Setting Up Item Structures

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Item Structures

You can define item structures in the Product Workbench (see: Creating Structures, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide) or in Oracle Bills of Material (see: Creating a Bill of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide). However, before defining structures, you must complete the following tasks:

Task Required?
Create structure types. See: Defining Structures Yes
Create structure names. See: Defining Structures Yes
Associate structure names with structure types. See: Defining Structures Yes
Define search criteria templates for a structure type. See: Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures No
Define search results display formats for a structure type. See: Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures No
Associate component attribute groups with a structure type. See: Associating Component Attribute Groups with a Structure Type No

Related Topics

Searching for Structure Types and Names

Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures

Defining Structures

Associating Component Attribute Groups with a Structure Type

Product Workbench Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Searching for Items in a Structure, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Searching for Structure Types and Names

Additional Information: If you have used the structure type Packaging Hierarchy in releases prior to 12.1, note that only the preferred packaging structure from this structure type is migrated over in the upgrade process. If you have defined multiple packaging structures and want to migrate all of them, consider bringing them into the system by transferring them into other structure types, at which time they will be treated as regular structure types and not Packs.

You can search for structure types based on different criteria such as display name, internal name, description or parent structure type.

To search for structure types

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Structures tab.

  2. On the Search: Structure Types page, select your search criteria in the Search By field, enter the search string, and click Go.

    Note: The wildcard character (%) is appended to the search string entered. For example, if you enter "Eng", the search string is actually "Eng%". So the structure type Engineering BOM could be returned as part of the search results.

To search for structure names

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Structures tab.

  2. On the Search: Structure Types page, click the Structure Names tab.

  3. On the Search: Structure Names page, select your search criteria in the Search By menu, enter the search string, and click Go.

    Note: The wildcard character (%) is appended to the search string entered. For example, if you enter "Alternate", the search string is actually "Alternate%". So the structure name "Alternate 1" could be returned as part of the search results.

Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures

Search Criteria

You can search for structure names based on different search criteria such as display name, internal name, description or parent structure type. Criteria templates enable you to save frequently performed search criteria based on a list of attributes. Criteria templates for structures enable you to search components within a structure. You can associate with a structure type an existing criteria template for a given item catalog category, or create a new criteria template to search items within a structure. You can specify a default criteria template for each structure type.

Administrators and users can define search criteria for a given structure type. All search criteria defined by administrators are available to all users viewing a structure of the given structure type to which the search criteria is associated. All search criteria defined by a user are only available to that user. On selecting a search criteria, only those components that satisfy the criteria will be listed in the hierarchy and the components that do not match the criteria will be filtered out. Intermediate nodes will be listed even though they might not satisfy the criteria to maintain the context for a lower level component. Primarily search criteria are useful to filter only relevant components in a bill having a large number of components. Search criteria templates can be built using item and component primary, operational, and user defined attributes.

For instructions on how to create and maintain search criteria for structures, see: Managing Search Criteria.

Display Formats

Administrators and users can define display formats for a given structure type. All display formats defined by administrators are available to all users viewing a structure of the given structure type to which the display format is associated. User display formats are only available to that user. Display formats enable users to view attribute information across an entire structure. The display formats can include item and component primary, operational, and user defined attributes. You can define as many results formats as you wish, and you can also denote the most commonly used as the default results format.

For instructions on how to create and maintain display formats for structures, see: Managing Display Formats.

Oracle provides the following system defined display formats:

Display Format Name Fields Included in the Display Format
Component Information Component Name, Description, Revision, Category
Component Details Component Name, Description, Revision, Item Sequence, Operation Sequence, UOM, Quantity, Planning%, Yield, Item type
Change Order Component Name, Description, Revision, Implemented, Change Order
Comments Component Name, Description, Revision, Comments
Effectivity Component Name, Description, Revision, Effectivity Control, Effective From, Effective To, Change Order
Lifecycle Status Component Name, Description, Revision, Lifecycle Phase, Approval Status, Item Status, Percent Complete, Schedule End Date, Progress Status
Long Description Component Name, Description, Revision, Long Description
Material Control Component Name, Description, Revision, Supply Type, Subinventory, Locator, Auto Request Material, Enforce Integer Requirements
Order Management Component Name, Description, Revision, Check ATP, Optional, Mutually Exclusive, Minimum Quantity, Maximum Quantity, Basis
Reference Designators Component Name, Description, Revision, Quantity, Quantity Related, Reference Designator
Shipping Component Name, Description, Revision, Shippable, Include on Shipping documents, Required to Ship, Required for Revenue

Defining Structures

Before creating a structure, you must perform the following setup tasks:

Additional Information: The following pages are accessible from a structure type, but no longer used:

To create a structure type

A structure type enables you to classify and characterize item structures throughout the lifecycle of an item. For example, you can have structure types for Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service. You can define an unlimited number of structure names for a structure type, enabling you to create several different structures of the same type that you can use for comparison. For example, you can create several different engineering BOMs (EBOM1, EBOM2, EBOM3) using the structure type Engineering BOM with different component costs and BOM grading attributes. Comparing these BOMs enables you to make better decisions earlier in the lifecycle of your products.

You can associate item attachment categories, criteria templates and results formats with a structure type. Structure types are hierarchical, with structure names, item attachment categories, criteria templates and results formats inherited throughout the hierarchy.

Structure types provide metadata common to all structures/BOMs that share a structure type. For example, the structure type "Engineering BOM" describes valid component types, attributes, functions and other characteristics common to several structures, such as "EBOM Alternate 1" and "EBOM Alternate 2" of the item "Engine10000."

Structure types are hierarchically structured, with structure names inherited throughout the hierarchy.

To help classify your existing structures, you can use the following seeded structure types, or create your own structure types.

Internal Name Display Name Allow Subtypes
All-Structure Types Root Y
Packaging Hierarchy Packaging BOM N
Asset BOM Asset BOM Y
Design Structure Design Structure Y
MBOM Manufacturing BOM Y

Important: When you upgrade to a new software release, ensure that you use the newest seeded Packaging Hierarchy instead of an older version. Either delete or rename any older versions of a Packaging Hierarchy structure type.

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Structures tab.

  2. On the Search: Structure Types page, click the "Create Structure Type" link.

  3. On the Create Structure Type page, enter the following information:

    Internal Name

    The structure type's internal name.

    Display Name

    The structure type's display name.


    A brief description of the structure type.

    Parent Structure Type

    Select a parent structure type. The parent structure type specifies the immediate parent of the structure type being created, thereby determining the structure type hierarchy.

    If you leave this field blank, the parent structure type displays as Root. If you use a root structure type as a parent, then the following information defaults to the descendants of the parent:

    • Structure Header Attributes

    • Item Attachment Categories

    • Display Formats

    • Import Formats

    • Search Criteria

    • Component Attribute Groups

    See: Viewing Item Structures, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

    Inactive On

    Optionally, you can specify a date on which the structure type will become inactive. Making a type inactive has the following implications:

    • You cannot create structures of that type or any of its descendants.

    • You cannot use that type or any of its descendants as a parent structure type upon creation of a structure type.

    Allow Subtypes

    Select Allow Subtypes if you want this structure type to be a parent structure type or a member of a structure type hierarchy.

  4. Click Apply.

To create a structure name

You can search for structure names based on different criteria such as display name, internal name, description or parent structure type.

You can define multiple structure names for each structure type and enable them in different organizations. For example, you can have three engineering BOMs (EBOM1, EBOM2, EBOM3) that use the structure type Engineering BOM; you can use these to compare designs. Manufacturing BOMs may be slightly different in each global region because similar parts are procured from different suppliers. You can have a structure type Manufacturing BOM with different structure names (MBOM_US, MBOM_EMEA, MBOM_APAC) for each of your manufacturing regions around the globe. Structures within a structure type share the same common characteristics.

Note: When creating a packaging hierarchy structure:

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Structures tab.

  2. On the Search: Structure Types page, click the Structure Names tab.

  3. On the Search: Structure Names page, click the "Create Structure Names" link.

  4. On the Create Structure Name page, provide the following information:

    Display Name

    The display name of the structure.


    The description of the structure name.

    Structure Type

    The associated structure type.

    Organization Assignment

    A structure name can be assigned to one or more organizations with different inactive dates.

    Inactive Date

    The date on which the organization assignment is no longer valid. One or more organizations may have different inactive dates.

  5. Click Apply.

To associate a structure name with a structure type

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Structures tab.

  2. On the Search: Structure Types page, find the structure type you wish to associate and click its corresponding name link.

  3. On the Basic Information page, click the "Structure Names" link.

  4. On the Structure Names page, click Create.

  5. On the Create Structure Name page, enter the following information:

    • Internal Name

    • Display Name

    • Description

    • Preferred for Structure Type

      Select this box if you want this structure name to be the default name for all structures created within this structure type.

  6. On the Create Structure Name page, assign the structure name to one or more organizations by selecting the Assign box in an organization row(s). This enables you to use the structure name within the assigned organizations.

    Optionally, click Assign All to assign the structure name to all organizations.

  7. For each assigned organization, you can optionally specify an Inactive On date. This makes the structure name no longer valid as of the Inactive On date.

  8. Click Apply to create and save the structure name.

    Optionally, click Add Another to create another new structure name.

Related Topics

Creating a Bill of Material , Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Managing the Packaging Hierarchy, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Associating Component Attribute Groups with a Structure Type

User defined attributes for structures and/or components allow the user to capture specific details about the structure or component. The attributes whose value(s) can be captured for a Structure, are defined by the administrator, while defining the Structure Types. User defined attributes has an administrative workbench which helps the setup of the attribute groups, attributes and the value set tied to an attribute, if any. Different types of structures and its components will have different attribution requirements, For example, when performing analysis of various design scenarios, every structure may need to capture the weight and cost attributes. Similarly, components may need to capture attributes like “Mean Time between failure” which are unique to a component usage in a specific structure.

When setting up the Structure Types, administrators can setup the attribute groups associated with that Structure Type.

Administrators can add attribute groups and define the association level of the attribute group, which can be either the Structure or the component.

End User View

The end user view of extensible attributes would be based on the administrative definition of the attribute groups/attributes and the value set tied to them. The pages would be generated dynamically.

Component attribute groups collect characteristics (attributes) for use with recording specifications or representing the properties of a component belonging to a specific structure type. Component attributes are associated with a structure type at the structure components level.

Note: Child structure types can inherit component attribute groups from a parent structure type. You cannot delete component attribute groups inherited from a parent structure type at the child structure type level.

To associate a component attribute group with a structure type

  1. On the Search: Structure types page, search for the structure type and click on its corresponding name link.

  2. Click the Component Attribute Groups link on the side navigator.

  3. On the Component Attribute Groups page, click Add Attribute Groups.

  4. On the Add Component Attribute Groups page, select the attribute groups you wish to associate with the current structure type.

  5. Click Apply.

Related Topics

Defining Structures

Creating an Item Catalog Category Structure

You can define a default item catalog category (ICC) structure for use by items created within the ICC. To use the default structure, you must define items as follows:

When creating a structure for the item, use the same structure type and structure name as the ICC structure. The ICC structure components then automatically default to the item's new structure.

Child ICC structures can inherit components from parent ICC structures as long as a valid parent ICC structure version falls within the child ICC version's effective date range.


To create an item catalog category structure

  1. In the Item Catalog Categories page, search for and select an item catalog category (ICC).

    Additional Information: You can only associate a structure to a root (parent) item catalog category.

  2. In the Basic Information page, click Draft.

  3. In the Transaction Attributes page, click Structure.

  4. In the Structure page, select a structure type and structure name.

    Optionally, enter a structure description.

    Note: You cannot select a structure type and structure name if the parent ICC has a structure. The child ICC inherits the parent's structure type and structure name along with the parent ICC structure components. However, you can add components to the inherited structure at the child ICC level.

  5. Click Create Structure.

    The Structure page refreshes with the structure header information and the First Level Components region.

  6. Click Update to add components to the structure.

    In the Update Structure page, you can update the structure header information and add components.

    Additional Information: Any inherited components display, along with the name of the category from which they were inherited. If a parent ICC has a defined structure header, then the structure header information (structure type, structure name) defaults the child ICC structure.

  7. Click Search and Add Components.

    You can perform a simple search in the Search and Add Components: Simple Search page or click Advanced Search.

    Alternatively, you can click Add Another Row.

  8. In the Search and Add Components: Search Results page, select the items that you want to add as components to the structure.

  9. Click Apply.

    This returns you to the Update Structure: (structure name) page.

  10. In the Update Structure: (structure name) page, change the quantity of each component if desired.

  11. Click Apply.

To remove a component from the structure

  1. Optionally, in the Update Structure page, select the component to remove, then click Remove.

    Note: You cannot remove components inherited from a parent ICC structure.

  2. Click Apply.

To add attribute values to the structure components

  1. In the Structure page, you can add attributes to any component. Click the Additional Attributes icon for a particular component.

  2. In the View Additional Attributes: (component) page, select the attribute group that contains the attributes you want to define.

    Note: You cannot update attributes for inherited components.

  3. Click Update.

    In the Update Additional Attributes: (component) page, enter the attribute values.

  4. Click Apply.

    This returns you to the View Additional Attributes: (component) page.

    You can add attribute values to as many attributes and attribute groups as necessary. Once you define all of the component's attributes, click Return to Structure Page.

Once you have finished defining the item catalog category's structure and transaction attributes, release the ICC to create a new version. See: "To release an item catalog category draft version" in Defining Item Catalog Categories.

To update an item catalog category structure

To update an item catalog category structure, you must lock the Draft version of the ICC.

  1. In the item catalog category's Basic Information page, click Lock.

    If only the Unlock button is visible, then the ICC is already locked.

  2. Click Draft.

  3. In the Transaction Attributes page, click Structure.

  4. In the Structure page, click Update.

    Additional Information: You cannot update inherited components or the structure type and structure name if they are inherited. If you change a structure type or structure name at the root ICC level, a warning appears, saying that this change will cause the deletion of any associated structure components and attribute values. If you accept the change, you can add new components and attribute values.

To update the components within a structure

  1. In the Update Structure: (ICC Name) page:

    • Add or remove components as described above in "To create an item catalog category structure".

    • Change the quantity of components as necessary.

    • Click Apply.

To validate the structure

When updating the components within a parent ICC's structure, it is possible to create duplicate components further down the hierarchy. You can use the Validate Structure button to warn you when this problem occurs. The following example explains how the duplicate components problem can occur.

Duplicate Components Example

In this example, you create the following initial ICC structures.

Parent (Root) ICC Structure

Child ICC Structure

Later, you decide that Component 3 must exist at the Parent ICC structure level. When you add Component 3 to the Parent ICC structure and release this draft ICC version, you receive a warning that, by adding Component 3, Component 3 becomes a duplicate component in the Child ICC structure.

The draft version of the Child ICC structure now contains a duplicate component. You cannot release a draft version in this state. You have three choices:

  1. Release a new version of the Parent ICC with Component 3 removed from the ICC structure.

  2. Remove the initial Component 3 added at the Child ICC structure level.

  3. Change the effective version date of either the Parent ICC or Child ICC so Component 3 is no longer inherited in this version of the Child ICC.

Users can avoid duplicate components by using the Validate Structure button before releasing an updated draft ICC.

  1. After updating the components within a structure, in the Structure page, click Validate Structure.

    The Structure Validation Results page opens. It displays any duplicate components in relevant versions of other item catalog categories within the hierarchy.

    You can release the parent ICC version even though it causes duplicate components in child ICC structures, however you cannot release any draft child ICC versions that contain duplicate components.

To update structure component attributes

  1. In the Structure page, you can change the attributes of any component. Click the Additional Attributes icon for a particular component.

  2. In the View Additional Attributes: (component) page, select the attribute group that contains the attributes you want to change.

  3. Click Update.

    In the Update Additional Attributes: (component) page, enter the new attribute values.

  4. Click Apply.

To update the structure header

You can change the structure type and structure name of an ICC structure, but doing so deletes all components and their attributes.

  1. In the Update Structure: (ICC Name) page, select a different structure type or structure name.

    The following warning message appears:

    Changing the structure type and/or the structure name will delete all components and their attributes. Do you still want to continue?

    If you click Yes, then the Update Structure: (ICC Name) page appears again, with all components removed.

  2. Select the new structure type and structure name you want to use for the updated ICC structure.

  3. Add components and attributes as described previously in "To create an item catalog category structure:".