Publishing Items and Structures to Multiple Systems

This chapter covers the following topics:

Publishing Overview

You can publish the following product data to various consuming systems:

Publishing to different systems enables you to centrally define products in Oracle Product Information Management and maintain a common product data model across an enterprise with multiple systems. Before publishing items and structures, you must publish their related value sets and item catalog categories.

For more information about how product data synchronizes with participating applications using the publishing process, see Chapter 2: Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack, Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration 2.5 - Implementation Guide. This guide is part of the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Release 2.5 Media Pack , which you can download from

Related Topics

Publishing Value Sets, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Item Catalog Categories, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Items and Structures

Viewing the Publishing History

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Items and Structures

You can publish an item and it's structure from the item's simpleSearch Results page, the advanced Search Results page, the Favorite Items page, the Browse Catalog page, the item's Overview page, or directly from the Oracle Applications Home Page using the Publish Items link. You can include items from multiple item catalog categories and organizations in the same batch.

Important: You can only publish items that have the Publish privilege. The Publish action is only available from an item’s Overview page if the item has the Publish privilege. However, for practical reasons, you can only publish items that have the View privilege, too. You are only able to publish those items that you can view.


To publish items and structures to a new batch

  1. From the Oracle Applications Home Page, select an appropriate responsibility, then select one of the following options to find items:

  2. Depending on which option you use to find items, do the following:

    • In the Search Results page, select the items that you want to publish.

    • In the Favorite Items page, select the items that you want to publish.

    • In the Browse Catalog page, under the items tab, select the items that you want to publish.

    You can also publish an item from the item's Overview page or from the Oracle Applications Home Page, by selecting an appropriate responsibility, then selecting Publish Items.

  3. In the Select Items field, select Publish, then click Go.

    If publishing from an item's Overview page, in the Actions field, select Publish, then click Go to automatically select the item for publishing.

    Alternatively, in the Shortcuts field, select Publish Item, then click Go or, from the Oracle Applications Home Page, select the Publish Items link. You can create a new batch or copy an existing batch using either of these navigation methods (see "To publish items and structures copied from an existing batch" below).

  4. In the Publish Items: Batch Details page, enter the following:

    • Batch Name

      Required. Enter a unique batch name to identify the batch.

    • Structure Name

      Optional. If you want to publish a structure for the selected items, select a structure name from the list. The list includes all available structure names defined in the system irrespective of the items selected. The selected structure is relevant to only those items that have this structure defined.

    • Structure Explosion Date

      If you selected a structure name, then select the effective date of the structure. This date determines which revision of the item is selected and the components effective for the item revision selected.

    • Number of Levels to Publish

      If you selected a structure name, then enter the number of structure levels to publish. The default value is 60, which is the maximum number of levels supported.

    • Explode Standard BOM

      If you selected a structure name, selecting this option explodes the standard BOM.

  5. In the Selected Items region, you can remove any selected items by clicking Remove or you can add new items to the list by clicking Add to Batch.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. In the Publish Items: Source Systems page, enter the following:

    • Batch Name

      You can change the batch name entered earlier if desired.

    • Workspace Name

      Required. This field is used by Siebel for grouping multiple batches into a single group. Enter the name of the Siebel workspace project. If you are not using Siebel, enter any value.

    • Auto-Release

      Required. Select Default, Yes, or No from the list. This field refers to auto-releasing a Siebel workspace project.

      • Default - the workspace project auto-releases based on the setting of Auto Release within Siebel.

      • Yes - once the items are published to Siebel, the workspace project is automatically released.

      • No - once the items are published to Siebel, you need to manually release the workspace project.

  8. Select the systems to which you want to publish by clicking Add Another Row.

    Click Add Another Row as many times as needed to publish to multiple systems.

    Tip: You can define default systems for an item catalog category (see: Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide). The default systems appear automatically in the Publish Items: Source Systems page. You can delete these default systems by selecting them and clicking Remove, if necessary.

  9. Click Finish.

    The Publish History page displays a confirmation message, saying the batch has been submitted. The search region of the page displays the status of each individual item and system combination selected.

To publish items and structures copied from an existing batch

You have the choice to either create a new batch or copy an existing batch when publishing items and structures using one of the following navigation paths.

  1. Navigate to the Publish: Copy Batch page using one of the following methods:

    • From the Oracle Applications Home Page, select an appropriate responsibility, then select Publish Items.

    • Search for and select an item. In the item's Overview page, in the Shortcuts field, select Publish Item.

  2. In the Publish: Copy Batch page, in the Create field, select Copy of Existing Batch. In the Select Batch field, search for and select a batch to copy. Click Continue.

    Note: Alternatively, you can select New Batch. Follow the instructions above in "To publish items and structures to a new batch".

  3. In the Publish Item: Batch Details page, all fields are pre-filled with the values copied from the selected existing batch. Enter a unique batch name.

    You can change any of the pre-filled field values as well as add or remove items from the batch.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. In the Publish Items: Source Systems page, all fields are pre-filled with the values copied from the selected existing batch.

    You can change any of the pre-filled field values as well as add or remove systems from the batch.

  6. Click Finish.

    The Publish History page displays a confirmation message, saying the batch has been submitted. The search region of the page displays the status of each individual item and system combination selected.

Related Topics

Publishing Overview

Publishing Value Sets, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Item Catalog Categories, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Viewing the Publishing History

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Viewing the Publishing History

You can access the Publish History page from the Setup Workbench (Publish History tab), the Import Workbench (Publish History tab), an item's Overview page (Publish History shortcut), after the item publication process, and using a link from the Oracle Applications Home Page.

Plan to periodically purge the publishing history so that large amounts of data do not affect the database's performance.

To view the publishing history of item catalog categories and value sets

  1. From the Oracle Applications Home Page, select an appropriate responsibility, then click Setup Workbench.

  2. In the Item Catalog Categories page, click the Publish History tab.

  3. In the Publish History page, View field, select whether you want to view only item catalog categories (ICCs), value sets, or all ICCs and value sets published.

  4. Select one of the following options to filter the data:

    • Show table data when all conditions are met.

    • Show table data when any condition is met.

  5. You must enter a search criteria value in at least one of the following fields:

    • Batch ID

    • Batch Name

    • System

    • Status

  6. Optionally, add additional search criteria by selecting a criteria in the Add Another field. Click Add.

    You can add as many additional search criteria as needed. In addition to adding more of the search criteria fields listed above, you can also add the following criteria:

    • Name

      Enter the name of an ICC or value set.

    • Published By

      Enter the user's name who published the data.

    • Published Date

    • Show Associated Entities

      Select Yes to show published parent or child ICCs, for example. Select No to show only the entities that meet the search criteria.

    • Workspace Name

  7. Click Go.

To view item publishing history

  1. From the Oracle Applications Home Page, select an appropriate responsibility, then click Item Publish History.

    Alternatively, you can navigate to the item Publish History page from:

    • An item's Overview page. In the Shortcuts field, select Publish History. The Publish History page opens, automatically displaying the selected item's publishing history.

    • Import Workbench, Publish History tab.

    The Publish History page also displays immediately following the submittal of a batch for publication.

  2. In the Publish History page, select one of the following options to filter the data:

    • Show table data when all conditions are met.

    • Show table data when any condition is met.

  3. You must enter a search criteria value in at least one of the following fields:

    • Batch ID

    • System

    • Status

    • Item

  4. Optionally, add additional search criteria by selecting a criteria in the Add Another field. Click Add.

    You can add as many additional search criteria as needed. In addition to adding more of the search criteria fields listed above, you can also add the following criteria:

    • Batch Name

    • Organization

      Enter the name of the organization where the data was published.

    • Published By

      Enter the user's name who published the data.

    • Published Date

    • Show Associated Entities

      Select Yes to show published parent or child structures, for example. If the item structure is published, the status of the components display. Select No to show only the entities that meet the search criteria.

    • Workspace Name

  5. Click Go.

To view the batch details

  1. From the Publish History page search results, click Show to view the Publish Status Message for a batch row.

  2. Click a Batch ID number to view the Batch Details page.

    This read-only page displays all of the batch parameters originally selected.

To purge the publishing history

The system administrator (or someone designated by the system administrator) must purge the publishing history periodically so that large amounts of data do not affect the database's performance. Purging also enables the system to use previously used Batch ID numbers again.

  1. From the Oracle Applications Home Page, select the System Administrator responsibility, then click Requests.

  2. In the Find Requests window, click Submit a New Request.

  3. In the Submit Request window, Name field, search for and select the EGO Publish History Purge Program.

  4. In the Parameters window, you can optionally enter the following to narrow the range of data purged:

    • Batch ID

    • Target System Code

      Enter the system code for which you want to purge data.

    • Date From

    • Date To

    • Status

      The publication status, such as Succeeded.

    • Publish By

      The name of the person who published the data.

    • Entity Type

      For example, item, item catalog category, or value set.

    Click OK.

  5. Click Submit.

Related Topics

Publishing Overview

Publishing Value Sets, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Item Catalog Categories, Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide

Publishing Items and Structures