FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Procedures

Overview of the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report

The FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions includes vouchers accomplished by the Department of Treasury and cash collections received for deposit.

The Populate Payables Refunds process populates the Payables Refunds and Credit/Debit Memo Distribution windows with all refunds and distributions created in Oracle Payables.

The FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report provides information to the Department of Treasury about the financial condition and operations of federal agencies.

The FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing provides the detail journal lines that were included in the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report to aid in reconciliation activities.

The FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report includes transactions included in or omitted from the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report that require review or correction. These include:


Federal agencies that disburse through the Department of Treasury are required to submit the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report, which is used to monitor an agency's monthly disbursement and receipt activity with the Department of Treasury.

Information regarding report requirements is available in the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), 2-3300.


Defining Payables Options, Oracle Payables User Guide

Interagency Transaction Procedures


Running General Ledger Interface, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Populating Payables Refunds

To populate the Payables Refunds and Credit/Debit Memo Distributions windows with all refunds and distributions created in Oracle Payables:

  1. As Federal Administrator, navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Operating Unit field, select the operating unit.

  3. In the Name field, select FMS 224 Populate Payables Refunds Process.

  4. In the GL Period From field, enter the first day of the month to include in the report.

  5. In the GL Period To field, enter the last day of the month to include in this report.

Note: Obligation dates must be entered for unmatched distributions in the Credit/Debit Memo Distributions window before running the FMS 224 Report.

This process creates a list of refunds added to the Payables Refunds and the Credit/Debit Memo Distributions windows. Section 1 of the report lists the refund details for each credit or debit memo and section 2 lists the distributions for each credit or debit memo refund.

Generating the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the FMS Form 224 process.

Report Parameters

Ledger Name

Select the ledger to report on.

Period Name

Enter the period for the report.

Partial or Full

Select P to list GWA reportable agency location codes and F to list non GWA reportable agency location codes.

Business Activity

If the Partial or Full? value is Partial, then all applicable business activities are listed.

If the Partial or Full? value is Full, then business activities are not applicable and the value is NA.

Reporter Category

If the Partial or Full? value is Partial, then all applicable reporter categories are listed.

If the Partial or Full? value is Full, then reporter categories are not applicable and the value is NA.

If ALL is selected as the ALC, only the agency location codes that meet the Partial or Full? business activity and Reporter Category values is reported.

Preliminary or Final

Select the preliminary or final mode.

Note: If Preliminary is selected, the report can be regenerated. If Final is selected, the report cannot be regenerated. Once the report is run in final mode, only a supplemental report can be generated.

Agency Location Code

Select the agency location code to report on.

If the Partial or Full? value is Partial, all applicable GWA reportable agency location codes are listed. You can either select all or one of the agency location codes.

If the Partial or Full? value is Full, by default all non GWA reportable agency location codes are selected.

Note: The value ALL can be selected to print the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions for all agency location codes defined for the ledger.

Note: The Zero Activity FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report and the Supplemental FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report are also printed using this procedure.

Note: For information on submitting the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report using GOALS, see GOALS Procedures.

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Description

The Header section for the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Description includes the reporting period, report date, and agency identification information.

The footer section of the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Description includes the date and signature of person approving the FMS Form 224.

The following table describes the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions report.

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report Description
Column or Line Number Title Description
  Header Section Reporting period; Agency Location Code; agency name and address
  Section I: Classification of Disbursements and Collections Total cash activity by appropriation, fund, or receipt account; total disbursements cleared, collections received
1 Appr., Fund Or Receipt Account Appropriation, fund, or receipt account symbol
2 Receipts and Collections Credited to Appropriation or Fund Account Amount of collections; data from SF 215 Deposit Tickets, SF 5515 Debit Memos, and TFS 7306 IPAC Customer Agency Activity Statements, including IPAC chargebacks
  Total Net total for Column 2
3 Gross Disbursement Amount of disbursements; data from SF 1166 Voucher and Schedule of Payments, SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits, IPAC transactions
  Total Net total for Column 3
  Net Total Section I Column 3 total minus Column 2 total
  Section II Same information as Section I, reported by month instead of account type; disbursements for current month, adjustments to disbursements in prior months, collections received this month; used to distinguish transactions processed by Department of Treasury Regional Finance Centers from net collections received by agency
1 Add Payment Transactions Accomplished: This Month Disbursements and IPAC receipts accomplished in same month of report; used by Department of Treasury to generate SF 6652 Statement of Differences report
  Prior Month Disbursements and IPAC receipts accomplished in months prior to month of report, listed by month accomplished; amounts listed for prior months used to clear prior month's SF 6652 items

Note: All payments are reported based on the accomplish month. The accomplish month is derived from the Treasury Date if a date is entered or the payment date if the Treasury Date is not entered. If the accomplish month is in a month prior to the FMS224 reporting period, it will be reported as a prior month. If the Treasury Date is entered, the GL month of the payment may be different than the accomplish date.

  Total Payments Total of all disbursements and IPAC receipts
2 Deduct Collections Received Total of all collections received for deposit (SF 215), minus uncollectible items charged (SF 5515) and related adjustments for current accounting month
3 Net Total Section II Line 1 minus Line 2; disbursements minus collections by accounting month; must match Net total of Section I
  Section III Status of collections and deposit activity; balance of undeposited collections from close of previous month, total collections received in current month, and unconfirmed deposits from current and prior months
1 Balance of Undeposited Collections, Close of Preceding Month Collections on hand as of close of previous month; must equal Line 4, Section III, of previous month's FMS Form 224
2 Add Collections Received This Month Total collections received, minus uncollectible items and adjustments for current month
3 Deduct Deposits Presented or Mailed to Bank This Month Deposits; accomplished in same month of report, made to banks, Federal Reserve Branches, or other Department of Treasury approved depositaries; amount listed for used by Department of Treasury to generate SF 6652 statement of Differences report
  Prior Month Deposits; accomplished in months prior to month of report, made to banks, Federal Reserve Branches, or other Department of Treasury approved depositaries, listed by accomplish month; amounts listed for prior months used to clear prior month's SF 6652 items
  Total Deposits Presented or Mailed to Bank Total of all deposits
4 Net Total Section III Total of Line 1 and Line 2 minus Line 3; carried forward to Section III, Line 1 on next month's FMS Form 224

FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing

No separate procedure is required to print the FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing. The FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing is printed automatically when the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report is printed.

FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing Description

The report groups transaction by Section, Agency Location Code within Section, and Treasury Account Symbol within Agency Location Code as described in the following table.

FMS Form 224 Detail Transaction Listing Description
Column Description
Header Section Reported Period, Ledger name, Run Mode
Section I Total cash activity by appropriation, fund, or receipt account; total disbursements cleared, collections received
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Trans ID Transaction identifier
Acct No Account number
Conf Date Confirmation date
Receipt Amt Receipt amount
Disb Amt Disbursement amount
Net Amt Net amount
Section II Same information as Section I, reported by month instead of account type; disbursements for current month, adjustments to disbursements in prior months, collections received this month; used to distinguish transactions processed by the department of Treasury Regional Finance Centers from net collections received by the agency.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Trans ID Transaction identifier
Acct No Account date
Conf Date Confirmation date
Current Month Disbursements for current month
Prior Month Disbursements for current month
Section III Status of collections and deposit activity; balance of undeposited collections from close of previous month, total collections received in current month, and confirmed deposits from current and prior months.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Trans ID Transaction identifier
Acct No Account number
Conf Date Confirmation date
Current Month Disbursements for current month
Prior Month Disbursements for current month

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report

No separate procedure is required to print the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report. The FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report is printed automatically when the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report is printed.

FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report Description

The following table describes the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception report.

Column Description
Header Section Date and period of report; Agency Location Code
Section I: Record(s) appearing in current month from prior period activity: Transactions posted in a prior period but not reported; can be due to reopening of period after FMS Form 224 generation, or FMS Form 224 generation prior to final close of period; added to totals reported in Section I of FMS Form 224 to maintain balance b
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section II: Record(s) appearing in current month from future period activity: Receipts with a future accomplish date that has now arrived; added to totals reported in Section I of FMS Form 224 to maintain balance between Sections I and III.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section III: Record(s) omitted from current month with future accomplish date: Receipts with a future accomplish date; deducted from totals reported in Section I of FMS Form 224 to maintain balance between Sections I and III.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section IV: Record(s) omitted from current month with incomplete data for Interagency Transfer: Interagency disbursement transactions missing in the Interagency Transfers window. Transaction cannot be processed until it is entered in the Interagency Transfers window.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section V: Record(s) appearing in the current month where the Billing Agency Fund on Interagency Transfers form duplicates your agency fund: Interagency disbursement transactions where the Billing Agency Fund in the Interagency Transfers window is a duplicate of the customer Agency Fund entered in the disbursement transaction.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section VI: Record(s) appearing in the current month with the default Agency Location Code The ALC could not be determined from a bank account. The ALC on the FMS Form 224 Report Definitions for the account is used as the default.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section VII: Record(s) appearing in current month with incomplete Project Accounting accomplish date The accomplish date is not entered in the Expenditure Item descriptive flexfield.
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section VIII: Payables Refund record(s) omitted from current month since record missing from the Payables Refunds window  
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section IX: Payables Refund record(s) omitted from current month due to incomplete obligation information  
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name
Section X: Records omitted from the current month due to invalid Business Activity:  
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
Document Number Document number
Confirm Date Confirmation date
Transaction Amount Transaction amount
Transaction Type Type of transaction: Payment, Collection, or IPAC transactions.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name