Main Area of the Repository

This chapter covers the following topics:

The Main Area of the Repository Hierarchical Table

By default, all objects in the Main area of the Repository are displayed in a hierarchical table. All Folders appear first (that is, at the top of the page), in alphanumeric order. All other objects then appear in alphanumeric order after the last Folder. Folders are containers that may contain other Folders, as well as Models, Effectivity Sets, Usages, User Interface Templates, Configurator Extension Archives, and User Properties. All Folders are collapsed when you start Configurator Developer, but you can expand or focus in on a specific Folder to view its contents, and then select the object you want to modify.

A predefined Folder called Repository Main appears at the top of the table. You can create objects in this Folder, but the Folder’s name and description are read-only.

The name of each object in the Main Repository is a link. Clicking an object’s name displays its details in a read-only page. You can then edit the object by clicking an Edit button. To open the object directly from the Main area of the Repository, click the icon in the Edit column. For more information, see Main Area of the Repository Objects.

The Main area of the Repository also contains a Folder named UI Templates. This Folder stores all of the predefined UI Master Templates and UI Content Templates. For more information, seeIntroduction to User Interface Templates.

Main Area of the Repository Objects

The following objects appear in the Main area of the Repository:


Use Folders to store and organize objects in the Main area of the Repository. For example, you may want to create your own Folder to store all Models that you create or are currently working on, or group all of the UI Content Templates that you create in a specific Folder. A Folder can contain any object, including other Folders.

Folders must have a name. The root Folder’s name is read-only.

To create a Folder, see Creating a Folder.


The Main area of the Repository lists both BOM Model nodes and non-imported Model nodes. BOM Model nodes must be imported before they appear in the Main area of the Repository. See the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide for information about importing BOM Models.

To create a Model, see Creating a Model.

Creating Objects in the Main Area of the Repository

Following is the general procedure for creating objects in the Main area of the Repository:

  1. Identify the row containing the intended parent of the object you are going to create.

  2. In the parent object row, click the icon in the Create column.

  3. From the list of available Object Types, select the desired object.

    For example, select Folder.

  4. Click Continue and enter a Name and a Description.

    All objects of the same type must have a unique name.

    To create multiple objects of the same type, click Add Another Row, then enter a Name and Description for each.

  5. Click Finish.

For specific examples, see the following sections:

When you create a Model, Effectivity Set, Usage, or Property in the Main area of the Repository, it appears at the top level in the hierarchical table (that is, in the root Folder). You can then move the new object to a specific Folder. For details, see Moving and Copying Objects.

You can create any type of object in the Main area of the Repository by copying an existing object of that type. For example, to create a UI Content Template, copy one of the predefined UI Content Templates then modify it to meet your needs.

Creating a Model

For general information about Models, see Models.

To create a Model:

  1. From the Main area of the Repository, in the same row as the Folder in which you want the Model to appear, click the icon in the Create column.

  2. From the list of available Object Types, choose Model, and then click Continue.

  3. Enter a Name and optionally a Description.

    All Model names must be unique.

  4. To create another Model, click Add Another Row.

  5. Click Finish.

Creating a Folder

For general information about Folders, see Folders.

To create a Folder:

  1. In the same row as the root Folder, or a user-created Folder, click the icon in the Create column.

  2. Select an Object Type of Folder, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a Name and, optionally, a Description.

    To create multiple Folders, click Add Another Row, then enter a Name and, optionally, a Description for each.

  4. Click Finish.

Creating a Property

For general information about Properties, see Introduction to Properties .

To create a new Property:

  1. In the row of the root Folder or a user-created Folder, click the icon in the Create column.

  2. From the list of available Object Types, select Property, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a unique Name and optionally a Description.

  4. Select a Data Type, and enter a Default Value.

    For a description of each Data Type, see Property Data Types.

  5. Click Apply.

You add Properties to a Model node in the Structure area of the Workbench. For details, see Adding User Properties to a Model Node.

Creating an Effectivity Set

For general information about Effectivity Sets, see Effectivity Sets.

There is no limit to how many Effectivity Sets you can create.

To create an Effectivity Set:

  1. Click the icon in the Create column.

    If you want the Effectivity Set to appear in a Folder, click the icon in the same row as the Folder.

  2. From the list of available Object Types, select Effectivity Set, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a Name and Description, then click Finish.

See Modifying an Effectivity Set.

Creating a Usage

For general information about Usages, see Usages.

To create a Usage:

  1. Click the icon in the Create column.

    If you want the Usage to appear in a Folder, click the icon in the same row as the Folder.

  2. From the list of available Object Types, select Usage, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a Name and Description, then click Finish.

    Do not enter "Any Usage" as the Usage name. This name is reserved by Oracle Configurator Developer.

    Note: You can create a maximum of 64 Usages.

If you implement Multiple Language Support (MLS), you can enter alternate translations for Usage descriptions. For more information, see Translatable Usage Descriptions.

Creating a Configurator Extension Archive

Before you can fully define a Configurator Extension, you must create a Configurator Extension Archive. See Introduction to Configurator Extensions and the Oracle Configurator Extensions and Interface Object Developer’s Guide for background.

To create a Configurator Extension Archive:

  1. Click the icon in the Create column.

    If you want the Configurator Extension Archive to appear in a Folder, click the icon in the same row as the Folder.

  2. From the list of available Object Types, select Configurator Extension Archive, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a Name and Description, then click Finish.

    The new Configurator Extension Archive appears in the Main area of the Repository, in the Folder where you created it.

    To complete the definition of a Configurator Extension Archive, see Modifying Configurator Extension Archives.

Creating a User Interface Master Template

You can create a UI Master Template from scratch or copy, rename, and then modify any of the predefined UI Master Templates.

The predefined UI Master Templates are located in the Master Templates Folder in the Main area of the Repository. For more information, see User Interface Master Templates.

To create a UI Master Template based on one of the predefined Templates, create a copy of the predefined template, then modify it as necessary. Copying entities is described in Moving and Copying Objects.

To create a UI Master Template from scratch:

  1. From the Main area of the Repository, in the same row as the Folder in which you want to store the template, click the icon in the Create column.

  2. Select an Object Type of UI Master Template, and then click Continue.

  3. Optionally modify the default Name, enter a Description, and any Notes about the template.

    The template name must be unique within the Folder in which you are creating it. In other words, two templates in the same Folder cannot have the same name.

  4. Optionally modify any default settings. For example, modify the Primary Navigation style, customize the Pagination and Layout settings, or change how Model structure, button bars, and runtime messages are displayed by selecting different UI Content Templates.

    Note: Before clicking Apply, be sure the Primary Navigation style is the one you want. You cannot change this setting after saving the template.

    For details, see UI Master Template Information and Settings.

  5. Click Apply, or Apply and Create Another.

Opening Objects For Editing

This section describes how to modify an object’s definition or value. To learn how to rename, move, copy, and delete objects, see The Main Area of the Repository Actions List.

To open an object for editing:

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, locate the object.

  2. Click the icon in the Edit column.

    For details about modifying specific types of objects, see:

Modifying Models

When you open a Model for editing from the Main area of the Repository, general information about the Model appears in the General area of the Workbench. For details, seeIntroduction to the General Area of the Workbench .

By default, you must lock a Model before modifying it. For details, see Locking Models and UI Content Templates.

To modify the Model’s structure, rules, or UI:

  1. Lock the Model by clicking the icon in the Locking column.

    For details, see Locking Models and UI Content Templates.

  2. Open the Model for editing by clicking the icon in the Edit column.

  3. Navigate to the corresponding workbench by clicking one of the links at the top of the page.

For more information, see:

Modifying Properties

For general information about Properties, seeIntroduction to Properties.

This section describes how to modify a Property and apply the change to all nodes assigned to that Property. You can do this only for Properties that were created in Configurator Developer.

If you want to modify the value of a Property assigned to a specific node, open the node for editing in the Structure area of the Workbench. For details, see Modifying Model Node User Properties.

To modify a Property that may be shared by multiple nodes:

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, in the same row as the Property you want to edit, click the icon in the Edit column.

    If a Property was imported from Oracle Bills of Material, the icon in the Edit column is read-only.

  2. Modify the Property’s Name, Description, Data Type, or Default Value, then click Apply.

Modifying Usages

You modify Usages in the Main area of the Repository.

For general information about Usages, seeIntroduction to Effectivity.

To Modify a Usage:

  1. Locate the Usage you want to modify, then open it for editing.

  2. Modify the Usage's name, Description, or information in the Notes section.

    You cannot modify the name of a Usage if it is assigned to an existing publication. You can modify the description of a Usage at any time.

  3. Click Apply.

Modifying an Effectivity Set

You modify Effectivity Sets in the Main area of the Repository. You can modify the Name and Description of an Effectivity Set at any time.

Before modifying an Effectivity Set’s date range, use the List Effectivity Set Members actions to see which objects use it. For details, see List Effectivity Set Members.

You cannot modify an Effectivity Set’s date range if it is used by rule in a Rule Sequence and Configurator Developer is unable adjust the dates of the other rules in the sequence to accommodate the new dates. In this case, Configurator Developer displays a message that includes the name of the Rule Sequence.

For general information about Effectivity Sets, seeIntroduction to Effectivity.

To modify an Effectivity Set:

  1. Locate the Effectivity Set you want to modify, then open it for editing.

  2. Modify the Effectivity Set's Name, Description, Definition, or information in the Notes section.

  3. Click Apply.

Modifying Configurator Extension Archives

The Main area of the Repository provides pages for modifying and viewing the contents of Configurator Extension Archives. See Creating a Configurator Extension Archive for information on creating a Configurator Extension Archive.

On the Configurator Extension Archive page, you can define the contents of your Archive using either of the following methods:

See Configurator Extension Archives for information on the characteristics of each method.

This procedure assumes that you have just created a Configurator Extension Archive, as described in Creating a Configurator Extension Archive.

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, locate the Configurator Extension Archive that you want to modify, then click the icon in the Edit column in the same row as the Archive.

  2. On the Configurator Extension Archive page, click Specify Java Class Archive.

  3. On the Specify Java Class Archive page, use one of the following methods for the New Archive:

    • To reference the Java class archive file through a URL, select URL and enter the full URL in the text field, as in the following example:

      The URL is not verified by Configurator Developer, so be sure that you have entered it accurately.

    • To upload the Java class archive file to the database, select Upload, click Browse, then use the resulting file chooser dialog to navigate to and select your Java archive file. The file must be on a locally mounted file system.

      If you subsequently change this specify this Archive to specify the Java class archive through a URL, then the Archive’s previously uploaded data is deleted from the database.

  4. Click Apply.

    After you have specified the contents of a Configurator Extension Archive, using either of the preceding methods, the Configurator Extension Archive page displays a specification of the Archive File, with one of the following meanings:

    • For a Java class archive file that was uploaded to the Oracle Configurator schema from a locally mounted file system, the name of the original archive file is displayed (such as myarchive.jar). Because the archive now resides in the database, the file system path to the archive file is no longer relevant.

    • For a Java class archive file that is referenced through its URL, the full URL is displayed. If the Configurator Extension Archive is subsequently placed in the Archive Path of a Model, then Oracle Configurator accesses the archive through this URL. However, before such a Model is published, the Archive must be uploaded or the connection between the Archive and the Model will be lost, and the publication process will fail when you run one of the publication concurrent programs.

    Complete the definition of the Configurator Extension Archive by performing the following steps.

  5. Click Apply to apply the definition of your Configurator Extension Archive.

    You are returned to the Main area of the Repository.

  6. You can now add this Configurator Extension Archive to the Archive Path for a Model. See Adding Archives to a Model’s Archive Path for details.

To check the contents of your Configurator Extension Archive, see Viewing the Classes in an Archive.

Viewing the Classes in an Archive

You can view the contents of a Configurator Extension Archive, to determine which Java classes it contains.

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, locate the Configurator Extension Archive that you want to modify.

    • To view the classes in the Archive without editing the definition of the Archive, click the name of the Configurator Extension Archive, which is a link to a read-only version of the Configurator Extension Archive page. On this read-only page, you can then click Edit to modify the Archive, as described in Modifying Configurator Extension Archives.

    • To edit the definition of the Configurator Extension Archive as well as view its classes, click the icon in the Edit column in the same row as the object.

  2. On the Configurator Extension Archive page, click View Contents.

    The resulting View Contents page displays the Name and Description of the Configurator Extension Archive, and the specification of the source Java archive file.

    A table displays the Java classes contained in the Configurator Extension Archive.

  3. Expand the table to display the names of the Java classes.

    • Each Java class in the Archive is represented by a row in the table.

    • The hierarchy of packages in the Java archive, if any, is represented by the hierarchy of the table. Each package is represented by a row in the table that includes a Focus control and a hide/show toggle. Click the hide/show toggle to view the next level of the package. To view the complete hierarchy of the archive, click Expand All. To narrow the focus of the view to a particular package, click its Focus control. To expand the focus again, click on a package name in the locator links in the table heading.

    • If the Java archive file contains any Java source code files in addition to compiled class files, the names of both kinds of files are displayed. However, only class files can be selected.

    Note: Do not confuse the list of classes in a Configurator Extension Archive, described here, with the list of bindable classes for a Model. The latter is described in Choosing the Java Class.

  4. When you are finished viewing the contents of the Configurator Extension Archive, click Configurator Extension Archive in the locator links.

The Main Area of the Repository Actions List

Use the Actions list in the Main area of the Repository to perform common operations on all currently selected objects.

These actions include:

Moving and Copying Objects

Use the Move action to move an object from one location in the Main area of the Repository to another. Use the Copy action to create a copy of an object. When you copy or move an object, you must also specify a destination for the new object. By default, Configurator Developer creates the copy of the object(s) in the same location as the original object, but you can specify a different Folder as the destination.

When you copy an object, Configurator Developer gives the new copy a unique name. For example, if you copy an Effectivity Set called ”MyEffectivitySet," the copy is called "Copy (1) of MyEffectivitySet." If this name exists, then Configurator Developer increments the number in the new name. For example: Copy(2) of MyEffectivity Set.

Copying a Folder copies everything that the Folder contains (for example, Models, subFolders, Usages, and so on).

When copying a Model or a Folder that contains Models, you must also specify how you want to copy Model References. Select one of the following:

To copy or move one or more objects in the Main area of the Repository:

  1. Select the object(s) you want to copy or move.

  2. Select Copy or Move from the Actions list, and then click Go.

  3. Specify how you want to copy Model References (if applicable), and select a destination for the object.

    If you chose New Folder as the destination, click Select Location, select a Folder from the list, then click Apply.

  4. Click Apply.

Note: By default, you can copy a Model or UI Content Template only if you have it locked, or it is not locked. For details, see Locking Models and UI Content Templates.

Deleting Objects

You can delete an object only if it is not being used or referred to by another object. For example, you cannot delete a Model if it another Model references it, and you cannot delete a Usage or Effectivity Set if they are currently in use.

Deleting an object also deletes all of its child objects. For example, deleting a Folder deletes all of the objects that it contains.

Note: By default, you can delete a Model or UI Content Template only if have it locked or it is not locked. For details, see Locking Models and UI Content Templates .

To delete any objects that appear in the Main area of the Repository:

  1. Select the object(s).

  2. Select Delete from the Actions list, and then click Go.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the action.

Refer to the following sections for more information:

Deleting Models

You can delete a Model only if all of the following are true:

Deleting Effectivity Sets and Usages

You can delete an Effectivity Set only if it is not assigned to any Model structure nodes or rules. To see all components to which an Effectivity Set is assigned, select it in the Main area of the Repository, then select List Effectivity Set Members.

To delete an Effectivity Set that is in use, you must first remove the association between it and the object. To do this, open the associated object for editing in the appropriate Workbench, then modify the Effectivity setting (for example, select Set Always Effective) and then click Go.

Deleting Properties

You can delete only Properties that you create in Configurator Developer. Properties imported with a BOM Model, BOM Option Class, or BOM Standard Item are read-only and cannot be modified or deleted.

To remove a Property’s association with a Model node, see Removing User Properties from a Model Node.

Renaming Objects and Modifying Descriptions

You can rename an object or update its description at any time.

Configurator Developer does not display an error or warning message when you edit an object’s name or description because this change does not adversely affect the availability of Model components. The change propagates to all elements that share that object.

To rename an object:

  1. Select one or more objects.

  2. Select Rename from the Actions list, and then click Go.

  3. Enter the new name(s), and then click Apply.

Alternative method:

  1. In the same row as the object you want to rename, click the icon in the Edit column.

  2. If you selected a Model, the General area of the Workbench appears. In this case, click Edit Details.

  3. Enter the new name, and then click Apply.

To update an object’s description:

  1. In the same row as the object you want to rename, click the icon in the Edit column.

  2. If you selected a Model, the General area of the Workbench appears. In this case, click Edit Details.

  3. Modify the object’s description, and then click Apply.

List Referencing Models

Use the List Referencing Models action to see which Models reference the Model(s) you select.

For general information about References, see Introduction to Model References.

To list all referencing Models:

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, select one or more Models.

  2. From the Actions list, select List Referencing Models.

    The View Referencing Models page lists each Model that references the Model(s) you selected.

  3. Click Return to Repository Objects.

List Effectivity Set Members

Use the List Effectivity Set Members action to see all nodes or rules that use a specific Effectivity Set, or multiple Effectivity Sets.

For general information about Effectivity Sets, see Effectivity Sets.

To see all nodes or rules that use an Effectivity Set:

  1. In the Main area of the Repository, select one or more Effectivity Sets.

  2. From the Actions list, select List Effectivity Set Members, and then click Go.

    The Effectivity Set Members page lists each node and rule that uses the Effectivity Set(s) you selected. The name of each object appears as a link.

  3. Optionally click the object’s name to view its details, and then click Edit if you want to modify the object.

  4. Click Return to Repository Objects to return to the Main area of the Repository.

Migrate Models

This action is available only if you are logged in as the Oracle Configurator Administrator.

Use the Migrate Models action to copy one or more Models to another database instance. For details about migrating Models, see the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide.

To migrate Models:

  1. Select the Model(s) you want to migrate.

  2. Select Migrate Models from the Actions list, and then click Go.

  3. Select a Target Database Instance.

    This list includes all instances defined and enabled as remote servers (not including publication target instances). Defining and enabling remote servers is explained in the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide.

  4. Select a Target Repository Folder.

    This is Configurator Developer Repository folder in which the selected Model(s) will appear on the target database instance.

  5. Click Apply.

    A message similar to the following appears:

    Migration request for the selected Models was successfully created with Migration Group Id: 1642.

    Make a note of the Migration Group ID for future reference (you need it to run the Migrate Models concurrent program).

  6. Click Ok to return to Configurator Developer.

  7. Run the Migrate Models concurrent program.

    For details about this concurrent program, see the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide.