Award Entry Procedures

This chapter describes award entry procedures.

This chapter covers the following topics:


An award represents the grant received by an organization that is used to fund one or more projects.


Users can enter, update, and maintain award information in the Award Management window. A new award can be created by copying an existing award or by copying an existing award template and modifying or adding award data as necessary.

Once an award is created it can be deleted provided there is no baselined budget or events. Awards with baselined budgets or manual billing and revenue events cannot be deleted.

Important: Deleting an award is an irreversible action. Once an award is deleted the associated information, such as installments, project funding, draft budgets, award key members, etc. cannot be retrieved.

Award templates are created in the Award Template Management window. To create an award template, see Award Template Entry Procedures.

The tables in this chapter describing the Award Management window and tabs contain two columns under the Type heading. The Award column pertains to the Award Management window, and the Template column pertains to the Award Template Management window.

The Installments, Credit Receivers, and Tax and Currency tab window descriptions contain an Award column only, because these tabs are not in the Award Template Management window.

This section includes the following topics:

Award Information

Users can enter and track the following award information in the Award Management window:

Award Rules

When entering an award, the following rules apply:


Events are used to bill based on milestones or events in a project, rather than based on actual costs.

After entering awards, users can create manual events for revenue and billing generation and review event revenue distribution lines.


For information on budgetary control settings, see Budget Entry Method, Budgetary Control, and Funds Check.

For information on changing budgetary control settings, see Changing Budgetary Control Settings Procedures.

For information on setting up award terms and conditions, see Award Terms and Conditions Setup.

For information on entering customer contacts in Receivables, see Oracle Receivables User Guide.

For information on award security, see Award Security Feature.

For information on setting up burden schedules, see Defining Burden Schedules, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

For information on entering customers in Oracle Receivables, see Oracle Receivables User Guide.

For information on credit receivers, see Credit Receivers, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.


Entering An Award Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

To enter an award, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Award Management window as follows:


    The Find Award window appears.

  2. To create a new award based on an existing template or an existing award, choose one of the following from the drop-down list in the Search For field:

    • Templates

    • Awards

    • Templates, Awards

  3. Enter data in each field of the Find Award window as described in the Find Award Window Description.

    Note: To start over, click Clear.

  4. Click Find to execute the search for the item selected from the drop-down list in the Search For field.

    The Award Management Folder window appears.

  5. To enter a new award, select a template or award to copy as the basis for the new award.

  6. Click Copy To.

    The Award Quick Entry window appears, which contains all the information required to set up an award.

  7. Enter or modify data in each field of the Award Quick Entry window as described in the Award Quick Entry Window Description.

    Note: Entries made in the Award Quick Entry window appear in the Budgetary Control, Personnel, and Compliances tabs of the Award Template Management window, as well as the Billing Format window.

  8. Click OK.

    The Award Management window appears. If there is no need to view or modify the existing award, go to step 10.

  9. To view or modify an existing award, select the award and click Open.

    The Award Management window appears.

Basic Award Information

  1. Enter or modify data as required in each field of the upper region of the Award Management window as described in the Award Management Window Description.

Installments Tab

  1. Select the Installments tab.

  2. Enter or modify data in each field of the Installments tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Installment Tab table.

    To enter installments, see Installment Entry Procedures.

Terms and Conditions Tab

  1. Select the Terms and Conditions tab.

  2. Enter or modify data in each field of the Terms and Conditions tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Terms and Conditions Tab table.

Budgetary Control Tab

  1. Select the Budgetary Control tab.

    Important: The default budgetary control setting and the budgetary control time interval parameters selected by users affect funds checking. To verify the compatibility of budget entry method variables with budgetary control settings and the compatibility of budget entry method time phase with budgetary control time intervals, see Budget Entry Method, Budgetary Control, and Funds Check.

  2. Enter or modify data in each field of the Budgetary Control tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Budgetary Control Tab table.

Funding Source Details Tab

  1. Select the Funding Source Details tab.

    The funding source bill-to and ship-to addresses default from the Customers window in Receivables. Users can change either the bill-to or the ship-to address for the funding source. The LOC funding source does not need to match the funding source on the award. If an LOC funding source is entered, the invoice will be associated with the LOC funding source and not the award funding source.

Contacts Tab

  1. Select the Contacts tab.

  2. Select data in the available Contacts tab fields as described in the Award Management Window Description, Contacts Tab table.

    Note: Users can only select data in the Contacts tab that has been defined in the Customers window in Receivables.

Personnel Tab

  1. Select the Personnel tab.

    The Personnel tab tracks the history of personnel associated with the award.

    Note: By default, Grants Accounting allows all users to query and update award information. Users who have access to Grants Accounting responsibility can modify award security to limit access to award information based on role. For information on award security, see Award Security Feature.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Personnel tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Personnel Tab table.

    Note: When attempting to change the Award Manager, first save the change before moving to the next line.

    Note: Employees can be associated with an award even if they do not have a User ID. Non-employees can be listed on an award by establishing an acceptable person type, user name, and system name in HRMS. For example, a visiting scientist who is not an employee could be assigned a user name of Adjunct Staff with a system name of Employee. Other non-employees could then be entered in HRMS under the new person type. For information on person types, see Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management.

Compliances Tab

  1. Select the Compliances tab.

    Note: Entering an indirect cost rate fixed date for firm schedules causes the system to use the rate in effect on that date, rather than the expenditure item date, throughout the life of the award to calculate indirect costs, such as fringe benefits and overhead.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Compliances tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Compliances Tab table.

    When you update the Indirect Cost Schedule or the Fixed Date,

    • Select Yes, to mark all unliquidated encumbrance items, which are associated with the award for recalculation.

      However, the unliquidated encumbrance items, belonging to any of the award, project and task combinations defined while setting up schedule overrides will not be marked for recalculation.

    • Select No, to use the burden schedule only for encumbrance items created after this change.

    If the Fixed Date is not specified, then only the encumbrances with dates that align with dates of any of the revisions of the burden schedule are marked for recalculation.

    When you update, if the value that you enter in the Indirect Cost Schedule field is the same as the original value, then also the encumbrance items are marked for recalculation.

  3. From the Compliances tab, click Billing Format to open the Billing Format window.

  4. Enter data in the Billing Format window as described in the Billing Format Window Description table. To specify billing formats, see Specifying Billing Format Procedure.

Reports Tab

  1. Select the Reports tab.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Reports tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Reports Tab table.

    Note: Reports are installment driven. Generated due dates are driven by frequency, due within days, and the start and end date of the installment.

References Tab

  1. Select the References tab.

  2. Enter data in each field of the References tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, References Tab table.

Credit Receivers Tab

  1. To enter employee data and the percentage of revenue received by an individual for revenue an award earns, select the Credit Receivers tab.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Credit Receivers tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Credit Receivers Tab table.

    Note: Employees who are credit receivers must be defined as salespersons in Oracle Receivables to be entitled to sales credit. The employee name must match the salesperson name.

    To set up credit receivers, see Credit Receivers, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.

Tax and Currency Tab

  1. To enter tax and currency data, select the Tax and Currency tab.

  2. Enter data in each field of the Tax and Currency tab as described in the Award Management Window Description, Tax and Currency Tab table.

  3. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  4. Close the window.

Deleting An Award Procedure

To delete an award, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Award Management window as follows:


    The Find Award window appears.

  2. Enter the award to be deleted.

  3. Click on the Find button.

    The Award Management Folder window appears.

  4. To delete the award and its related information, choose Edit - Delete from the Menu option.

Find Award Window Description

Find Award Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Search For required drop-down list record type for which to search; default is Templates, Awards
Number optional list of values award or template number
Short Name optional list of values award or template short name
Type optional list of values award type
Status optional list of values award status
Organization optional list of values organization that owns the award
Number optional list of values funding source customer number
Name optional list of values funding source customer name
Name optional list of values key member name
Number optional list of values key member number; automatically appears when key member name is entered in the Name field
Role optional list of values key member award role
Clear   button erases data from fields
New   button new template; only exists in Award Template Management window
Find   button searches for data based on parameters entered

Award Management Folder Window Description

Award Management Folder Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Operating Unit display only   name of the operating unit to which the award belongs
Number display only   award or template number
Short Name display only   award or template short name
Type display only   award type
Status display only   award status
Funding Source Name display only   funding source name
Start Date display only   award start date
Template display only check box if selected, indicates record is an award template; if deselected, indicates record is an award
Copy To   button opens Award Quick Entry window
Open   button retrieves data on selected award

Award Quick Entry Window Description

Award Quick Entry Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Award Number required   award number. Award number cannot duplicate an existing award or project number.
Funding Source Name required list of values funding source name
Award Short Name required   award or template short name
Funding Source Award Number required   sponsor-determined award number
Full Name required   award title, 240 characters maximum. Click Edit to view full field.
Start Date required list of values: pop-up calendar award start date
Note: The start date entered on an award must be a date that is within a defined Projects and General Ledger period.
End Date required list of values: pop-up calendar date award no longer active. Users cannot charge an expenditure item to an award if expenditure item date is after the award end date. Users can perform adjustments on existing transactions between the end and close date.
Note: The end date entered on an award must be a date that is within a defined Projects and General Ledger period.
Close Date required list of values: pop-up calendar award close date, which is typically 90 days past the award end date. When the system date is after the close date, users cannot charge expenditures to the award.
Award Type required list of values award type
Purpose required list of values award purpose
Organization required list of values organization to which award is assigned
Note: The organization cannot be changed once costs, revenue, or invoices exist.
Status required list of values award status; seeded in system. Select Active, At Risk, Closed, or On Hold. Active allows the user to enter expenditures, accrue revenue, and bill. At Risk allows the user to enter expenditures, but not to accrue revenue or bill. Closed prevents users from adding funding, entering expenditures and events, accruing revenue, and billing. On Hold allows users to accrue revenue and bill, but not to enter expenditures.
Award Manager required list of values person who provides administrative and financial management for award
Revenue Distribution Rule required drop-down list revenue distribution rule used for this award. Select Cost or Event.
Note: The revenue distribution rule cannot be changed once draft revenue exists.
Terms required list of values billing terms
Billing Distribution Rule required drop-down list billing distribution rule used for this award. Select Cost or Event.
Note: The billing distribution rule cannot be changed after invoice(s) are generated for the award.
Billing Cycle required list of values descriptive name of the billing cycle
Non-Labor Invoice Format required list of values format used for non-labor invoices
Labor Invoice Format required list of values format used for labor invoices
Indirect Cost Rate Schedule required list of values burden schedule used for this award
Note: The Indirect Cost Rate Schedule can be changed, but Grants Accounting will not automatically recalculate previously burdened transactions. The new schedule will only be used for existing transactions that have not yet been cost distributed or marked for recosting.
Amount Type required list of values beginning period used for funds checking
Indirect Cost Rate Fixed Date required list of values: pop-up calendar date burden schedule fixed for this award; entry made only if burden schedule is firm, not provisional. If used, fixed date overrides expenditure item date in selecting Burden Schedule versions.
Boundary Code required list of values ending period used for funds checking
Allowed Cost Schedule required list of values allowed cost schedule used for this award
Note: The allowed cost schedule cannot be changed once expenditure items have been created.
Descriptive Flexfield optional   field for user customization
Cancel   button closes window without saving
OK   button confirms action and closes window

Award Management Window Description

Award Management Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Number required   award or template number; award number cannot duplicate an existing project number
Template default check box if selected, indicates record is an award template; if deselected, indicates record is an award. Field is not updateable.
Funding Source Name required list of values funding source name
Short Name required   award or template name
Funding Source Award Number required   sponsor-determined award number
Full Name required   award title, 240 characters maximum. Click Edit button to view full field.
Pre-Award Date optional list of values: pop-up calendar date that enables users to charge expenditure items against an award that has not been formally received. If used, replaces start date for transaction validation.
Note: The pre-award date entered on an award must be a date that is within a defined Projects and General Ledger period.
Start Date required list of values: pop-up calendar award start date
Note: The start date entered on an award must be a date that is within a defined Projects and General Ledger period.
End Date required list of values: pop-up calendar date award no longer active; incurred date of expenditure must be on or before end date
Note: The end date entered on an award must be a date that is within a defined Projects and General Ledger period.
Close Date required list of values: pop-up calendar award close date. An expenditure cannot be entered or adjusted after the close date.
Award Type required list of values award type
Purpose required list of values award purpose
Status required list of values award status; seeded in system. Select Approved, At Risk, Closed, or On Hold. Approved allows users to enter and adjust expenditures, accrue revenue, and bill. At Risk allows users to enter and adjust expenditures, but not to accrue revenue or bill. Closed prevents users from adding funding, entering expenditures and events, accruing revenue, and billing. On Hold allows users to accrue revenue and bill, but not to enter or adjust expenditures.
Note: Burden is based on date of expenditure item. Burden transactions ignore status of award. For example, if expenditure item is created when award status is Active, then award status changes to Closed, and burden can still be calculated on expenditure item.
Organization required list of values organization to which award is assigned; must be set up as a project-owning organization in Human Resources
Funded Amount display only   total of all active installments; calculated from installment lines
Award Amount display only   total of all installments; calculated from installment lines
Revenue Hard Limit optional check box if selected, revenue accrual will not exceed the total funding amount for the project/task combination across all installments for a particular award
Invoice Hard Limit optional check box if selected, invoice generation will not exceed the total funding amount for the project/task combination across all installments for a particular award
Funding Summary optional button opens Funding Summary window
Descriptive Flexfield optional   field for user customization

Award Management Window Description, Installments Tab

Award Management Window Description, Installments Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Number required   installment number
Issue Date optional list of values: pop-up calendar date installment issued
Type required list of values installment type; Amendment, Award, or Supplement. Amendment is a non-financial charge to an award which doesn't allow users to enter an amount or check the Active or Billable check boxes. Award is the original funding. Supplement is additional award funds.
Description optional   installment purpose
Start Date required list of values: pop-up calendar installment start date; expenditure items or events must have a date on or after the installment start date to be billed against the installment
End Date required list of values: pop-up calendar installment end date; expenditure items or events must have a date on or before the installment end date to be billed against the installment
Close Date required list of values: pop-up calendar installment close date; documents the final completion date of the installment
Direct Cost required   direct cost portion
Indirect Cost required   indirect cost portion
Total display only   direct and indirect cost portions total
Active optional check box if selected, installment can be used to fund projects
Billable optional check box if selected, installment can be used for revenue and invoice generation
Descriptive Flexfield optional   field for user customization
Reports   button opens View Award Reports window
Project Funding   button opens Fund Projects window

Award Management Window Description, Terms and Conditions Tab

Award Management Window Description, Terms and Conditions Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Category optional list of values terms and conditions category; items listed in category list of values are defined when users set up award terms and conditions
Code optional list of values terms and conditions name
Description optional   terms and conditions description
Operand optional drop-down list operand for terms and conditions; select Less than, Greater than, Equal, Not equal, or N/A
Note: This field is for information only.
Values optional   value for terms and conditions; numeric field

Award Management Window Description, Budgetary Control Tab

Award Management Window Description, Budgetary Control Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Award required list of values default budgetary control setting for award
Tasks required list of values default budgetary control setting for tasks funded by award
Resource Groups required list of values default budgetary control setting for resource groups funded by award
Resources required list of values default budgetary control setting for resources funded by award
Enable Workflow for Budgets optional check box activates Workflow
Amount Type required list of values beginning period used for funds checking
Boundary Code required list of values ending period used for funds checking

Award Management Window Description, Funding Source Details Tab

Award Management Window Description, Funding Source Details Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Funding Source Name default   funding source name
Funding Source Number default   funding source number
Bill to Address default   address to bill; defaulted based on funding source
Ship to Address default   address to ship; defaulted based on funding source

Award Management Window Description, Contacts Tab

Award Management Window Description, Contacts Tab
Field Name Type Award Template Type Features Description
Last display only display only   contact last name
First display only display only   contact first name
Title display only display only   contact title
Job display only display only   contact job function
Mail Stop display only display only   contact mail stop
Reference display only display only   contact employee reference number
Usage required optional list of values business purpose usage type, such as bill-to contact or ship-to contact
Primary     check box if selected, primary contact
Active     check box if selected, active contact
Area Code display only display only   contact area code
Telephone Number display only display only   contact telephone number
Extension display only display only   contact extension
Type display only display only   contact type
Primary     check box if selected, primary contact
Active     check box if selected, active contact

Award Management Window Description, Personnel Tab

Award Management Window Description, Personnel Tab
Field Name Type Award Template Type Features Description
Full Name required optional list of values employee name
Award Role required display only list of values role in projects funded by award
Note: When attempting to change the Award Manager, first save the change before moving to the next line.
From optional optional list of values: pop-up calendar date employee's association with award starts
To optional optional list of values: pop-up calendar date employee's association with award ends
Required optional optional check box if selected, users must enter name and award role of personnel associated with award when creating an award

Award Management Window Description, Compliances Tab

Award Management Window Description, Compliances Tab
Field Name Type Award Template Type Features Description
Indirect Cost Rate required optional list of values burden schedule used for this award
Indirect Cost Rate Fixed Date optional optional list of values: pop-up calendar date burden schedule fixed for this award; entry made only if burden schedule is firm, not provisional. If used, fixed date overrides expenditure item date in selecting Burden Schedule versions.
Allowed Cost Schedule required optional list of values allowed cost schedule used for this award
Note: The allowed cost schedule name cannot be changed if the award is part of an active funding pattern, or once costs have been incurred.
Billing Distribution Rule required optional drop-down list billing distribution rule used for this award. Select Cost or Event.Note: if billing on cost, billings accrue revenue based on costs incurred. If billing on events, events can be predetermined amounts with set dates, or they can be milestones representing work completed by specified dates.
Revenue Distribution Rule required optional drop-down list revenue distribution rule used for this award. Select Cost or Event.
Billing Cycle required required list of values descriptive name of billing cycle
Terms required optional list of values billing terms
First Billing Offset Days required required   number of days that elapse between award start date and date of the award's first invoice
Events     button opens Events window
Billing Format     button opens Billing Format window

Award Management Window Description, Reports Tab

Award Management Window Description, Reports Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Report optional list of values report name
Type display only   report type
Frequency required list of values indicates how often report is submitted
Due Within Days required   days after event indicated in Frequency field that report is due
Send To required list of values identifies location of sponsor
No. of Copies required   number of copies required

Award Management Window Description, References Tab

Award Management Window Description, References Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
References optional list of values award reference number type
Value optional   award reference number value
Required Flag optional check box if selected, users must enter value as a reference when creating an award

Award Management Window Description, Credit Receivers Tab

Award Management Window Description, Credit Receivers Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Credit Type optional list of values specifies type of revenue credit awarded to employees
Name optional list of values employee name
Number optional list of values employee number appears automatically when users choose employee name in Name field
Credit % optional   specifies bonus percentage due employee
Transfer to AR optional check box if selected, data entered in the Credit Receivers tab is transferred to Receivables
From optional list of values: pop-up calendar system date appears automatically when cursor in Credit Type field
To optional   ending date that employee receives credit

Award Management Window Description, Tax and Currency Tab

Award Management Window, Tax and Currency Tab Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Allow Rate Type "User" optional check box if selected, allows users to override rate type
Code optional list of values currency code
Rate Date optional list of values: pop-up calendar rate date
Rate Type optional list of values rate type
Exchange Rate optional   exchange rate
Output Tax Code optional list of vaues retention default output tax code; PS Exempt or PS Test Tax
Output Tax Code optional list of values invoice default output tax code; PS Exempt or PS Test Tax

Creating Events for Billing and Revenue Procedure

Creating Events for Billing and Revenue Procedure includes the following parts:

Create Events for Billing and Revenue

the picture is described in the document text

To create events for billing and revenue, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Award Management window as follows:


    The Find Award window appears.

  2. Click Find to execute the search for the item selected from the drop-down list in the Search For field.

  3. Select an award.

  4. Click Open to access the Award Management window.

  5. Select the Compliances Tab.

  6. To create events, the Billing Distribution Rule and Revenue Distribution Rule must be set as shown in the table below.

    Billing Distribution Rule and Revenue Distribution Rule Settings
    Billing Distribution Rule Revenue Distribution Rule Events
    Event Event Event button enabled
    Event Cost Event button enabled
    Cost Cost Event button not enabled
    Cost Event not allowed in Oracle Grants Accounting

    Note: The settings for the Billing Distribution Rule field and Revenue Distribution Rule field default from the settings in the Award Quick Entry window.

  7. Click Events to open the Events window.

    Note: The Event button is enabled only if a project has been funded by an award installment and the Billing or Revenue Distribution Rules are either Event/Event or Cost/Event.

  8. Enter data in each field of the Events window as described in the Events Window Description, Event Tab table.

  9. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  10. Close the window.

View Event Revenue Distribution Lines

the picture is described in the document text

To view event revenue distribution lines, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Awards process or GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Award process to generate revenue for the event.

    To run the GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Awards process, see: GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Awards Procedure.

    To run the GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Award process, see: GMS: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Award Procedure

  2. In the Events window, click Revenue Distribution Lines to open the Event Revenue Distribution Lines window.

  3. Review data in each field of the Event Revenue Distribution Lines window as described in Event Revenue Distribution Lines Window Description table.

  4. Close the window.

Events Window Description

Events Window Description, Event Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Num required   event number
Date required list of values: pop-up calendar event date
Installment Number required   installment number
Project Number required list of values project number
Task Number conditionally required list of values task number
Note: Task number is required if funding is at the top task level. Task number is not enabled if funding is at project level only.
Expenditure Type optional   expenditure type; used only when Revenue Distribution Rule is Event
Expenditure Organization optional   expenditure organization; used only when Revenue Distribution Rule is Event
Revenue Distributed default, display only check box if selected, indicates revenue distributed
Billed default, display only check box if selected, indicates event billed
Revenue Distribution Lines   button opens Event Revenue Distribution Lines window
Events Window Description, Amount Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Num required   event number
Date required list of values: pop-up calendar event date
Installment Number required   installment number
Project Number required list of values project number
Task Number conditionally required list of values task number
Note: Task number is required if funding is at the top task level. Task number is not enabled if funding is at project level only.
Revenue Amount conditionally required   revenue amount; required only if Revenue Distribution Rule is Event
Bill Amount conditionally required   bill amount; required only if Billing Distribution Rule is Event
Bill Hold required drop-down list Yes indicates event billing is on hold; No indicates event billing is not placed on hold; Once indicates event billing on hold the first time revenue is generated and billed the next time revenue is generated.
Total     total for Revenue Amounts and Bill Amounts
Revenue Amount conditionally required   revenue amount; required only if Revenue Distribution Rule is Event
Revenue Distributed default, display only check box if selected, indicates revenue distributed
Billed default, display only check box if selected, indicates event billed
Revenue Distribution Lines   button opens Event Revenue Distribution Lines window
Events Window Description, Description Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Num required   event number
Date required list of values: pop-up calendar event date
Installment Number required   installment number
Project Number required list of values project number
Description required   event description
Organization required list of values organization name
Revenue Distributed default, display only check box if selected, indicates revenue distributed
Billed default, display only check box if selected, indicates event billed
Revenue Distribution Lines   button opens Event Revenue Distribution Lines window

Event Revenue Distribution Lines Window Description

Event Revenue Distribution Lines Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Event Number display only   event number
Event Type display only   event type; Manual
Line display only   distribution line; can only have one distribution line
Amount display only   distribution line amount
Default Account display only   default account that revenue distribution is charged to
PA Date display only   PA date that event date corresponds to
PA Period display only   PA period that event date corresponds to
GL Date display only   General Ledger date that event date corresponds to
GL Period display only   General Ledger period that event date corresponds to
Default Account Description display only   description of default account that revenue distribution is charged to
[Date] display only   date that event revenue distribution lines generated

Specifying Billing Format Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

The Billing Format window allows users to invoice by printing invoices and mailing them, sending them by Electronic Data Interchange, or using a letter of credit drawdown.

By default, invoices are addressed to the award funding source. If users are participating in a letter of credit drawdown, the letter of credit source may be different than the funding source. The Billing Format window allows users to specify the letter of credit address and contact information so that invoices are addressed to the letter of credit customer instead of the award funding source.

To specify billing format, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Billing Format window as follows:


  2. In the Search For field, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list and click Find.

    The Award Management Folder window appears.

  3. Select an award or template and click Open.

    The Award Management window appears.

  4. Select the Compliances tab and click Billing Format.

    The Billing Format window appears.

  5. In the Labor Invoice Format field, select a format for labor invoices from the list of values.

  6. In the Non-Labor Invoice Format field, select a format for non-labor invoices from the list of values.

  7. If no invoices are printed for this award, select the No Print radio button.

    Note: The No Print button applies only to invoices in Grants Accounting.

  8. If invoices are printed for this award, select the Print Invoice radio button.

  9. If electronic data interchange (EDI) is used for this award, select the EDI radio button.

  10. If the EDI radio button is selected, enter an EDI transaction number in the Transaction Number field.

  11. If letter of credit drawdowns are used for this award, select the Letter of Credit Drawdown radio button.

  12. If the Letter of Credit Drawdown radio button is selected, select the funding source name that the invoices are sent to from the list of values in the LOC Account field.

  13. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  14. For letter of credit customers, click LOC Address and select the appropriate address from the list of values.

    The LOC Address window appears. The bill-to and ship-to addresses for the LOC customer default in.

  15. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

    Note: Users must save or else the letter of credit contact names do not default in the Letter of Credit Contacts window when users click LOC Contacts.

  16. For letter of credit customers, click LOC Contacts and select the appropriate contact from the list of values.

Billing Format Window Description

Billing Format Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Labor Invoice Format required list of values labor invoices format
Non-Labor Invoice Format required list of values non-labor invoices format
No Print optional radio button if selected, indicates invoices are not printed for this award
Print Invoice optional radio button if selected, indicates invoices are printed for this award
EDI optional radio button if selected, indicates electronic data interchange is used for this award; display only
Transaction Number optional   EDI transaction number used; enabled only if EDI radio button is selected; display only
Letter of Credit Drawdown optional radio button indicates letter of credit drawdowns used for this award; selecting the radio button activates the LOC Account field
LOC Account optional list of values name of funding source that letter of credit invoices are sent to; enabled only if Letter of Credit Drawdown radio button is selected; valid LOC accounts are determined by the Customer Relationship Option in the Projects Implementation window
LOC Address   button opens LOC Address window
LOC Contacts   button opens Letter of Credit Contacts window
Agency Specific Form optional radio button indicates agency specific invoice form used for this award
Form Name optional list of values agency specific invoice form name; enabled only if Agency Specific Form radio button is selected

Letter of Credit Contacts Window Description

Letter of Credit Contacts Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Last required list of values letter of credit contact last name
First required list of values letter of credit contact first name
Title display only   letter of credit contact title
Job display only   letter of credit contact job function
Mail Stop display only   letter of credit contact mail stop
Reference display only   employee reference number
Usage display only   business purpose usage type, such as bill-to contact or ship-to contact
Primary display only check box if selected, letter of credit contact is a primary contact
Active display only check box if a contact's name appears in the Letter of Credit Contacts window, the check box is selected and the contact is Active.

LOC Address Window Description

LOC Address Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Bill To display only   billing contact address
Ship To display only   shipping address