Interagency Transaction Procedures

Overview of Interagency Transaction

Interagency transactions are transfers between federal agencies for which the Department of Treasury disburses payments. Oracle U.S. Federal Financials provides the SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds document, the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits document, and the Interagency Transfers window to allow agencies to process these transactions.

The Interagency Transfers window stores interagency transfer information for the billing agency and the customer agency to ensure proper reporting on the FMS Form 224 report or the FMS Form 1219 and 1220 reports.

SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds

The SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds is used as a charge document and disbursement voucher by billing and customer agencies to process transactions between two or more appropriation, fund, or receipt accounts when the Department of Treasury does not disburse payments for at least one of the agencies.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits

The SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits is used as a combined billing and payment document by billing and customer agencies to process transactions between two or more appropriation, fund, or receipt accounts when the Department of Treasury disburses payments for both agencies. The SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits transfers payments between two agencies using a paper invoice.

Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC)

IPAC is a government-owned internet application that performs intra-governmental funds transfers. The Department of Treasury’s IPAC application enables users to enter transactions online or through bulk file transmission. Oracle U.S. Federal Financials produces an IPAC bulk file for Accounts Receivable transactions when generating bills to other federal agencies. Bulk file transmission includes building a file from the user’s accounting systems and transmitting the file to the Department of Treasury through the IPAC application.

IPAC Transaction Selection Process

The IPAC Transaction Selection process selects all invoice transactions for reporting on the IPAC Bulk File. The IPAC Transaction Summary window displays all the transactions selected by the IPAC Transaction Selection process. In this window, users can exclude certain transactions from the final processing of the IPAC Bulk File layout and refer back to previous transactions reported to the Department of Treasury through the FMS IPAC system.

The IPAC Transaction Selection process also generates the IPAC Transaction Detail Report and the IPAC Exception Report. The IPAC Transaction Detail Report, described in the IPAC Transaction Detail Report Description table, lists the transactions selected from the IPAC Transaction Selection Process. The IPAC Exception Report, described in the IPAC Disbursement Exception Report Description table lists discrepancies in reporting requirements that include missing required fields.

IPAC Disbursements Process

In addition to IPAC billing, an agency can upload IPAC disbursement transactions generated by another agency. The receiving agency downloads the IPAC Transaction Report in CSV format and saves it in a directory in the Oracle Application. This directory is determined when you set up the FV: Download Treasury Files Directory profile option.

The agency runs the Upload IPAC Disbursement concurrent process that performs these tasks:

The agency continues to process the transactions using the Oracle Public Sector Payables Open Interface. If any transactions fail edits in the interface, the customer agency must manually correct those items.

The Upload IPAC Disbursement process automatically updates the FV_Interagency_Funds table or the customer agency must update the Interagency Transfers window manually for the invoices created.

The Upload IPAC Disbursement process generates these reports:

Related Topics

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Process

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Procedures

FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Procedures

FMS Form 1219/1220 Process

Interagency Billing and Payment for SF 1080 Transactions Diagram

Interagency Transactions Process for SF 1080

Interagency Billing and Payment for SF 1081 Transactions Diagram

Interagency Transactions Process for SF 1081

Interagency Billing and Payment for IPAC Transactions Diagram

IPAC Bulk File and Automatic Receipt Creation Process Diagram

Interagency Transaction Process for IPAC Transactions

IPAC Disbursement Process Diagram

IPAC Disbursement Process for Transactions

Interagency Transaction Processes

Payables Open Interface Tables, Oracle Payables User Guide


Related Topics

Federal Seed Data Setup,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Define Customers,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Federal Options Setup,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Appropriation Parameters Setup,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Setup Steps,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Overview of Purchase Orders, Oracle Purchasing User Guide

Generating the SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds

These procedures are used to print SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds:

Print New SF 1080 Invoices

To print the new SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds Invoices:

Note: This procedure is only performed by the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print New SF 1080.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Order By field, select the sort field.

  5. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  6. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

  7. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the low and high transaction numbers

  8. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  9. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the customer profile class established for customers that should receive SF 1080 invoices if Customer Profile Class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1080 invoices.

  10. In the Open Invoices Only field, select either Yes or No.

  11. In the Office Charged field, enter the name of the accounting classification of the office charged.

Print Selected SF 1080 Invoices

To print selected SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds invoices:

Note: This procedure is only performed by the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print Selected SF 1080.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, enter an operating unit.

  4. In the Order By field, enter the sort field.

  5. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  6. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

    Note: Select the transaction type established for SF 1080 invoices if transaction type is used to restrict the printing of SF 1080 invoices.

  7. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the beginning and ending numbers of the invoices to be printed.

  8. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  9. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the customer profile class established for customers who receive SF 1080 invoices if Customer Profile Class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1080 invoices.

  10. In the Customer Class field, select a customer class.

  11. In the Customer field, select a customer.

  12. In the Open Invoices Only field, select either Yes or No.

  13. In the Office Charged field, enter the name of the accounting classification of the office charged.

Print Batch of SF 1080 Invoices

To print a batch of SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds invoices:

Note: This procedure is only performed by the billing agency

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print Batch of SF 1080.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Order By field, select a sort order or use the default value.

  5. In the Batch field, select a batch.

  6. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  7. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

    Note: Select the transaction type established for SF 1080 invoices if transaction type is used to restrict the printing of SF 1080 invoices.

  8. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the low and high transaction numbers.

  9. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  10. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the customer profile class established for customers who receive SF 1080 invoices if Customer Profile Class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1080 invoices.

  11. In the Customer Class field, select a customer class.

  12. In the Customer field, select a customer.

  13. In the Open Invoices Only field, select Y for Yes or N for No.

  14. In the Office Charged field, enter the name of the accounting classification of the office charged.

Related Topics

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivales User Guide.

SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds Document Description Table

The following table describes the SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds Document.

SF 1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds Document Description Table
Line Description Responsible
Voucher No. Voucher number assigned by customer agency Customer agency
Schedule No. Schedule number assigned by customer agency Customer agency
Department, establishment, bureau, or office receiving funds Name and address of station receiving funds Billing agency
Bill No. invoice number Billing agency
Paid By Stamp designated by customer agency Customer agency
Department, establishment, bureau, or office charged name and address of station being charged Billing agency
Order No. Order identifying number Billing agency
Date of Delivery Date article or services delivered Billing agency
Article or Services Description of article or services Billing agency
Quantity Quantity of article or services billed Billing agency
Unit Cost Cost of article or services Billing agency
Price Per Unit of measure to define cost Billing agency
Amount Quantity multiplied by the unit price cost Billing agency
Total Total of all amounts billed Billing agency
Remittance in payment hereof should be sent to Remittance name and address of station receiving funds Billing agency
Accounting Classification - Office Receiving Funds Accounting classification of the bill Billing agency
Certificate of Office Charged Certification of customer agency Customer agency
Date Certification date Customer agency
Authorized administrative or certifying officer Signature of authorized certifying officer Customer agency
Title Title of certifying officer Customer agency
Accounting Classification - Office Charged Payable accounting classification Customer agency
Paid by Check No. Check number Customer agency

Generating SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits

These procedures are used to print SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits:

Note: The SF 1081 printing procedures must only be used to print invoice transactions.

Print New SF 1081 Invoices

To print the new SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits:

Note: This procedure is only performed by the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print New SF 1081.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  5. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

    Note: Select the transaction type established for SF 1081 invoices if transaction type is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices.

  6. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the low and high transaction numbers.

  7. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  8. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the customer profile class established for customers who receive SF 1081 invoices if Customer Profile Class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices

  9. In the Customer Class field, select a customer class.

  10. In the Customer field, select a customer.

  11. In the Customer ALC, select the agency location code of the customer agency to be billed.

  12. In the Prepared By field, enter the name of the billing agency’s contact person.

  13. In the Approved By field, enter the name of the person approving the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits.

  14. In the Tel #1 (999-999-9999) field, enter the telephone number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  15. In the Tel #2 (999-999-9999) field, enter the fax number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  16. In the Open Invoices Only field, select either Yes or No.

  17. In the Details of Charges field, enter any additional information up to 100 characters, as shown in the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Descriptiontable.

Print Selected SF 1081 Invoices

To print selected SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits invoices:

Note: This procedure is performed only by the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print Selected SF 1081.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  5. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

    Note: Select the transaction type established for SF 1081 invoices if transaction type is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices.

  6. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the beginning and ending numbers of the invoices to be printed.

  7. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  8. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the customer profile class established for customers who receive SF 1081 invoices if Customer Profile Class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices

  9. In the Customer Class field, select a customer class.

  10. In the Customer field, select a customer.

  11. In the Customer ALC field, select the agency location code of the customer agency to be billed.

  12. In the Prepared By field, enter the name of the billing agency’s contact person.

  13. In the Approved By field, enter the name of the person approving the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits.

  14. In the Tel #1 (999-999-9999) field, enter the telephone number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  15. In the Tel #2 (999-999-9999) field, enter the fax number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  16. In the Open Invoices Only field, select either Yes or No.

  17. In the Details of Charges field, enter any additional information up to 100 characters, as shown in theSF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description table.

Print Batch of SF 1081 Invoices

To print a batch of SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits invoices:

Note: This procedure is performed only by the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Invoice Print Batch SF 1081.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Batch field, select a batch.

  5. In the Transaction Class field, select a transaction class.

  6. In the Transaction Type field, select a transaction type.

    Note: Select the transaction type established for SF 1081 invoices if transaction type is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices.

  7. In the Transaction Number Low and Transaction Number High fields, enter the beginning and ending numbers of the invoices to be printed.

  8. In the Print Date Low and Print Date High fields, enter the beginning and ending dates of the invoices to be printed.

  9. In the Customer Profile Class field, select a customer profile class.

    Note: Select the profile class established for customers that should receive SF 1080 invoices if profile class is used to restrict the printing of SF 1081 invoices.

  10. In the Prepared By field, enter the name of the billing agency’s contact person.

  11. In the Approved By field, enter the name of the person approving the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits.

  12. In the Tel #1 (999-999-9999) field, enter the telephone number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  13. In the Tel #2 (999-999-9999) field, enter the fax number of the billing agency’s contact person.

  14. In the Open Invoices Only field, select either Yes or No.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description Table

The following table describes the header section of the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits document.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description Table, Header Section
Line Description Responsible
Charge and Credit Will be Reported on Customer Agency Statement of Transactions for Accounting Period Ending Accounting month in which transaction is reported by customer agency; accomplish date Customer agency
Transaction Date Document preparation date Billing agency
Document No. Document identifying number Billing agency

The following table describes the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits document, Customer Agency.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description Table, Customer Agency
Line Description Responsible
Agency Location Code ALC of accounting station being billed Billing agency
Voucher No. Voucher number assigned by customer agency Customer agency
Department Name of station being billed Billing agency
Bureau Bureau name of station being billed Billing agency
Address Address of station being billed Billing agency
Appropriation, Fund, or Receipt Symbol Accounting classification charged Customer agency
Amount Amount adjusted or billed to Customer agency
Total Total of all amounts billed Customer agency

The following table describes the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits document, Billing Agency.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description Table, Billing Agency
Line Description Responsible
Agency Location Code ALC of accounting station to receive credit Billing agency
Voucher No. Voucher number assigned by billing agency Billing agency
Department Name of station to receive credit Billing agency
Bureau Bureau name of station to receive credit Billing agency
Address Address of station to receive credit Billing agency
Appropriation, Fund, or Receipt Symbol Accounting classification adjusted, billed, or credited Billing agency
Amount Amount adjusted, billed, or credited Billing agency
Total Total of all amounts billed Billing agency
Details of Charges or Reference to Attached Supporting Documents Details or reasons for billing; if applicable, list of supporting documents or vouchers Billing agency

The following table describes the SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits document, Billing Agency Contact.

SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits Document Description Table, Billing Agency Contact
Line Description Responsible
Prepared By Person preparing SF 1081 Billing agency
Approved By Person approving SF 1081 Billing agency
Telephone No. Telephone number of person approving SF 1081 Billing agency
Certification of Customer Office Certification by customer agency Customer agency

Initiating the IPAC Transaction Selection

To initiate the IPAC transaction selection process:

Note: This procedure is required only for the billing agency.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select IPAC Transaction Selection.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Profile Class field, optionally select the profile class.

  5. In the Customer Category field, optionally select the customer category.

  6. In the Customer field, optionally enter the customer.

  7. In the Transaction Type field, optionally select the transaction type.

  8. In the Transaction Date Low field and the Transaction Date High field, optionally enter the beginning and ending dates of the transactions to be selected.

  9. In the Contact Telephone Number field, enter the telephone number.

Viewing and Excluding IPAC Transactions

To view and exclude transactions selected by the IPAC Transaction Selection Process, navigate to the IPAC Transaction Summary window.

The following table describes selected fields on the IPAC Transaction Summary window.

IPAC Transaction Summary Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit Operating unit of the record.

Note: The list of values include operating units assigned to the MO: Security profile.

ALC Unique agency identifier for treasury; billing agency location code

Note: The ALC is determined by IPAC Bulk File and Automatic Receipt Creation process from the bank account assigned to the Receipt Method parameter.

Exclude If selected, record is not included on the IPAC Bulk File

Note: If the Processed check box is selected, the Exclude check box cannot be updated.

Processed If selected, indicates successful completion of IPAC Bulk File process

Note: If selected, the Exclude check box cannot be updated.

Accounted If selected, indicates successful creation of accounting for the receipt
Date Processed Derived from system date and populated upon successful completion of IPAC Billing Data upload program

IPAC Transaction Detail Report Description

The following table describes IPAC Transaction Detail Report, Header section.

IPAC Transaction Detail Report Description
Column Description
Header Section Ledger, organization name, report date, page number, customer, customer category, transaction type, profile class, high and low transaction dates, and Contact telephone number.
Sender DO Symbol Disbursing office symbol for sending the agency location code
Customer ALC Customer agency location code

The following table describes IPAC Transaction Detail Report, Customer Name section.

IPAC Transaction Detail Report Description, Customer Name Section
Column Description
Trans Set Transaction set identifier
Invoice No. Invoice number
Invoice Date Invoice date
DPR CD Receiver department code
OBL DCM No. Obligating document number
Pay Flag Pay flag. Constant is F for final.
PO No. Purchase order number
Qty Quantity
Unit Issue Unit of issue
Unit Price Unit price
Amount Transaction amount
Sender Appr Sender appropriation

IPAC Exception Report Description

The following table describes the IPAC Exception report.

IPAC Exception Report Description
Column Description
Header Section Ledger, organization name, report date, page number
Sender DO Symbol not found in Remit-To Alt Name field Sender disbursing office symbol code not found in the Remit-To Alternate Name field
Payment Method not defined for: Lists transactions that have no Receivables payment method in the Paying Customer Tab of the Transactions window when the default ALC is not selected in the Define Federal Options window.
Customer ALC cannot be found for: Lists customer names for whom customer agency location codes cannot be found
Receiver Department Code cannot be found for: Lists customers names for whom receiver department codes cannot be found
Sender Treasury Account Symbol not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, and amounts for which Sender Treasury Account Symbols cannot be found
Obligating Number not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, and amounts for which obligating document numbers cannot be found
Purchase Order Number not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, and amounts for which purchase order numbers cannot be found
Original IPAC Document Number not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, and amounts for which original IPAC document numbers cannot be found
Invoice Number not found for: Lists transaction dates and amounts for which invoice numbers cannot be found
Amount not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, and amounts for which amounts cannot be found
Quantity not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, line numbers, and amounts for which quantities cannot be found
Unit Price not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, line numbers, and amounts for which unit prices cannot be found
Unit of Issue not found for: Lists transactions numbers, transaction dates, line numbers, and amounts for which units of issue cannot be found

Generating the IPAC Bulk File

To run the IPAC Bulk File and Automatic Receipt Creation process:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select IPAC Bulk File and Automatic Receipt Creation process.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Receipt Method field, select the receipt method.

  5. In the Receipt Date field, enter the receipt date.

  6. In the GL Date field, enter the GL date.

IPAC Bulk File Format

Oracle U.S. Federal Financials provides the data required to create an IPAC data file to be transmitted using the IPAC interface. The IPAC Bulk File for uploading data from the agency to the Department of Treasury’s IPAC application contains these record types:

IPAC Bulk File Format Description

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File Format, File Identifier Record.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, File Identifier Record
Number Field Name Description Required Start End Length
1. File ID Payment/Collection/Adjustment/SGL Bulk Files (PCA) Yes 1 7 Char 07

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File Format, Batch Header Record.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Batch Header Record
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type B (Record Type - Batch) Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. Application ID Application identifier, IPAC Yes 2 5 Char 04
3. Total Number of Records Total number of records in the file including File Identifier, Batch, Header, Detail, SGL and Post SGL records. Yes 6 13 Num 06
4. File ID Number Optional unique identification number assigned by the Agency. If used, the suggested format is ALC (8 characters), Date (CCYYMMDD), 3 position sequential number. This number is used by IPAC to identify duplicate transmissions. No 14 32 Char 19

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File Format, Payment/Collection Transaction Header.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Payment/Collection Transaction Header
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type H (Record Type - Header) Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. ALC Agency location code; uniquely identifies reporting or accounting sources; the ALC sending the payment, collection, adjustment, or zero dollar transaction; derived from Agency Location Code field of bank account associated to Receivables payment method Yes 2 9 Num 08
3. Amount Summary amount; total of all detail lines for the transaction; sum amounts from all transaction lines for the customer Yes 10 23 Num 14.2
4. Customer ALC Customer agency location code; receives the payment, collection, adjustment, or zero dollar transaction; derived from Taxpayer ID Number field in the RA_CUSTOMERS window Yes 24 31 Num 08
5. Sender DO Symbol Sender disbursing office symbol for ALC sending the transaction. Use Alt Name field in Remit-To_Address window. Yes 32 36 Char 05
7. Document Reference Number Optional field for the sender-generated document reference number for a transaction. This field should only be used by users that do not also enter transactions online. No 40 47 Char 08
8. Filler Spaces; blank fill Yes 48 49 Char 02

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File, Adjustment Header.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Adjustment Header
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type Record type header H Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. Agency Location Code Agency location code; uniquely identifies reporting or accounting sources; the ALC sending the payment, collection, adjustment, or zero dollar transaction; derived from Agency Location Code field of bank account associated to Receivables payment method Yes 2 9 Num 08
3. Amount Summary amount; total of all detail lines for the transaction; sum amounts from all transaction lines for the customer Yes 10 23 Num 14.2
4. Customer ALC Customer agency location code; receives the payment, collection, adjustment, or zero dollar transaction; derived from Taxpayer ID Number field in the RA_CUSTOMERS window Yes 24 31 Num 08
5. Sender DO Symbol Sender disbursing office symbol for ALC sending the transaction. Use Alt Name field in Remit-To_Address window. Yes 32 36 Char 05
7. Original Document Reference Number Original document reference number; document reference number of the original payment or collection transaction Yes 40 47 Char 08
8. Filler Spaces; blank fill Yes 48 49 Char 02
9. Disbursing Office Symbol Disbursing office symbol of the sender of the original payment or collection transaction; Use Alt Name field in Remit-To_Address window. Yes 50 54 Char 05
10. Voucher Number Optional field for the sender-generated voucher number for a transaction; This field serves as the Document Reference Number for an adjustment and should only be used by users that do not also enter transactions online. No 55 62 Char 08
11. Filler Spaces; blank fill Yes 63 64 Char 02

The following table describes IPAC Bulk File Format, Payment/Collection Transaction Detail Record.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Payment/Collection Transaction Detail Record
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type Detail record type; constant D Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. Accounting Classification Code ACL/CD: code or number that identifies a project or mission and is supplied to the biller by the customer on the original request for goods or services; blank fill No 2 17 Char 16
3. Account Classification Reference Number ACRN identifies a line of account on a contract; blank fill No 18 29 Char 12
4. Detail Amount Detail amount; derived from EXTENDED_AMOUNT.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Yes 30 43 Num 14.2
5. Contact Name Transaction level contact name No 44 103 Char 60
6. Contact Phone Number Transaction level contact phone number; username of user running concurrent process; blank fill No 104 120 Char 17
7. Contract Line Item Number Contract line item number; blank fill No 121 126 Char 06
8. Contract Number Uniquely identifies a contract between two trading partners; blank fill No 127 143 Char 17
9. Receiver Department Code Two-digit number identifying the federal government department; derived from the Eliminations Dept DFF field of the customer record in the RA_CUSTOMERS window Yes 144 145 Char 02
10. Description Sufficient information to describe and support the transaction. For invoices, use DESCRIPTION from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES. No 146 465 Char 320
11. Fiscal Station Number Fiscal station number; FSN/AAA/ADSN, subdivision of ALC, an accounting station; blank fill Yes 466 473 Num 08
12. Invoice Number Identifies number of invoices sent by the biller listing services rendered; Transaction Number from the Customer Invoice window; TRX_NUMBER from the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX table Yes 474 495 Char 22
13. JAS Number Combination of job order number, accounting classification record number, and site identifier; blank fill No 496 525 Char 30
14. Job Number Job or project number; blank fill No 526 545 Char 20
15. Miscellaneous Transaction Information Additional miscellaneous transaction information; blank fill No 546 865 Char 320
16. Obligating Document Number Billing agency’s internal accounting document associated with a specific bill or disbursement; Transaction Number from Customer Invoice window; TRX_NUMBER from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX table Yes 866 882 Char 17
17. Pay Flag Indicates F for Final, the default, or P for Partial payment; constant F Yes 883 883 Char 01
18. Purchase Order Number Document number from the receiving agency requesting goods or services; PURCHASE_ORDER.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL Yes 884 905 Char 22
19. Quantity Number of units to determine total price; quantity from Customer Invoice Line Items region; QUANTITY_INVOICED.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Yes 906 919 Num 14
20. Fiscal Year Obligation Identifier Indicates C for Current fiscal year obligation, P for Prior fiscal year obligation, or "" for Not applicable No 920 920 Char 01
21. Receiver Treasury Account Symbol Also known as an appropriation or fund symbol; account number assigned by Treasury to classify agency transactions; blank fill No 921 947 Char 21
22. Receiver Business Event Type Code BETC - identifies the type of event that is recorded against a Treasury Account Symbol and to implement GWA business rules for the posting of events to TAS No 948 955 Char 08
23. Receiver DUNS Number DUNS: Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System; unique identifier for individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers No 956 964 Char 09
24. Receiver DUNS+4 Number Identifier that along with the 9 digit DUNS more specifically identifies individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers No 965 968 Char 04
25. Requisition Number Identifies a requisition between two trading partners; identified by the person entering the transaction; blank fill No 969 983 Char 15
26. Sender Treasury Account Symbol Also known as an appropriation or fund symbol; account number assigned by Treasury to classify agency transactions; treasury symbol associated with the balancing segment on the transaction distribution line. Balancing segment or fund value must be linked to the Define Appropriation Parameters window to capture the treasury symbol. The CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST table is referenced by the CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES to determine the CODE_COMBINATION_ID. The CODE_COMBINATION_ID of RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST is used to determine the treasury symbol for the record. Yes 984 1010 Char 27
27. Sender Business Event Type Code BETC - identifies the type of event that is recorded against a Treasury Account Symbol and to implement GWA business rules for the posting of events to the TAS No 1011 1018 Char 08
28. Sender DUNS Number DUNS: Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System; unique identifier for individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers No 1019 1027 Char 09
29. Sender DUNS+4 Number Identifier that along with the 9 digit DUNS more specifically identifies individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers No 1028 1031 Char 04
30. (ACT) Trace Number Accounting Trace (ACT) number: user-assigned identification number; enables back-end systems to match up transactions; blank fill No 1032 1046 Char 15
31. Unit of Issue Units by which goods and services are measured; Unit of Measure from the Customer Invoice Line Items region; UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Yes 1047 1048 Char 02
32. Unit Price Price per unit, such as product, service, and commodity; list price per unit from Customer Invoice Line Items region; QUANTITY_INVOICED.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Yes 1049 1062 Num 14.2
33. DOD Activity Address Code DODAAC: Department of Defense activity location; blank fill No 1063 1077 Char 15

The following table describes IPAC Bulk File Format, Adjustment Detail IPAC Record.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Adjustment Detail IPAC Record
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type Detail record type; constant D Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. Detail Amount Detail amount; derived from EXTENDED_AMOUNT.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Yes 2 15 Num 14.2
3. Contact Name Transaction level contact name No 16 75 Char 60
4. Contact Phone Number Transaction level contact phone number; username of user running concurrent process; blank fill No 76 92 Char 17
5. Original Line Number Adjustments only: detail line item number from original transaction Yes 93 98 Num 06
6. Fiscal Year Obligation Identifier Indicates C for Current fiscal year obligation, P for Prior fiscal year obligation, or "" for Not applicable No 99 99 Char 01
7. Sender Treasury Account Symbol Also known as an appropriation or fund symbol; account number assigned by Treasury to classify agency transactions; treasury symbol associated with the balancing segment on the transaction distribution line. Balancing segment or fund value must be linked to the Define Appropriation Parameters window to capture the treasury symbol. The CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST table is referenced by the CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES to determine the CODE_COMBINATION_ID. The CODE_COMBINATION_ID of RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST is used to determine the treasury symbol for the record. Yes 100 126 Char 27
8. Sender Business Event Type Code BETC - identifies the type of event that is recorded against a Treasury Account Symbol and to implement GWA business rules for the posting of events to the TAS No 127 134 Char 08
9. Receiver Treasury Account Symbol Also known as an appropriation or fund symbol; account number assigned by Treasury to classify agency transactions; blank fill No 135 161 Char 21
10. Receiver Business Event Type Code BETC - identifies the type of event that is recorded against a Treasury Account Symbol and to implement GWA business rules for the posting of events to TAS No 162 169 Char 08
11. Description Sufficient information to describe and support the transaction No 170 489 Char 320

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File Format, Transaction SGL Record.

IPAC Bulk File Format Description, Transaction SGL Record
Number Field Name Description   Start End Length
1. Record Type E (Record Type - SGL Record) Yes 1 1 Char 01
2. SGL Action Flag A: Add Yes 2 2 Char 01
3. SGL Account Number United States Standard General Ledger (US SGL) account number Yes 3 6 Num 04
4. Sender/Receiver SGL Flag Indicates S for Sender US SGL Account Information or R for Receiver US SGL Account Information Yes 7 7 Char 01
5. Federal/ Non-Federal Flag Federal/Non-Federal indicator; constant F Yes 8 8 Char 01
6. SGL Amount SGL amount Yes 9 22 Num 14.2
7. Debit/Credit Flag Indicates D for Debit or C for Credit Yes 23 23 Char 01

IPAC Bulk File Exception Report

This report displays the transactions causing exceptions from the IPAC Bulk file and the automatic receipt creation process. This report displays the exceptions encountered in the process of creating receipts automatically, accounting for the same, and bulk file creation.

This report is an output of the IPAC Bulk File and Automatic Receipt creation concurrent process.

The exceptions can be categorized into the following broad categories:

The following table describes the IPAC Bulk File Exception report.

Column Description
Header Section Ledger, Organization Name, Date, Page, Currency, Agency Location Code
Transaction Number Invoice number
Transaction Date Invoice date
Transaction Amount Invoice amount
Receipt Number Receipt number, if automatically created from the Invoice.
Receipt Date Receipt date
Amount Receipt amount
USSGL Account The USSGL Account for the receipt
Exception The reason why the transaction failed to be included on the bulk file would be listed here.The following exceptions headings are listed for invoices that could not be included on the bulk file. The transactions are listed under these headings:
Agency Location Code (Billing ALC) not defined on Bank account
Customer ALC cannot be found
Receipt not created
Accounting not created
Invalid USSGL accounts
USSGL Accounts mismatch
Missing USSGL accounts
Totals Total

Generating the Upload IPAC Disbursement

To upload IPAC disbursements:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select Upload IPAC Disbursement.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit.

  4. In the Data File Name field, enter the data file.

    Note: This file must be stored in the Application Directory identified by the profile option FV: Download Treasury Files Directory.

  5. In the Agency Location Code field, select an ALC, for the ALC to which the transaction is being charged.

  6. In the Bank Account Name field, enter the bank name..

  7. In the Payment Profile field, select the payment profile.

  8. In the Payment Document field, select the payment document.

IPAC Disbursement Exception Report Description

The following table describes the IPAC Disbursement Exception report.

IPAC Disbursement Exception Report Description
Column Description
Header Section System date, filename, customer ALC, number of total records for interface, number of records that failed pre-edits
Transaction ID Transaction identifier
Originating ALC Billing agency that uploaded the original transaction to the IPAC system using the bulk file process
Detail Line # Detail line number for each IPAC document reference number
Purchase Order # Purchase order number
Invoice Number Invoice number
Detail Amount Transaction amount

Invoice Approval and Payment Output Report

The following table describes the Invoice Approval and Payment Output report.

Invoice Approval and Payment Output Report
Column Description
Invoice Number Interagency Paygroup Invoice number for the interagency paygroup
Approval Status Invoice approval status
Holds Count Number of holds on an invoice
Payment Status Invoice payment status
Incorrect Indicates that the payment method is incorrect. The payment method must be Clearing. The Upload IPAC Disbursement process does not include an invoice with another payment method in the payment batch created by the process.

Entering Interagency Transfers

Customer Agency: SF 1081 Transactions

To enter a SF 1081 transaction for the customer agency:

  1. Navigate to the Interagency Transfers window.

  2. In the Operating Unit field, select the operating unit.

  3. In the Accounts Payable region, enter or select the agency name in the Agency Name field.

  4. In the Invoice Number field, enter or select an Accounts Payable invoice.

  5. In the Billing Agency Fund field, enter the fund, appropriation, or receipt symbol to which funds are to be transferred.

Customer Agency: IPAC Transactions

The customer agency can automatically update Payables transactions by running the Update Interagency Transfers process.

To manually enter an IPAC transaction for the customer agency:

  1. Navigate to the Interagency Transfers window.

  2. In the Accounts Payable region, enter or select the agency name in the Agency Name field.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select the operating unit.

  4. In the Invoice Number field, enter or select an Accounts Payable invoice.

Note: The Billing Agency Fund field is not required for IPAC transactions.

Customer Agency: IPAC Chargeback Transactions

To enter an IPAC Chargeback transaction for the customer agency:

  1. Navigate to the Interagency Transfers window.

  2. In the Accounts Receivable region, enter or select the agency name in the Agency Name field.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select the operating unit.

  4. In the Receipt Number field, enter or select an Accounts Receivable receipt.

  5. Select Chargeback.

Billing Agency: IPAC Chargeback Transactions

To enter an IPAC Chargeback transaction for the billing agency:

  1. Navigate to the Interagency Transfers window.

  2. In the Accounts Payable region, enter or select the agency name in the Agency Name field.

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select the operating unit.

  4. In the Invoice Number field, enter or select an Accounts Payable Invoice.

  5. Select Chargeback.

    Note: The Billing Agency Fund field is not required for an IPAC transaction.

Related Topics

Federal IPAC Disbursement Open Interface in the Integration Repository, .