Oracle Alert User's Guide


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Overview of Oracle Alert

Overview of Oracle Alert
      Basic Business Needs
      Major Features

Defining Alerts

Overview of Alerts
      Major Features
Creating a Periodic Alert
Creating an Event Alert
Specifying Alert Details
Creating Alert Actions
Creating an Action Set for an Alert
Deleting an Alert
Transferring Alert Definitions

Customizing Alerts

Overview of Alert Customizations
Defining a Distribution List
Formatting Summary Message Actions
Overview of Summary Threshold
Defining a Summary Threshold
Creating Self-Referencing Alerts
Defining a Periodic Set

Using Oracle Alert History: Duplicate Checking and Action Escalation

Overview of Oracle Alert History
      Basic Business Needs
      Major Features
Duplicate Checking
Checking for Duplicates
Action Escalation
Defining Escalating Actions
Reviewing Alert Actions
Reviewing Action History
Reviewing Alert Exceptions
Reviewing Exception History
Reviewing Alert Checks
Reviewing Alert Check Information

Using Response Processing

Overview of Response Processing
      Basic Business Needs
      Major Features
Defining a Response Processing Alert
Responding to an Alert Message
How Oracle Alert Processes Responses

How Oracle Alert Checks Alerts

How Oracle Alert Checks Alerts
Overview of Oracle Alert Concurrent Programs
The Periodic Alert Scheduler
Checking a Periodic Alert
Checking an Event Alert
Processing Alert Response Actions
Processing No Response Actions
Reviewing Alert Check History

Setting Up Oracle Alert

Setting Up Oracle Alert
Specifying Oracle Alert Options
Defining Boilerplate Message Text
Defining Other Options for Oracle Alert
Setting Up the :MAILID Implicit Input
Defining Alerts for Custom Oracle E-Business Suite Applications
Creating a Responsibility for Your Custom Application Alert Manager
Oracle Alert and Multiple Application Installations
Oracle Alert Naming Conventions
      General Naming Conventions
      Alert-Specific Naming Conventions
Applications Window
Registering Application Installations

Using Precoded Alerts

Oracle Alert Precoded Alerts
      Oracle Alert DBA Alerts
      Oracle Alert Purging Alerts

Implementing Oracle Alert

Overview of Setting Up
Related Product Setup Steps
Setup Flowchart
Setup Checklist
Setup Steps

Menu Navigation Appendix

Oracle Alert Menu Paths

