
This chapter describes the reports you can create using Oracle Property Manager.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Submitting Standard Reports

Oracle Property Manager provides reports that you can use to:

From the Submit Request window, you can submit a single request, or you can submit a request set to run several reports as a group. For detailed information on running requests from the Submit Request window and monitoring requests, see Submitting Requests.

Oracle Property Manager Reports

Alphabetical Space Assignments Report

Use this report to review an alphabetical listing of all employee office space assignments for the specified leases. This report works only for direct leases.

Report Submission:

You submit this report only for direct leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports.

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the space assignments for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all space assignments for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all space assignments for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all space assignments for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Full Name: The full name of each employee, listed alphabetically by last name.

Employee Number: The employee number of each employee.

Location Code: The location code of the location that is assigned to the employee. If more than one location code is assigned to the employee, all will be listed.

Alphabetical Space Assignments Report by Floor

Use this report to review the names, office space assignments, cost centers, and space usage of employees on a specific floor.

Report Submission:

You submit this report only for direct and third party (revenue) leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Floor Code: The code for the floor that has the space assignments you want to review.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location that includes the floors that have the space assignments you want to review.

As of Date: The effective date of the report.

Report Headings

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location where the assigned employees are located.

Lease Name: The name of the lease for the location where the assigned employees are located.

Building: The name of the building where the assigned employees are located.

Floor: The number of the floor where the assigned employees are located.

Employee Name: The full name of each employee on the specified floor, listed alphabetically by last name.

Office: The name or number of the office where the assigned employee is located.

Cost Center: The cost center of the assigned employee.

Usage: The type of use of the specified office.

Alphabetical Space Assignments Report by Postal Code

Use this report to review the names and locations of employees in a specific postal code.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Postal Code: The zip code of the location for which you want to review the location of employees.

Report Headings

Full Name: The full name of each employee, listed alphabetically by last name.

Office: The number of the office allocated to the employee.

Location Code: The location code of the employee's office.

Annual Accounting Pro Forma Report

Use this report to review normalized payments and concessions for leased facilities over annual periods. The report lists expenses separated by payment purpose, payment term type, and fiscal year. The list is ordered by Purpose and by Type. This report includes normalized expenses for both actual and estimated payment terms.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the accounting information for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all accounting information for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all accounting information for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all accounting information for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Fiscal Date: The date of the first fiscal year for which the accounting information will be reported.

Report Headings

Note: Payables are listed for expense leases. Receivables are listed for revenue leases and subleases.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Commencement: The commencement date of the lease.

Termination: The termination date of the lease.

Fiscal Year Ending: The month that the fiscal year used for calculating annual payments is based on.

Payables-Purpose: The purpose of the payment term

Payables-Type: The type of the payment term.

Receivables-Purpose: The purpose of the billing term.

Receivables-Type: The type of the billing term.

Annual Cash Flow Pro Forma Report

Use this report to review projected payments and concessions for leased facilities over annual periods. The report lists expenses separated by payment purpose, payment term type, and fiscal year. The list is ordered by Purpose and by Type. Oracle Property Manager forecasts using actual amounts, when available. If no actual amount exists for an item, Property Manager uses the estimated amount.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the cash flow information for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all cash flow information for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all cash flow information for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all cash flow information for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Fiscal Date: The date of the first fiscal year for which the cash flow information will be reported.

Report Headings

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Master Lease Number: The number of the master lease if this is a sublease.

Master Lease Name: The name of the master lease if this is a sublease.

Commencement: The commencement date of the lease.

Termination: The termination date of the lease.

Fiscal Year Ending: The month that the fiscal year used for calculating annual payments is based on.

Payables-Purpose: The purpose of the payment.

Payables-Type: The type of payment.

Receivables-Purpose: The purpose of the billing.

Receivables-Type: The type of billing.

Employees Deleted From Space Allocation Report

Use this report to keep track of employees whose Human Resources status is no longer Active, and to remove them from allocated office space. See Assigning Space to Employees and Cost Centers.

Report Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports.

Report Parameters

Termination Date From: The earliest date on which employees were terminated in Oracle HRMS.

Termination Date Through: The latest date on which employees were terminated in Oracle HRMS. This field is set to the current date. However, you can specify another date if required. If you do not enter a Termination Date From, then the report lists all terminated employees up to the date specified in the Termination Date Through.

Report Headings

Person ID: The identification number of the employee that was deleted from allocated space.

Person Name: The name of the employee that was deleted from allocated space.

Employee Title Report

Use this report to review the title, cost center, and assigned office number for employees at the location covered by the specified lease. You can also review the intended use and the usable area of the assigned office.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the employees for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all employees for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all employees for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all employees for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Location Code: The code of the location that is assigned to the employee. If an employee has multiple assignments, all are listed.

Full Name: The name of the employee.

Cost Center: The cost center of the employee.

Title: The title of the employee.

Function Type: The intended use of the office

Standard Type: The type of employee who uses the assigned location, for example, manager, director, or vice president

Assignable Area: The amount of usable space in the employee's office.

Future Minimum Rent Obligations Report

Use this report to review all future rent obligations that you are committed to pay. The report summarizes payments for base rent, escalation, and abatement terms for each of the next five fiscal years. For all the following years, the report shows the sum of all the payments you are obligated to pay in the remainder of the lease term.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the rent obligations for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent obligations for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent obligations for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all rent obligations for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Fiscal Date: Specify a date. This date determines the month in which the first period ends.

Use System Date for Reporting: Specify whether you wish to use the current date to generate the report.

Report Headings

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Commencement: The commencement date of the lease.

Termination: The termination date of the lease.

MMM-YYYY: The total amount of rent obligations with a term type of BASE, ESC, and ABATE for the fiscal year ending MMM-YYYY.

Thereafter: The summation of the future minimum rent obligations for all years after the first five fiscal years with a term type of BASE, ESC, and ABATE.

Total Amount: The total future minimum rent obligations. The total is calculated by adding each of the fiscal year amounts to the amount in the Thereafter column.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Calculation of the Future Minimum Rent Obligations Report

The example report includes a single lease (lease number 1001) with a commencement date of January 01, 1999 and a termination date of December 31, 2007. The two payment terms are:

  1. Type = Base Rent, Frequency = Monthly, Term = January 01, 1999 to December 31, 2007, Amount = 100 per month.

  2. Type = Escalation, and Frequency = Monthly, Term = January 01,1999 to December 31, 2007, Amount = 50 per month.

The report is generated on January 01, 2000 with the following parameters:

MMM-YYYY Column Calculation

Because the Use System Date for Reporting parameter is set to Yes, Oracle Property Manager determines the first fiscal period as follows:

Therefore, the total for the first column, JAN-2000, is 150. It is composed of the sum of the payment items with a term type of BASE, ABATE and ESC from January 01, 2000 to January 31, 2000.

Accordingly, the second column, JAN-2001, has a total sum of 1800. The report sums up all the payment term amounts with a type of base rent, abatement, and escalation in the lease from 01-FEB-2000 to 31-JAN-2001.

Thereafter Column Calculation

The Thereafter column sums up all the payment items with term types of BASE, ABATE and ESC for the remaining four years from 01-FEB-2004 to the end of the lease on 31-DEC-2007. 1800 + 1800 + 1800 + 1650 = 7050

Total Amt Column Calculation

The Total Amt column is the sum of the previous columns. 150 + 1800 + 1800 + 1800 + 1800 + 7050 = 14400

Lease Abstract Summary Report

Use this report to review the lease information that was abstracted from the leases you specify in the Parameters.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the lease with the lease number specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all leases with lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Show Distribution: Enter Yes if you want to review Payment/Billing Term distribution details. Enter No if you do not want Payment/Billing Term distribution details to be displayed.

Report Headings

Note: The Lease Abstract Summary Report provides the information that you enter in the Enter Leases window. See Leases Windows

Milestone Analysis Report

Use this report to review milestone events for a given period of time, a lease, or an individual. The report lists:

Milestones are ordered by the notification date, action date, milestone type, milestone description, and name of responsible user.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the milestones for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all milestones for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all milestones for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all milestones for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Milestone Date Low: The lowest milestone date in the range of milestone dates you want to include in the report.

Milestone Date High: The highest milestone date in the range of milestone dates you want to include in the report.

User Name Low: The first name alphabetically in the group of Responsible Users for which you want milestones reported. If you do not enter a User Name High, Property Manager reports only the milestones associated with the User Name Low. If you enter both User Name Low and User Name High, Property Manager reports all milestones for the range of user names you enter. If you enter neither, Property Manager reports all milestones.

User Name High: The last name alphabetically in the group of Responsible Users for which you want milestones reported. If you do not enter a User Name Low, Property Manager reports all milestones with user names alphabetically lower than the User Name High.

Report Headings

Milestone Date: The date on which the milestone occurs.

Action Date: The date by which action must be taken.

Type: The type of milestone.

Description: A description of the milestone.

Assigned To: The person to whom the milestone action is assigned.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Comments: Any additional comments about the milestone.

Monthly Accounting Pro Forma Report

Use this report to review normalized payments and concessions for leased facilities over monthly periods. The report lists expenses separated by payment purpose, payment term type, and month. The list is ordered by Purpose and by Type. This report includes normalized expenses for both actual and estimated payment terms.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only accounting information for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists accounting information for all leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all accounting information for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists accounting information for all lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

End Month: The month which marks the end of the fiscal year.

Year: The fiscal year that you want reported.

Individually: Select Yes if you want a separate report printed for each lease in the lease range. If you select Yes, the report is run for each lease individually, and then a summary report is printed at the end for the lease range that you selected.

Report Headings

Note: Payables are listed for expense leases. Receivables are listed for revenue leases and subleases.

Payables-Payment Purpose: The payment term purpose.

Payables-Payment Term Type: The payment term type.

Receivables-Payment Purpose: The billing term purpose.

Receivables-Payment Term Type: The billing term type.

Monthly Cash Flow Pro Forma Report

Use this report to review projected payments and concessions for leased facilities over monthly periods. The report lists expenses separated by payment purpose, payment term type, and month. The program uses actual amounts to make cash flow forecasts. If no actual amount exists for an item, the program uses the estimated amount.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the cash flow information for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists cash flow information for all leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists cash flow information for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists cash flow information for all lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Fiscal Date: The date of the first fiscal year for which the accounting information will be reported.

Report Headings

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Master Lease Number: The number of the master lease if this is a sublease.

Master Lease Name: The name of the master lease if this is a sublease.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Commencement: The commencement date of the lease.

Termination: The termination date of the lease.

Payables-Purpose: The purpose of the payment.

Payables-Type: The type of payment.

Receivables-Purpose: The purpose of the billing.

Receivables-Type: The type of billing.

Normalized Rent Schedule Report

Use this report to keep track of the rent schedule for a location. The report shows all payment schedule dates for the term of the rent payment schedule. For each specific payment schedule event date, the report shows the amount of base rent, the amount of any rent abatement, and the amount of any rent adjustment. In addition, the report shows the effect of each abatement and adjustment on the base rent and on the total cash rent for that rental period. The report also tracks the accumulated free rent liability as monthly adjustments are applied.

Report Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the rent schedules for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all rent schedules for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Schedule Date: The date each of each payment schedule.

Base Rent: The sum of all normalized cash payments of the base rent payment type.

Rent Abatement: The amount of rent abatement that will be applied to the payment schedule event.

Total Cash Rent: The amount of rent after the rent abatement for the payment schedule event is applied.

Expense: The rent expense account after any rent adjustment for the payment schedule event is applied.

Adjustments: The amount of the adjustment applied to the Total Cash Rent for the payment schedule event.

Accrued Liability: The amount of free rent liability, calculated for each rental period, showing the cumulative effect of rent adjustments on free rent liability.

Total Rentable Size: The rentable area of the location.

Receivables Details Report

Use this report to review billing items included in specified receivable schedules. This report is generated for subleases only.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the receivable schedules for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all receivable schedules in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all receivable schedules.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all receivable schedules with lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Schedule Date Low: The date of the receivable schedules that you want to review. If you do not enter a Schedule Date High, then the report lists only the receivable schedules that are specified by the Schedule Date Low. If you enter both a Schedule Date Low and a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all receivable schedules that are in the specified date range. If you enter neither a Schedule Date Low nor a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all receivable schedules for the specified leases.

Schedule Date High: The latest date in the range of receivable schedule dates that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Schedule Date Low, then the report lists all receivable schedules with schedule dates earlier than or the same as the Schedule Date High.

Report Headings

Schedule Date: The date of each billing schedule.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Tenant Name and Address: The name and address of the tenant who is being billed.

Status: The current status of the rent schedule.

Purpose: The purpose for the billing transaction.

Term Type: The type of billing term.

Amount : The summation of all cash payment items grouped by purposes and term types. The program uses actual amounts for all cash payment items unless no actual amount is defined, in which case it uses an estimated amount.

Billing Currency: The currency for the billing transaction.

Accounted Amount: The billing amount converted to the functional currency. This amount is available only when the status of the billing is Approved.

Accounting Flexfield: The accounting flexfields that identify the type of expense being authorized for payment.

Distribution Amount: The summation of all cash payments grouped by accounting flexfields. The program uses actual amounts for all cash payment items unless no actual amount is defined, in which case it uses an estimated amount.

Schedule Total: The summation of all cash payment items, both by purposes and term types and separately by accounting flexfields.

Receivables Summary Report

Use this report to review current invoice payments due. The report lists the lease, customer information, lease address, accounting flexfields, and total amount due. Rent schedules are ordered by schedule date and lease number. This report is generated for subleases only.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the receivable schedules for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all receivable schedules for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all receivable schedules for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists receivable schedules for all lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Schedule Date Low: The date of the receivable schedules that you want to review. If you do not enter a Schedule Date High, then the report lists only the receivable schedules that are specified by the Schedule Date Low. If you enter both a Schedule Date Low and a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all receivable schedules that are in the specified date range. If you enter neither a Schedule Date Low nor a Schedule Date High, then the report lists receivable schedules for all specified leases.

Schedule Date High: The latest date in the range of receivable schedule dates that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Schedule Date Low, then the report lists all receivable schedules with schedule dates earlier than or the same as the Schedule Date High.

Report Headings

Schedule Date: The date of the scheduled payment event.

Lease Number Range: The range of lease numbers in the report.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Lease Number: The number of the lease that the summary information covers.

Lease Name: The name of the lease that the summary information covers.

Status: The status of the lease. This can be Draft or Final.

Tenant Information: Information about the tenant who is being billed.

Lease Address: The address of the leased location.

Accounting Flexfield: Account that will be charged for the transaction.

Actual Amount: The amount of the receivable for the specified billing schedule date.

Billing Currency: The specified currency for a payment transaction.

Accounted Amount: The billing amount converted to the functional currency.

Schedule Total: The summation of all billing amounts.

Rent Schedule Details Report

Use this report to review current payments due for leased facilities. For each schedule that you select, the report lists amounts for payment purposes, payment term types, accounting flexfields, and total schedule payment due. Rent schedules are ordered by lease number and rent schedule date.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the rent schedules for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all rent schedules with lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Schedule Date Low: The date of the rent schedules that you want to review. If you do not enter a Schedule Date High, then the report lists only the rent schedules that are specified by the Schedule Date Low. If you enter both a Schedule Date Low and a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all rent schedules that are in the specified date range. If you enter neither a Schedule Date Low nor a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all rent schedules for the specified leases.

Schedule Date High: The latest date in the range of rent schedule dates that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Schedule Date Low, then the report lists all rent schedules with schedule dates earlier than or the same as the Schedule Date High.

Report Headings

Lease Name: The name of the lease that the detail information covers.

Lease Number: The number of the lease.

Schedule Date: The date of each billing schedule.

Schedule Total: The summation of all billing terms for a lease.

Status: The current status of the billing.

Functional Currency: The currency for your ledger.

Vendor Name and Address: The name and address of the supplier to whom payment is made.

Phone: The phone number of the supplier.

Location Code: The location code of the rented property for which payment is made.

Payment Purpose: The payment term purpose of an expense.

Payment Term Type: The payment term type of an expense.

Payment Amount: The summation of all cash payment items grouped by purposes and term types. The program uses actual amounts for all cash payment items unless no actual amount is defined, in which case it uses an estimated amount.

Payment Currency: The specified currency for a payment transaction.

Term Currency:

Accounting Flexfield: The accounting flexfields that identify the type of expense being authorized for payment.

Amount: The summation of all cash payments grouped by accounting flexfields. The program uses actual amounts for all cash payment items unless no actual amount is defined, in which case it uses an estimated amount.

Accounted Amount: The billing amount converted to the functional currency.

Site Total: The summation of all cash payment items, both by purposes and term types and separately by accounting flexfields.

Rent Schedule Export Report

Use this report to review the export status of rent schedules. For each schedule date, the report lists:

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Schedule Date Low: The schedule date of the item that you want to review. If you do not enter a Schedule Date High, then the report lists only the schedule date that is specified by the Schedule Date Low. If you enter both a Schedule Date Low and a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all schedule dates that are in the specified date range. If you enter neither a Schedule Date Low nor a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all schedule dates for the specified leases.

Schedule Date High: The latest date in the range of schedule dates that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Schedule Date Low, then the report lists all schedule dates earlier than or the same as the Schedule Date High.

Schedule Status: The status of the schedule dates you want to review.

Export Flag: Enter Yes if you want to review scheduled payments that have been approved for export to Payables. Enter No if you want to review scheduled payments that have not been approved for export to Payables.

Transferred Flag: Enter Yes if you want to review scheduled payments that have been transferred to Payables. Enter No if you want to review scheduled payments that have not been transferred to Payables.

Report Headings

Schedule Date: The date of the scheduled payment event.

Status: The current status of the scheduled payment.

Period: The name of the GL accounting period.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for which the payment event is scheduled.

Lease Name: The name of the lease for which the payment event is scheduled.

Supplier Number: The number of the supplier to whom payment is made.

Supplier Name: The name of the supplier to whom payment is made.

Site Code: The supplier site to which payment is made.

Actual Amount: The amount of the scheduled payment.

Payment Currency: The currency for a payment transaction.

Accounted Amount: The payment amount converted to the functional currency.

Rent Schedule Summary Report

Use this report to review current invoice payments due for leased facilities. The report lists the lease, supplier information, lease address, accounting flexfields, and total amount due. Rent schedules are ordered by rent schedule date and lease number.

Report Submission:

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the rent schedules for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all rent schedules for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all rent schedules with lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Schedule Date Low: The date of the rent schedules that you want to review. If you do not enter a Schedule Date High, then the report lists only the rent schedules that are specified by the Schedule Date Low. If you enter both a Schedule Date Low and a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all rent schedules that are in the specified date range. If you enter neither a Schedule Date Low nor a Schedule Date High, then the report lists all rent schedules for the specified leases.

Schedule Date High: The latest date in the range of rent schedule dates that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Schedule Date Low, then the report lists all rent schedules with schedule dates earlier than or the same as the Schedule Date High.

Report Headings

Supplier Information: The name, address, and phone number of the supplier to whom the rental payment is made.

Lease Address: The address of the building of the primary leased location.

Accounting Flexfield: The flexfields identifying the type of expense being authorized for payment.

Amount (by accounting flexfield): The summation of all cash payment items by accounting flexfields. The program uses actual amounts for all cash payment items unless no actual amount is defined, in which case the program uses an estimated amount.

Grand Total: The summation of all amounts of all payment schedules.

Account: The accounts to which the payments are applied, for each payment schedule range that is selected.

Amount: The total amount paid to each account for the payment schedule range that is selected.

Space Allocation Report

Use this report to review the amount of office space that is allocated to each cost center that has space in the locations associated with the leases you specify. For each cost center, the report provides details of space allocation, including:

Report Submission

You submit this report only for direct leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the space allocation for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all space allocation in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all space allocation for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all space allocation for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Cost Center: The cost center number.

Head count: The number of employees in the cost center who occupy some allocated space in the location.

Allocated Usable Area: The amount of usable space allocated to a cost center.

Allocated Usable Area %: Allocated usable area expressed as a percentage of the total allocated area.

Allocated Common Area: The amount of common space allocated to a cost center.

Allocated Common Area %: Allocated common area space expressed as a percentage of the total allocated area.

Total Allocated Area: Total amount of space allocated to a cost center: Allocated Usable Area plus Allocated Common Area.

Total Allocated Area %: Total amount of space allocated to a cost center expressed as a percentage of the total allocated area.

Space Utilization Report

Use this report to review space utilization summarized by lease. For each lease, the maximum and optimum occupancies, occupied workstations, vacant workstations, and vacancy percentages are listed. This report lists leases that have already commenced but have not yet terminated. Only offices in active tenancies will be incorporated into the summaries listed in this report.

Report Submission

You submit this report only for direct leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the space utilization for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists all space utilization for lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Lease #: The number of the lease, as assigned in the Leases window.

Name: The name of the location.

Rentable Size: The sum of the rentable sizes of all the current tenancies.

Maximum Occupancy: The sum of the maximum occupancies of all offices in the current tenancies. For those offices without maximum occupancies, Oracle Property Manager uses the optimum occupancy.

Optimum Occupancy: The sum of the optimum occupancies of all offices in the current tenancies. For those offices without optimum occupancies, Oracle Property Manager uses the maximum occupancy.

Employee Occupants: The total number of personnel space assignments for offices in the current tenancies.

Vacancy at Maximum-Other: The number of vacant individual work spaces that are not assigned workstations, if the location is occupied at the maximum occupancy.

Vacancy at Maximum-Vacant Spaces: The number of vacant individual work spaces, if the location is occupied at the maximum occupancy.

Vacancy at Maximum-Vacancy Percentage: The number of vacant workstations expressed as a percentage of the maximum occupancy.

Vacancy at Optimum-Other: The number of vacant individual work spaces that are not assigned workstations, if the location is occupied at the optimum occupancy.

Vacancy at Optimum-Vacant Spaces: The number of vacant individual work spaces, if the location is occupied at the optimum occupancy.

Vacancy at Optimum-Vacancy Percentage: The number of vacant workstations expressed as a percentage of the optimum occupancy.

Other Occupants: The number of workstations assigned to a cost center but not assigned to specific employees.

Space Utilization Report by Floor

Use this report to review the utilization of space summarized by floor and lease. For each lease, the report lists all floors where offices exist in active tenancies. For each floor covered by a lease, the report lists:

Report Submission:

You submit this report only for direct and third party leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the space utilization for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists space utilization for all lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Lease Name: The name of the lease that includes the floor on which the reported space is located.

Building: The name of the building that includes the floor where the reported space is located.

Floor: The name or number of the floor where the reported space is located.

Usable Area: The total usable area of the specified floor.

Maximum Occupancy: The sum of the maximum occupancies of all offices on each floor. The program uses the optimum occupancy for those offices without maximum occupancies.

Optimum Occupancy: The sum of the optimum occupancies of all offices on each floor. The program uses the maximum occupancy for those offices without optimum occupancies.

Occupied Workstations: The total number of personnel space assignments for offices on each floor.

Other: The total number of spaces that have been allocated to a cost center.

Vacant Workstations: The optimum occupancy minus the combined number of occupied workstations and workstations assigned to cost centers (Other). If the result is negative (for example, because of over-occupancy), the column displays a zero.

Vacancy at Maximum: The number of vacancies expressed as a percentage of the maximum occupancy. If the value is negative, the column displays a zero.

Vacancy at Optimum: The number of vacancies expressed as a percentage of the optimum occupancy. If the value is negative, the column displays a zero.

Space Utilization Report by Office

Use this report to review the utilization of space summarized by office. For each lease, the report lists all offices that exist in active tenancies. The offices are listed by floor. For each office covered by a lease, the report lists:

Report Submission:

You submit this report for direct, third party (revenue) and sub leases from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range of lease numbers you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number High, then the report lists only the space utilization for the lease specified by Lease Number Low. If you enter both Lease Number Low and Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for the leases in the specified range. If you enter neither a Lease Number Low nor a Lease Number High, then the report lists all space utilization for all leases.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range of lease numbers that you want to include in the report. If you do not enter a Lease Number Low, then the report lists space utilization for all lease numbers lower than or equal to the Lease Number High.

Report Headings

Building: The name of the building that includes the office where the reported space is located.

Usable Area: The total usable area of each office.

Maximum Occupancy: The maximum number of employees that can occupy the office.

Optimum Occupancy: The optimum number of employees that can occupy the office.

Actual Occupancy: The number of employees assigned to the office.

Variable Rent Billing Report

This new report enables you to review and validate either a summary or details of the variable rent calculations executed for the specified variable rent agreements.

Report Submission

Use the Submit Request window to submit the Variable Rent Billing Report. See: Submitting Standard Reports.

Report Parameters

This report has the following parameters:

Term Status. Select to limit the report to rent agreements with draft or approved terms.

Invoice Date From/To. Optionally, select to limit the report to rent calculations for invoice periods that fall within the specified dates.

Lease Class. Select to create a report for variable rent agreements associated with expense leases, third party leases, or subleases.

Lease Number From/To. Optionally, enter lease numbers to limit the report to variable rent agreements associated with the specified range of leases.

Agreement Number From/To. Optionally, enter agreement numbers to limit the report to the specified range of variable rent agreements.

Print Summary? Select Yes to print a summary report. Otherwise, select No.

Print Detail. Select Yes to print a detail report. Otherwise, select No.

Location Code From/To. Optionally, enter location codes to limit the report to variable rent agreements for the specified range of locations.

Supplier. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements of leases for the specified supplier. You can select a supplier if you selected the Expense lease class.

Customer. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements of leases for the specified customer. You can select a customer if you selected the Third Party or Sublease lease class.

Abstracted By. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements associated with leases abstracted by the specified user.

Property Name. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements associated with the specified property.

Current Annual Period Only. Select Yes to limit the report to variable rent calculations for the current annual period. Otherwise, select No.

Show periods with zero amount. Optionally, select Yes to include in the report invoice periods with no terms. Select No to exclude from the report invoice periods with no terms.

Parent. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements by the company name of the lease contact.

Breakpoint Type. Optionally, select to limit the report to variable rent agreements by breakpoint type of natural or artificial.

Report Headings

The report has the following five main regions:

Property Details Region. This region contains the headings of Property, Property Code, Tenant Name (Lease Name), Billing Period, Lease Number, and Unit or Space code.

Variable Rent Agreement Details. This region contains the headings of Variable Rent Agreement Number, Purpose, Type, Variable Rent Commencement and Termination Dates, Period Frequency, Year Start Date, Reporting Frequency, Invoicing Frequency, and Calculation Method.

Breakpoint Header Details. This region contains the headings of Breakpoint Header ID, Channel, Category, Break Type, Breakpoint Rate, and Breakpoint Type for each line item of a variable rent agreement in succession.

Breakpoint Volume Information. This region contains the headings of Start and End Dates, Range for Period Breakpoint Volumes and Group Breakpoint Volumes, and Rate information.

Volume History for Period. This region contains the headings of Net Sales Amount, Cumulative Sales Amount, Report Type, Invoice Date, Gross Sales, Deductions, Percent Rent, Net Sales Amount Transferred, Adjustments for Net Amount.

Variable Format Reports

Use the Publish RX Reports concurrent program to generate an RXi report. You can generate an RXi report with one of the report's default attribute sets, or with an attribute set that you defined in the Attribute Set window. The report prints according to the layout definition of the attribute set. You can print reports in text, HTML, CSV, or tab-delimited format.

There are two steps involved in generating an RXi report:

The RXi report and Publish RX Reports concurrent programs can run together in one step, depending on the setup of RXi reports and concurrent programs:

To generate and publish a variable format report using the one step process:

  1. In the Property Manager responsibility, run your RXi report using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Space for space reports, or Navigator > Reports > RXi > Lease for lease reports.

  2. Select the Publish RXi report you want to run.

  3. Enter the parameters in the Parameters window.

  4. Choose OK.

  5. Submit your request.

    Your one-step report will be published automatically.

    Note: Two concurrent request IDs are created: one initial ID to generate your report and a second ID to apply formatting and to publish your report.

For more information, see: Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool, Oracle Financials RXi Report Administration Tool User Guide.

Common RXi Report Fields

The following are report fields common to many Oracle Property Manager RXi reports:

1-15 Attribute Sets: Flexfield column names and definitions.

Action Due Date: The date by which the required action for the milestone must be completed.

Action Taken: The date that an action was taken on an option. For example, the date that a tenant notifies the landlord that he will exercise the option.

Actual Occupancy Date: The first date when the location is occupied.

Address: The address of the leased location.

Assignable Area: The area that you can assign for the lease.

Assignable Area (at office level): The area that you can assign at the office level.

Assigned Area: The area of the lease that has been assigned.

Assigned Area (at office level): The area of the office that has been assigned.

Average Annual Base Rent: Equal to the following: (summation of all payment items of type = base rent for the entire lease term) / (total number of months within the lease term) X (12).

Average Monthly Base Rent: Equal to the following: ( Average Annual Base Rent / 12 )

Building or Land Name: The name of the building or land.

City: The city of the leased location.

Commencement Date: The date the lease begins.

Common Area: The type of area for a shared expense, for example, lobby or parking garage.

Common Area (at office level): The type of office area for a shared expense.

Country: The country of the leased location.

County: The county of the leased location.

Customer Account Number: The General Ledger account to which all payments are credited.

Customer Assigned from Date: The date on which the customer will begin occupying the space.

Customer Assigned to Date: The date on which the customer will stop occupying the space.

Customer Category: The category of the customer.

Customer Name: The name of the customer.

Customer Project Number: The project number associated with a customer.

Customer Site: The location of the customer.

Customer Task Number: The project task name associated with a customer.

Deposit: A security payment held by the lessor.

Employee Assigned from Date: The date on which the employee will begin occupying the space.

Employee Assigned to Date: The date on which the employee will stop occupying the space.

Employee Category: The employee category, such as full-time or part-time. If this information exists in HRMS, the value in this field is defaulted automatically.

Employee Name: The full name of each employee on the specified floor.

Employee Number: The value in this field is defaulted automatically from HRMS.

Employee Position: This title is specific to a particular organization, for example, finance manager. If this information exists in HRMS, the value is defaulted automatically.

Employee Project Number: The project number associated with an employee. If this information exists in Oracle Projects, the value is defaulted automatically.

Employee Task Number: The task number associated with the project.

Employee Type: The type of employee, as defined in HRMS.

Estimated Occupancy Date: The first date when you expect the location to be occupied.

Floor or Parcel Name: The name of the floor or parcel.

Gross Area: The gross area of the building.

Invoicing Address: The address to which invoices are sent.

Landlord Name: Name of lessor.

Landlord Site: The location or place of business of the landlord.

Lease Class: Indicates your role as it is defined in the lease, including Expense, Revenue, and Sub Lease.

Lease Commencement Date: The beginning date of the lease as stated in the lease.

Lease Execution Date: The date the lease was executed or signed.

Lease ID: The identification number of the lease.

Lease Milestone ID: The identification number of the lease milestone.

Lease Name: The name of the lease.

Lease Number: The number of the lease for the location covered in the report.

Lease Responsible User: The user name of the person responsible for taking action on the lease.

Lease Status: The status of the lease, either Draft or Final.

Lease Term: The duration of the lease calculated by Property Manager, and based on the commencement and termination dates that you enter.

Lease Termination Date: The date that the lease ends.

Lease Type: Describes how the rental amount is calculated. Three common types of leases include: gross lease, net lease, and percentage lease.

Location Code: The location code assigned by Oracle Property Manager when you set up the location.

Location Flexfield attributes 1-15: Flexfield column names and definitions.

Location ID: A unique identifier generated from an Oracle database sequence. This number should be tagged/mapped to the vendor's own location identifier for reference and future updates.

Location Name: The name of the location.

Location Type: The type of space. Can be any of the following: building, floor, office, land, parcel, or section.

Maximum Occupancy: The sum of the maximum occupancies of all offices in the current tenancies.

Maximum Vacancy: The difference between the maximum occupancy and the space utilized.

Milestone Begin Date: The first date that a notification regarding the milestone will be generated.

Milestone Type: The milestone type describes various events that will require action. Some common milestone types are for insurance, lease options, and for lease payment and billing terms.

Monthly Operating Expense: Tenant expenses that are in addition to rent. These may include common expenses, insurance, and taxes.

Office or Section Name: The name of the office or section.

Optimum Occupancy: The optimum number of occupants permitted in the specified location.

Optimum Vacancy: The number of vacant individual work spaces that are not assigned workstations, if the location is occupied at the optimum occupancy.

Option Action Date: The date by which action must be taken.

Option Area Change: The area that will be increased or decreased related to an expansion, contraction, or must take option right.

Option Commencement Date: The date the lease option begins.

Option Comments: Any additional comments about the milestone.

Option Cost: The cost of the option, if it is exercised. Examples are $2 per square foot, or 95% of fair market value.

Option Currency: Currency in which the option cost is denominated.

Option Exercise Start Date: The first date that option exercise notifications can be sent to the landlord.

Option Exercise End Date: The last date that option exercise notifications can be sent to the landlord.

Option Expiry Date: The date the option expires.

Option Notice Required: Indicates if the option requires notice from one party to the other.

Option Size: The amount of additional space that can be leased by exercising the option, if the option is for expansion of the leased space.

Option Status: The current status of the option. Examples include: Exercised, Not Exercised, or No Action.

Option Term: The length of the option term in your company's time units.

Option Type: Type of option right. For example, right to sublease or roof rights.

Property Code: An abbreviation of the property name. For example, HQ.

Property Name: The unique property name. For example, Headquarters.

Province: The province where the building or land is located.

Reference: The paragraph in the lease that references the terms of this right.

Region: The name of the region.

Remaining Lease Liability: The amount of free rent liability, calculated for each rental period, showing the cumulative effect of rent adjustments on free rent liability.

Rent Per Rentable Area: Rent divided by the rentable area of the location.

Rentable Area: The rentable area of the location.

Rentable Area (at office level): The rentable area at the office level.

Space Function: The anticipated use of the leased space, for example retail space or office space.

Space Standard: Property Manager measures gross area only for Land and Buildings, as a part of IFMA Space Measurement Standard.

Space Type: The type of space. For example, File Room.

State: The state where the service provider is located.

Tenure: Indicates whether the property is leased, managed, mixed, or owned.

Termination Date: The last date of the lease term. It defaults to the termination date of the lease, but can be overridden. This is the last date by which rent increases can be evaluated.

Total Lease Liability: The sum of all payment types of base rent and operating expenses.

UOM Code: The unit of measurement code that is used for area and capacity.

Usable Area: The total usable area that can be utilized.

Usable Area (at office level): The amount of usable space in the employee's office.

Utilized: The number of people occupying the space. Equals assignable area less assigned area.

Vacant Area: The total area that is not leased and available to tenants.

Vacant Area (at office level): The total office area that is not leased and available to tenants.

Zip Code: The zip code of the location.

Property Manager RXi Reports

RXi: Rent Increase Detail Report

This new report enables you to review and validate detail components of rent increase calculations for selected rent increase agreements.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the columns and headings for display on your report. Submit the Publish Rent Increase Detail Report from the Submit Request window, using the following path:

Navigator: Reports: RXi: Lease.

See: Variable Format Reports.

Report Parameters

In addition to the parameter described below, this report shares other parameters with the Rent Increase Summary Report.

Rent Type. Optionally, select a rent type to limit the report to rent agreements for the specified rent type.

For information about other parameters, see Rent Increase Summary Report.

Available Column Headings

You can choose from available column headings related to lease, lease terms and periods, project, transactions, customer, supplier, rent increase, variable rent, project, and Oracle Payables attributes.

RXi: Rent Increase with Accounting Details Report

This new report enables you to review and validate all the components in rent increase calculations including accounting distribution information for selected rent agreements.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the columns and headings for display on your report. Submit the Publish Rent Increase with Accounting Detail Report from the Submit Request window, using the following path:

Navigator: Reports: RXi: Lease

See: Variable Format Reports.

Report Parameters

In addition to the parameters described below, this report shares other parameters with the Rent Increase Summary Report.

Rent Type. Optionally, select a rent type to limit the report to rent agreements for the specified rent type.

Account Class. Optionally, select an account class to limit the report to rent agreements for the specified account class.

For information about other parameters, see Rent Increase Summary Report.

Available Column Headings

You can choose from available column headings related to lease, lease terms and periods, customer, supplier, rent increase, variable rent, project, Oracle Payables, and Oracle Receivables attributes.

RXi: Rent Increase Summary Report

This new report enables you to review a summary of rent increase calculations for selected rent increase agreements.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the columns and headings for display on your report. Submit the Publish Rent Increase Summary Report from the Submit Request window, using the following path:

Navigator: Reports: RXi: Lease.

See: Variable Format Reports.

Report Parameters

This report has the following parameters:

Lease Number Low/High. Optionally, specify a range of leases to limit the report to rent increase agreements associated with the specified leases.

Rent Increase Number Low/High. Optionally, select to limit the report to the specified range of rent increase agreements.

Assessment Date From/To. Enter dates to limit the report to a specified assessment period within the basis period.

Location Code. Optionally, select to limit the report by rent increase agreements associated with the specified location.

Lease Class. Optionally, select to limit the report to rent agreements for leases of the specified lease class.

Property Name. Optionally, select to limit the report to rent agreements associated with the specified property.

Building Name. Optionally, select to limit the report to rent agreements associated with the specified building.

Include Draft Terms. Optionally, select Yes to include draft terms in the report. Select No to include only approved rent increase terms in the report.

Available Column Headings

You can choose from available column headings related to lease, lease terms and periods, and rent increase attributes.

RXi: Space Utilization by Location Report

Use this report to review space utilization information for selected ranges of locations.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Space.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Property Code Low: The lowest property code in the range you want to include in your report.

Property Code High: The highest property code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code Low: The lowest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code High: The highest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Type: The type of location. Choices are Building, Floor, Office, Land, Parcel, and Section.

As of Date: The effective date of the report, and the last date to which utilization data is included for the selected locations.

Report Fields Available

Assignable Area, Assigned Area, Common Area, Location Code, Location Flexfield attributes 1-15, Location Name, Location Type, Maximum Occupancy, Maximum Vacancy, Optimum Occupancy, Optimum Vacancy, Property Code, Rentable Area, Space Function, Space Standard, Space Type, Usable Area, Utilized, Vacant Area.

RXi: Space Utilization by Lease Report

Use the Space Utilization by Lease report to review space utilization for selected ranges of leases.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Space.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

As of Date: The effective date of the report.

Report Fields Available

Assignable Area, Assigned Area, Commencement Date, Common Area, Lease Name, Lease Number, Location Flexfield attributes 1-15, Location Name, Location Type, Maximum Occupancy, Maximum Vacancy, Optimum Occupancy, Optimum Vacancy, Rentable Area, Space Function, Space Standard, Space Type, Termination Date, Usable Area, Utilized, Vacant Area

RXi: Space Assignment by Location Report

Use the Space Assignment by Location report to review space assignment information for selected ranges of locations.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Space.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Property Code Low: The lowest property code in the range you want to include in your report.

Property Code High: The highest property code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code Low: The lowest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code High: The highest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Type: The type of location. Choices are Building, Floor, Office, Land, Parcel, and Section.

As of Date: The effective date of the report.

Report Type: The type of report. Choices are All, Employee, and Customer.

Report Fields Available

Assignable Area (at office level), Assigned Area (at office level), Common Area (at office level), Customer Account Number, Customer Assigned from Date, Customer Assigned to Date, Customer Category, Customer Name, Customer Project Number, Customer Site, Customer Task Number, Employee Assigned from Date, Employee Assigned to Date, Employee Category, Employee Name, Employee Number, Employee Position, Employee Project Number, Employee Task Number, Employee Type, Location Code, Location Name, Location Type, Property Code, Property Name, Rentable Area (at office level), Space Function, Space Standard, Space Type, Usable Area (at office level), Vacant Area (at office level)

RXi: Space Assignment by Lease Report

Use the Space Assignment by Lease report to review space assignment information for selected ranges of leases.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Space.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

As of Date: The effective date of the report.

Report Type: The type of report. Choices are All, Employee, and Customer.

Report Fields Available

Assignable Area, Assigned Area, Building / Land Name, Commencement Date, Common Area, Customer Account Number, Customer Assigned from Date, Customer Assigned to Date, Customer Category, Customer Name, Customer Project Number, Customer Site, Customer Task Number, Employee Assigned from Date, Employee Assigned to Date, Employee Category, Employee Name, Employee Number, Employee Position, Employee Project Number, Employee Task Number, Employee Type, Floor / Parcel Name, Lease Name, Lease Number, Location Flexfield attributes 1-15, Location Name, Location Type, Property Name, Rentable Area, Space Function, Space Standard, Space Type, Termination Date, Usable Area, Vacant Area

RXi: Lease Options Report

Use the Lease Options report to review lease options information for selected ranges of leases.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Lease.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code Low: The lowest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code High: The highest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Responsible User: The user name of the responsible person for which the accounting information will be reported.

Option Type: The type of option. Some examples of option types are renewal, purchase, and early termination.

Exercise Window Term From: The first date the option can be exercised.

Exercise Window Term To: The last date the option can be exercised.

Lease Termination From: The beginning date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Lease Termination To: The ending date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Report Fields Available

1-15 Attribute Sets, Actual Occupancy Date, Address, Building or Land Name, City, Country, County, Estimated Occupancy Date, Floor or Parcel Name, Gross Area, Lease Class, Lease Commencement Date, Lease Execution Date, Lease ID, Lease Name, Lease Number, Lease Responsible User, Lease Status, Lease Term, Lease Termination Date, Lease Type, Location Code, Location ID, Location Name, Location Type, Office or Section Name, Option Action Date, Option Area Change, Option Commencement Date, Option Comments, Option Cost, Option Currency, Option Exercise End Date, Option Exercise Start Date, Option Expiry Date, Option ID, Option Notice Required, Option Size, Option Status, Option Term, Option Type, Property Name, Province, Reference, Region, Rentable Area, Space Function, State, Tenure, UOM Code, Usable Area, Zip Code

RXi: Milestone Report

Use the Milestones report to review milestone information for selected ranges of leases.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Lease.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code Low: The lowest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code High: The highest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Termination From: The beginning date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Lease Termination To: The ending date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Milestone Responsible User: The user name of the responsible person for which the accounting information will be reported.

Action Due Date From: The beginning date of the range of valid action dates within which the option is active.

Action Due Date To: The ending date in the range of valid action dates within which the option is active.

Milestone Type: The user-defined lookups used to address the various lease events that will require action. Select milestone types to list in the report output.

Report Fields Available

1-15 Attribute Sets, Action Due Date, Action Taken, Actual Occupancy Date, Address, Building or Land Name, City, Country, County, Estimated Occupancy Date, Floor or Parcel Name, Gross Area, Lease Class, Lease Commencement Date, Lease Execution Date, Lease ID, Lease Milestone ID, Lease Name, Lease Number, Lease Responsible User, Lease Status, Lease Term, Lease Termination Date, Lease Type, Location Code, Location ID, Location Name, Location Type, Milestone Begin Date, Milestone Type, Office or Section Name, Property Name, Province, Region, Rentable Area, Space Function, State, Tenure, Usable Area, Zip Code

RXi: Rent Roll and Lease Expiration Report

Use the Rent Roll and Lease Expiration report to review rent roll and lease expiration information for selected ranges of leases.

Report Submission

Use the Report Exchange Designer responsibility to select the displayed columns and headings you want to appear on your report. You submit this RXi report from the Submit Request window, using the path: Navigator > Reports > RXi > Lease.

See: Variable Format Reports

Report Parameters

Location Code Low: The lowest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Location Code High: The highest location code in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Type: Indicates how rent is calculated. Some common lease types are percentage, gross, and net leases.

Lease Number Low: The lowest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Number High: The highest lease number in the range you want to include in your report.

Lease Termination From: The beginning date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Lease Termination To: The ending date of the range of terminated leases you want to include in your report.

Lease Status: Indicates if the lease information is in draft or final form.

Lease Responsible User: The user name of the responsible person for which the accounting information will be reported.

Report Fields Available

1-15 Attribute Sets, Actual Occupancy Date, Address, Average Annual Base Rent, Building or Land Name, City Country, County, Deposit, Estimated Occupancy Date, Floor or Parcel Name, Gross Area, Invoicing Address, Landlord Name, Landlord Site, Lease Class, Lease Commencement Date, Lease Execution Date, Lease ID, Lease Milestone ID, Lease Name, Lease Number, Lease Responsible User, Lease Status, Lease Term, Lease Termination Date, Lease Type, Location Code, Location ID, Location Name, Location Type, Average Monthly Base Rent, Monthly Operating Expense, Office or Section Name, Property Name, Province, Region, Remaining Lease Liability, Rent Per Rentable Area, Rentable Area, Space Function, State, Tenant Name, Tenant Site, Tenure, Total Lease Liability, Usable Area, Zip Code