Project Funding Procedures

This chapter describes the project funding procedures,

This chapter covers the following topics:


Project funding is an allocation of funding from an award to a project or top task. Viewing project funding is examining the allocation of funds, generated revenue amounts, and invoiced amounts from an award to a project or top task.


This section describes the following:

Project Funding

The Fund Projects window allocates award funding to projects. The Fund Projects window allows users to do the following:

An installment must always fund a project at the same level. For example, if an installment funds the project at the project level, the subsequent funding for that installment must also fund at the project level, not at the task level.

Viewing Project Funding

Project funding information can be viewed from the following windows:

The Funding Summary window displays history and summary information, including a table of all entered projects, their tasks, total funding amounts, how much revenue each has accrued, and how much is invoiced.

The Project Funding Summary and Funding History windows are used to view information on funding that projects received. Users can perform the following functions in the Project Funding Summary and Funding History windows:


Project Funding Prerequisites

Funding Projects Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To fund projects, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Award Management window as follows:


    The Find Award window appears.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Find Award window as described in Award Entry Procedures.

    Note: To start over, click Clear.

  3. Click Find to execute the search.

    The Award Management Folder window appears as described in Award Entry Procedures.

  4. Select the award that is funding the project and click Open.

    The Award Management window appears.

  5. In the Installments tab, select the installment that is funding the project, and click Project Funding.

    The Fund Projects window appears.

    Note: Button is enabled only when the installment is active.

  6. Enter data in each field of the Fund Projects window as described in the Fund Projects Window Description.

    Note: If a baseline award budget version exists for a project, then you cannot delete the project from the Fund Projects window. This restriction applies even when the total burdened cost for the current award budget baseline version is zero. In this case, a link still exists between the award and the project. You can enter an amount of zero for the project on the Fund Projects window.

  7. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  8. Close the window.

Fund Projects Window Description

Fund Projects Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Project Number required list of values project number being funded
Task Number optional list of values top task number being funded, if funding at that level
Amount required   funding amount
Date default, display only   current date
Project Name display only   project name being funded
Task Name display only   top task name being funded, if funding at that level

Viewing Funding Summary Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To view summary funding information for all projects funded by an award, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Find Award window as follows:


    The Find Award window appears.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Find Award window as described in Award Entry Procedures.

    Note: To start over, click Clear.

  3. Click Find to execute the search.

    The Award Management Folder window appears as described in Award Entry Procedures.

  4. Select the award and click Open.

    The Award Management window appears.

  5. To view a table of all entered projects, their tasks, how much revenue each has accrued, and how much has been invoiced, click Funding Summary.

    The Funding Summary window appears as described in theFunding Summary Window Description.

  6. Close the window.

Funding Summary Window Description

Funding Summary Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Installment Number display only   installment number funding the project or task
Project Number display only   project number funded by award
Task Number display only   top task number funded by award, if project funded at that level
Total Funding Amt display only   total funding for project or top task
Net Revenue display only   total accrued revenue for project or top task
Invoiced Amount display only   total invoiced amount for project or top task
Total display only   total funding amount, total net revenue, and total invoiced amount for all projects funded by award
Project Name display only   project name for selected record
Task Name display only   top task name for selected record

Viewing Project Funding Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

To view project funding, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Project Funding Summary window as follows:

    Billing - Funding Inquiry

  2. In the Project Number field, select a project number from the list of values.

  3. Optionally, in the Top Task Number field, select a top task from the list of values.

  4. Click Find.

    The remaining fields of the Project Funding Summary window are populated with data as described in the Project Funding Summary Window Description.

    Note: An award can fund more than one task.

  5. To view the funding history for an installment record, select the record and click Funding History.

    The Funding History window appears as described in Funding History Window Description.

  6. Close the window.

Project Funding Summary Window Description

Project Funding Summary Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Project Number required list of values project number
Project Name required list of values project name
Top Task Number optional list of values top task number
Task Name optional list of values top task name
Find   button searches for data based on parameters entered
Funding Amount display only   total amount of funding allocated to this project or top task
Invoiced Amount display only   total amount invoiced for this project
Revenue Amount display only   total revenue accrued for this project
Award display only   award number
Installment display only   installment number
Task display only   top task number
Funding display only   total amount of funding allocated to this top task
Invoiced display only   total amount invoiced for this top task
Revenue display only   total revenue accrued for this top task
Funding History   button opens Funding History window

Funding History Window Description

Funding History Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Date [Allocated] display only   date funding allocated to project or top task
By [Allocated] display only   user who allocated funding to project or top task
Amount display only   amount allocated to project or top task
Installment Num display only   installment number
Task Num display only   top task number
Task Name display only   top task name