MES Supervisor Workbench

This chapter describes the features of the MES Supervisor Workbench, including the ability to monitor shop floor progress on the Dashboard and to avoid potential problems through actions taken on the Supervisor Workstation.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of the MES Supervisor Workbench

The MES Supervisor Workbench is the starting point for supervisors to view shop floor progress and potential problems. This includes shop floor status, performance, and exceptions to shop floor work flow. The MES Supervisor responsibility includes two tabbed regions: the Dashboard and the Supervisor Workstation. The program opens in the Dashboard view and displays graphs and links to detailed information on exceptions, performance, and labor. The Supervisor Workstation tab displays the dispatch list. From both of these tabs you can navigate to global actions for more information.

The details displayed in the Supervisor Workbench are determined by the specifics of the login information. You can view the entire organization; or specify a particular department, resource, employee, or machine.

MES Supervisor Workbench Startup

The Startup page is used to enter specific parameters for organization, department; and resource. You can set different login and workbench initialization modes. For example, you can:

See: Workstation Startup and Initialization Modes

To access the MES Supervisor Workbench

  1. Navigate to Startup page and select the specifics for a particular organization, department, resource, employee, or machine.

    The Organization field is required; select values in the other fields depending on how much detailed information you want to view.

  2. Select Start to display the Dashboard page.

    From here you can view performance indicators, shop floor progress, or select the Supervisor Workstation tab to navigate to transaction pages.

  3. Select a task from the Actions box to access available global actions. Choose Go to navigate to the appropriate page.

    Available global actions are specified in the Global Actions parameter. These views and tasks include other workbenches and reports. See: Global Actions

  4. Select the MES Workstation tabbed region to display the dispatch list. See: Viewing Dispatch Lists


The Dashboard displays performance graphs, links to detailed information, and a Shopfloor Progress region. The graphs on the Dashboard are configured using several parameters including:

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The Dashboard includes:

Important: Data displayed in the graphs on the dashboard are based on time calculated in the server time zone, and not the client time zone.

Reported Exceptions View

Exceptions are reported for situations preventing work on job operations and may include material shortages, labor balancing problems, machine downtime, and quality problems. The Reported Exceptions graph displays the number of both open and closed exception records for a seven day time frame. When you select Details, the Exceptions Summary view displays the Open Exceptions Summary table and a link for viewing details of closed exceptions.

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The Open Exceptions Summary table lists exception types, and the number reported for each type. When you select the links, the Exception page displays for that reported incident. This view also enables you to navigate to the other dashboard performance tables and graphs. You can view all closed exceptions by selecting Closed Exceptions.

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Open Exceptions Summary Table

The Open Exceptions Summary table displays a summary of open exceptions on jobs of statuses released, unreleased, and hold. The results are grouped by exception type, and ordered by number of exceptions reported. You can access the Exceptions page by selecting a specific record.

Reported Exceptions Graph

The Reported Exceptions region displays the number of open and closed exception records in a color coded graphical view. It is presented in a rolling seven day time frame.

See: Viewing and Resolving Exceptions, and Viewing Closed Exceptions

Production to Plan View

The Production to Plan graph displays progress for actual production in comparison to planned production. Planned quantity is the scheduled quantity for a job operation with a scheduled end time. Actual production quantity is the number of good units completed at a job operation. This view gives supervisors the capability to monitor production and synchronize it with demand. The key performance indicators are calculated for organization and department levels. The Production to Plan KPI parameter is one of the key performance indicators on the Dashboard. See: Production to Plan KPI.

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The progress percent is defined in the Production to Plan KPI parameter and can be calculated on either quantity or operation lead time. The calculated values at each job operation is then summed up, and the average is calculated at the department or organization level:

Data is used from the WIP_OPERATIONS table for planned jobs; and from the WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS table for actual completion. Depending on how the parameter is set, the program also considers other factors such as job types, job statuses, scrap, reject, and unplanned completions. When the concurrent program is generated, information from these two sources, at the shift level, is calculated for the 7 day period to display in the chart for each day.

You can navigate to the Production to Plan Summary and Production to Plan Details tables by selecting Details. This view also enables you to navigate to the other Dashboard performance tables and graphs. You can set your display for:

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The Production to Plan Summary table displays the period, actual completion percent, unscheduled completion percent, scrap percent, reject percent, and overall progress percent of your production—based on your setup of the Production to Plan KPI parameter setup for the organization.

Select a record to display the details of that record in the Production to Plan Details table. This view displays the department, job operation, unit of measure, planned quantity, actual completion, operation lead time, and operation progress percent.

Labor Performance View

The Labor Performance graph provides visibility in managing shop floor resources—using values set in the Labor Performance Metrics parameter, and calculated in the Labor Performance Metrics concurrent request. Labor Performance metrics are displayed in different time buckets for views by organization, department, resource, or employee. Aggregated data for all employees, at every shift for the previous seven days, is populated into the graph. Time is captured using shift, clock, and job information.

The Labor Performance graph displays the performance metrics and the target goals for efficiency, productivity, and utilization for a seven day time frame.

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Labor performance reporting uses the following in its calculations:

Using Third Party Time and Attendance Systems

MES for Discrete Manufacturing can be integrated with third party time and attendance systems to collect actual time. The WIP_TIME_ENTRY_INTERFACE table is used to enter records for Direct Labor Hours and Actual Attendance Hours. The Import Actual Times concurrent program moves the records from this table and imports them into the MES system. The Labor Performance Metrics Calculation is then generated to view labor metrics with the imported data. See: Integration with Time and Attendance Systems

Labor Performance View and Labor Performance Summary

In the Labor Performance Graph, select Details to navigate to both the Labor Performance View and Labor Performance Summary tables. This view also enables you to navigate to the other Dashboard performance tables and graphs. The detail of the information displayed, and the selection of specific criteria, depends on the level of your login values entered in the startup page. You can set your display for:

Select Go to display the results of your search.

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First Pass Yield View

The First Pass Yield graph displays the ratio of usable parts to the material used for its processing—achieved without rework or reprocessing. This metric provides supervisors a view of manufacturing operations at the macro level for decision making. The view is enabled using the Supervisor Dashboard View parameter, and generated through the First Pass Yield Calculation program accessed in the global actions. See: Supervisor Dashboard View

The First Pass Yield concurrent program uses the following considerations in its calculation:

The first pass yield percentages displaying on the chart are for the previous seven days from the current date.

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Select Details to view First Pass Yield Summary and Details. This view also enables you to navigate to the other Dashboard performance tables and graphs. The data displayed in the summary and detail regions depends on your display parameters. You can set your display for:

In the First Pass Yield Summary Region, select view and date values to filter your display for the Scrap Percent, Reject Percent, First Pass Yield Percent values.

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Select a record to display the First Pass Yield Details for a particular assembly or department for the date parameters specified.

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Parts Per Million Defects View

The Parts Per Million Defects graph displays the ratio of defective parts per million on completed work orders. This view is calculated from job with statuses of Completed, Complete-No Charges, and Closed. The view is enabled using the Supervisor Dashboard View parameter, and generated through the Parts Per Million Defects Calculation program, accessed in the global actions. See: Supervisor Dashboard View

The parts per million defects percentages displaying on the chart are for the previous seven days from the As Of date field value.

The Parts Per Million Defects concurrent program uses the following considerations in its calculation:

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Select Details to view Parts Per Million Defects Summary and Details charts, and a table of the listing the records in a seven date range. This view also enables you to navigate to the other Dashboard performance tables and graphs. The data displayed in the summary and detail regions depends on your display parameters. You can set your display for:

In the Parts Per Million Defects Summary Region, select shift or date values to filter your display for the Assembly and Parts Per Million Defects values. If you select date, you can see a particular date or all dates in the previous seven day period.

Select a record to display the Parts Per Million Defects Details for a particular assembly or department for the date parameters specified.

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Monitoring Shop Floor Progress

The Shopfloor Progress region displays tabbed regions for the status of jobs, machines, and people on the shop floor. This includes:

Capacity Shortages

The Capacity Shortages tabbed region displays potential capacity shortages for bottleneck resources. The jobs appearing are those whose projected completion time exceeds the shift or scheduled time.

You can set your display to a particular shift by selecting a time slot in the View By Shift box, and selecting Go. The other fields in this view include Jobs Not Started, Remaining quantities (for Available, Required, Shortage), and Unit of Measure. The resources considered when calculating capacity shortages are set in the parameter, Resources for Capacity Shortages

This view enables you to select a resource record, and navigate to the Dispatch List page to view other jobs using this resource. You can then monitor those jobs and perform transactions.

Note: Resource shortages do not change the ready status of a job operation. A particular job may have shortages, but the job can display as ready on the Dispatch List and Work Content pages. The Ready Status function is designed to enable the supervisor to determine if a job is ready for work. However, you can customize how you want job readiness calculated using a client extension. See:Viewing Dispatch Lists

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Current State

The Current State tabbed region displays a real time view of all the clocked in job operations. It provides a status of current jobs, and machines and operators. The other fields in this view include Job Operation, Assembly Operator, Actual Start Date, Projected Completion Date, Quantity Scrapped, and Quantity Rejected.

You can filter the list of records by specifying a resource view in the View box, and selecting Go. Choices are:

You can select a resource record, and navigate to the Dispatch List page to view other jobs using this resource. This enables you to monitor those jobs and perform transactions.

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Work Orders

The Work Orders tabbed region provides a job centric view of component and resource shortages. It lists all the jobs fitting the criteria in your Startup page parameters. The other fields in this view include Assembly, Start Date, Status, Job Quantities (Start and Open), and Component and Resource Availability. You can:

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Component Shortages

The Component Shortages tabbed region provides a component centric view of shortages. It lists shortages, for the records fitting the criteria in your Startup page parameters, according to the values calculated by the Component Shortage Calculation concurrent request. The shortage calculation parameters are set in the parameter Work Orders and Component Shortage Setup

This parameter enables you to set your shortage calculation by defining:

Note: Component shortages do not change the ready status of a job operation. A particular job may have shortages, but the job can display as ready on the Dispatch List and Work Content pages. The Ready Status function is designed to enable the supervisor to determine if a job is ready for work. However, you can customize how you want job readiness calculated using a client extension. See:Viewing Dispatch Lists

Note: The calculation program allocates components to job operations in the order of the operation start date. If this is not the desired sequence, a client extension is provided to reorder operations in your desired sequence and calculate components in the specified order. See: Component Shortage Calculation

The information displayed is generated from the Component Shortage Calculation concurrent request program. You can:

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Operator Availability

The Operator Availability tabbed region provides of view of labor availability based on employees who have reported their attendance either through MES for Discrete or another time and attendance system integrated with MES. This aids supervisors in managing shop floor work. This list is dependent on the level of the login information. For example, if the supervisor logs in specifying Department, the list displays employees attached as resource instances to the department. You can:

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Viewing Impacted Jobs

You navigate to this page from the Impacted Jobs icon on the Component Shortages tabbed region on the Dashboard page. For the component selected, this page displays information for all job operations affected by the shortage.

The field values include Department, Status, Assembly, Job Open and Start Quantity, Component Quantity (Requested, Issued, Shortage, Projected Available):

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Viewing and Resolving Exceptions

Exceptions are reported and displayed for situations preventing work on job operations. They can include material shortages, labor balancing problems, machine downtime, and quality problems. When an exception is reported, the job is not available for production. A workflow is invoked and notifications are sent to the appropriate recipients. When notified about exceptions, you can view other job operations affected and take action. See: Reporting Exceptions

The same exception can be created for any or all of the impacted jobs. Various resolutions are available including changing an operation status, rescheduling a job, assigning alternate resources, or accessing the Scheduling and Resource Workbenches to resolve problems. Exception types are in the following categories:

Additionally, you can define a custom type using the Oracle Applications Lookup functionality. Exceptions display in summary and graphical view on the Dashboard page. See: Reported Exceptions View

Viewing an Exception Record

The Exception page appears when you select an exception record. This page can be accessed from:

The page is divided between a summary and a detail region. The summary region displays assembly, operator, dates, number of exceptions, and other values according to the exception type. Actions are available according to the exception type.

To view and resolve exceptions to production work

  1. Navigate to the Exceptions page.

    The exception type displays in a region on the page. If you have selected All from the Supervisor Home page, all of the exception types display in separate regions on the page.

  2. Select Add Exceptions to Impacted Jobs to add exceptions to other jobs affected by this production problem.

    Note: This option is not available for In Process Assembly type exceptions.

  3. If this is a resource or component type exception, you can select Launch the Resource Workbench, or Launch the Job Workbench for rescheduling.

    See: Using the Job Workbench, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide, and Using the Resource Workbench, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

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  4. In the detail region of the page, you can select Show for a particular record to display details including assembly and description, department and description, quantity, and scheduled start and completion dates. There is a region for Note History for descriptive information added in the Update Exceptions note page.

  5. You can choose a record and select an action to resolve the production problem.

    For example, for the following exception types, you can:

    • Resource: Assign Alternate Resources, Assign Shopfloor Statuses, Put Jobs on Hold, Reschedule Jobs

    • Component: Assign Shopfloor Statuses, Put Jobs on Hold, Reschedule Jobs

    • In Process Assembly: Reschedule Jobs

    • Quality, Other, and User Defined: Assign Alternate Resources, Assign Shopfloor Statuses, Put Jobs on Hold, Reschedule Jobs

  6. If this exception has been corrected, select Resolve to close this record, and delete it from this page.

    If you access the Exception page from either the Dispatch List or Work Content page, this action is not available.

  7. You have the option to add informational text by selecting Update. This displays the Update Exceptions page. See: Updating Exception Notes

    If you access the Exception page from either the Dispatch List or Work Content page, this action is not available.

Adding Exceptions to Impacted Jobs and Updating Exceptions

You use the Add Exceptions to Impacted Jobs page to enter exceptions to other job operations affected by the exception. You use the Update Exception page to add and update notes about the exception.

You can add descriptive note text to your exception records, and update these records. The text appears in the details of the Exception page in the Note History region.

To add exceptions to impacted jobs

  1. Select an exception from the Supervisor Dashboard, and navigate to the Add Exceptions to Impacted Jobs page.

  2. In the Search region, select a Cutoff Date value, and select Go to display the applicable jobs and job operations display in the Impacted Jobs region.

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  3. You have the option to change the reason for the impacted jobs in the Reason field—both for individual or multiple job operations.

    • For individual records, select the appropriate reason in the Reason field for the job operations.

    • For multiple records, choose the record in the Select Jobs field, and select a reason in the Set Reason field. Select Go.

  4. Select Apply to save your work.

To update exception note information

  1. Navigate to the Update Exception page.

  2. Optionally, you can select a value in the Reason field for this exception.

  3. Enter text in the Note region.

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  4. Select Apply to save your work. Or select Resolve and Apply to save your work and close this exception record.

You can view closed exception records by accessing the Closed Exceptions page in the Supervisor Dashboard view.

To view closed exception records

  1. Navigate to the Closed Exceptions page.

  2. In the View Closed Exceptions search region, you can filter your search using the following criteria:

    • Exception Number

    • Department

    • Exception Type

    • Dates, From and To

  3. Additionally, you have more search options in the More Closed Exceptions Options region. You can filter your search using values in the Reported By, Assembly, and Job fields.

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  4. Select Go to display the results of your search.

    Results display in tabbed regions according to the available closed exception type records. The tabbed regions display applicable information for each exception type.

  5. Select a record to display the Exceptions detail region for individual exceptions. Applicable information is displayed depending on the exception type.

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Related Topics

Assigning Alternate Resources

Rescheduling Operations

Changing Shopfloor Statuses

WIP Exception Notification Workflow

Assigning Alternate Resources

You can use alternate resources to resolve production problems on the shop floor. Resources can be substituted in groups, enabling a switch from the current resource group to an alternate resource group. If several resources are available, they display in a drop-down box.

To assign alternate resources

  1. Navigate to the Assign Alternate Resources page.

    The page displays job number and description, assembly number and description, operation number and description.

    The Resource table displays information about the available resources. The Required Amount and Available Amount indicates the resource load.

  2. Select the resource you want to assign in the Resource box.

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  3. Enable the Group radio button if this is a resource group.

  4. Select Apply to save your work.

Rescheduling Operations

You can reschedule operations to resolve exceptions in bottleneck job operations. You have the option to change scheduling direction, and start dates. Material and resource requirement dates are also updated.

To reschedule an operation

  1. Navigate to the Reschedule Operation page.

    Information displays in fields for Job, Job Description, Operation Sequence, Operation Description, and Actual Start and Completion Dates.

  2. Select a direction in the Scheduling Direction field, choices are:

    • Forward: Scheduling begins at the start date and calculates a production end date.

    • Backward: Scheduling begins at the production end date and calculates a production start date.

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  3. Select a value in the Include in Scheduling field, used to set the automatic scheduling option. Choices are:

    • Backward from operation (Midpoint Backward): Moves only the selected and prior operations, keeping them in sequence, when a time slot is located to move this specified operation. Next operations are not rescheduled.

    • Both directions from operation (Midpoint): Reschedules all prior and next operations when a time slot is found for the operation. Prior operations are backward scheduled. Next operations are forward scheduled.

    • Forward from operation (Midpoint Forward): Moves only the selected and next operations, keeping them in sequence, when a time slot is located to move this specified operation. Prior operations are not rescheduled.

    • Operation Only: Only the operation that is selected is scheduled. Prior and next operations are not rescheduled.

  4. Select a value in the Start Date field to begin the rescheduling process.

  5. Select Apply to save your work.

Related Topics

Discrete Rescheduling, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Rescheduling Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Changing Shopfloor Statuses

You may need to change the status of a job operation because exception problems. When you display the Assign Shopfloor Statuses page, existing exceptions display in a table view list. This page enables you to change the status of a specific interoperation step. The job progresses through the routing until it reaches that step

To change the status of the job operation

  1. Navigate to the Assign Shopfloor Statuses page.

    Exceptions display in a table view, the number of records in the list is dependent on your selection from the Exceptions page.

  2. In the Job Op field, select the interoperation step for the status change.

  3. In the Status field, select the new status for this interoperation step.

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  4. Select Apply to save your work.

Job Operations and the Dispatch List

Reordering Job Operations on the Dispatch List

You have the ability to change the order and rearrange job operations on the dispatch list. This action enables you to group job operations together on the dispatch list. Reordering may be performed for more efficient display and processing of job operations with similar setups, components, or for expediting.

Note: To adjust to the changes and dynamic nature of the shop floor, the supervisor might need to re-order the dispatch list. Because the Dispatch list is a supervisor or scheduler function, Oracle recommends that you limit access to this action.

To reorder job operations on the dispatch list

  1. Navigate to the Reorder Dispatch List page.

    Job operations from your dispatch list display in a table view; all operations are shown as in your dispatch list, including any filtering performed on the list. The fields appearing on the page are set in the parameter, Dispatch List Ordering Criteria

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    The ordering is performed first by Expedite column changes, then by the attributes. Changing the values of the attributes creates the reordering.

  2. Select the job operations you want to expedite by enabling the Expedite check box.

  3. Select values in the attribute fields according to your preference for reordering the list.

  4. Select Apply to save your work.

    The dispatch list refreshes with your changes.

Expedite and Undo Expedite

Any job operation can be moved to top priority on the dispatch list. Scheduled operation start and end times are not changed—the operation is moved on the display to make it prominent. The Ready column displays an arrow icon indicating the operation is expedited. Since expediting is performed at the job level, all operations are affected—and moved and marked on the dispatch list.