new application-Oracle ID pair.

The following table shows which windows to use to perform the steps to add a new application-Oracle ID pair to the Alert Manager responsibility data group. Navigate to these windows using the System Administrator responsibility.

Window Names to Add a New Application-Oracle ID Pair to Alert Manager Responsibility
Window Step
Applications 1. Register a new application.
Concurrent Programs 2. Make a copy of the new concurrent program and link the new application to it.
Data Groups 3. In the Data Group associated with the Alert Manager responsibility, pair the new application with the Oracle ID you want it to connect to.

The following table shows which windows to use to perform the steps to direct an alert action to a new application-Oracle ID pair. Navigate to these windows using the Alert Manager responsibility.

Window Names to Direct an Alert Action to a New application-Oracle ID Pair
Window Step
Transfer Alert Definition 4. Transfer (copy) your alert definition and link it with the new application.
Alert Details 5. Link your new alert definition with the Oracle ID you want to connect to.
Action Details 6. Link the concurrent request action with the new application.

The following chart shows the objects that you link in each step.

Process Flow Diagram of Connecting a Concurrent Program to Multiple Oracle IDs

the picture is described in the document text

When the concurrent request action runs, the concurrent program connects to the desired Oracle ID, due to the Alert Manager's Data Group.

To add a new application-Oracle ID pair to the Alert Manager responsibility data group

  1. Sign on to Oracle E-Business Suite and choose the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Applications form.

  3. Use this form to register a new application with Oracle E-Business Suite, which includes creating an application name and short name, identifying a base path, and so on. See: Applications Window.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Navigate to the Concurrent Programs form.

  6. Query the concurrent program you wish to run from your periodic alert action and choose Copy to...

  7. In the Copy to window, enter the information necessary to copy the concurrent program to a new concurrent program name and associate it with the new application you just registered. See: Concurrent Programs Window, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.

  8. Choose OK to copy the concurrent program.

  9. Navigate to the Data Groups form.

  10. Query the data group that the Oracle Alert Manager responsibility is associated with.

  11. In the Application-Oracle User Name Pairs block, insert a new row to add a new application-Oracle ID pair. Add the new application you just registered, and associate it with the application Oracle ID you wish to run your concurrent program against. See: Data Groups, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.

  12. Save your changes.

To direct an alert action to a new application-Oracle ID pair

  1. Switch to the Alert Manager responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Alerts form.

  3. Query for the periodic alert whose alert action you want to direct to the new application-Oracle ID pair.

  4. Choose from the Tools menu, Transfer Alert.

  5. In the Transfer Alert Definitions window, copy (transfer) your periodic alert definition to a new periodic alert. You do not have to change the name of the alert, although you may want to change the name to indicate which Oracle ID it is connecting to. Associate the new alert with the new application you registered in the previous task.

  6. Associate the periodic alert with the same database by entering the database username and password. Include any necessary SQL*Net syntax with the database information.

    Note: On the VMS platform, this may cause an error condition to occur. If this occurs, consult your VMS database administrator.

  7. Choose Transfer to complete the transfer of the alert definition.

  8. Query for your new alert definition in the Alerts form.

  9. Choose Alert Details.

  10. Display the Installations tabbed region in the Alert Details window.

  11. To change the installation that your new periodic alert runs against, enter in the Oracle ID field, the Oracle ID that you recently added to the Alert Manager responsibility's data group and check Enabled.

  12. Save your changes.

  13. Choose Actions from the Alerts form.

  14. Select the concurrent request action that you want to run against the new Oracle ID and choose Action Details.

  15. Update the application to the new application you registered in the previous task.

  16. Update the program name to the new concurrent program you copied in the previous task.

  17. Save your changes.

Related Topics

Defining Data Groups, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration

Oracle Alert Naming Conventions

This section provides you with guidelines for naming your alerts, actions, action sets, escalation groups, and threshold groups. These guidelines help you give your alerts and alert components names that are unique, yet intuitive and easily understood by you and other Oracle Alert users.

General Naming Conventions

Follow these general naming conventions throughout Oracle Alert to take advantage of Oracle Alert's information search capabilities and list of values features.

Unique Initial Letters

Develop names with unique initial letters so you can autoreduce a list of values when entering names in fields that contain lists. Instead of naming two alerts Invoice Receipt Holds and Invoice Quantity Holds, choose names that adequately describe the alert but avoid the conflict of similar initial letters. Simply name them Receipt Holds and Quantity Holds. To select the Receipt Holds alert, you need to enter only one letter, R, to uniquely identify the alert and let Oracle Alert automatically enter the full name, Receipt Holds for you.

While avoiding similar initial letters is not always possible, the fewer characters you need to enter to establish a unique choice, the faster you can enter or query information. Entering action set names of Auditor and Administrator is easier than entering action set names of Payables Auditor and Payables Administrator. In the former case, you need only enter two characters, Au or Ad, to choose the correct action set.

Warning: Use characters other than the pound sign (#), the colon (:), or the percent sign (%) for your initial letter; as these characters are reserved for use in Enter Query mode.

Key Words

Develop names with memorable key words, or parts of words, somewhere in the name. For example, to take advantage of Oracle Alert's information search capabilities, you might describe all alerts that relate to invoices so that they have the word "invoice" somewhere in the name. Then, when you search for these alerts, you can simply enter your search criteria as "%invoice%" to retrieve all your alerts on invoices.

Alert-Specific Naming Conventions



Related Topics

Using a List of Values, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Applications Window

Use the Applications Window to register your application name, application short name, application basepath, and application description with Oracle Application Object Library. For more information, see: Applications Window, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.

Registering Application Installations

If you wish to define alerts for a custom application, you need to register the installation of the custom application with Oracle E-Business Suite first. A custom application is any application that was not installed using AutoUpgrade and resides in the same database as Oracle Alert, or any application that resides in a database other than the one in which Oracle Alert is installed.

Before you can register an installation, you must first register your custom application. See: Applications Window.

To register a custom application installation

  1. Navigate to the Define Application Installations form.

    The Define Application Installations Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Choose from the list of values in the Application field, the name of the custom application installation you are registering.

  3. Choose from the list of values in the Oracle Username field, the Oracle ID associated with this custom application.

    If you are registering a custom application installation that resides in a different database, choose Oracle Alert's Oracle ID as the Oracle Username for your application installation.

  4. Oracle Alert automatically displays Custom in the Status field.

  5. Save your changes.