Oracle Purchasing Profile Options and Profile Option Categories

Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview

During implementation, set a value for each Oracle Purchasing profile option to specify how Purchasing controls access to and processes data.

See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance

Profile options are grouped into one or more profile option categories enabling you to view only the profile options that pertain to your application or function.

Purchasing Categories

Purchasing Profile Options

Profile Option Category and Profile Options Descriptions

This section describes profile options by category.

The tables in this section provide profile option information as follows:

The key for each table is:

Approvals Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact document approvals.

Approvals Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action Yes View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Archive Catalog on Approval No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action

Yes indicates that the Forward and the Approve and Forward actions are active in a requisition approval notification.

PO: Archive Catalog on Approval

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing archives blanket purchase agreements in a price/sales catalog submission upon approval. You need to consider this profile option only if you receive price/sales catalog submissions from your suppliers through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. This profile option comes into effect only if Archive on Approval is chosen in the Document Types window in Purchasing and you import the documents with a status of Approved; if you then choose No for this profile option, Purchasing does not archive the price/sales catalog agreements.

Note: If a document update is pending review in the Exceeded Price Tolerances window, the revision of that document is not updated until you accept all line updates.

For more information, see the Oracle Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales and Service Open Interfaces Manual.

AutoCreate Category

The table below lists the profile options that control AutoCreate functionality options.

AutoCreate Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option AutoCreate Date Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Convert Requisition UOM to Source Document UOM No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Default PO Promise Date from Need By Date No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Use Need-by Date for Default Autocreate Grouping No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Use Requisition Line Numbers on Autocreated Purchase Order Lines No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Use Ship-to for Default Autocreate grouping No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Warn if RFQ Required before Autocreate No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option

Indicates the date used on purchase orders generated by AutoCreate:

PO: Convert Requisition UOM to Source Doc UOM During Release Creation

A Null setting (default value) indicates that the functionality continues as in the past (AutoCreate of releases from a requisition will fail with different UOMs, but the Create Releases concurrent program will convert UOMs and create a release). If set to Yes, users can create requisitions in a different UOM from the UOM on the blanket agreement line and the conversion will be done by Purchasing when the release is created. No means the UOM on the requisition must match the UOM on the blanket purchase agreement for a release to be created by any process.

PO: Default PO Promise Date from Need By date

Yes indicates that the promise date is defaulted from the requisition need-by date when a purchase order or release is automatically created.

PO: Use Need-by Date for Default Autocreate grouping

Yes indicates that the need-by date on the requisition is included with the defaults to group requisition lines.

PO: Use Requisition Line Numbers on Autocreated Purchase Order Lines

Yes indicates that the requisition line numbers are used on autocreated purchase order lines. Note that this only applies when creating a new purchase order.

PO: Use Ship-to for Default Autocreate grouping

Yes indicates that the ship-to organization and location on the requisition is included with the defaults to group requisition lines.

AutoCreate Security Category

The table below lists the profile options that control security for AutoCreate functionality.

AutoCreate Security Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents No View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Allow Buyer Override in Autocreate Find Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Allow Category Override in Autocreate Find Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Restrict Requisition line modify to quantity split No View Only Update Update Update View Only

PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents

Yes or No indicates whether the buyer can create Oracle Sourcing documents from the AutoCreate window. The default is No.

PO: Allow Buyer Override in AutoCreate Find

Yes or No indicates whether the suggested buyer (from the Enter Person window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden. The default is Yes.

PO: Allow Category Override in AutoCreate Find

Yes or No indicates whether the category (from the Buyers window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden.

PO: Restrict Requisition line modify to quantity split

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing restricts requisition line modify in AutoCreate to only splitting the quantity of a line. No means that the standard AutoCreate requisition line modify logic applies.

AutoCreate UI Category

The table below lists the profile options that control the UI (user interface) aspects of AutoCreate.

AutoCreate UI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Template No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Display the Autocreated Document Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Display the Autocreated Quotation Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Warn if RFQ Required before Autocreate No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Template

Oracle Procurement Contracts: Yes indicates to use the default defined for the document type contract template in Contract Terms Library.

PO: Display the Autocreated Document

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing should automatically display the AutoCreated purchase order.

PO: Display AutoCreated Quotation

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing should automatically display the AutoCreated quotation.

PO: Warn if RFQ Required before AutoCreate

Yes or No indicates whether you are given a warning message and an opportunity to cancel autocreate if one or more of the requisition lines selected for inclusion requires an RFQ and has not been placed on an RFQ.

If you use the PO Create Documents workflow to create purchase orders automatically from approved requisition lines, note that setting this profile option to Yes can affect the workflow. If it is set to Yes and the requisition line is not on an RFQ (but RFQ Required is checked for the requisition line), the workflow stops automatic document creation because it is unable to issue the warning. (The requisition line will still be available in the AutoCreate Documents window.) Even if an RFQ is required for the requisition line, as long as this profile option is set to No, the workflow will continue creating the document.

Automatic Sourcing Category

The table below lists the profile options that control automatic sourcing.

Automatic Sourcing Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Automatic Document Sourcing No View Only Update Update No Access No Access

PO: Automatic Document Sourcing

Yes means that Oracle Purchasing automatically defaults source document and pricing information for an item from the most recently created purchase agreement or quotation. No means that this source document information comes from the Approved Supplier List window, where you must specify which source documents to use.

Note: If an item on a requisition is associated with both a blanket purchase agreement and a quotation, Oracle Purchasing may use the blanket purchase agreement even if the quotation was created more recently (depending on your sourcing settings).

See: Setting Up Automatic Sourcing.

Catalog Import Category

The table below lists the profile options that control catalog import functionality.

Catalog Import Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Archive Catalog on Approval No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Price Tolerance (%) for Catalog Updates No Default Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Price Tolerance (%) for Catalog Updates

A value in this profile option specifies the maximum percentage increase allowed to an item's price when your supplier sends updated price/sales catalog information through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. This profile option affects only blanket purchase agreements and catalog quotations imported through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. If the tolerance is exceeded, the buyer receives a notification and can accept or reject the price increase in the Exceeded Price Tolerances window.

This profile option is used only if price tolerances are not already defined at lower levels, in the purchase agreement Terms and Conditions window or the Supplier-Item Attributes window.

See: Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically.

Consigned and VMI Category

The table below lists the profile options that control consigned inventory and VMI functionality.

Consigned and VMI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Display VMI Warning Yes No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Supplier Consigned Enabled No No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: VMI Enabled No No Access Update No Access No Access No Access

PO: Supplier Consigned Enabled

Yes or No indicates whether inventory consignment from supplier features are enabled in Oracle Purchasing

PO: VMI Enabled

Oracle Vendor Managed Inventory: Yes or No indicates whether Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is enabled in Oracle Purchasing.

Create Releases Category

The table below lists the profile options that control Purchasing create releases functionality.

Create Releases Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Convert Requisition UOM to Source Document UOM No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Default PO Promise Date from Need By Date No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Release During ReqImport No Update Update Update Update Update

Debug Category

The table below lists the profile options that control debug features usually used by technical support staff.

Debug Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO:Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Set Debug Concurrent ON No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Set Debug Workflow ON No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Write Server Output to File No Default Update Update Update Update Update
RCV: Debug Mode No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor

Yes means that when you run the Receiving Transaction Processor to import data from another system using the Receiving Open Interface, the View Log screen displays the receiving transaction pre-processor's actions, including errors, as it processed the receipt data from start to finish. (The profile option RCV: Processing Mode must also be set to Immediate or Batch for the Yes option to work.) Yes also generates a database trace file; if you need help with an error that occurs while the Receiving Transaction Processor runs, Oracle Support Services may ask you for this trace file. This profile option should be set to Yes only while debugging the Receiving Open Interface or for generating a trace file. The Receiving Open Interface validates receipt transactions from other systems and uses the Receiving Transaction Processor to import the validated data into Purchasing. See the Oracle Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales and Service Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11i.

PO: Set Debug Concurrent ON

This profile option is used, usually by technical support staff only, for finding problems with Requisition Import.

Caution: For performance reasons, it is very important that this profile option always be set to No, unless you are instructed otherwise by Oracle for debugging purposes.

PO: Set Debug Workflow ON

This profile option is used, usually by technical support staff only, for finding problems with Purchasing workflow processes.

Caution: For performance reasons, it is very important that this profile option always be set to No, unless you are instructed otherwise by Oracle for debugging purposes.

PO: Write Server Output to File

Yes or No indicates whether log details are written to a flat file rather than to the standard concurrent manager details log viewable through the View Log button in the Submit Request window when running the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program.

Yes means log details are written to a flat file. No means log details are written to the concurrent manager log screen, which can cause overflow problems for large catalogs. Leaving this profile option blank means log details are not written at all, which improves performance.

You need to consider a value for this profile option only when debugging a price/sales catalog submission from your supplier through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface.

See the Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11i.

RCV: Debug Mode

If set to Yes, and RCV: Processing Mode set to Immediate or Batch, debug messages will be printed to the concurrent log file.

Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that control Deployment.

Deployment Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Approval Timeout Value No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Cache Time To Live No Default Update Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Contracts Enabled No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Custom Measure Precedence No Default Update Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Enable Services Procurement No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: MFG Organization ID No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: View receipt mode No Default No Access No Access No Access No Access No Access
PO:Workflow Processing Mode Background Update Update Update Update Update
RCV: Processing Mode Online Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Approval Timeout Value

Indicates Approval Timeout to wait for the Doc Manager to return. Value is in seconds.

PO: Cache Time To Live

Specifies the duration that data is cached in memory. A value of 0 disables caching. Value is in minutes.

PO: Contracts Enabled

Oracle Procurement Contracts: Yes indicates that Oracle Procurement Contracts is installed, implemented, and active in Oracle Purchasing.

PO: Custom Measure Precedence

This profile is used by Oracle Purchasing Intelligence. It determines the survey matching precedence.

PO: Enable Services Procurement

Oracle Services Procurement: Yes indicates that Services Procurement is installed, implemented, and active in Oracle Purchasing.

PO: MFG Organization ID

Latin America Localization: Indicates Inventory Organization used for Ledger.

PO: View receipt mode


PO: Workflow Processing Mode

Affects the performance of the Purchasing approval workflow processes:

Whichever option you choose, you can always view the current status of a requisition or purchase order through the Requisitions Summary or Purchase Orders Summary windows.

The default value is Background.

Note: When this profile option is set to Background, you must start the Workflow Background Engine, which you access through the System Administrator responsibility. It is recommended that you set this process to run frequently, if you are using it for Background mode approvals. See: To Schedule Background Engines, Oracle Workflow Guide.

RCV: Processing Mode

Indicates the processing mode used after you save your work for receiving transactions:

Document Builder Security Category

The table below lists the Document Builder Security profile options.

Document Builder Security Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents No View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Allow Buyer Override in Autocreate Find Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Allow Category Override in Autocreate Find Yes Update Update Update Update Update

Document Builder UI Category

The table below lists the Document Builder UI profile options.

Document Builder UI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Template No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Default Requisition Grouping No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Display the Autocreated Document Yes Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Document Builder Default Document Type No Default Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Default Requisition Grouping

Indicates the default grouping method used when aggregating requisition demand to create a new document. Values are Default or Requisition.

PO: Document Builder Default Document Type

This profile option specifies the default target document type that is defaulted into the document builder region within the demand workbench. Values are: Add to PO, New Auction, New PO, New RFQ.

Document Security Category

The table below lists the profile options that control Purchasing Document Security.

Document Security Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Auto-generate Sourcing Rules No View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Allow Rate Override For User Rate Type No View Only Update Update Update Update
PO: Allow Retroactive Pricing of POs No Default View Only Update Update Update View Only
PO: Change Supplier Site No Default View Only Update Update Update View Only
PO: Enable Direct Delivery To Shop Floor No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Legal Requisition Type Both View Only Update Update Update View Only
RCV: Allow routing override No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Allow Auto-generate Sourcing Rules

Create Only indicates whether the buyer can create new sourcing rules, sourcing assignments, and approved supplier list entries while approving a blanket purchase agreement. Create and Update enables the buyer to update sourcing rules and assignments as well as create new sourcing rules. The default is None.

PO: Allow Rate Override for User Rate Type

Yes or No indicates whether the Rate in the Currency tabbed region of the Receipts window can be changed. Even if the Rate Type is User, you cannot change the Rate if this profile option is set to No. This profile option affects the Rate on the receipt only, not in the Currency window of a purchase order, RFQ, or quotation. (In the Currency window, you can modify the Rate if the Rate Type is User.)

PO: Allow Retroactive Pricing of POs

Used to determine if blanket releases and standard purchase orders can be mass updated with retroactive price change(s) entered on their corresponding blanket agreement.

PO: Change Supplier Site

Yes or No indicates whether users can change the supplier site on approved purchase orders.

PO: Enable Direct Delivery to Shop Floor

If Enterprise Asset Management has been implemented and this profile is set to Yes, Outside Services items can be delivered directly to the shop floor. See the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide.

PO: Legal Requisition Type

Indicates whether users can enter internal requisitions sourced from stock by means of an internal sales order, purchase requisitions sourced from a purchase order, or both types. Available values are Both, Internal, and Purchase.

RCV: Allow routing override

Yes or No indicates whether the destination type assigned during requisition or purchase order entry can be overridden at receipt time.

Encumbrance Category

The table below lists the Encumbrance profile options for Oracle Purchasing.

Encumbrance Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option AutoCreate Date Update Update Update Update Update
PO:Override Funds Reservation No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO:Use Document GL Date to Unreserve No View Only Update Update Update No Access

PO: Override Funds Reservation

Indicates whether the GL Funds Override capability should be utilized. If set to Yes and the Oracle General Ledger (GL) setup allows it, absolute funds checking will succeed even if funds are exceeded, up to the amount limit defined for a given account.

This profile determines the default value for funds reservation in the Approval window and the behavior for funds reservation in Oracle Purchasing workflows.

PO: Use Document GL date to Unreserve

Yes or No indicates whether the GL date of the document is used for encumbrance reversal actions that do not support entry of a GL date (Reject/Return) and as a default for actions that do allow entry of a date (Cancel/Final Close/Unreserve).

Enterprise Asset Management Setup Category

The table below lists the Oracle Purchasing profile options for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) setup.

Enterprise Asset Management Setup Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Enable Direct Delivery To Shop Floor No Update Update Update Update Update

iProcurement Setup Category

The table below lists the iProcurement Setup profile options in Oracle Purchasing.

iProcurement Setup Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Use P-Cards in Purchasing No View Only Update Update Update Update

Notifications Category

The table below lists the profile options that control Oracle Purchasing Notifications.

Notifications Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Amount Billed Threshold Percentage No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Contractor Assignment Completion Warning Delay No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only

PO: Amount Billed Threshold Percentage

Oracle Services Procurement: Indicates the amount above which the amount billed exceeded threshold notification will be sent to the requester.

PO: Contractor Assignment Completion Warning Delay

Oracle Services Procurement: Yes indicates that the contractor assignment completion notification is sent to the requester when the assignment is complete.

Notifications UI Category

The table below lists the profile options that control the Notifications UI.

Notifications UI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Notification Lines Display Limit No Default Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Notification Lines Display Limit

Indicates the number of purchase order or release lines to be displayed in approval notifications. Oracle recommends a maximum of 30 lines.

PO Communication Category

The table below lists the profile options that controls communication of purchasing documents with suppliers.

PO Communication Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: cXML From Domain No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: cXML From Identity No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO:Fax Output Directory for the PO Document No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Generate Amendment Documents No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: In File Path No Default View Only Update No Access Update Update
PO: Secondary Email address No Default Update Update No Access No Access Update
PO: Terms and Conditions filename No Default View Only Update No Access Update No Access

PO: cXML From Domain

Indicates buyer's domain.

PO: cXML From Identity

Indicates buyer's identity on the cXML From Domain.

PO: Fax Output Directory for the PO Document

The operating system directory name where the document publisher will store the generated purchase order PDF file for faxing.

PO: Generate Amendment Documents

Oracle Procurement Contracts: Yes displays the amendments made to the contract terms and conditions in a separate section in the purchase order PDF. The purchase order PDF cover page then displays summary of changes entered by the user at the time of submitting the purchase order for approval.

PO: In File Path

For e-mailed purchase orders this indicates the absolute path of the directory where the optional terms and conditions file is stored. This directory must also be specified in the UTL_FILE parameter in the INIT.ORA file.

PO: Secondary E-mail Address

When using e-mail purchase orders (PO), enter an e-mail address to send a copy of the e-mail PO to someone in your company. If it is necessary to resend the e-mail, you could log into this secondary e-mail account and resend it from there.

PO: Terms and Conditions File Name

For e-mailed purchase orders this profile identifies the name of the optional terms and conditions file. This text file needs to be placed in one of the directories specified in the UTL_FILE parameter in the INIT.ORA file and the file path indicated by the profile PO: In File Path.

PO/Releases/Requisitions UI Category

The table below lists the profile options that control the PO/Releases/Requisitions UI.

PO/Releases/Requisitions UI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Template No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Check open periods No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Default Need-By Time No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Display VMI Warning Yes No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Use P-Cards in Purchasing No View Only Update Update Update Update

PO: Check Open Periods

Yes indicates that the need by date and the promise by date must be in an open Purchasing period when entering purchase orders. Any other setting provides no validation against Purchasing periods.

PO: Default Need-By Time

Indicates the time used to default for the entry of need-by date when a requisition, purchase order, or release is created.

PO: Display VMI Warning

Yes or No indicates whether a warning will be displayed when Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) item is being placed on a Purchasing document. Default is Yes, the warning will be displayed.

PO: Use P-Cards in Purchasing

Set this profile option to Yes if you use procurement card-also known as P-Card or corporate credit card-numbers on requisitions in Oracle iProcurement. Set this profile option to Yes to display the procurement card number in the Purchase Orders, Releases, and Purchase Order Headers summary windows.

Set this profile option to No if you do not have Oracle iProcurement installed or do not want to display the procurement card field to buyers. Purchasing windows can physically display the procurement card field even if Oracle iProcurement is not installed and procurement cards aren't used. Therefore, set this profile option to No if you are not using procurement cards.

Procurement Contracts Setup Category

The table below lists the Procurement Contracts Setup profile options in Oracle Purchasing.

Procurement Contracts Setup Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Referencing CPA Under Amendment No   Update     User
PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Template No Default Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Contracts Enabled No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
PO: Generate Amendment Documents No Update Update Update Update Update

Allow Referencing CPA Under Amendment

If this profile option is set to Yes, then GCPA reference on Requisitions or Standard Purchase Orders (both in Oracle iProcurement and Oracle Purchasing) is allowed during GCPA amendment, provided the GCPA has been approved once referencing the CPAs in Amendment state.

Receiving Category

The table below lists the profile options that controls Receiving functionality in Oracle Purchasing.

Receiving Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Automatically Deliver Drop Ship ASNs No Default Update Update Update Update Update
RCV: Default Include Closed PO Option No Update Update Update Update Update
RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails No View Only Update Update Update No Access
RCV: Print Receipt Traveler No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Automatically Deliver Drop Ship ASNs

Yes indicates that you want Oracle Purchasing to automatically perform a receipt and deliver action for drop ship ASNs. See: Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs).

RCV: Default Include Closed PO Option

If it is set to Yes, a search in the Enter Receipts window and the Receiving Transactions window automatically select the Include Closed POs checkbox. Your search results will then include closed orders.

The Receiving Open Interface (including ASN) will allow a receipt against orders with the status of Closed for Receiving if this profile is set to Yes. Any setting other than Yes prevents receiving against orders using the Receiving Open Interface with the status of Closed for Receiving.

RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails

If you choose Yes, you can reject an entire Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) if any ASN line fails validation or processing. If you choose No, then you can accept an ASN if at least one ASN line is successful.

RCV: Print Receipt Traveler

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing automatically prints the receipt traveler when you perform a receipt or a receiving transaction, and when you match unordered receipts. You can always print receipt travelers from the Submit Requests window.

Requisition Import Category

The table below lists the profile options that control Requisition Import.

Requisition Import Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Archive Catalog on Approval No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Release During ReqImport No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Release During ReqImport

Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing can automatically create releases during the Requisition Import process.

Self-Billing Category

The table below lists the Self-Billing profile options.

Self-Billing Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: ERS Aging Period 0 View Only Update Update Update No Access
PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix ERS- View Only Update Update Update No Access

PO: ERS Aging Period

The value in this profile option indicates the number of days between the receipt date and the Payment on Receipt automatic invoice creation date. For example, a value of 2 means that Payment on Receipt creates invoices only for receipts that are 2 or more days old. Any corrections or returns you make against a receipt during that 2-day period are included on the Payment on Receipt invoice.

PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix

'ERS-' is the prefix that appears before all invoices that you create automatically using Payment on Receipt. This profile option allows you to change this prefix. For example, shortening this prefix allows extra spaces for longer packing slip or receipt numbers.

Services Procurement Setup Category

The table below lists the Services Procurement Setup profile options in Oracle Purchasing.

Services Procurement Setup Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Amount Billed Threshold Percentage No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Contractor Assignment Completion Warning Delay No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
PO: Enable Services Procurement No Update Update Update Update Update
PO: UOM Class for Temp Labor Services No Default Update Update Update Update Update

PO: UOM Class for Temp Labor Services

Oracle Services Procurement: For a rate based temp labor line type, entry of unit of measure (UOM) is restricted to those in this UOM class.

Sourcing Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options in Oracle Purchasing used to control document sourcing features.

Sourcing Setup Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents No View Only Update View Only View Only No Access
PO: Display the Autocreated Document Yes Update Update Update Update Update

Supplier Item Catalog Forms UI Category

The table below lists the profile options that controls the Oracle Purchasing Supplier Item Catalog Forms UI.

Supplier Item Catalog Forms UI Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option Negotiated Sources Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Item Cross Reference Warning Disposition View Only Update Update Update No Access

PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option

Indicates the default source tabbed region in the supplier item catalog: Negotiated Sources, Prior Purchases, Sourcing Rules, or Requisition Templates.

PO: Item Cross Reference Warning

Indicates the Item Cross Reference Type that you want to use as a disposition warning message for requisitions.

Pricing Transparency Profile Options

The following are profile options are required for Pricing Transparency:

Application level:

Note: You need to enable Pricing Enhanced checkbox for the Document style using the PO: Price Enhancement profile option.

System / Responsibility Level:

QP: Item validation Organization

System Level:

QP: Security Control

Note: Refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User’s Guide for more information on the aforementioned profile options.