Modifying Quotes

This chapter covers the following topics:

Adding Products to the Quote

You can search for products to add to quotes. For information on how the product search is filtered, refer Using interMedia Search.

Important: Currently, interMedia search is only supported for searches against the product catalog.

To add products to the quote, click Add Product from the Products subtab.

Field Behavior

Line Numbers

Line numbering in Quoting is based on product type. The format of the line numbers is A.B.C.

The first tier, A, indicates a major line number grouping. The line numbering for this group starts with 1 and increments by 1 with each new group. This group includes the following product types:

The second tier, B, indicates a component within a model configuration. The first component has a value of 0, while each additional component increments by 1.

The third tier, C, indicates a service. This applies only for a service associated with a serviceable product in the current quote.

The following table shows an example of what quote line numbers look like based on product type.

Line Numbers and Product Types
Line Number Product Type
1.0 Standard Product
2.0 Top level model product
2.0.1 Service for model
2.0.2 Service for model
2.1 Component #1 (option class)
2.1.1 Service for component
2.2 Component #2 (Child of option class)
3.0 Service for serviceable product in the Installed Base
4.0 Serviceable product
4.0.1 Service for serviceable product
4.0.2 Service for serviceable product

When you delete lines, the line numbers are adjusted accordingly. Line numbers displayed on the quote print out match the line numbers in the Quote Lines page. Quote line numbers are not passed to Oracle Order Management when an order is created from the quote.

Removing Products from the Quote


Adding Services to Quotes

Services are available to customers ordering serviceable products in Quoting. There are two types of services:

Services can apply to serviceable products:

Important: You cannot associate services to products of Line Type Return.

If the ASO: Require Service Reference on Add to Quote profile is set to Yes, you cannot search for services from the product catalog. You can only add services to a product on a current quote, in the customer's Install Base, or on a Pending Order.

If the profile is set to No, services that the customer can order appear in a product catalog search. You can add these services to a quote and specify references for them later.

If null, a default value of Yes is assumed.

Once a service is added to a quote, you can view service details from the Service tab in the Line Details page.


To add a service to a serviceable product in the current quote, select Add Services from the LOV in the Products tab.

Related Topics

Adding a Service to the Quote for a Product in the Customer’s Installed Base


To add a service for a product in the Installed Base, click Add Service to Previous Purchase from the Products subtab.

Field Behavior

Adding a Service for a Product on a Pending Order


To add a service for a product on a pending order, click Add Service to Previous Purchase from the Products subtab.

Field Behavior

Adding a Service for a Product from the Product Catalog

You can add a service for a product from the Product Catalog in the following two ways:


Method I

  1. From a quote click the Add Service to Previous Purchase button.

  2. On the Specify Service Reference page, select Product Catalog from the Select Product Reference From list.

  3. Search for a product.

  4. Select the Product and click Add Services button.

  5. You can select from the available services.


Method II

  1. From a quote, select the update icon for a service item.

  2. Click the Service subtab.

  3. Click the Specify Service Reference button.

  4. Perform step 2 to step 6 of Method I.


  1. The Reference Type field should display Product Catalog if the service reference for the service item is from the product catalog.

  2. Before placing an order, if the service reference is Product Catalog, it must be changed to a serviceable product from the Installed Base.

  3. You can specify the service reference as Product Catalog when the serviceable product is not fulfilled and is not in the Installed Base.

Changing Service Reference from Product Catalog to Installed Base


To change the service reference for a service product from Product Catalog to Installed Base, perform the following steps:

  1. From a quote, click the Update icon for a service product.

  2. On the Line Details page click the Service subtab.

  3. Click the Specify Service Reference button.

  4. From the Select Product Reference From list select Installed Base.

  5. You can search for a service product from the Installed Base and click the Select button to add the service products to your quote line.


Field Behavior

Modifying a Service


To modify services after they are added to the quote, select Modify Service from the Actions LOV in the Products subtab.

Configuring Products

Quoting accesses Oracle Configurator to configure model products. For information on using Configurator, refer the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide.

Note: Oracle Quoting supports multiple instantiation, through integration with Oracle Configurator. For more information, see the latest Oracle Configurator documentation.


To configure a Model product, select Configure from the Actions LOV.

Field Behavior


Viewing Attributes of a Model

The attributes of a model and its components are displayed as part of the Product Information details in the quote line. You can ascertain the following attributes of a model:

The attributes are blank if the quote line is not part of a model configuration.

Deleting a Component

You can delete components of model products without launching Oracle Configurator. Configurator rules are invoked after each deletion and the incomplete indicator appears if the deletion results in an incomplete configuration. This applies to products on the quote and in quote templates. The deletion may result in an invalid configuration. You can save the quote but cannot place an order unless the configuration is valid and complete.

Note: If you delete a component with an associated service, the service is also deleted.


To delete a line in the quote, select the line and choose the Remove Line action from the LOV in the quote's Products subtab.

Duplicating an Existing Configuration in a Quote

You can copy a top level model product to a new model product within a quote. When copied, the top level model product with its components is an exact copy of the original configuration.

If the original configuration has services associated with it, they are copied into the new configuration.

Line level attributes, including price list, line level billing, line level flexfields, and line level attachments are copied as well. This applies to products on the quote and in quote templates.


To duplicate a configuration, select the first line in the configuration and choose the Duplicate Line action from the LOV in the quote's Products subtab.

Validating Model Configurations

You can add the top level model item to a quote and then configure it using Oracle Configurator. The top level model and the user or system selected components are represented as individual lines in a quote. You can manually validate the model configuration of a quote.



Steps to validate model configurations

  1. Set the ASO: Configuration Effective Date profile options as per business needs.

  2. Access the Update Quote page for a quote.

  3. From the Actions list select Validate Configurations.

  4. Click the Go button.

Duplicating a Line

When you duplicate a line, line level attributes, including price list, line level billing, line level flexfields, and line level attachments are copied into the new line. If a service is associated with the line, the service is copied as well. This applies to products on the quote and in quote templates.

If you duplicate a line with associated sales supplement information, the information is carried into the new line(s).


To duplicate a line in the quote, select the line and choose the Duplicate Line action from the LOV in the quote's Products subtab.

Adding a Related Product


To add a related product to the quote, select Add Related Products from the LOV in the Products subtab.

Checking Product Availability

You can check the availability of all products in a quote or the individual product lines in a quote. Availability is displayed for the following types of products in a quote:

For model items, Quoting displays the availability information based on the availability of the model as well as its components. The components include mandatory as well as included items.

In addition, the availability information for an entire quote displays attributes such as estimated ship date, estimated group ship date (for models), estimated arrival date, shipping warehouse, shipping method, and so on.

Note: Availability information is not displayed for product items of type Service, Trade In, Container model, and components of a container model.

To check the availability of an individual product line in a quote, select Check Availability from the list of action items for a line.

To check the product availability for an entire quote, click Check Availability for All Products.

Information that is displayed as part of the availability check is explained below. Some of these fields are updateable and applicable only if you are checking availability for an individual product line.

Field Behavior

Adding Trade-Ins to Quotes

If your organization provides credit to customers for returning or decommissioning existing products when they purchase new products, you can add customer trade-ins to a quote.

When the application calculates the order total, it recognizes products with the line category code Return as trade-ins. The application treats trade-in prices as credits and subtracts them from the order total. Tax is calculated for trade-ins, for the current date.

You can also search the current quote-to customer’s Install Base for trade-ins. Install Base only supports the trade-in of serialized products with a line flow of "Return with Receipt."

You can also leave all fields blank and allow Install Base to return all products that are active, returnable, and serialized.

You can select a model product for trade-in as long as it is serialized. If selected, the model product and its children default into the quote as trade-ins. The children do not need to be serialized to be traded in with the model product. Once defaulted, you can remove one or more children. You can also select a child of a model product without selecting the model product, if the child is serialized and returnable.

Quoting supports the following trade-in flow:

the picture is described in the document text

This flow demonstrates what occurs when a customer purchases a product and then decides to trade it in. Initially, a salesperson creates a quote for the product and then creates an order from the quote. The serial number of the product is recorded in the Shipping module and the customer’s Install Base is updated with the product information. The customer then decides to return the product. In Quoting, the salesperson searches the customer’s Install Base for the serialized product and quotes a trade-in price. If the price is satisfactory, the salesperson submits the quote as an order. The customer then ships the product to return. When the returned product is received, the serial number of the product is entered in Shipping and the customer’s Install Base is updated to reflect that the trade-in was returned.

Adding a Trade-in to the Current Quote


Tip: You can search for trade-in products from the Product Catalog if the order category for the order type is Mixed.

To add a trade-in to a quote, select Add Product from the LOV in the Products subtab.

Field Behavior

Adding a Trade-in From the Customer Install Base


To add a trade-in from the customer Install Base to a quote, select Add Product from the LOV in the Products subtab.

Field Behavior

Note: In order for Install Base to be updated with return information, each trade-in must be a serialized product with a line flow of Return With Receipt.

Viewing Product Relationships in Install Base

Some products are not stand-alone but have child components within them. Sometimes, the child components may have further child components. You can view the relationship between products in Oracle Install Base when you search for a product in the Install Base.

To view the product relationship, click the icon in the View Relationships column from the product search results.

Splitting Lines

In Oracle Quoting, you can split a line if the quantity is greater than 1. This is useful if you want to order a large quantity of one product with various ship-to and bill-to addresses. For example, you may want to order 5 laptops, and ship 3 of them to one location and 2 to another. All line attributes (price list, line level billing, line level shipping, line level payment details, line level attachments, and so on) are copied to the new lines.


To split a line, select the line and choose the Split Line action from the LOV in the Products subtab.


Also see:

Splitting a Configured Line

Splitting a Configured Line

If you split a configured line, the new model and its components appear on a separate line as an exact duplicate of the original line. The relationships are preserved. All service items and line attributes (price list, line level billing, line level shipping, line level payment details, line level attachments, and so on.) are copied as well.


To split a configured line, select the line and choose the Split Line action from the LOV in the Products subtab.

Defaulting Rules in Quote Lines

When you add a quote line, defaulting rules are applied for each field that does not have a value and has a defaulting rule set up for it. When you update a quote line and change a trigger attribute, then its dependant attribute(s) are cleared and defaulted again. For more information on setting up defaulting rules, refer the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

Defaulting rules are applied to quote lines when you perform the following actions on a quote:

Viewing Quote Versions

To view the previous versions of the current quote, click the Version number link of the Quote Number field in the Quote Header.

Field Behavior

Linking a Quote to an Opportunity

You can link a quote to an existing opportunity.

Field Behavior

Entering Sales Supplement Information

Sales Supplement allows the capture of additional quote-specific information that is not passed into Oracle Order Management. You can enter sales supplement at the line level or at the header level.

The Question component of the sales supplement template allows the following response types:


Field Behavior

Changing the Base UOM for a Line

Note: You cannot edit the UOM for a component of a model item.

Field Behavior

Changing the Order Type for a Quote

Order types, which classify orders and returns, are set up in Oracle Order Management (OM). The order type for a quote determines how that order will be processed in OM.

Note: The order category for each order type must be Order or Mixed.

You can change the order type for a quote at any time during the Quoting process. When changed, the order type is validated against the line category code for each of the quote lines. If there are lines with an invalid order type/line category code combination, the change to these lines will not be allowed.

Note: If the order type is changed, the defaulting logic for the price list is reapplied.

The defaulting behavior for Order Type is displayed on the Create Quote, Create Quote from Opportunity and General pages.


Field Behavior

Changing Quote To Customer for a Quote

You can change Customer Name or Account Number for a quote after a quote is created.

After a quote is created, you can change the Customer details as follows:

  1. From the Actions LOV by selecting Change Customer

    • Open a quote for which you want to change the customer.

    • From Actions LOV select Change Customer value.

  2. When copying a quote, you can select the same or a different customer for the new quote

    • Open a quote for which you want to change the customer.

    • From Actions LOV select Duplicate Quote value.

    • Select if the quote needs to be copied to the same customer or a different customer.

    • If you select the To different customer option, you can specify the new customer details.

If a quote is Web Published or if an Oracle iStore user requests for a sales representative’s assistance, then the user cannot change the Customer Name.

Using Descriptive Flexfields

See the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide and the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide for more information on setting up flexfields.



Updating Multiple Products in a Quote

You may need to update multiple products in a quote at the same time for many reasons. For example, if a quote has a hundred lines, and fifty of the lines need to be shipped to a different address from the header shipping address, it would be more efficient to enter the shipping address once for all fifty lines, instead of entering them individually.

Using the Update Multiple Products option, you can perform the following actions on multiple products simultaneously:


To update multiple products in a quote, select the Update Multiple Products button from the Lines region of the Update Quote Details page.


Field Behavior