Professional Buyer’s Work Center

Buyer’s Work Center Overview

Based on a web-based user interface, the Buyer’s Work Center is a central desktop from which buyers can efficiently perform their daily tasks—such as viewing and acting upon requisition demand, creating and modifying orders and agreements, initiating negotiations if Oracle Sourcing is licensed and implemented, and managing the supply base.

The Buyer’s Work Center provides you with the features you need to satisfy your document creation needs. You can:

Major Features

Varied Views of Demand

The Buyer’s Work Center presents requisition demand in views that are easily customized to an individual buyer's way of working. These views allow buyers to quickly prioritize requisition demand based on a variety of factors, such as sourcing status or commodity.

Improved Flows for Purchase Order and Agreement Creation

The Buyer’s Work Center simplifies the purchase order and long-term agreement creation and management processes. The purchase order flow streamlines data entry by enabling buyers to enter shipment and distribution information at the line level. It also enables you to enter shipment or distribution information without having to drill down. A separate agreements flow is tailored specifically for the strategic buyer, who is responsible for agreement maintenance and compliance.

Document Styles

Document styles allow procurement managers to control the look and feel of the application for different purchasing activities. For example, purchasing managers can create a document style for a specific commodity, such as temporary labor. This document style optimizes field labels and presentment for that commodity, simplifying purchase order entry.

Easier Catalog Access with iProcurement-style Search

Oracle Purchasing builds on the popularity of Oracle iProcurement’s search capabilities by offering buyers a similar search interface to easily find the items they need to procure. In addition, an improved catalog display shows all relevant attributes in a user-friendly list with the ability to drill-down to further details.

Procurement for Complex Services

If your organization has licensed and implemented Oracle Services Procurement, the Buyer's Work Center supports a complete and integrated solution to procure complex work and manage the long-term contact execution. Services procurement often involves the definition and adherence of advanced payment terms when defining the contact. This solution is designed for fixed price contracts with either interim progress payments based on cost or milestones.

Related Topics

Using the Demand Workbench

Orders in the Buyer's Work Center

Agreements in the Buyer's Work Center

Complex Work in the Buyer's Work Center

Oracle Procurement Contracts: Manage Deliverables, Oracle Procurement Contracts Administration and Implementation Manual

Supplier Management: Suppliers and Supplier Sites, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide

Using the Demand Workbench: Requisitions

Demand Workbench allows you to access and aggregate requisition demand existing in Oracle Purchasing to create new procurement documents. Using the Demand Workbench, you can:

To use the Demand Workbench:

If you are new to Oracle Purchasing we recommend that you review the documentation referred to in the Related Topics section below.

  1. Identify requisitions which you wish to fill. See: Searching for Requisitions.

  2. Use those requisitions to create a procurement document. See: Create Documents.

Related Topics

Overview of Requisitions

Reviewing Requisitions

Requisitions: Demand Workbench

  1. Navigate to the Requisitions tab in the Buyer’s Work Center. The initial page that opens is the Demand Workbench.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. You can see all requisitions in the Oracle Purchasing requisition pool to which you have access based on your default view and your security profile.

    • To select a different view, select from the View list. If you change views, only the requisitions for that view are displayed. See: Using Requisition Views.

    • If you would like to restrict the results to requisitions in a particular operating unit you need to navigate to the search region and specify the operating unit in the search region or create a personalized view for the operating unit.

  3. Click Search to limit the requisitions displayed using Buyer, Requisition, Category, Supplier, or other conditions as criteria for search results. See: Using Advanced Search.

    You can also search for requisitions based on the content of their headers, lines, and distributions by clicking the Summary subtab. Note that you can save your search as a personalized view. See: Personalized Views, Oracle Applications User Guide.

  4. When the page refreshes, you see all requisitions that matched the criteria for that view/search. For multiline requisitions, there is an entry for every requisition line (for example, you might see two entries: requisition 12345, line 1; and requisition 12345, line 2). If you see a requisition with multiple lines, but some of the lines are absent from the list, those lines have already been processed.

    You can sort the results by clicking any column header.

    You can see information for the requisition and requisition line by clicking the Requisition and/or Line links. If the suggested supplier has a profile defined in Oracle iSupplier Portal, you can view the profile information by clicking the Source link. If the source document is a blanket purchase agreement, click on the source document link to view the source document.

  5. Once you have identified the requisitions you are interested in you can:

    • View the requisition by clicking its number.

    • Create procurement documents. See: Create Documents.

    • Manage requisitions. See: Manage Requisitions.

Using Requisition Views

There are predefined searches (views) that are available within the Demand Workbench. Additionally, there are any personalized views that you have created. To use a view, select the view from the View drop down menu and click Go.

You can use these views to search for requisitions as follows:

Using Advanced Search

You can use the advanced search function to create a combination of search criteria that helps locate the appropriate requisitions. To use the advanced search function click Search.

Advanced search allows you to search for requisitions on a combination of values for Buyer, Requisition, Category, and/or Supplier. You can add additional search criteria by clicking Add. A list appears displaying all possible search criteria (for example, you may wish to also search on Item Description).

When performing advanced searches, you can choose to require entries to match all the search values or allow them to match any of the search values.

Use the Find icons to search for and select search values. When you have finished specifying your search, click Go (clicking Clear resets the search value fields).

Create Documents

Once you have located the requisitions you wish to include in your document, use the Demand Workbench to create a new document.

To create a new document:

  1. Scroll the Demand Workbench page to the right.

  2. Select a Document Builder document Type. This indicates the outcome you expect from the Document Builder.

  3. Select an operating unit for your document by clicking the OU Find icon and selecting an entry from the OU results.

  4. Scroll the page back to the left.

  5. Select your requisition line(s):

  6. Click Add to Document Builder to place the lines in your document.

  7. To create the document, scroll right. Enter any additional information your document type requires and click Create.

    • If you wish to clear the document builder and start creating the document again from the beginning, click Clear.

    • If you would like to make updates to the document builder parameter, enter your changes and click Update.

  8. The document type you selected is displayed:

    • If you selected New Order or Add to Order, the Update Standard Purchase Order page is displayed. See: Orders in the Buyer's Work Center.

    • If Oracle Sourcing is licensed and implemented, and you selected New Auction or New RFQ, the Oracle Sourcing Negotiations page is displayed. Refer to the online help for that page for detail: Create New Negotiation, Oracle Sourcing User Help.

    Note: By default the lines you selected are combined according to the rules below. See: Grouping Requisition Lines.

  9. Complete your document and click Create.

Manage Requisitions

Once you have located the requisitions you wish to work on, use the Demand Workbench management tools.

To return requisition lines;

If the requisition lines should not be used in a document, you can return them to the requester.

  1. Select your requisition line(s).

  2. Click Return Lines to remove the requisition lines from the requisition pool and change their status in Oracle Purchasing to Returned.

  3. Enter a return Reason.

  4. Click Apply.

To reassign requisition lines:

If the requisition lines should be assigned to a different buyer, you can reassign them.

  1. Select your requisition line(s)

  2. Click Reassign.

  3. Identify the new buyer.

  4. Click Apply.

To update requisition lines from the catalog:

  1. Select your requisition line.

  2. Click the Replace with items from catalog icon in the Actions column.

  3. Find the new item in the catalog and click Add to Document.

  4. Click Complete.

To update requisition lines from your catalog favorites:

  1. Select your requisition line.

  2. Click the Replace with items from favorites icon in the Actions column.

  3. Find the new item in the catalog and click Add to Document.

  4. Click Complete.

To split requisition lines:

  1. Select your requisition line.

  2. Click the Split icon in the Actions column.

  3. Enter the new quantities in the Qty column for each requisition line.

  4. Click Save Split.

Grouping Requisition Lines

If you select multiple requisitions or a requisition with multiple lines, Demand Workbench consolidates multiple requisition lines with similar characteristics into a single sourcing document line. If you use default grouping multiple requisition lines are grouped together if they have the same values for the following characteristics:

You can add need-by date or ship-to organization and location to the default grouping by using the profiles PO: Use Need-by Date for Default Autocreate grouping or PO: Use Ship-to Organization and Location for Default Autocreate grouping.

If you use requisition grouping the document builder creates a document with one line for each requisition line.

For more details about requisition grouping see: Using Automatic Creation Mode

Purchase Orders

The Buyer's Work Center Orders user interface optimizes the standard purchase order creation and management processes. Buyers can edit and view delivery schedules and account distributions across all order lines, thus eliminating the need to drilldown on individual lines. For simple purchase orders that do not require staged delivery schedules or multiple account distributions, buyers can quickly enter all necessary information for the order in the header and line sections, without having to navigate to the schedules and distributions sections.

To use the Orders tab:

If you are new to Oracle Purchasing we recommend that you review the documentation referred to in the Related Topics section below.

  1. Identify those existing purchase orders you wish to view, modify, duplicate, or delete. See: Finding Standard Purchase Orders.

  2. Identify the style of order which you wish to create and then create it. See: Creating Standard Purchase Orders.

Related Topics

Overview of Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Defaulting Rules

Finding Standard Purchase Orders

  1. Navigate to the Orders tab in the Buyer’s Work Center. This opens the Summary version of the Orders page. You can change the emphasis of the summary view by clicking Headers, Lines, Schedules, Pay Items, and Distributions.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. You can see all standard purchase orders to which you have access based on your default view and your security profile.

    View - To select a different view, select the view from the menu. If you change the view, only the orders for that view are displayed. See: Using Order Views.

    Export - Exports the entire results of the search results. The results can be saved or viewed in a comma delimited file format.

  3. Once you have found an order that you wish to work on:

    • Take Action on a Standard Purchase Order - Select the order, select an action from the Select Order list such as Update, and click Go.

    • View Standard Purchase Order - Click the order number and select Lines, Schedules, or Distributions using the tabs on the Standard Purchase Order page. View additional information about the order from the Action list and clicking Go. Click Update to switch to the Update Standard Purchase Order page.

  4. If you want to create a new standard purchase order, select the style from the Create list and click Go. See: Entering Standard Purchase Orders.

Using Order Views

Views are predefined searches for orders. To use a view, select the view from the View list and click Go.

You can use the following views to search for orders:

Entering Purchase Order Information

  1. From the Orders page of the Buyer’s Work Center navigate to the Create Standard Purchase Order page by selecting a style from the Create list and then clicking Go. If you are modifying an existing order it is displayed on the Update Standard Purchase Order page. You can change the emphasis of the page by clicking Headers, Lines, Schedules, and Distributions.

    Note: Field names discussed below are assuming the Standard Purchase Order style was selected.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the Order Header tab to enter general information about the entire order:

    • Enter order header information: Operating Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, Supplier Contact, Communication Method, Currency, Buyer, Description, and Confirming Order.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Headers

    • Enter order terms information: Bill-To Location, Payment Terms, Pay On Receipt, Required Acknowledgment, Acknowledge By, Default Ship-To, Ship Via, Freight Terms, FOB, and Transportation Arranger.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Details Information

    • Enter order attachments are entered by clicking Add Attachments.

      See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents

    • Optionally enter a Note to Supplier or a Note to Receiver.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Details Information

    • For details on what you can do to your order, see: Using Order Actions.

  3. Select the Orders Lines tab to enter details about the items on this order:

    • To add lines from the catalog, select From Catalog in the Add Lines list and click Go. To add lines from your favorites list, select From Favorites in the Add Lines list and click Go.

      For details see the online help for the selection.

    • Enter line details: Type, Item/Job, Description, Category, Quantity (Qty), Unit of Measure (Unit), Price, and Need-By/Start date. To expand the line to full page view click the Actions Update icon.

      If this is a complex work order, see: Entering Complex Work Purchase Order Lines.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Lines

    • In the Action column for each line you can click icons to Update, Split, or Delete.

    • For details on what you can do to your lines, see: Using Order Actions.

  4. Select the Orders Schedules tab to enter details about delivery of items on this order:

    • Enter schedule details: Schedule, Locations, Organization (Org), Quantity (Qty), and Need-By date. To expand the schedule to full page view click the Actions Update icon.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Shipments

    • In the Action column for each schedule line you can click icons to Update, Split, or Delete.

    • For details on what you can do to your schedule, see: Using Order Actions.

  5. If this is a complex work order, select the Pay Items tab to enter details about the progress payments for this order. See: Entering Complex Work Purchase Order Pay Items.

  6. Select the Distributions tab to enter details about the charge accounts for this order:

    • Enter distribution details: Distribution Type, Deliver-To, Quantity (Qty), and PO Charge Account. To expand the distribution to full page view click the Actions Update icon.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Distributions

    • For details on what you can do to your order, see: Using Order Actions.

Using Order Actions

Entering Complex Work Purchase Order Pay Items

If Oracle Services Procurement has been licensed and implemented, you can take advantage of additional features for procuring complex services. Complex work procurement always creates a default pay item for the purchase order line. The type of Pay Item depends on the Pay Item types enabled on the document style and also the purchase order line type.

To enter pay items:

See also: Entering Purchase Order Information.

Entering Complex Work Purchase Order Lines

If Oracle Services Procurement has been licensed and implemented, you can take advantage of additional features for procuring complex services. Complex work procurement requires an integration between several Oracle Applications. The role that Oracle Purchasing plays is primarily in the authoring and monitoring portion of the Complex Work flow. In addition, the purchase order styles that dictate which of the complex work procurement attributes are available are created in Oracle Purchasing. See: Defining Document Styles

When you author a complex work procurement order there is some additional information required at the line level.

Tip: Remember to click the Update icon on the lines summary page to get the full page view of the line.

  1. Line type must be Fixed Price Services.

  2. In the Financing region, enter Advance Amount, Recoupment Rate, and Progress Payment % (per cent)>

  3. In the Retainage region, enter Maximum Retainage Amount and Retainage Rate.

  4. Add any drawings or specification documents using Add Attachments.

Related Topics

Entering Purchase Order Headers

Entering Purchase Order Lines

Entering Purchase Order Shipments

Entering Purchase Order Distributions

Entering Purchase Order Line Complex Services

Overview of Purchase Orders

Complex Work in the Procurement Suite, Oracle Services User Guide

Purchase Agreements

The Professional Buyer’s Work Center provides a dedicated user interface for creating and maintaining agreements, targeting the strategic buyer responsible for agreement maintenance and compliance.

To use the Agreements tab:

If you are new to Oracle Purchasing we recommend that you review the documentation referred to in the Related Topics section below.

  1. Identify those existing purchase agreements you wish to view, modify, duplicate, or delete. See: Finding Agreements.

  2. Identify the style of order which you wish to create and then create it. See: Creating Agreements.

Related Topics

Overview of Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Defaulting Rules

Finding Agreements

  1. Navigate to the Agreements tab in the Buyer’s Work Center. This opens the Summary version of the Agreements page. You can change the emphasis of the summary view by clicking Headers or Lines.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. You can see all agreements to which you have access based on your default view and your security profile.

    • View - To select a different view, select the view from the menu. If you change the view, only the agreements for that view are displayed. See: Using Agreement Views.

    • Export - Exports the entire results of the search results. The results can be saved or viewed in a comma delimited file format.

  3. Once you have found an agreement that you wish to work on:

    • View Agreement - Click the Agreement number and select Lines using the tabs on the Agreement page. View additional information about the order from the Action list and clicking Go. Click Update to switch to the Update Agreementpage.

    • Take Action on an Agreement - Select the agreement, select an action from the Select Agreement list such as Update, and click Go.

  4. To create a new agreement select the style from the Create list and click Go. See: Entering Agreements.

Using Agreement Views

Views are predefined searches for agreements. To use a view, select the view from the View list and click Go.

You can use the following views to search for agreements:

Create And Update Agreements

The Agreements page of the Buyer’s Work Center supports two basic Oracle Purchasing document types: the global blanket purchase agreement and the global contract purchase agreement. See: Purchase Order Types

Entering Purchase Agreement Information

  1. From the Agreements page of the Buyer’s Work Center navigate to the Create Blanket Purchase Agreements page or the Create Contract Purchase Agreements page by selecting a style from the Create list and then clicking Go.

    If you need to modify an existing agreement click its Agreement number and it is displayed on the Blanket Purchase Agreements page or the Contract Purchase Agreements page. Click Update to make your changes. You can change the emphasis of page by clicking Headers, Lines, or Controls.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the Agreement Header tab to enter general information about the entire agreement:

    • Enter agreement header information: Operating Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, Supplier Contact, Communication Method, Buyer, Amount Agreed, Currency, Effective From and To dates, and Description.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Headers

    • Enter agreement terms information: Bill-To Location, Payment Terms, Pay On Receipt, Required Acknowledgment, Acknowledge By, Amount Limit, Default Ship-To, Ship Via, Freight Terms, FOB, and Transportation Arranger.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Details Information

    • Enter agreement attachments are entered by clicking Add Attachments.

      See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents

    • Optionally enter a Note to Supplier or a Note to Receiver.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Details Information

    • For details on what you can do to your agreement, see: Using Agreement Actions.

  3. Select the Agreements Lines tab to enter details about the items on this agreement:

    Note: There are no lines on a contract purchase agreement.

    • To add lines from the catalog, select From Catalog in the Add Lines list and click Go. To add lines from your favorites list, select From Favorites in the Add Lines list and click Go.

      For details see the online help for the selection.

    • Enter line details: Type, Item/Job, Description, Category, Unit of Measure (Unit), Price, and Expiration date. To expand the line to full page view click the Actions Update icon.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Agreement Information

    • In the Action column for each line you can click icons to Update, Split, or Delete.

    • For details on what you can do to your agreement, see: Using Agreement Actions.

  4. Select the Agreements Control tab to enter control details for this agreement:

    • Define operating unit access by selecting a Purchasing OU and Purchasing Site for a Requesting OU.

      For details see: Enable Organizations For A Global Agreement

    • Enable Automatic Processes for your blanket purchase agreement by selecting:

      • Enable Automatic Sourcing

      • Update Sourcing Rules and Assignments

      See: Enter Additional Options

    • Enable Retroactive Pricing for your blanket purchase agreement by selecting:

      • Apply Price Updates to Existing POs

      • Communicate Price Updates

      See: Enter Additional Options

    • Enter Notification Controls for this agreement by entering Condition, Warning Delay, Percent, Amount, Effective From date, and Effective To date.

      For details see: Entering Purchase Order Notification Controls

    • For details on what you can do to your agreement, see: Using Actions.

Using Agreement Actions

Related Topics

Entering Purchase Order Headers

Entering Purchase Order Details Information

Entering Purchase Agreement Information

Enable Organizations For A Global Agreement

Overview of Purchase Orders

Pricing Transparency for Standard PO and Global Blanket Purchase Agreement

Pricing Transparency enables you to recalculate the purchase order price based on specific business processes. You can use the pricing modifier and a qualifier to recalculate the price for each PO line automatically. You can view the pricing transparency information in the Buyer Work Center.

Refer to the Creating a Modifier List and Creating Qualifiers sections in Oracle Advanced Pricing User’s Guide for more details on setting up modifiers and qualifiers.

Pricing Transparency is enabled for Standard Purchase Order (SPO) and Global Blanket Purchase Agreement (GBPA) releases. You can apply pricing transparency only when you set the line type purchase basis as Goods.

You must define a document style for Standard Purchase Order and Global Blanket Purchase Agreement with Pricing Enhanced check box enabled to apply pricing transparency for a line item.

Refer to the Defining Document Styles for more information.

Pricing Transparency is applicable for manual creation of Standard purchase orders without a source document, and Standard purchase orders with GBPA as the source document and the Global Blanket Purchase Agreement.

Note: Pricing Transparency is disabled when using Purchasing Document Open Interface (PDOI) and Create Releases.

Viewing Price Structure

You can perform the following tasks in the View Price Structure page:

Viewing Pricing Transparency for PO Lines with No Source Document

You can view pricing transparency for PO document with pricing enhanced check box enabled.

To view pricing transparency information for the PO line:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Center –Orders page.

  2. In the Orders page, select Create Standard Purchase Order Pricing Enhanced document style from the Create list and click Go.

    Note: You must define a document style for Standard Purchase Order and Global Blanket Purchase Agreement with Pricing Enhanced check box enabled to apply pricing transparency for a line item.

    Refer to the Defining Document Styles for more information.

  3. Select the Order Header tab to enter header, such as:

    • Operating Unit

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Supplier Contact

    • Default Ship To Location

    • Currency

    • Buyer

    • Confirming Order

  4. Select the Orders Lines tab to enter line details about the items on this order:

    • To add lines from the catalog, select From Catalog in the Add Lines list and click Go.

    • To add lines from your favorites list, select From Favorites in the Add Lines list and click Go.

    • Select an Item from the LOV.

    • Click Save.

    • Click the Update icon in the Action column.

    • In the Update Line page, scroll down to view if the source document attached to this line. You can also select a source document from the LOV.

    • Select the View Price Structure item from the Actions menu at the line level and click Go.

    • Click Yes in the warning message, which states You must save your changes before continuing. Do you want to save now?

    Note: Price is calculated based on the price list and the automatic modifier applied to the PO line by the system. If no modifier is applied to the line item in the PO line, then the unit price of the PO is updated manually. Apply the manual modifier to update the price always. If you update the unit price manually without manual modifiers, then pricing transparency is not applied for that PO line.

    Refer to the Creating a Modifier List and Creating Qualifiers sections in Oracle Advanced Pricing User’s Guide for more details on setting up modifiers and qualifiers.

  5. In the View Price Structure page you can view the line item information and price request lines. You can view the pricing lines; modifier name, modifier number, modifier type, list line number, rate, application method, adjusted amount, adjusted unit price, change reason, and change reason text.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: If a purchase order has the GBPA as a source document with modifiers, then you can view only those modifiers in the source document price structure section.

    Note: If you copy the PO with Duplicate with Attachments and Duplicate with no Attachments action items, then the pricing enhanced information is copied from the source PO.

Updating the Rate of an Automatic Modifier in a PO Line

To update the rate of an automatic modifier in a PO line item:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Center –Orders page.

    Note: You can view all the standard purchase orders based on your default view and your security profile.

  2. Select the desired Standard Purchase Order Pricing Enhanced document and select Update in the Select drop down list and click Go.

  3. Select the Lines tab and click the Update icon in the Actions column for a line item.

  4. From the Actions menu, select View Price Structure item and click Go.

  5. Update the rate value in the Rate field.

    Note: After you update the Rate, the system prompts you to enter the Change Reason and Change Reason Text field values. This action creates a Change Request for the purchase order line.

  6. Select the Change Reason from the LOV. The Change Reason Text is defaulted based on your selection.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Return to the View Price Structure page using the Return to Price Structure link.

  9. You can view the colored indicator beside the Price field. This indicates that the price is modified.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: This indicator appears only when a manual modifier is applied or the rate of the modifier is updated (overridable modifier). If a modifier is not applied, then the Base Unit Price and Ordering Unit Price are equal.

  10. In the View Price Structure page, click Add Manual Modifier to select the modifier manually from the LOV.

    Note: You cannot edit, or delete the automatic modifiers; however, you can update the rate for the modifier.

Viewing Pricing Transparency for GBPA Line

To create and update the Global Blanket Purchase Agreement with pricing transparency:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Centre – Agreements page.

  2. In the Agreements page, select the Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Pricing Enhanced document style from the Create list and then click Go.

  3. Select the Agreement Header tab to enter header information, such as:

    • Operating Unit

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Supplier Contact

    • Communication Method

    • Buyer

    • Amount Agreed

    • Currency

    • Effective From and To Dates

    • Default Ship To Location

    • Description

    Refer to the Entering Purchase Order Headers for more information.

  4. Select the Agreements Lines tab to enter details about the items on this agreement:

    • To add lines from the catalog, select From Catalog in the Add Lines list and click Go.

    • To add lines from your favorites list, select From Favorites in the Add Lines list and click Go.

    • Select an Item from the LOV.

    • Click the Update icon in the Action column.

    • In the Update Line page, scroll down to see if the source document attached to this line. You can also select a source document from the LOV.

    • Enable the Allow Price Override check box.

      Note: If Allow Price Override check box is disabled, then you cannot apply the manual modifiers or change the rate of the automatic modifier in a PO line with specific GBPA as a source document.

    • Select the View Price Structure item from the Actions menu at the line level.

    • Click Go.

    • Click Yes in the warning message, which states You must save your changes before continuing. Do you want to save now?

      Note: Pricing Transparency is applied only when you save the Global Blanket Purchase Agreement and line item price is updated automatically.

  5. In the View Price Structure page, you can view the line item information and price request lines. You can view the pricing lines; modifier name, modifier number, modifier type, list line number, rate, application method, adjusted amount, adjusted unit price, change reason, and change reason text.

    Note: You cannot edit or delete the automatic modifiers; however, you can update the rate for the modifier.

  6. Return to the Update Line page using the Return to Update Line link.

  7. Click Submit to submit the agreement for approval.

Updating the Rate of an Automatic Modifier in a GBPA Line

To update the rate of an automatic modifier applied in a GBPA line item:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Centre – Agreements page.

    Note: You can view blanket purchase agreements based on your default view and your security profile.

  2. Click Search to search for a blanket agreement.

  3. Enter the agreement number as the search criteria and click Go.

  4. In the Search Results page, click the Details icon to view the agreement information.

  5. Return to the Update Line page by clicking the Return to Update Line link.

  6. Enter another line Item and click the Update icon in the Actions column.

  7. From the Actions menu, select the View Price Structure item and click Go.

  8. Click Yes in the warning message.

    Note: If you copy a line item, then the pricing enhanced information is copied from the source line item.

  9. In the View Price Structure page, enter the value for rate in the Rate field.

  10. Click Add Manual Modifier to select the modifier manually from the LOV.

  11. Click Save.

    Note: You cannot edit or delete the automatic modifiers; however, you can update the rate for the modifier.

Using View PDF

You can use the View PDF option to view the pricing modifier details that are applied at the Standard purchase order and GPBA line level. You can view the purchase order information in the Adobe Acrobat format.

To view the enhanced pricing information using the View PDF option:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Centre – Agreements page.

    Note: You can view blanket purchase agreements based on your default view and your security profile.

  2. Click Search to search for a blanket agreement.

  3. Enter the agreement number as the search criteria and click Go.

  4. Click the Agreement Number link to view the agreement details.

  5. From the Actions menu, select View PDF.

    Note: The application generates a PDF file with complete purchase order information.

  6. Open the PDF file and view the modifier information such as Modifier Type, Modifier Description, Rate, Application Method, Adjustment Unit Price, Base Unit Price, and Unit Price.

    Note: You can also view the pricing information in the normal PO. If no modifier is applied to the GBPA or the PO line then that modifier information is not visible for that GBPA or PO line in the PDF.

Converting the Purchase Requisition to PO

To convert the Purchase Requisition to PO:

  1. Navigate to the Buyer Work Centre – Requisitions page.

    Note: You can view all the purchase requisitions based on your default view and your security profile.

  2. Click Search to search for a purchase requisition.

  3. Enter the Requisition number as the search criteria and click Go.

  4. Select the Requisition and click Add.

  5. In the Document Builder region, select the Style as Standard Purchase Order Pricing Enhanced.

    Note: Select a document style for which Pricing Enhanced check box is enabled.

  6. Click Create. The pricing information is updated automatically.

  7. Enter the required PO Header information.

  8. Click the Lines tab and select the Update icon to view the pricing information.

  9. From the Actions menu, select the View Price Structure, and then click Go.

  10. Click Yes in the warning message, which states You must save your changes before continuing. Do you want to save now?

  11. In the View Price Structure page, you can view the line item information and price request lines.

    Note: You cannot edit or delete the automatic modifier applied; however, you can update the rate for the modifier.