Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Required Profile Options

The table lists profile options that require you to provide a value. The table also indicates whether you can view or update profile options and at which levels your system administrator can update these profile options: the user, responsibility, application, or site levels.

The key for this table is:

Profile Option Default Value User Access System Administration: User System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: Application System Administration: Site
ICX: Date Format Mask DD_MON_RRRR Update Update No Access No Access Update
ICX: Language American English Update Update No Access No Access Update
ICX: Limit Connect 1000 No Access Update No Access No Access Update
ICX: Limit Time 4 No Access Update No Access No Access Update
ICX: Session Timeout 30 No Access Update No Access No Access Update
MO: Operating Unit No Default Value No Access No Access Update No Access Update

Most of these profile options impact the login session. In addition, you can control the login session through the Apache Jserv Session.

Optional Profile Options

The table in this section lists all other profile options that affect the operation of Internet Expenses. The table identifies the levels at which each profile option is updatable, and provides any default value. If you are setting a profile option at the application level, you must define it for Oracle Payables. Since Internet Expenses is tightly integrated with Oracle Payables, it does not have a separate application ID in the Applications Object Library.

The key for this table is:

Profile Option Default Value User Access System Administration: User System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: Application System Administration: Site
OIE: Allow Credit Lines Yes No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Allow Non-Base Pay No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Approver Required No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Carry Advances Forward Yes No Access No Access Update Update Update
OIE: CC Approver Req No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: CC Payment Notify No No Access No Access No Access Update Update
OIE: Enable Advances Payables No Access No Access Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Approver No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Bar Code No No Access No Access Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Cost Center Yes No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Credit Card No No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
OIE: Enable DescFlex No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Expense Allocation Splitting No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Expense Allocations No Update Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Policy Warn Users No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Project Allocations No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Project Expenditure Organization No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Enable Tax No No Access Update Update Update Update
OIE: Grace Period 30 No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
OIE: Purpose Required No No Access No Access Update Update Update
OIE: Report Number Prefix No No Access No Access Update Update Update
AME: Installed No No Access No Access No Access Update No Access
Default Country No Default Value Update Update Update Update Update
Disable Self-Service Personal Yes No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
WF: Notification Reassign Mode Reassign No Access Update Update Update Update
HR: Cross Business Group Yes No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
Journals: Display Inverse Rate No Update Update Update Update Update
MO: Security Profile No Default Value No Access No Access Update No Access Update
PA: Allow Project- Related Entry in Oracle Internet Expenses No No Access No Access No Access Update No Access
PA: AutoApprove Expense Reports No Default Value No Access No Access No Access Update No Access
Personalize Self-Service Defn Yes No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
Printer No Default Value Update Update Update Update Update
Sequential Numbering No Default Value Visible No Access Update Update Update
WF: Mailer Cancellation Email Disabled No Access No Access No Access No Access Update